Centralised Biennial Rate Contract For Procurement Of Spares Of Premium Centralised Biennial Rate Contract For Procurement Of Spares Of Premiumtransmission Make Equipment , Fc:Pembril:Dfc580:Chamber#9 , Fc:Pembril:Dfc580:Filling Plug#22 , Fc:Pembril:Dfc580:Helicoil Insert#22A , Fluid Coupling - Fcu10.5 - Comp.Assy , Impeller#310110500029, Ref#1, Fcu- 10.5 , Runner#310110500039 Ref#2 For Fcu- 10.5 , Casing Ref#3 #310110500049 For Fcu- 10.5 , Shaft#902010000205 Ref#4 Fcu-10.5 , Shaft Distance Piece#310108000109 Ref#11 , Spigot Ring#720020108075 Ref#13 Fcu-10.5 , Driving Plate#310110500079 Ref18 Fcu10.5 , Driving Boss#720440108018 Ref19 Fcu-10.5 , Filling Plug#310110500059 Ref#22 Fcu10.5 , Runner Half Coupling#720430110044 Ref#23 , Multi Disc Unit#310110500069 Ref#25 10.5 , Output Half Coupling#720030138185 Ref#26 , Fusible Plug#720010108000 Ref#43 Fcu10.5 , O-Ring#720070108030 Ref#61 For Fcu- 10.5 , Dowel ( Casing ) For Fcu 10.5 , O-Ring#720010110000 Ref#73 For Fcu- 10.5 , Spherical Collar#780090027031 Rf#77, 10.5 , Joint Imp / Csg#720040108000 Rf#157, 10.5 , Key#310110500099 Ref#202 For Fcu- 10.5 , Bonded Seal#22A For Fcu 10.5 Pembril , Washer Fusible Plug#310110500139 Ref#43A , Gland Assy #8&9 For Fcu 10.5 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Multidisc Unit#25 , :Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Set Screw#28 , Fluid Coupling Fcu-14.5 Comp Pembril , Impeller#310114500019 Ref#1 For Fcu 14.5 , Runner#310114500029 For Fcu-14.5 , Casing#310114500039 Ref#3 For Fcu- 14.5 , Shaft#310114500049 Ref#4 For Fcu- 14.5 , Retaining Plate#310114500149 Ref#7 14.5 , Casing Distance Piece#310114500179 14.5 , Shaft Distance Piece#310114500189 14.5 , Centre Spigot#310114500109 Ref#13 14.5 , Baffle 1.5#310114500089 Ref#15 Fcu- 14.5 , Driving Plate#310114500219 Rf#18 Fcu14.5 , Driving Boss#310114500079 Rf#19 Fcu 14.5 , Filling Plug#771110212000 Rf#22 Fcu 14.5 , Runner Half Cplg#310114500059 Rf#23 14.5 , Multi Disc Unit#310114500209 Rf#25 14.5 , Output Half Cplg#310114500069 Rf#26 14.5 , Screw Gland#720020108025 Rf#28 Fcu 14.5 , Screw Spigot#720020108020 Rf#32 Fcu 14.5 , Fusible Plug#720030138185 Rf#43 Fcu 14.5 , Star Washer#720040208000 Rf#52 Fcu 14.5 , O Ring#60215330790 Ref#61 For Fcu 14.5 , Dowel ( Casing ) #720070110030 Rf#66 Fcu14.5 , O Ring#602126205200 Rf#73 For Fcu 14.5 , O Ring#602126210200 Ref#74 For Fcu 14.5 , Spherical Collar#720340313035 Rf#77 14.5 , Joint Imp / Csg#780090038042 Rf157 Fcu14.5 , Plain Washer#720040110000 Rf#158 Fcu14.5 , Spring Washer#720040312000 Rf166 Fcu14.5 , Key#720120114050 Ref#202 For Fcu 14.5 , Baffle1.7#310114500099 Ref#15A Fcu 14.5 , Bonded Seal#605100022200 Rf#22A Fcu 14.5 , Washer Fusible Plug#771040109000 Rf#43A , Fc-Pembril-Fcu16.25-Comp Assy , Impeller#1, 310116250019, Fcu-16.25 , Runner#2, 310116250029, Fcu-16.25 , Casing#3, 310116250039, Fcu 16.25 , Shaft#4, 310116250049, Fcu-16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Retain Pl#7 , Gland Diaphragm#8, 210116253100, Fcu-16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Gland Assy , Casing Distance Piece#10, 310114500179 , Shaft Dist.Pc, #11, 310114500189, Fcu- 16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Baffle 1.7#15A , Centre Spigot#13, 310114500109 Fcu 16.25 , Baffle 1.5#15, 310116250089 For Fcu- 16.25 , Driving Bolt#17, 720020112025 Fcu- 16.25 , Resilient Driving Disc#18 For Fcu- 16.25 , Driving Boss#19, 310114500079, Fcu- 16.25 , Bolt Driving Boss, #20, 720440112030, 16.25 , Filling Plug, #22, 771110212000, Fcu- 16.25 , Bonded Seal#22A, 605100022200 Fcu- 16.25 , Runer Half Cplg#23, 310114500059, Fcu16.25 , Multi Disc Coupling Bolt#24 Fcu- 16.25 , Multi Disc. Assly #25 Pembril:Fcu16.25 , Outputhalf Cplg#26, 310114500069, Fcu16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Hex Head Screw#28 , Locking Washer#32A For Fcu-16.25 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43, 720030138185, Fcu 16.25 , Washer#43A, 771040109000, Fcu-16.25 , Self Lock Nut#49, 720010110000, Fcu- 16.25 , Self Lock Nut#51, 720010312000, Fcu 16.25 , Locking Washer#52 For Fcu-16.25 Pembril , O Ring#61, 602153307900, Fcu 16.25 , Dowel#66, 720070110032 Fcu-16.25 , Self Lock Nut#70, 720010112000, Fcu- 16.25 , O Ring #73 For Fcu 16.25, Pembril Make , Circlip#21, 720060201042, Fcu-16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Bearing Housing#29 , Hex Head Screw#32, 720020108020 Fcu 16.25 , O Ring#74, 602126210200 For Fcu 16.25 , Self Lock Nut#76, 720010112000 Fcu- 16.25 , Sphrl Collar#77, 720340313035, Fcu- 16.25 , Joint Imp / Csg#157, 780090042045 Fcu- 16.25 , Plain Washer#158, 780090042045 Fcu- 16.25 , Locking Washer#166, 720040312000 Fcu16.25 , Joint Imp / CSpigot193, 780090009013 16.25 , Key#202, 720120114050 Fcu 16.25 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Comp Gland Assy , Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Baffle 1.5-Comp Assy , Fluidcoupling Fcu17.75 Comp Assy Pembril , Impeller#1 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Runner#2 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Shaft#4 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Centre Spigot#13 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Driving Plate#18 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Driving Boss#19 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Filling Plug#22 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Runner Half Coupling#23 Fcu17.75 Pembril , Multi Disc. Assly Pembril:#25 Fcu17.75 , Output Half Coupling#26 Fcu17.75 Pembril , Screw Gland#28 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Screw Spigot#32 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Star Washer ( Spigot ) #32A Fcu17.75 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 Fcu 17.75 Pembril , Washer Fusible Plug#43A Fcu17.75 Pembril , Joint Imp / C Spigot#193, Fcu- 17.75, Pembril , Key#202, Fcu-17.75, Pembril , Spherical Collar#77, Fcu-17.75, Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-17.75:Comp Gland Assy , Fluid Coupling Pembril-Fcu20 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Runner#2 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Casing#3 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Shaft#4 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Driving Plate , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Driving Boss , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Filling Plg#22 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Runner Half Coupling , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Multi Disc Unit , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:O / P Half Coupling , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Screw Gland#28 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Screw Spigot#32 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Waher+Fusible Plug#43 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Star Washer#52 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Spherical Collar#77 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Washer#158 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Washer#177 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Spigot #193 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Diaphragm , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Runner Half Coupling , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Comp Gland Assy , Fluid Coupling#Fcu-23 Comp Assy Pembril , Ball Bearing Housing#29 Fcu-23 Pembril , Resilient Plate#18 Fcu-23 Pembril , Diaphragm#9 Fcu-23 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 Fcu-23 Pembril , Filling Plug#22 Fcu-23 Pembril , Bonded Seal#22A Fcu-23 Pembril , Washer Fusible Plug#43A Fcu-23 Pembril , Runner Half Coupling#23 Fcu-23 Pembril , Driving Boss Bolt#20, Cplg- Pembril:Fcu-23 , Self Locking Nut For Fc:Fcu-23; Pembril , Spherical Collar For Fc:Fcu-23; Pembril , Plain Washer#177 For Fc:Fcu-23; Pembril , Multi Discount Cplg Bolt For Fc: Fcu-23 , O / P Half Coupling#26, For Fcu-23; Pembril , Roller Brg Housing For Fc:Fcu- 23;Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-23:Comp Gland Assy , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-23:Multi Disc Assy , Fluid Coupling Assy.: Fcu-26; Pembril , Impeller For Fluid Couplg-Fcu- 26;Pembril , Runner Half Couplg#23, For Fcu- 26;Pembril , Multi Disc Unit#25, For Fcu-26; Pembril , Output Half Couplg#20, For Fcu- 26;Pembril , Screw Gland#28, For Fcu-26; Pembril , Screw Spigot#32, For Fcu-26; Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 For Fcu-26; Pembril , Star Washer Gland#52 For Fcu-26; Pembril , Spherical Collar#77, For Fcu-26; Pembril , Plain Washer#177, For Fcu-26; Pembril , Star Washer Spigot#32A, For Fcu- 26;Pembrl , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-26:Comp Gland Assy , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-29:Fusible Plug , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-29:Comp Gland Assy , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-32:Resilient Driving Disc , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-32:Fusible Plug , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-32:Spherical Collar , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-41:Fusible Plug# 43 , Fluid Coupling:Htc 370 Comp Assy Pembril , Shaft#4 Fc:Htc 370 Pembril , Flexible Coupling#13 Fc:Htc370 Pembril , Rubber Bush ( 1 St ) #13A Fc:Htc 370 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Comp Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Comp Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Back Casing#2 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Scoop Casing#3 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Impeller#4 , Impellr.Brg.Sleeve For Fc- Pst530;Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Runner#30 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Baffle Runner #31 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Suction Strainer , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Scoop Housing , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Seal#92A , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Bonded Seal#92C , Scoop Tube-Ccw Rotation, Pembril- Pst530 , Scoop Tube-Cw Rotation, Pst:530; Pembril , Scoop Dischrg Collectr- Ccw, Pst530;Pmbril , Scoop Collectr-Cw, For Fc:Pst- 530;Pembril , Rod End Brg-Female For Fc- Pst530;Pembril , Rod End Brg-Male, For Fc:Pst-530; Pembril , Scoop Operating Shaft#130, For Fc:Pst-530 , Oil Level Window#161, For Pst- 530;Prembrl , Breather#178, For Fc:Pst-530; Pembril , Fork#202, For Fluid.Cplg.:Pst- 530;Pembril , Gear Pump Assy.#300, For Fc:Pst530;Pembrl , Scoop Opertg.Lever#506, For Fc:Pst530;Pet , Pembril:Pst:530:Hose Pipe#3 , Filter Screen#6, For Fc: Pst-530; Pembril , Pembril:Pst:530:Shell & Tube#8 , Fluid Coupling#1710430361:Pst-430 Pembri , End Cover O / P Side#311704300139 Pst430 , Felt Seal#628114063087 Pst430 Pembril , Impeller Bearing Sleeve#311704300189 , Input Shaft#311704300079 Pst430 Pembril , Output Shaft#311704300089 Pst430 Pembril , Suction Strainer#627010120030 Pst430 , I / P Mdu Couplg Assy#8, For Fc:Pst430; Pet , O / P Mdu Couplg Assy#9, For Fc:Pst430; Pet , Multi Disc Unit#10, For Fc:Pst430;Pembril , Pembril-Pst430-Oil Fltr Screen 20Mesh, Ss , Fluid Coupling:Pst 570 Comp Unit , Input Shaft#1 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Bearing Abutment Ring-Input#1A Pst570 , Impeller#4 Fc:Pst570 , Impeller Bearing Sleeve#5 Pst570 Pembril , Key-Input / Output Shaft#14 Pst570 Pembril , Cylindrical Pin Casing#16 Fc:Pst570 , Cyl Pin-I / P Shaft / Back Csg#17 Fc:Pst570 , Multi Disc.Unit#25 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Output Shaft#29 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Runner#30 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Suction Strainer#71 Pst570 Pembril , End Cover#92 Pst570 Pembril , Seal#92A Fluid Coupling:Pst 570 Pembril , Plug#92B Fc:Pst570 , Bonded Seal#92C Pst570 Pembril , Cover Plate#92D Fc:Pst570 , Joint End Cover#92G Fc:Pst570 , Scoop Tube Comp Ccw#106A Pst570 Pembril , Scoop Tube Comp Cw#106B Pst570 Pembril , Guide Tube Complete#107 Pst570 Pembril , Scoop Discharge Colector Ccw#109A Pst570 , Scoop Operating Shaft#130 Fc:Pst570 , Oil Level Window#161 Fc:Pst570 , Ybrg ( Plummer Block Unit ) #175 Pst570 , Bush Brg Scoop Operating Sft#175A Pst570 , Breather#178 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Gear Pump Assy#300Asy Fc:Pst570 , Scoop Operating Lever#506 Pst570 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Filter Element , Pembril:Pst570:Oil Pump With Motor , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Oil Cooler Assy , Pembril:Pst570:Actuator For Fld.Cplg , Cplg:Pembril:Pst570:Connecting Mdu I / P , Pembril:Pst570:Pump-Rdrm , Fluid Coupling:Pst 500 Comp.Assy Pembril , Input Shaft#1 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Back Casing#2 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Scoop Casing#3 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Impeller#4 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Impeller Bearing Sleeve#5 Pst500 Pembril , Shaft Key#14 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Cyl Pin-Casing#16 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Cyl Pin Input Shaft#17 Fc:Pst500 Pembril , Output Shaft#29 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Runner#30 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Baffle-Runner ( 1.1 ) #31 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , I / P Hsg-Ext Pump#48 Fc:Pst500 Pembril , Suction Strainer#71 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Strainer Pn-71 Pembril:Pst500 , Cyl. Pin Pn-77 Pembril:Pst500 , Scoop Hsg#90 Fc:Pst500 Premium Energy , Scoop Hsg Mounting Plate#91 Pst500 Pembl , End Cover#92 Fc:Pst500 Premium Energy , Scoop Tube Comp#106 Pst500 Premiumenergy , Guide Tube Complete#107 Pst500 Pembril , Rod End Brg-Female#110 Pst500 Pembril , Rod End Brg-Male#111 Pst500 Pembril , Coupling Box#122 Pst500 Premium Energy , Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Operating Shaft#130 , Pembril:Pst500:Coupling Box Cover #147 , Joint-Box / Cover#148 Pst500 Premiumenergy , Y-Brg Plummer Block#175 Pst500 Pembril , Breather#178 Fc:Pst500 Premium Energy , :Pembril:Pst500:Drain Plug #195 , :Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Operating Lever , Brg.Abutment Ring#001A Pst500 Pembril , :Pembril:Pst500:Plug #092B , Bonded Seal#092C Fc:Pst500 Pembril , Y-Brg Flanged Unit#175A Pst500 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Actuatr+Motor #8 , Pembril:Pst500:Oil Seal , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Mounting Plate#91A , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Cover Plate#92D , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Joint End Cover #92G , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Tube #106A , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Tube Comp#106B , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Mounting Plate#108 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:S-Disch- Collector#109A , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:S;Disch:Collect Or#109B , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Mounting Plate#116 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Mounting Plate#117 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Inspection Plate#122E , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Pipe#142 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:O-Ring#143 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Flange#144 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Flange#145 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Oil Level Window#161 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Plate#171 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Graduated Plate#174 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Flange#201 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Fork#202 , Gear Pump Fluid Coupling:Pst500; Pembril , Cyl Pin Imp / Sleeve For Fc:Pst500;Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:I / P Mdu Coupling Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:O / P Mdu Coupling Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Oil Cooler , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Pump , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Multi Disc Unit , Pembril:Pst500:Oil Filter , Drive Gear-For Fld.Cplg.