
Tender For Supplier Must Maintain A Quality System That, At A Minimum, Complies With Iso 9001 (Latest Re1300036447 1300036447, For Full Description Please Refer Bid Details Sheet And Price To Be Quoted As Per Attached Format, Annexure-Xx 2 1300036448, Dakshina Kannada-Karnataka

Ministry Of Petroleum And Natural Gas has published Tender For Supplier Must Maintain A Quality System That, At A Minimum, Complies With Iso 9001 (Latest Re1300036447 1300036447, For Full Description Please Refer Bid Details Sheet And Price To Be Quoted As Per Attached Format, Annexure-Xx 2 1300036448. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-08-2023. ISO Consultancy Tenders in Dakshina Kannada Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supplier Must Maintain A Quality System That, At A Minimum, Complies With Iso 9001 (Latest Re1300036447 1300036447, For Full Description Please Refer Bid Details Sheet And Price To Be Quoted As Per Attached Format, Annexure-Xx 2 1300036448
Open Tender
Dakshina Kannada

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For 1Supplier must maintain a quality system that, at a minimum, complies with ISO 9001 (latest revision at the time of Purchase Order). When supplier compliance and /or certification to AS 9100, ISO9001 etc is specified by BDL, the supplier is responsible to notify BDL of any changes in Quality system status. 2) Record Retention : Supplier shall retain quality records for a minimum of 20 years from the date of acceptance in BDL in original form or in electronic form. The quality records include COC, Test reports, Raw Material Test reports, Special Process certifications, Route cards (if applicable) and Calibration records. This data shall be made available upon request. Records shall be appropriately identified, secured and stored properly to prevent deterioration or damage and to prevent loss. 3) Calibration System : Calibration of measuring and test equipment used for product acceptance shall be traceable to established international or national measurement standard. Procedures for periodic calibration, certification, maintenance of tools and equipment, and an action plan, should measuring and/or test equipment be found to be out of calibration, shall be established and followed. 4) Inspection System Supplier shall develop inspection procedures and maintain records of inspection. The records shall include evidence of inspection of all attributes of products / process supplied to BDL, show the product has been inspected and/or tested during all stages of manufacturing, identify the name of individual who certified the results and results of inspection and tests (where applicable). The supplier shall notify prior in writing BDL to any change in product, manufacturing location or process. 5) Route Card . Supplier shall maintain, a traveler, route card, process low sheet or equivalent control mechanism that directs procedures appropriate for the control of quality and configuration through all stages of production. 6) Non-conforming Product . Supplier shall ensure that non-confirming products are identified and properly dispositioned as required by supplier’s procedures. Only product that confirms to specified requirements shall be shipped to BDL. Disposition of Use As Is or Repair for products shall require written authorization from BDL. BDL reserve the right to audit for compliance. Any reworked parts shall be re-inspected and /or tested prior to shipment. 7) Non-Conformances Affecting Shipped Products : Suppliers are required to notify BDL upon discovering any non-conformance that exists or is suspected of existing that has previously been supplied. 8) Supplier Deviation Request : Supplier shall request review of non-conforming product in the Request for Wavier Format giving all the details pertaining to the deviation and supporting documents, if any. The non-conforming products shall not be shipped without any approval from BDL / Wavier Board. 9) Statistical Techniques : Suppliers are responsible for understanding and reducing variation within processes, and are encouraged to use control-charting techniques. Quality Assurance Plans are not relieved from the responsibility for all attributes on the part / assembly. 10) Special Processes : Designer approved Special process as per the corresponding TSQDs / Drawings shall be used. The used of DRDL approved supplier does not relieve the supplier from responsibility to furnish acceptable supplies. The following are special process considered as minimum. Welding, Plating, Thermal Processing, Non-destructive testing and painting. 11) Supplier Control Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that the applicable requirements of this purchase order are imposed on lower tier procurement for raw materials, components, ingredients, consumable or process services being used in the manufacture of products or services being provided. 12) Counterfeit Parts Prevention The supplier shall have a program in place to prevent delivery so counterfeit parts and materials to BDL. All parts, materials and assemblies delivered to BDL shall be procured directly from OEM or their authorized dealers / distributors. It it is determined in a specific instance that this is not possible, the same to be intimated to BDL for their disposition. The supplier is responsible for the flow down of this requirement to its sub-tier vendors and their compliance to ot. 13) Right to Entry : Rep of BDL, BDL’s Customer, and other regulatory authorities shall have access to suppliers facility and all other facilities in/olved in fulfillment of the Purchase Order, where they shall have access to all procedures, practices, processes, associated documents, and records related to quality assurance, quality control, and configuration control. The supplier shall notify BDL in writing to any significant facility or organizational changes such as company name, location, or senior quality management. BDL reserves the right to audit for compliance of all the requirements. 14) Traceability and Product Identification : Supplier shall ensure that individual articles and materials and lots thereof are identified. Records for articles shall indicate the part number, revision number lot number as applicable. 15) Certificate of Compliance : The COC where applicable shall contain the Purchase Order no., Batch No., date code etc as applicable. 16) Responsibility for Conformance : Acceptance of product shall not be used as evidence of effective control of quality by the supplier, and shall not absolve the supplier of responsibility for acceptable products or subsequent rejection at a later date. 17) Industry Specifications and Standards The supplier shall comply with the revision in effect at the time the Purchase Order is issued. BDL reserves the right to request a different revision. 18) Training : Supplier shall ensure that all personnel performing activities on BDLs product affecting quality have been suitably trained per supplier procedures or to industry standards if applicable. Personnel performing assigned tasks must be qualified on the basis of appropriate education, training and / or experience. The supplier shall ensure that training records are maintained and available upon request 19) Handling, Packing & Preserving It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that the packing is adequate to protect the article during transportation, handling and storage

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