Bids Are Invited For Electronic Lab Equipments Resistors 10E 100E 220E 330E 470E 560E 1K 10K 4K7 5K6 6K8 12K 82K 47K 100K 470K 1M , Capacitors Box Type 1N 10N 100N 220N 47N Disc Type 10Pf 22Pf 33Pf 47Pf 100Pf 470Pf Electrolytic Capacitor 1F 4.7F 22F 100F 1000F , Diode 4148 Si 0A79 Ge , Zener S 3.3V 4.7V 5.1V , Relay , Transistors Bc 107 , Transistors Cl 100 Ck 100 , Regulators Lm337 7805 7812 7912 7905 , Ic 4017 47Ls153 74Ls47 47Ls00 74Ls02 74Ls04 74Ls08 74Ls86 741 555 Tl084 , 8051Ic , Ic Bases S 40Pin 16Pin 8Pin , Zip Socket S 40Pin 20Pin , Batteries 9V , Pcb S Copper Clad , Single Stand Red And Black , Multi Stand Red And Black , Potentio Meter 100K 10K 1K , Sockets Red And Black Solderable Sockets Non Solderable , Screw Driver Set , Led S , Spdt Switches , Push Button , P10 Display Board , Ldr S , Lt542 Display S , Iron Box , Mcb , Elcb , Rheostat , Socket S 3Pin , Temperature Sensor , Infrared Sensor , Ultrasonic Sensor , Alcohol Sensor , Humidity Sensor , Smoke And Gas Sensor , Pir Sensor , Rain Sensor Yl83 Lm393 Fc-37 Yl-38 Vt-Srs01 Sensor , Gprs Sensor , Lcd Module , Glcd Module , Oled Module , Soil Sensor , Servo Motor , Dc Motor L298n Driver , Stepper Motor , Keypad , Etching Power , Drill Bit , Fuses , Soldering Iron , Glousy Paper Total Quantity : 1242