-Pembril- Pst500 , Driven Gear-For Fc-Pembril-Pst500 , Pembril:Pst500:Steel Tube+End Connection , Pembril:Pst500:Complete Assy ( Rev- Type ) , Oil Filtr Scrn.20 Mesh-Ss-Pembril- Pst500 , Fluid Coupling Pembril:Pst660 , Input Shaft Pt.1 For Pst660 Pembril , Back Casing#2 Ffc:Pst660 Pembril , Scoop Casing Pt.3 For Pst660 Pembril , Impeller Pt.4 For Pst660 Pembril , Impeller Brg. Sleeve Pt.5 For Pst660 , Cylindrical Pin-Casing #16 Pst660 , Cylindrical Pin-I / P Sft #17 Pst660 , :Pembril:Pst660:Multi Disc Unit#25 , Output Shaft Pt.29 For Pst660 Pembril , Runner Pt.30 For Pst660 Pembril , Baffle-Runner Pt.31 For Pst660 , Fluid Cplng- Pembril:Pst660, Fusible Plug , :Pembril:Pst660:Input Housing #48 , Joint&I / P Housing For Fc: Pst660;Pembril , :Pembril:Pst660:Suction Strainer #71 , :Pembril:Pst660:End Cover #92 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Seal #92A , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Plug #92B , Pembril:Pst660:Bonded Seal #92C , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Aluminium Joint #92F , Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Tube Complete #106A , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Tube #106B , Pembril:Guide Tube Complete #107 , Pembril:Scoop Discharge Collector#109A , Pembril:Rod End Bearing7female#110 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Rod End Bearing#111 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Operating Shaft , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Oil Level Window #161 , Pembril:Pst660:Joint Insp- Plate#171 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Ybearing #175 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Breather#178 , F-Coupling:Pembril:Pst660:Fork #202 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Gear Pump Assy #300As , Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Operating Lever#506 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:I / P Mdu Coupling Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:O / P Mdu Couplg Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Pump , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Rotating Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Hose Pipe#3 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Filter Screen#6 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Brake Drum#10 , Bearing Liner ( Impeller ) #6 Pst870 Pembril , Oil Cir Pump Assy#423.1 Pst870 Pembril , Pembril:Pst-870:Mdu , Pembril:Pst-870:Electrical Actuator , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Comp Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Seal#206 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:I / P Mdu Coupling Asy , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:O / P Mdu Coupling Asy , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Pump#2 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Rod#104 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Actuator+Motor , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Hsg In- Put#1 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Air Breather#58 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Gear Coupling- I / P#11 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Gear Cplg- O / P#115 , Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Level Gauge , Pembril:Pst-1000:Seal ( End Cover ) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Housing- Output , Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Rod Seal Housing , Fluid Coupling Pembril:Sdfc370 , Shaft #4 Pembril:Sdfc370 , Flexible Coupling #13 Pembril:Sdfc370 , Rubber Bush ( Set ) #13A Pembril:Sdfc370 , Filling Plug #22 Pembril:Sdfc370 , Fusible Plug #4 Sdfc370:Pembril , Multi Disc Unit #51 Sdfc370:Pembril , Output Half Cplg #52 Of Sdfc370:Pembril , Fluid Coupling Pembril:Sdfc410 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc 410:Flex-Coupling #13 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc410:Filling Plug #22 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc410:Fusible Plug # 43 , Fc:Pembrill;Sdfc410:Multi Disc Unit #51 , Fluid Coupling:Sdfc500 Comp Unit Pembril , Impeller#1 Fc:Sdfc500 Premium Energy , Runner#2 Fc:Sdfc500 Premium Energy , Chamber#9 Fc:Sdfc500 Premium Energy , Runner Half Coupling#50 Sdfc500 Pembril , Output Half Coupling#52 Sdfc500 Pembril , Fluid Coupling#18Scr25b Com.Assy, Pembril , Impeller#2 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Runner#3 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Reservoir Casing#5 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Housing#6 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Tube Assy#8 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Operating Rod#9 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Hsg Bracket#11 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Operating Lever#13 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Shaft#14 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Control Lever#23 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Runner Baffle#24 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Bearing Cover#28 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner ( Bracket ) #37 18Scr25b Pembril , End Cover Bracket#38 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Shaft Ring#46 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Plug Casing#52 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Joint#53 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Oil Retaining Ring#54 18Scr25b Pembril , Leak Off Nozzle#57 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Hsg Shroud#61 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:18Scr25b:Casing Dowel#68 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Plug#76 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Bonded Seal#101 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Bonded Seal#77 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Plug#98 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Plug Casing#100 , Collecting Ring#135 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:18Scr25b:Vent Tube#137 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Conn.Tube#139 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Feed Tube#142 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Joint Set#143 / 144 / 145 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Dowel#157 , Pembril:18Scr25b:V Ring#159 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Felt Seal#162 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Pellow