
Tender For Supply Of Drugs, Medicines And Material During Theyear2023-24, indore-Madhya Pradesh

Directorate Of Health Services has published Tender For Supply Of Drugs, Medicines And Material During Theyear2023-24. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-08-2023. Medicine Tenders in indore Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Drugs, Medicines And Material During Theyear2023-24
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Drugs, Medicines And Material During Theyear2023-24--- 1 SURGICALREAGINTES ANDEUIPMENTS 2 ABDOMINAL BELT 3 ABDOMINAL DRAIN KIT ALL SIZE 4 ABDOMINAL GAUZE SPONGE 30X30 5 ABGEL 6 Absorbant Cotton 100 gm 7 Absorbant Cotton 250 gm 8 Absorbant Cotton 400 gm 9 Absorbant Cotton 500 gm 10 ACETONE DETECTION KIT 150 Tests 11 AD TAPE10CM X5MTR 12 AD TAPE10CM X8MTR 13 AD TAPE2.5CM X 5MTR 14 AD TAPE2.5CM X 8MTR 15 AD TAPE7.5CM X 5MTR 16 AD TAPE7.5CM X 8MTR 17 AD TAPE 5CM X 5MTR 18 AD TAPE 5CM X 8MTR 19 AED 20 AERO MIST (NEONATE) 21 AIR BAD ROMSONS 22 AIRBED 23 Alb, Glucose, pH Strips 100 24 Albumin & Glucose Strips 100 25 ALBUMIN (BCG Method) (Liquistat) 4 x50ml 26 ALCHOHOL TESTER 27 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE(pNPP) Kinetic 4 x50ml 28 ALLIES TISSUE FORCEP 6 29 ALLIES TISSUE FORCEP 7 30 ALLIES TISSUE FORCEP 8 31 Alluminium foil roll 32 AMPUL BOX 12 HOL 33 AMPUL BOX 24 HOL 34 AMPUL BOX 36 HOL 35 AMYLASE (CNPG3) (Liquistat) 5x10 mL 36 ANEROID SPHYGMOMANOMETER 37 ARM SILING BALT 38 ARTERY FORCEP STRAIGHT & CURVED5 39 ARTERY FORCEP STRAIGHT & CURVED6 40 ARTERY FORCEP STRAIGHT & CURVED7 41 ARTERY FORCEP STRAIGHT & CURVED8 42 ARTERY FORCEP STRAIGHT & CURVED9 43 ARTERY FORCEP STRAIGHT & CURVED10 44 ASO TURBILATEX (Quantitative)50 mL 45 AUTO SCOPE 46 Autoclave Indicator Tape 47 B.P. INSTUMENT DIAL TYPE 48 B.P. INSTUMENT DIGITAL 49 B.P. INSTUMENT WALL TYPE 50 B.P.HANDLE 3 & 4 51 B.P.INSTUMENT MERCURI 52 B.P.INSTUMENT MERCURI FREE LCD 53 B.P.INSTUMENT MERCURI STAND MODLE 54 Baby clothkit 4pcs 55 BABY CREDLE 56 Baby Feeding Spoon 57 Baby Warmer 58 BAD SIDE LOCKER 59 Bag for Carrying Kit / Material During Home Visit for Asha 60 BAIN CIRCUIT ADULT 61 BAIN CIRCUIT CHILD 62 BANDAGE 2X10M 63 BANDAGE 2X5M 64 BANDAGE 3X10M 65 BANDAGE 3X5M 66 BANDAGE 4X10M 67 BANDAGE 4X5M 68 BANDAGE 6X10M 69 BANDAGE 6X5M 70 BANDAGE CUTTING SI 71 BANDAGE THAN 18CMX100CM 72 BARBAR THARED 100NO 73 BARBAR THARED 30NO 74 BARBAR THARED 40NO 75 BARBAR THARED 60NO 76 BARBAR THARED 80NO 77 BARIUM CHLORIDE 10% w/v 500 mL 78 Bed pan female s.s. with cover 79 Bed pan female s.s. without cover 80 Bed pan male s.s. with cover 81 Bed sheet single bed(Coloured) 82 Bed sheet single bed(White) 83 BED SIDE LOCKER DELUXE S.S.TOP 84 BED SIDE SCREEN 4FOLD 85 BED SIDE SCREEN CLOTH 86 Bedsheet double bed(Coloured) 87 Bedsheet double bed(White) 88 BENEDICTS REAGENT (Qualitative) 1000ml 89 BILIRUBIN (Liquistat) 2x100 mL(DMSO Total & Direct Auto & Manual) 90 BIO BAGS LARGE (BIO HAZARD BAG) 91 BIO BAGS MEDIUM (BIO HAZARD BAG) 92 BIO BAGS SMALL(BIO HAZARD BAG) 93 Bio Medical West