Tender For Annual Repair And Maintenance Of Various Road Under Pwd Division Ser-2 / 25 During 2023-24 ( Sh- Providing Miscellaneous Materials, Manpower, Machinery During Monsoon Period ) -1 Surface dressing of the ground including removing vegetation and inequalities .not exceeding 15 cm deep and disposal of rubbish, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m.All kinds of soil 2 Providing and placing in position 100 mm thick factory made machine batched & machine mixed Precast RCC Rectangular Covers on drains of footpath of various sizes, of M-25 grade cement concrete for RCC work, including cost of centering, shuttering, reinforcement of 8 mm dia TMT bars of Fe 500 grade @ maximum 100mm c/c on both ways , neat cement punning on finished surface, properly encased on all edges with 1.6 mm thick , 100 mm wide MS sheet duly painted over priming coat , reinforcement to be welded at edges with MS sheet and providing 2 Nos. 12 mm dia bar for hooks etc i/c cost of cartage, all leads & lift, handling at site etc. all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 3 Providing and fixing in position pre-cast R.C.C. manhole cover and frame of required shape and approved quality HD - 20Circular shape 560 mm internal diameter 4 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required.In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works 5 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing andreinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement. All works upto plinth levelConcrete of M25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum 6 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level. Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 7 Providing sand stone slab for roofing and laying them in cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) over wooden karries or R.C.C. battens or structural steel sections (Karries or battens or structural steel sections to be paid separately), including pointing the ceiling joints with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand ) complete :Red sand stone slab 8 Providing service of beldar/sweeper wearing glowing uniform as per for eight hours shift duty round the clock including holiday complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and terms and conditions of agreement ( as when as required) 9 Hiring and operation of Dumper for 8 hours for 8 hours per day for removal of malba and building rubbish etc. generated from dressing of katcha portion and removal of malba including all risk involved in demolition operation etc. i/c cost of driver, helper, diesel , Lubricant etc. completeas per Engineer-in-charge. 10 Supplying and stacking of cutback instatnaeous as road maintinanace bitumin concrete compound shelmac /bitumax PR road lay or equivalne t duly packed in 25 kg bag comprising neccesaery ingrident as per manufacture specification. The rate shall be include GST loading ,unloading carriae to PWD store /site as per direction of Engineer in charge ( nothing extra shall be paid on any other account) 11 Providing and Running Tractor PTO driven positive displacement Rotary lobe Pump of capacity 250-300 cum/hour, 100/150 mm dia suction pipe and delivery pipe having length upto 300 meter.Tractor Idlingspeed 540 rpm scalable to 600 rpm round the clock at site of work for pumping bailing out drainage storm water sump, drain ,road surface emergency dewatering etc. including all incidental charges as and when required including carriage of pump, diesel, positioning of pump, engaging operator, Chowkidar and necessary T & P as required for smooth running of Pump complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 12 Idle Period 13 Running period 14 Hiring of 8 HP Trolley mounted diesel engine pump set with operating staff round the clock with 100 mm suction & delivery pipe along with 100 mm dia. P.V.C pipe 30 m long, foot valves complete for removal of water logging from different locations as and when required by Engineer-in- charge including cost of all accessories, Operator, lubricant oil, caution board/sign board, cautionery tape watch & ward, tents/shed etc. 15 Static/diesel Pump 16 Extra hours for running pump 17 Making arrangement of Welder with helper i/c Generator with Fuel, welding machine, welding rod and other necessary welding as requirements etc complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 18 Providing services of maintenance van, Make of Mahindra Maxi Truck, TATA Yodha, Tata Intra V30 or equivalent model not older than 02 year of specified size with hydroulic operated trolly having provision for installing GPS tracking device conforming to Particular Specifications as mentioned in the NIT document. The GPS System shall be provided and fixed by the agency in the maintenance van and further maintenance and operation of the same shall be done by the agency. The maintenance van shall be provided with Four beldars (capable of doing work of sewer man) and one mason with essential tools required for repairs as mentioned in the Particular Specifications in NIT document for carrying out the following activities complete to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.Note:1. The hire charges of maintenance van is on per day basis are for normal working hours of 9:00 am to 6:00 PM, however the van should be mobilised by the agency in case of urgency /emergency, other than normal working hours within two hours of giving instructions by Engineer-in-charge for which payment should be made as per item No.2 2. Include cost of services of operating staff/driver, Cost of lubricating oil, diesel/Petrol/CNG, other consumables for running the maintenance van, required tools and equipment’s for carrying out below mentioned works.(a) Daily inspection of roads for observing the deficiencies mentioned below and rectification as per time schedule of scope of work .(i) Damaged Carriage way /NMV/Footpath /Central verge /Side verge. (ii) Missing manhole covers.(iii)Chocked bell mouths /Kerb Channel.(iv)Water logging if any. (v)Obstruction in the Carriage way /NMV /Footpath.(b) Preparation of daily report(C ) Keeping the roads free from unauthorized banners, posters, hoardings, flex boards unauthorized single legged. two legged. two legged, overhead signage or advertisement boards anywhere in the ROW of the roads either in Central Verge, Footpath etc.(d) Keeping the drains free from floating material.(e) Relocation of dislocated grills, railings, manhole /drain covers and kerb stone.(f) Cleaning of road side low height manually accessible fixture and fitting including supporting structures.(g) Filling of pot holes on carriageway, materials shall be supplied by department at free of cost.(h) Other minor / petty repair works for which material to be paid under relevant items(i) Removal of unclaimed malba, construction waste etc. from Road side and disposal of at temporary collection site of sub division/Division.For 2 Maintenance van for 1.5 Months 19 Engaging Skilled/unskilled labour for day to day repair and maintenance work during normal duty hours shall be 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM. The material required for attending the complaints shall be arranged by department through the junior engineer in-charge of the work. (All necessary T&P required shall be arranged by the agency and shall be responsible for their maintenance) Complete as per Direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 20 Providing services of Hydraulic Mobile Pick and carry Crane for removing Jersey Barriers from one place to another place, aligning the same, lifting the vehicles, heavy materials etc including the cost of driver, supervisor all complete as per directions of Engineerin- Charge. 21 Providing services of Joseph Cyril Bamford Excavator for excavating / breaking the CC Blocks, Removing Poles, Malba etc from the footpath, roads sides and similar locations including the cost of driver, supervisor all complete as per direction of Engineerin- Charge. 22 Extra for Providing services of maintenance van beyond 08 (Eight) working hours duty (rate is over and above base item)specifications.