Block#168 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Input Shaft#173 , End Cover Pb Front#174 18Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner ( Pb ) #175 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Dowel#205 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , End Cover Pb Rear#209 18Scr25b Pembril , Shaft Ring#217 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Breather#220 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Grease Cup#222 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:18Scr25b:Cooler Assy , Multi Disc Unit & Half Cplg#210117752001 , Fluid Cplg#23Scr25b Dg:1622301411 Pet , Fc:Pembril:23Scr25b:Oil Cooler , Fluid Coupling # 23Scr25w Complete Assy , Fc-Pembril-26Src25b-Complete Assy , Pembril:26Scr25b:Impeller #2 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Runner#3 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Operating Rod , Pembril:26Scr25b:S-Housing Bracket #11 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Operating Lever#13 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Shaft #14 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Control Lever #23 , 26Scr25b:Runner Baffle #24 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bearing Cover #28 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bearing Liner #37 , Pembril:26Scr25b:End Cover #38 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Allen Hd Scr #39 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Shaft Ring #46 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Casing Plug #52 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Seal Or Joint #53 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Retaining Ring #54 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Leak Off Nozzle #57 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Scoop Hsg Shroud #61 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Key Woodruff #67 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Casing Dowel#68 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Plug #76 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bonded Seal #77 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Key #81 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Plug #100 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bonded Seal#101 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Collector Ring #135 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Vent Tube #137 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Connecting Tube#139 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #141 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Feed Tube#142 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #143 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #144 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #145 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Dowel #157 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #158 , Pembril:26Scr25b:V Ring #159 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Seal#162 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #167 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Input Shaft #173 , Pembril:26Scr25b:End Cover #174 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Brg Liner #175 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Seal #176 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Seal#179 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Key #181 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Guide Pin #188 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bonded Seal #190 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Tundish Spring #194 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Plug #195 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bonded Seal#196 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Cover Plate #209 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Feed Tube #307 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Scoop Pin #311 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Lock Pin #316 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #182G , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #183A , Pembril:26Scr25b:Runner Baffle #24A , Pembril:26Scr25b:Leak Of Nozzle #57L , Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Cooler Assy , Pembril:26Scr25b:Brg- Liner ( Impeller ) , Fc:Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Cooler , Multi Disc Unit & Half Cplg#210123002001 , Fluid Coupling:41Scr24x Com Assy Pembril , Impeller#2 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Runner#3 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Scoop Housing#6 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Pembril:41Scr24x:Scoop Tube Assembly#8 , Scoop Hsg Bracket#11 41Scr24x Pembril , Shaft #14 Pembril:41Scr24x , Joint #19 Pembril:41Scr24x , Centre Spigot #21 Pembril:41Scr24x , Out-Half-Coupling #22 Pembril:41Scr24 , Runner Baffle#24 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Multidisc Unit#26 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Runner 1 / 2-Coupling #32 Pembril:41Scr24x , Seal Or Joint#:53 Pembril:41Scr24x , Oil Retaining Ring #:54 Pembril:41Scr24x , Fc-Pembril-Scoop Housing Shroud #400 , Pembril:41Scr24x:Key- Woodruff#67 , Spherical Collar#88 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Bearing Liner#116 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Collector Ring#135 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#141 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Feed Tube#142 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#143 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#144 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#145 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Bearing Liner#149 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#153 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Tundish Spring#194 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Collar Stop#301 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Pembril: 41Scr24x: Hose Pipe , Fc:Pembril:41Scr25w:Comp Assy , Back Stop / Holdback , Gear Box Assy: A-287, Gr-15:1 / 30:1; Pet , Fan#4, For Gear Box-A-287, Gr- 15:1;Premium , Oil Catcher For Worm Shaft#7; Pet-A-287 , Pet:A-287:Worm Shaft , Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft#14, Gb-A-287 , Pet:A-287:Worm Wheel , Plug#19, For Gear Box-A-287;Gr- 15:1; Pet , Breather For Gear Box-A-287, Gr- 15:1; Pet , Pet:A-287:Wheel Shaft A287, Gr 15:1 , Gb:Greaves:B3-315 R-20:Bevel Pinion #5 , :Greaves:H1-200:Comp Assy , :Greaves:H1-200:I / P Shaft , :Greaves:H1-200:I / P Shaft Oil Seal , :Greaves:H1-200:Helical Pinion , :Greaves:H1-200:Helical Wheel , :Greaves:H1-200:O / P Shaft , :Greaves:H1-200:O / P Shaft Oil Seal , :Greaves:H1-200:Fan , Gb:Greaves:U600:Comp Assy , Gb:Greaves:U600:Casing#8 , Gb:Greaves:U600:Fan#9 , Gb:Greaves:U600:Worm Shaft , Gb:Greaves:U600:Wheel Shaft , Gb:Greaves:U600:Worm Wheel , Gb:Pet:U-400:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:U-400:Worm Shaft#13 , Gb:Pet:U-400:Worm Wheel#19 , Gb:Pet:U-400:Wheel Shaft#20 , Gb:Pet:V-400:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:V-400:Worm Shaft#17 , Gb:Pet:V-400:Worm Wheel#24 , Gb:Pet:V-400:Wheel Shaft#26 , Gb:Pet:V-500:Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:V-500:Worm Wheel , Gb:Pet:V-500:Wheel Shaft , Pet:V-700:Worm Shaft , Pet:V-700:Worm Wheel , Gear Box:A200 Comp.Assy , Gb:Pet:A337:Worm Shaft#11 , Gb:Pet:A337:Worm Wheel#17 , Gb:Pet:B-220:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:B-220:I / P Shaft+Bevel