
Tender For Offers For “Common Electronic Components” From Experienced And Qualified Vendors., Thiruvananthapuram-Kerala

Indian Institute Of Information Technology And Management has published Tender For Offers For “Common Electronic Components” From Experienced And Qualified Vendors.. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-08-2023. Static Converters Tenders in Thiruvananthapuram Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Offers For “Common Electronic Components” From Experienced And Qualified Vendors.
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Tender Details

Tender For Offers For “Common Electronic Components” From Experienced And Qualified Vendors. Resistor 1Ω ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 10Ω ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 10Ω Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 10 47Ω ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 68Ω ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 100Ω ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 100Ω Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 470Ω ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 1KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 2.2KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 3.3KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 4.7KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 5.6KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 6.8KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 10KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 15KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 22KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 33KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 47KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 68KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 100KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 220KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 470KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 680KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 220Ω ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 52Ω ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 330Ω ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 20KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 30KΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 1MΩ ✓ Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 2 Pot 100Ω preset Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 50 470Ω preset 50 1KΩ preset 50 1K preset 50 10K preset 50 10KΩ preset 50 22KΩ preset 50 47KΩ preset 50 100KΩ preset 50 1MΩ preset 50 3 Capacitor 20pf 10-50 Voltage Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 100pf 10-50V Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 1nf 10-50V Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 10nf 10-50V Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 10nF (0.01uF -103) 100v Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 0.1uf 50V Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 100nF (0.1uF -104) 100v Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 1uf 50V Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 1uF (1000nF -105J) 400V Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 10uf 10/16/25V SMD -100 100 47uf 10/63V 100 100uf 10/63V 100 22uf 100V 100 4.7uf 10-50V Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 580pf 10-50V Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 470uf 10/25V 100 1000uf 10V 20 4 Diode 1N4007 100 1N4148W SOD-123 1206 Diode(Reel of 3000) 100 1N4004 50 100 1N4148 100 100 5 LED LED-Red Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 LED-Green Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 LED-Blue Reel of 5000 (0603, 0805) 100 LED-RGB 100(5050) 50 SFH 7070 20 20 SFH7050 20 20 ALS-PT19-315C/L177/TR8 20 20 NJL5513R 20 20 6 Transistor BC547 50 50 BC557 50 50 BC327 50 50 BC337 50 50 2N2222 50 50 2N2907 50 50 2N3904 50 50 2N3906 50 50 S8050 50 BC817 50 BC817 NPN 50(SOT-23) 7 Crystal 8Mhz 50(HC49SMD) 120(HC49/US) 16Mhz 50 20Mhz 50 32.768kHz RTC 120(MC-306) 8 Mosfet IRF540 BSS138 N-Channel Enhancement 50 (SOT-23) IRF9530 FS8205A Dual N Channel Power Mosfet 50(TSSOP-8) 9 OP-Amp LM311 50(SOIC) 50 LM741 50(SOIC) 50 LM324 50(SOIC) 50 LM393D 50(SOIC) 50 LM358 50(SOIC) 50 10 Instrumentation-Amp AD620 50(SOIC) 50 AD623 50(SOIC) 50 INA114 50(SOIC) 50 INA125 50(SOIC) 50 INA118 50(SOIC) 50 11 Linear Voltage Regulator LM7805 50(TO-252) 50 LM7905 50(TO-252) 50 LM7809 50(TO-252) 50 LM7909 50(TO-252) 50 LM7812 50(TO-252) 50 LM7912 50(TO-252) 50 LM317 100(SOT-223) 50 MIC5205 50(SOT-223) 50 LM358 50(SOIC) 50 LM7815 20(TO220V) 662K XC6206P332MR 50(SOT-23) AMS1117 