Tender For Supply And Installtion Of Dairy Equipments For Financial Years 2023-2024 1. Butter Churner 2. Milk Pasteurizer(LTLT) HIST 3. Cream Separator Homogenizer 4. Pancer Press 5. Muffle Furnace 6. 7. Hand Refractometer 8. Hand Refractometer 9. Hand Refractometer Hot Air Oven 10. 11. Heating Mantle 250ml-500ml 12. Milk analyzer In the B As per Clause1 - 3 of Section V, schedule of supply As per bid condition B 13 I 4 College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner 13. Ice Cream Freezer College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner 14. Water bath (Serological) 15. Vortex shaker (for test tube) 16. Waste collection bin 17. Projector system Engineering drawing board 18. Laboratory stool 19. Digital Vernier Caliper 20. 21. Double Distillation Waler unit 22 . Autoclave (Vertical) 23. Weighing machine(Analytical) 40 40 B 1 College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner 24. 25. Deep Freezer -20°C Digital pH Meter 26. Interactive Board College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology. Jobner 27. Ultrasonic Milk Stirrer 28. Reverse Osmosis System 29. Horizontal Laminar Air Flow 30. Laboratory table 31. Air conditioner 32. Petrol Engine (Cut section) 33. Petrol Engine (Cut section) 34. Gas welding machine set 35. 36. Fitting Tools(complete set) 37. Carpentry Tools(complete set) Water Cooler College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner 01 College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner 04 10 College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner 38. 15 KVA Online ups system with 30 Lead acetate scaled maintenance free (SMF) batteries (42 AH/12 V DC) 39. Domestic Refrigerator 01 40. Stainless steel Jacketed kettle 01 41. Stainless Steel Cans 02 42. Gerber Centrifuge 01 43. Plate Heat Exchanger 01 01 44. Double Jacketed Cheese Vat with accessories College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner College of Dairy Science and Technology, Jobner 45. Computer with accessories 04 46. Printer A4, Black&White 02 02 47. Printer with scanner & Xerox A4 (Mono) 48. Compound Microscope 01 49. Incubator 01 50. DSLR Camera 01