Pinion#1 , Gb:Pet:B-220:Helical Pinion Shaft#3 , Gb:Pet:B-220:O / P Wheel#4 , Gb:Pet:B-228:Comp Assy , Gear Box:Pet:B-216:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:B2:315:I / P P-Shaft+Fan Extn , Cooling Fan#7, For Gb:B2- 315;Premium Enrg , Bevel Wheel#9, For Gb:B2- 315;Premium Enrg , Gb:Pet:B2:315:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B2:315:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B2:355:I / P P-Shaft+Fan Ext#1A , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Fan#7 , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Bevel Wheel#9 , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Cowl , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Comp Equipment , Hold Back#12, For G.Box:B3-315; Premium , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Cowl , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Comp Internals , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Dipstick , Gear Box:B3-250 Comp Eqpt Premium Energy , G:Box:Pet:B3-250:I / P Pinion Shaft#1A , Gear Box:B3-280Comp Assy Premium Energy , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:Fan#7 , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:2Nd Red Pinion Shaft#8A , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:Holdback#12 , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:Fr:Pinion Shaft#15 , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:O / P Shaft#19 , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:Hollow O / P Shaft#24 , Gb:Pet:B3-280:Cowl , Gb:Pet:B3-280:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3-280:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3-280:Bearing Housing , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Comp Assy , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Fan#7 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Pinion Shaft#8A , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Holdback#12 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:O / P Shaft#19 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Oilseal #23 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Hollow O / P Shaft#24 , Gb:Pet:B3-355:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3-355:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3-355:Air Breather , Gear Box Assy., Model No.::B3- 400;Premium , Gb:Pet:B3:400:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3:400:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3:400:Air Breather , Gear Box Assy. -Model No.:B3:450;Premium , Pet:B3:450:Redn-Wheel#16 , Bevel Pinion#5, For G.Box:B3-450; Premium , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Oilseal#4 , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Oil Seal#28 , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Output Stage Wheel , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Final Pinion Shaft , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Air Breather , Gear Box:B3-500 Comp Assy Premium Energy , Gear Box Complt.Assy:B4sr- 225 ( 144:1 ) ;Pet , Gear Box Model#H1-140 Comp Assy Make:Pet , Oil Seal Input Shaft#3 Gb:H1-140 Pet , Helical Wheel#5 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Output Shaft#6 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Oil Seal Output Shaft#8 Gb:H1-140 Pet , Fan Input End#9 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Fan Output End#10 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Gb:Pet:H1-140:Key For Input Shaft , Gb:Pet:H1-140:Key For Output Shaft , Gb:Pet:H1-140:Breather , Gb:Pet:H1-140:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:H1-250:Comp Assy , Gear Box:H1-180 Comp Assy Make:Pet , I / P Pinion Hollow#184047N000 H1-180 Pet , Input Shaft#110125N000 H1-180 Pet Make , Key For Pinion#122690N000 H1-180 Pet , Wheel#184048N000 H1-180 Make:Pet , Output Shaft#110015Nc00 H1-180 Make:Pet , Pet:H1-180:Fan With Fan Cover , Input Shaft#1 Gb:H1-200 Premium Energy , Oil Seal Input Shaft#3 H1-200 P.Energy , Helical Pinion#4 Gb:H1-200 Premiumenergy , Helical Wheel#5 Gb:H1-200 Premium Energy , Output Shaft#6 Gb:H1-200 Premium Energy , Oil Seal Output Shaft#8 H1-200 P.Energy , Fan Input End#9 Gb:H1-200 Premium Energy , Fan Output End#10 H1-200 Premium Energy , Gb:Pet:H1-200:I / P Shaft#11 , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Key#12 , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Extn Key#14 , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Cowl-Extn End , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Cowl-Rare End , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Key For Input Shaft , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Key For Output Shaft , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Dipstick , Gear Box:H1-225 Comp Assy Premium Energy , Input Shaft#1 Gb:H1-225 , Helical Pinion#4 Gb:H1-225 , Helical Wheel#5 Gb:H1-225 , Output Shaft#6 Gb:H1-225 , Fan Input End#10 ( 024080N000 ) Gb:H1- 225 , Fan Output End#9 ( 024060N000 ) Gb H1- 225 , I / P Shaft Oil Seal#3 ( 0054190000 ) H1- 225 , O / P Sft Oilseal#8 ( 0044830000 ) Gb H1- 225 , Gb:Pet:H2-280:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:H2-280:Hold Back , Gb:Pet:H3-500:Hold Back#12 , Gb:Pet:B3sf-140:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:B3sf-250:Comp Assy ( +Hold Back , Gb:Pet:B3sf-250:Bvl.Pinion#2 , Gb:Pet:H1-125:Comp Assy , Gear Box Premium Energy:Sp218 , Output Shaft #Pj2000207880 Pet:Sp218 , Second Wheel #Pj2000204460 Pet:Sp- 218 Gb , Motor Gear #Pj2000204440 Pet:Sp218 G.Box , Siso Shaft #Pj2000204350 Pet:Sp218 G.Box , Gear Box Complete Assy: Sp- 268 / 13.8; Pet , End Cover#C, For Gr.Box:Sp- 268 / 13.8; Pet , Motor Gear#E, For Gr.Box:Sp- 268 / 13.8; Pet , Second Whee#F, For Gr.Box:Sp- 268 / 13.8;Pet , Pet:Gmf-085 / 2, Ratio-5.06 / 1:Comp Assly , I / P Wheel / 1St Stg.Wheel - Pet-Gmf- 085 / 2 , Input Pinion-Pet-Gmf-085 / 2, Ratio- 5.06 / 1 , :Input Shaft-Pet-Gmf-085 / 2, Ratio- 5.06 / 1 , Pet:Gmf-085 / 2, Ratio-5.06 / 1:Output Shaft , Pet:Gmf-085 / 2, Ratio-5.06 / 1:Input Catcher , Input Brng Houng Pet:Gmf-085 / 2, 5.06 / 1 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Oil-Catcher#10 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:U-600:End Cover#14 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Worm Wheel#19 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Wheel Shaft#20 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Oil Catcher#22 , Upper Half Case#1 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Lower Half Case#2 Gb:U-500 Premiumenergy , Fan#6 Gb:U-500 Premium Energy , Locking Screw For Fan#7 Gb:U500 P.Energy , Oil Seal For Wormshaft#9 U500 P.Energy , Oilcatcher For W.Shaft#10 U500 P.Energy , Shim, Wormshaft Oil Catcher#11 Gb:U500 Pe , Worm Shaft#13 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Endcover For Wheelshaft#14 U500 P.Energy , Shim, Wheelshaft Cover#16 U500 P.Energy , Distance Pc.Wheelshaft#18 U500 P.Energy , Worm Wheel#19 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Wheel Shaft#20 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Key For Wheel Shaft#21 Gb:U500 P.Energy , Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft#22 U500 P.E , Oilseal For Wheel Shaft#23 U500 P.Energy , Oil Scraper#24 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Dipstick#27 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Ventilator#30 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Ventilator Packing#31 U500 Premiumenergy , Drain Plug#35 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Input Key#36 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Output Key#37 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Gear Box:U1000dos