Polythin 30 kg. with bio hazard symbol Mark (Red,Black,Yellow,Blue) 94 Bio Medical West Polythin 5 kg. with bio hazard symbol Mark (Red,Black,Yellow,Blue) 95 BIO Waste Trolly with Three Color Buckets 96 BIOLES NITRIES CYLANDER 97 BIOLES OXYGENCYLANDER 98 BIOLYSE (Detergent, Deodorant) - 35000ml 99 Biomedical disposable waste Bag with Colour (RED, Black,Blue, Yellow ) Per Piece Size 20 Lt as per Polution Control Board Norm 100 Biomedical disposable waste Bag with Colour (RED, Black,Blue, Yellow ) Per Piece Size 40 Lt per Polution Control Board Norm 101 Biomedical disposable waste Bag with Colour (RED, Black,Blue, Yellow ) Per Piece Size 60 Lt per Polution Control Board Norm 102 Biomedical waste collection Plastic DustbinFOOT PEDAL Large (all Colours) 103 Biomedical waste collection Plastic DustbinFOOT PEDAL medium (all Colours) 104 Biomedical waste collection Plastic Dustbin FOOT PEDAL small (all Colours) 105 Bipap 106 Bi-phasic Defebrillator 107 Black Phenyl 1LTR 108 Black Phenyl 1LTR Jar 109 BLADE HANDLE S.S. 3NO & 4NO 110 Blancket for Neonates 111 BLOODADMINISTRATION SET 112 Blood Bag(Disposable Sterilised) with Needle(100 ml) 113 Blood Bag with (Disposable Sterilised) with Needle(350 ml) 114 Blood Grouping Regent Anti - A 10 mL 115 Blood Grouping Regent Anti - B10 mL 116 Blood Grouping Regent Anti - D 10 mL 117 Blood Grouping Regent Anti COMBOA+ B + D3X10Ml 118 BLOOD PRESSURE BLADER 119 BLOOD PRESSURE BULB 120 BOB COCK FORCEP 6 121 BOB COCK FORCEP 8 122 BODY WIPES 123 BOUGIE ALL SIZE 124 C.V.P. MANOMETER 125 CALCIUM 2x50 mL 126 CAMER WIRE ALL SIZE 127 CAMRA COVER 128 CANADA BALSAM (Cytology Mountant) 500ml 129 CANNULA FIXATOR 130 Capillary Tube 131 CARBOL FUCHSIN (ZN Strong) 500 mL 132 CARMANCANNULA 133 CATHETER MOUNT 134 CERVICAL COLLAR 135 Chair Cushion Box type 136 Chair cushion Box type 137 Chair Cushion Cover 138 CHEATAL FORCEP 10 139 CHEST DRAIN CATHETERFG-16 140 CHEST DRAINAGE CATHETER ALL SIZE 141 CHINKUNGUNIA CARD 142 CHOLESTEROL Total 250ml(Wybenga Manual with HDL ppt Reagent) 143 CK NAC (IFCC) 5x10 mL 144 CODAN SET 145 Codon Filter Set 146 COLD/HOT PACK 147 COLO BAG 148 COLOSTOMY KITADULT 149 COLOSTOMY KITPAEDIATRIC 150 Compounder Coat/lab tec /Xry tec Std Size 151 compunder dress (male) 152 CORD CLAMP 153 CORRUGATED DRAINAGE SHEET 154 COTTAN THARED 155 Counting Chamber 156 Cover Slip 18 X 18 mm - 10gm 157 COVID SELF TESTKIT 158 CPAP 159 CPAP/BIPAPMASK TUBING 160 CPAP/BIPAP MASK AIRVENT 161 CREATININE EP (Liquistat) 25 Test(Manual End Point Jaffs) 162 CREATININE FK (Kinetic) (Liquistat) 2x50 mL 163 CREP BANDAGE 2 164 CREP BANDAGE 3 165 CREP BANDAGE 4 166 CREP BANDAGE 6 167 CROMIC CATGUT 1 168 CROMIC CATGUT 1-0 169 CROMIC CATGUT 2 170 CROMIC CATGUT 2-0 171 CROMIC CATGUT 3 172 CROMIC CATGUT 3-0 173 CRP TURBILATEX (Quantitative) 50ml 174 CRYSTAL VIOLET (Gention Violet) 500 mL 175 CSF DILUTING FLUID 100ml 176 CSF Protein (Liquistat) 2 x 50ml(Auto & Manual - for Urine micro proteins) 177 Curtain Green Redymade 178 Curton Cloth rangeen 179 CVC DOUBLE LUMEN 180 CVC SINGLE