100(SOT-223) 50 TLV70233DSER 100(WSON-6) 100 12 Logic Gates 7400 50 7402 50 7408 50 7432 50 7404 50 7486 50 13 Relay 12V,30A 20 5/6V,30A 20 14 Optocoupler PC817 20 EL814 20 CPC2030N 20 4N35 20 15 Inductor CD54 10uH (100) SMD Power Inductor 100uH 6x8mm Radial Leaded Power Inductor 16 IC Chips L298 Motor Driver 100 STM32F103C8T6 Microcontroller 50 ESP8266EX Single-core 32-bit MCU 2.4GHz Wi-Fi SoC 32-Pin QFN 50 ESP32-PICO-V3-ZERO(P103AH0000PH3Q0) Microcontroller 50 ESP32-PICO-MINI-02-N8R2 Microcontroller 50 ESP32-PICO-D4 Microcontroller 50 AFE 4404YZPT Switching and Controlling Unit 50 74AUP2G00DC-Q100H Two Input Nand Gate 100 SFH 7050 Transmissive type PPG system 50 MC3635 Accelerometer 100 SFH 7070 Reflective type PPG system 50 SFH 7050 Transmissive type PPG system 50 AS5850B 256-channel high-speed, low-noise charge-to-digital converter 20 AS89000 4-channel programmable gain transimpedance amplifier with analog output 20 AS89010 16-bit 4-channel ADC with I²C Output 20 AS6204 Digital temperature sensor for powerful consumer electronics 50 FT230XS Chip UART 50 ADS1231 ADC 50 SS495A hall current sensor 50 L293D Motor Driver CD74HC4067 CD74HC4067 CD4051 8Ch Mux 74HC138 3-to-8 line Decoder ULN2003 Darlington Transistor Arrays IC 50(SOIC) 50 MAX232 RS232 to TTL 25(SOIC) 10 CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller IC 25(QFN-28) TP4056 constant-current/constant-voltage linear charger - SMD 50 DW01A battery protection 50(SOT23-6) MAX31865 RTD-to-Digital Converter 50(TQFN /SSOP Packages) LAN8720 Ethernet Controller 50(QFN) DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver 10 (modules) W25Q32JVSSIQ NOR Flash Memory IC 10(SOIC) MIC5205-3.3YM5 Voltage Regulator 10(SOT-23-5) ADXL 335 Acelerometer IC 15(LFCSP-16) BME280 Pressure IC HMC5883L 3 Axis Compass Module 15(PLCC16) DS3231 RTC 10 (modules) DS1307 RTC 10 (modules) TCS3200 color sensor 10 (modules) MQ2 sensor gas and smoke 10 (modules) MQ4 sensor Methane 10 (modules) MQ135 gas (Air quality sensor) 10 (modules) MQ7 sensor carbon monoxide 10 (modules) LDR 10K/1K 50 HC-SR04 Ultra sonic sensor 20 (modules) HC-SR04 Ultra sonic sensor 10 MAX31865 RTD IC chip (Not module) 50 (QFN20 IC Chip ) / 10 module ADXL335 Accelerometer 25 (16-LQFN ) MCP6001 IC 10(SC70 IC package) NE555 Timer IC 50 MS5611 pressure sensor 10 (modules) BMP280 pressure sensor 10 (modules) MAX6675 Thermocouple sensor 10 (modules) kendryte k210 edge computing chip 10 (modules) ACS712 Current sensor module 10 (modules) Tinyml board Development board 100 APDS9008, Ambiant light sensor 10 (modules) 17 Modules Ferrite beads mmz2012y152b 20 ADS1115 adc module 10 Apr9600 Voice recorder 10 M24C32 falsh memory 10 FT230 USB interface 10 Thermister 10k 50 kendryte k210 edge computing chip 10 M24C32 falsh memory 10 DFR0299 MP3 Player 10 NEO7M GPS module 10 XKC-Y25NPN Water level Sensor 10 SIM800 gsm 20 18 Push Button TS-1187A-B-A-B 4 Pin Push button switch Pack of 500 19 Multimeter 30 20 AAA battery for mulitmeter 30 21 Wire strippers 10 22 74 logic family ics 7400, 7404, 7402, 7408, 7432, 7486, 747266, 74133 etc 50 23 Solder paste 15 24 Desoldering wick 15 25 IC base starting from 6pin to 40pin 50 26 SSD1331 SPI OLED Display MODULE 0.95 Inch 7pin Full Color 65K 10 modules 27 1.3in I2C OLED Display Module MODULE 10 modules 28 Arduino ble sense 33 10 29 SMA Male To UFL Interface Cable 5 30 3.7V 1500mAH Lipo Rechargeable Battery 5 31 Solder paste 20 32 ESP32 Development Board with Wifi and Bluetooth 10 Items Specification Quantity 33 Load cell 34 3d printing spool pla red (1kg) 10 35 3d printing spool pla yellow (1kg) 10 36 3d printing spool pla skin color (1kg) 10 37 3d printing spool pla black (1kg) 10 38 3d printing spool pla light blue (1kg) 10 39 Kendryte K210 Edge computing chip/ board 10 40 Kendryte K510 Edge computing chip/board 10 41 SX1308 LoRa RF front end module 100 42 sx1301 LoRa RF front end module 100 43 NXP imx6 Processor 100 44 STM32MP157 Arm cortex A7 core 100 45 SX1278 LoRa RF ic chip 100 46 SX1276 LoRa RF ic chip 100 47 Beaglebone black module 20 48 Atheros AR9330 400 Mhz cpu 20 49 STM32F030F4P6 core board development board core ARM CORTEX-M0 Arm Cortex M0 core 5 50 microphone ics43434 50 51 NUCLEO-L053R8, STMICROELECTRONICS, STM32L053R8 MCU, Development Board Voltage: 7-12V,ST-LINK/V2-1 Debugger/Programmer,Arduino Uno V3 Connectivity,Clock Speed: 32MHz Arm Cortex M0 core 5 52 Buzzer 5V,12V 50 53 Lithium polymer battery 3.5V,5v 54 ESP8266 Node MCU Chip 50 55 AMS1117 50 56 LM35 50 57 ArduinoUNO Board with cable 50 58 microphone ics43434 50 59 Lead 10

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 413 /-
INR 1750.0 /-
Tender Value
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