Comp Assy , Cowl - For Gear Box-Pet-U1000 , Worm Wheel-For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Shaft For Worm Wheel-For Gb-Pet- U1000 , Worm Shaft-For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft-For Gb-U1000 , Oil Catcher For Worm Shaft-For Gb-U1000 , Dist.Piece For Wheel Shaft-For Gb- U1000 , End Cvr.For Wheel Shaft-For Gb- Pet-U1000 , Dipstick Tube-For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Dipstick Body-For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Ventilator - For Gear Box-Pet- U1000 , Oil Scrapper - For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Gb:Pet:U1000:Casing Set , Gb:Pet:U1200:Complete Equipment , Wormwheel#19 Gb:U1200 Petl , Gb:Pet:U1200:Oil Seal , Gb:Pet:U1200:Wheel , Gb:Pet:U1200:Pinion , Gb:Pet:U1400:U 1400 Complete Assembly , Shim 1St Redn Worm Shaft Catch#6 Ud1200 , Fan#11 G.B:Ud1200 300:1 Premium Energy , Locking Screw For Fan#12 Ud1200 300:1 , Cowl#13 Gb:Ud1200 300:1 Premium Energy , 1St Redn Worm Wheel Brg Hsg#16 Ud1200 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Shim #17 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Shim #21 , Oil Seal 2Nd Redn Wormshaft#22 Ud1200 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Key #25 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Shim #26 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Shim #26A , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Drain Plug #31 , Oil Seal 2Nd Redn Wheelshaft#35 Ud1200 , Oil Catcher 2Nd Redn Wheelsft#36 Ud1200 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Distance Piece #38 , 2Nd Redn Wheel Shaft#39 Ud1200 300:1 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Key#40 , End Cover 2Nd Redn Wheelshaft#42 Ud1200 , Gear Box Complete Assy.- Model:V1400; Pet , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Upper Bearing Housing , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Wheel Shaft , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Worm Wheel , G:Box:Pet:V1400:W-Wheel Key , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Plunger Assy , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Distance Piece , Gb:Pet:V1400:Lower Bearing Housing , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Swash Plate , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Oil Flinger W:Shaft , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Worm Shaft , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Oil Strainer , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Key-Wheel Shaft , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Key-Worm Shaft , Oil Seal For Worm Shaft Of Gb:V1400; Pet , Shim For Worm Shaft Oil Catcher, Gb:V1400 , Oil Seal For Wheel Shaft, Of Gb:V1400;Pet , Shim For Wheel Shaft Of Gb:V-1400; Pet , Shim-For Lower Brg.Of Gear Box- V1400;Pet , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-9.25:Comp Gland Assy , Baffle 1.5#720020108030 Ref#15 Fcu- 10.5 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Comp Assy , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:R-Driving Plate , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Driving Boss#19 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Spherical Collar#77 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Comp Gland Assy , O Ring#61 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , O Ring#73 Fcu17.75 Pembril , O Ring#74 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Impeller#1 , Impeller Part#1 For Fcu-23 Pembril , Star Washer#52 Fcu-23 Pembril , Runner For Fluid Couplg: Fcu-23; Pembril , Casing For Fluid Coupling:Fcu- 23;Pembril , Shaft For Fld.Coupling: Fcu-23; Pembril , Baffle For Fluid Couplg: Fcu-23; Pembril , O-Ring#73 For Fl.Couplg: Fcu-23; Pembril , Filling Plug#22 For Fcu-26; Pembril , Joint Imp / Csg#157 For Fcu-26; Pembril , Bonded Seal#21 Fc:Htc370 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 Fc:Htc 370 Pembril , Insert ( Imp Seal Hsg Holes ) #1B Fc:Htc 370 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Lub Ring#3 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:R-Plate#13 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Dowel- Shaft#23 , O / P Shaft#36, For Fl.Cpl.:Pst1150;Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:End Cover#68 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Bonded Seal#68B , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Plate#69 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Pipe#79 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Plug#85 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Dowel#90 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Scoop Housing , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Scoop Tube#99 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:So-Rod#104 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Felt Seal#137A , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Strainer#202 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Scoop Actuator#113B , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Gear Coupling#114B , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Gear Coupling O / P , Pembril:Pst-1150:Tubes ( Sb-Iii-C- 12200 ) , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Input Shaft#1 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Abutment Ring#1A , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Key#14 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Cyl Pin#16 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Cyl Pin#17 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:O / P Shaft#29 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:I / P Housing#48 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:End Cover#92 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Plug#92B , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Cover Plate#92D , Guide Tube For Fl.Couplg:Pst- 530, Pembril , Back Casing#311704300039 Pst430 Pembril , Baffle Runner ( 1.1 ) #311704300279 Pst430 , Brg.Abutment Ring#311704300589 Pst430 , Bonded Seal#605100014300 Pst430 Pembril , Bonded Seal#605100012000 Pst430 Pembril , Compression Plate#311704301929 Pst430 , Cyl Pin Int.Thread#720070216030 Pst430 , Cyl Pin Int Thread#720070212030 Pst430 , Drive Gear#311704301229 Pst430 Pembril , Driven Gear#311704301239 Pst430 Pembril , Guide Tube Comp#311704300639 Pst430 , Impeller#311704300019 Pst430 Pembril , Joint Box / Cover#780090660720 Pst430 , Joint End Cover#780090010017 Pst430 , Joint I / P Hsg / Plate#780091036052 Pst430 , Joint Scp Hsg / Mtg Pl#780091051045 Pst430 , Oil Level Window#720170034000 Pst430 , Rect.Key#720120118126 Pst430 Pembril , Rod End Bearing-Male#907010012000 Pst430 , Runner#311704300029 Pst430 Premium Enery , Scoop Casing#311704300049 Pst430 Pembril , Scoop Housing#311704300099 Pst430pembril , Y-Bearing Flanged#908020025000 Pst430 , Y-Brg Plummer Block#908010025000 Pst430 , Baffel Runner#31 Fc:Pst570 , Input Housing#48 Pst570 Pembril , Cylindrical Pin Mtg Plate#77, For Pst-570 , Scoop Housing#90 Pst570 Pembril , Scoop Tube Mounting Plate#108 Fc:Pst570 , Spring Washer#120 Fc:Pst570 , Internal Pipe Scoop Housing#142 Pst570 , Orific Plate#200 Fc:Pst570 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Shaft Key , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Hand Wheel , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Suction Strainer , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Filter Element , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Cover#01 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:D-Connection#14 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Rod+Spacer#16 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:O Ring#18 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Joint#19 , Scoop Discharge Collector#109 Pst500 , Brg Abutement Ring I / P Pt.1A For Pst660 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Cou Pling Box #122 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Coupling Cover#147 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Actuator+Motor 8 , Output Coupling#504 Pst870 Pembril , Input Coupling#503 Pst870 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Bonded Seal , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Dish Collector , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Tube#99A , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Cooler#9 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Suction Strainer#202 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Fusible Plug+Washer , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Impeller#4 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Sleeve#10 , Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Liner ( Impeller ) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Spacer Input , Pembril:Pst-1000:Baffle ( Runner ) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Wear Plate , Pembril:Pst-1000:Plug ( End Cover ) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Mounting Bracket Long , Pembril:Pst-1000:Mounting Bracket Short , Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Tube-Ccw Rotation , Pembril:Pst-1000:Shaft Distance Piece , Pembril:Pst-1000:Distance Piece , Pembril:Pst-1000: O Ring-Brg Hsg , Pembril:Pst-1000:Dowel- Shaft / Impeller , Pembril:Pst-1000:Dowel Casing , Pembril:Pst-1000:Oring Brg. Housing-O / P , Pembril:Pst-1000:Dowel- Shaft / Runner , Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Tube-Cw , Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Disch Collector , Pembril:Pst-1000:Dowel-Scoop Housing , Pembril:Pst-1000:Cover Plate-Seal , Pembril:Pst-1000:Joint-Scoop Guide Hsg , Fluid Coupling:14Scr25b Compassy Pembril , Back Casing#12 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , O Ring#19 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Woodruff Key#67 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:18Scr25b:Rec.Key#81 , Rec, Key#181 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Fc:Pembril:23Scr24r:Seal , Impeller#2 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Runner#3 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Hsg#6 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Tube Assy#8 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Operating Rod#9 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Operating Lever, #13, Make: Pembril , Shaft#14 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Unner Baffle#24 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Brg Cover#28 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner ( Bracket ) #37 23Scr25b Pembril , Shaft Ring#46 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Joint#53 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Leak Off Nozzle#57 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Woodruff Key#67 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Bonded Seal#101 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Bonded Seal#77 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Feed Tube#142 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Joint Set#143 / 144 / 145 23Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner Impeller#149 23Scr25b Pembril , V Ring#159 Fluid Cplg:23Scr25b Pembril , Pellow Block#168 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Input Shaft#173 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner Plummer Block#175 23Scr25b , Shaft Ring#217 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Breather#220 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:26Scr25b:Valve Body #182 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Tundish #183 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Tundish Lid #184 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Valve Stem #185 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Collar Stop #301 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bottom Bush #304 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Runner Mixed Flow#3B , Pembril:26Scr25w:Comp Assy , Driving Plate#1 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Operating Rod#9 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Driving Boss #43 Pembril:41Scr24x , Pembril:41Scr24x:Bonded Seal#77 , Pembril:41Scr24x:Key- Woodruff#81 , Vent Tube#137 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Connecting Tube#139 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Feed Tube#307 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Pembril: 41Scr24x: Oil Cooler Assy , :Greaves:H1-225:I / P Shaft , :Greaves:H1-225:O / P Shaft , Gb-Greaves-H3:500-Out Put Shaft #20 , Gb:Pet:B-220:O / P Shaft#5 , Gb:Pet:B-220:Water Slinger#11 , Gb:Pet:B-220:Oil Slinger#12 , Gb:Pet:B-228:I / P Gear Set , Gb:Pet:B-228:O / P Gear Set , Gb:Pet:B-235:Comp Assy , G B:Pet:B-216:Oil Slinger#3 , G B:Pet:B-216:Input Oil Seal#7 , G B:Pet:B-216:Final Pinion Shaft#9 , G B:Pet:B-216:Output Shaft#16 , G B:Pet:B-216:Output Oilseal#18: , G B:Pet:B-216:Labrynth-Seal#19 , 2Nd Pinion Shaft#8, For Gb:B3- 315;Premium , 2Nd Redn.Wheel#16, For Gb:B3-315; Premium , Final Redn.Pinion Shaft#15, Gb:B3- 315;Pet , O / P Shaft#19, For G.Box:B3-315; Premium , I / P Pinion Shaft#1, For Gb:B3- 315;Premium , I / P Shaft With Fan Extn#1A, For Gb:B3-315 , Bevel Pinion#5, For G.Box:B3-315; Premium , Bevel Wheel#9, For G.Box:B3-315; Premium , Final Redn.Wheel#20, For Gb:B3- 315;Premim , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Brg Housing , Gear Box:Premium Etl;B232 14:1_Comp Assy , Bevel I / P Pinion Shaft#Bs23230400 , Final Pinion Shaft # Bs23230500 , Out Put Wheel # Bs23240500 , Input Oil Catcher # Bs13260600 , Oil Slinger # Bs23200200 , Gear Box:B3-225 Comp Eqpt Premium Energy , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:Oilseal#4 , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:Fan#7 , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:Oilseal#23 , G:Box:Pet:B3-250:Oilseal#4 , G:Box:Pet:B3-250:Oilseal#23 , G:Box:Pet:B3-250:Shrink Disc#29 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Oilseal #4 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Bevel Pinion#5 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Oilseal#14 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355: Pinion Shaft#15 , Hold Back#12, For G.Box: B3-400; Premium , Oil Seal For I / P Shaft#4, For Gb:B3:400; , Oilseal For O / P Shaft#28, Gb:B3:400; Pet , Gb:Pet:H1-160:Input Shaft#111585N000 , H1-160:I / P Shaft Oil Seal#0054420000 , H1-160:I / P Helical Pinion#113194N000 , Gb:Pet:H1-160:Helical Wheel#113044N000 , Gb:Pet:H1-160:Output Shaft#111465Nc00 , H1-160:O / P Shaft Oil Flinger :Cyb Seal , Helical Pinion#4 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Gb:Pet:H1-200:O / P Shaft Dp#15 , Gb:Pet:H1-200:O / P Shaft Dp#16 , Gb:Pet:H2-355:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:H2-355:I / P Pinion Shaft , Gb:Pet:H2-280:I / P Pinion Shaft , Gb:Pet:U-600:Shim#11 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Shim#16 , Gb:Pet:U800:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:U800:Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:U800:Worm Wheel , Gb:Pet:U1200:Cowl#03 , Gb:Pet:U1200:Oil Catcher, Wormshaft#10 , Wormshaft#13 For Gear Box:U1200 Petl , Gb:Pet:U1200:End Cover For Wheelshaft#14 , Wheelshaft#20 Gb:U1200 Petl , Gb:Pet:U1200:Oil Catcher, Wheelshaft#22 , Gb:Pet:U1200:Oil Seal , Gb:Pet:U1200:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:U1400:Oil Seal For Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:U1400:Oil Catcher For Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:U1400:Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft , Gb:Pet:U1400:Oil Seal For Wheel Shaft , Gb:Pet:U1400:Ventilator , Gb:Pet:V-500Hds:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:V-500Hds:Worm Shaft#17 , Gb:Pet:V-500Hds:Worm Wheel#24 , Gb:Radicon:U-500:Comp Assy , Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft , Complete Worm Gear Box A- 287, 15:1 , Worm Shaft For G / Box V-500 Radicon Dmp-I , Worm Wheel Part No-24 For Model V-400 , Worm Shaft Part No-17 For Model V-400 , Radicon Gear Box A237 , Worm Shaft For A200 Gb Of Lwtp , Complete Worm Gear Box A337, 15:1 , Gear Box;Radicon;A337;Agitator;Omd , Third Gear #Pj2000204510 Pet:Sp218 G.Box , Suction Pipe-For Fl.Cplg-Pembril:Pst500 , Sperical Coller#53 Fc:Sdfc500 Pembril , Scoop Housing Mounting Plate#91 Pst570 , Runner, Pembril, Coupling, Fcu-26 , Runner Half Coupling For Fl. Cplng. 11.5 , Runner For Fluid Coupling Type Fcu-11.5 , Runner For Fluid Coupling Type Fcu 12.75 , Retaining Platefcu-12.75 , Resilient Drivng Pl. Pt.No.18 - Fcu-11.5 , Resilient Driving Disc 18 , Pump With Radiator, Pembril, Coupling , Plain Washer #720040308000 Ref#158, 10.5 , Pet:V-400:Oil Seal , Pet:U500:Wormwheel ( Gr15:1 ) , Pet:U500:Ventilator ( Gr15:1 ) , Pet:U500:Dipstick ( Gr15:1 ) , Pet:H1-200:Housing , Pembrl:Pst430:Scoop Tube Comp-Cw Rotatin , Pembrl:Pst430:Scoop Tube Comp-Ccw Rotatn , Pembril:Sdfc-290:Mdu Bolt , Pembril:Sdfc-290:Comp Assy. , Pembril:Pst500:Oil Cooler Valves , Pembril:Pst430:Sockt H / Scrw-Input Shft , Pembril:Pst430:Oil Cooler , Pembril:Pst430:Impeller Oil Port Plate , Pembril:Pst430:Filling Plug , Pembril:Pst430:Cylindrical Pin-Casing , Pembril:Pst430:Cyl Pin-Input Shaft , Pembril:Pst430:Cover Plate , Pembril:Pst-1000:Spacer Inner ( Imp Brg ) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Lub. Ring-Impeller Brg. , Pembril:Pst-1000:Drain Plug , Pembril:Pst-1000:Collector Ring , Pembril:Pst-1000:Brg Spacer-Out Put , Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Spacer-Impeller , Pembril:Pst:530:O / P Mdu Coupling#5 , Pembril:Pst:530:I / P Mdu Coupling#4 , Pembril:Pst:530:Fusible Plug Assy#12 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Tube Assy #8 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Scoop Hsg. Plate#6A , Pembril:26Scr25b:Scoop Housing #6 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Pillow Block , Pembril:26Scr25b:Base Frame #200 , Pembril Fluid Drive Coupling 11.5 Fcu , Output Wheel #Pj2000277900 Pet:Sp218 , Output Oil Catcher # Bs23261100 , Output Hlf Coupg 26 For 12.75 Fcu , Output Half Coupling ( Part No 26 ) , Outlet Pipe-For Fld.Cplg-Pembril-Pst500 , Oil Seal#310110500189 Ref#8 Fcu-10.5 , Oil Seal#29, For Gear Box-V-400; Pet , Oil Filter Element#202A Pst-870 Pembril , O Ring-Internal Pipe#143, For Fc: Pst-530 , O Ring, Item No.74 For Fcu 11.5 , O Ring Set 6174 , O Ring Id 7 / 4 Section Dia 0.103 , O Ring Id 11 / 4 Section Dia 0.210 , Multi Disc Unit For Saph Fluid Coupling , Multi Disc Assy With Bolts , Multi Disc Assy Pt.No.25, Of Fcu-11.5 , Joint I / P Hsg#311704301539 Pst430pembril , Jnt 50 Gsm Paper 157 For 11.5 Fcu , Input Shaft#1 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Impelr For Fluid Coupling Type Fcu-12.75 , Impeler For Fluid Coupling Type Fcu-11.5 , Gr.Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa-Oil Seal-20X150x12 , Glandnut & Diaphragm ( Part No-:8 & 9 ) , Gland Nut For Aph Fluid Coupling ( 11.5 ) , Gear Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa-2Nd Pinion Shaft , Gear Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa- 2Nd Stage Wheel , Gear Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa - Output Wheel , Gear Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa - Oil Pump , Gear Box: Pet-H2-160, Complete Assembly , Gear Box, Petl, Sp180 / 6.2, W / O Motor , Gear Box#H1-200 Comp.Assy Make:Pet , Gear Box Model#H1-140 Comp Assy Make:Pet , Gear Box Assy, Petl, U500 , Gear Box Assy, Petl, Sp-238 , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa-Oil Seal-35X47x7mm , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa-Bevel Input Pin.Shaft , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa, Gr-20.9:1-Output Shaft , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa, Gr-20.9:1 - Gear Case , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa - Final Pinion Shaft , Gb-Pet-Spc 160 / 61.2 / 200-24-Complete Assy , Gb-Pet-Ipc 162 / 45.6 / 200-24-Complete Assy , Gb-Pet-Ibc 102 / 12.7 / 200-19-Complete Assy , Gb:Radicon:U-500:Worm Wheel#19 , Gb:Radicon:U-500:Worm #13 , Gb:Pet:V-500:Complete Assy , Gb:Pet:H1-160:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:B3sf-140:O / P Oil Seal#13 , Gb:Pet:B3sf-140:I / P Shaft#1 , Gb:Pet:B3sf-140:I / P Oil Seal#12 , Gb:Pet:B-235:Final Pinion Shaft , Gb:Pet:B-228:Comp Assy ( O / P Shaft Extd ) , Gb:Pet:B-225:Comp Assy ( B-225 Modified ) , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:I / P Pinion Shaft#1A , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:2Nd Reduction Wheel#16 , Fusible Plug, Item No.43 For Fcu 11.5 , Fusible Plug, Pt.No. 43 Of Fcu-11.5 , Fusible Plug Fcu-12.75 Pno 43 , Fluid Cplng., Type Fcu 11.5 , Fluid Couplng Assy: Dfc580; Pembril , Fluid Coupling Sdfc450 Pembril , Fl.Cplg.-Pembril-Pst 500 - Rotating Assy , Fcu-23:Driving Boss#19 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc410:Runner Half Cplg # 50 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc410:O / P Half Coupling #52 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Housing#48A , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Filter#05 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Oc-Gear Pump#112 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Min Running Plate , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Max Static Plate , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Inf-Plate#60 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Multi Disc Unit , Fc:Pembril:Dfc660:Chamber#9 , Fc:Pembril:Dfc580:Helicoil Insert#28B , Driving Boss, Partno.43 , Driving Boss ( Part No-:19 ) For Fcu 12.75 , Cplg-Pembrl-Sdfc370-Runner Half Coupling , Cover For Oil Slinger # Ct22561000 , Coupling Assy, Pembril, Coupling, Fcu-11.5 , Complete Fluid Coupling Saph , Circlip ( Ext ) , Item No.21 For Fcu 11.5 , Casing Bolt ( Supplier Part No.14 ) , Bevel Pinion#2, For Gb-B3sf-140; Pet , Air Radiator, Pembril, Pst500 , 0 Ring For Fluid Coupl Fcu-12.75Pno 61 , Gear Box Assy: U500-15:1; Premium Energy , Cowl#3 Gb:U-500 Premium Energy , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Oil Seal#7 , Oil Seal For Wormshaft-Pet:A-287 ( Gr 70:1 , Worm Shaft- Gb-Pet:A-287 ( Gr 70:1 ) ( 20:1 ) , Worm Wheel-Pet: Gb-A-287 ( Gr 70:1 ) ( 20:1 ) , Pet:A-287 ( Gr 70:1 ) ( 20:1 ) - Wheelshaft , Oil Seal For Wheel Shaft-Pet:A-287 ( 70:1 ) , Gear Box Assy-Pet-V-700 Hds , Gear Box-Pet-V-700 - Oil Seal , Wheel Shaft#26, For Gb-V-700;Premium Enrg , Gear Box-Pet-V-700 - Oil Seal , G B:Pet:B-216:Input Extension Key#2 , G B:Pet:B-216:Lock Washer#5 , G B:Pet:B-216:Lock Nut#6 , G B:Pet:B-216:Bevel Wheel#10 , G B:Pet:B-216:Final Reduction Dist Pc#11 , G B:Pet:B-216: Key#12 , G B:Pet:B-216:Output Wheel Seat Key#15 , G B:Pet:B-216:Output Extn Key#17 , Gb:Pet:B-216:I / P Gear Set , Gb:Pet:B-216:O / P Gear Set , Wheel Shaft For Bsm 800 087415 , Plunger Pump Assemblybsm 800 Gear Box , Worm Wheel For Coc , Gear Box Assy-Pet-A-337-Qdhw ( Gr-1041 / 1 )