LUMEN 181 CVC TRIPLE LUMEN 182 CYTOCHROM KIT With Buffer 2X (Modified Leishmans Stain)500ml 183 CYTOLOGY COLLECTION KIT 50 Smears 184 D & C SAT 185 DE COLOURISER FOR HEMATOXYLENE (1% HCL IN A.A.) 500 mL 186 DELIVERY KIT 187 DENGUE COMBO CARD 188 DENGUE IgG/igM CARD 189 DENGUE NS1 CARD 190 DIALATER SAT 8PCS. 191 DIAPERS BABY 192 DIGITAL B.P CUFF 193 DIGITAL HEMOGLOBINO METER 194 Digital Tourniquet 195 Digital Wrist Watch 196 Digital X Ray Film -10x12 197 Digital X Ray Film -11x14 198 Digital X Ray Film -14x17 199 Digital X Ray Film -8x10 200 DILASIS CATHATOR DOUBLE LUMEN 201 DILASIS CATHATOR TRIPLE LUMEN 202 Dionised Water 5 Ltr 203 DIPERS ADULT 204 Direct HDL (Liquistat) 5x10 mL 205 Direct LDL (Liquistat) 5 x 10ml 206 DISPOSABLE ADIS KIT 207 DISPOSABLE FACE MASK 208 DISPOSABLE GOWN 209 DISPOSABLE HME FILTER 210 DISPOSABLE N95 FACE MASK 211 DISPOSABLE NEEDLE 22,23,24,26 212 DISPOSABLE NON WOVANBED SHEET 213 DISPOSABLE NURSECAP 214 DISPOSABLE OPRATION KIT 215 Disposable Paper Gloves 216 DISPOSABLE PLASTICBED SHEET 217 DISPOSABLE PLASTIC APRON 218 DISPOSABLE PLASTIC LANCET 219 DISPOSABLE PPE KIT 220 Disposable Sharp Collection Containers 1.5 L 221 Disposable Sharp Collection Containers 5 Ltr 222 DISPOSABLE SHOE COVER 223 DISPOSABLE SPRIT SWAB 224 Disposable Sterile Gloves 6 225 Disposable Sterile Gloves 6 1/2 226 Disposable Sterile Gloves 7 227 Disposable Sterile Gloves 7 1/2 228 DISPOSABLE SURGEON CAP 229 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE 10ML 230 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE 20ML 231 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE 2ML 232 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE 3ML 233 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE 50ML 234 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE 5ML 235 DISPOSABLE WOODAN TONGUE DEPRESSOR 236 DISTILLED WATER5000ml 237 doctor apron 238 DOCTOR CHAIR 239 DOUBLE OXALATE SOLUTION 100ml 240 DOUBLE STAGE NITROGEN REGULATOR 241 DOUBLE STAGE OXYGEN REGULATOR 242 DPX MOUNTANT (Cytology Mountant) 500 mL 243 DRABKINS SOLUTION with Standard (Ready to used for Hb) 1000ml 244 DRESSING FORCEP PLAIN & TOETH 10 245 DRESSING FORCEP PLAIN & TOETH 5 246 DRESSING FORCEP PLAIN & TOETH 6 247 DRESSING FORCEP PLAIN & TOETH 8 248 DRESSING PAD 10*10 249 DRESSING PAD 10*20 250 DRESSING SCISSOR STRAIGHT & CURVED 10 251 DRESSING SCISSOR STRAIGHT & CURVED 5 252 DRESSING SCISSOR STRAIGHT & CURVED 6 253 DRESSING SCISSOR STRAIGHT & CURVED 8 254 DRESSING TROLLEY M.S 255 DRESSING TROLLEY S.S 256 Dual testing Kit For HIV and Syphilis Screening, rapid diagnostic test kit(Total no. of test 900000),Consumable 257 Dust Bin 10 ltr. (Red,Black,Yellow,Blue) 258 Dust Bin 20 ltr. (Red,Black,Yellow,Blue) 259 Dust Bin 40 ltr. (Red,Black,Yellow,Blue) 260 Dust bin, foot operated, metal 261 DYLAZER & TUBING SET FOR ADULT 262 DYLAZER & TUBING SET FOR CHILD 263 E.N.T SAT 264 EASYFIX SPRAY (Blood Smear Fixative) 50 mL 265 ECG 210 X 300 X 200 SHEETS 266 ECG ELECTRODE 267 ECG GEL 250GM 268 ECG GEL 5KG 269 ECG MachineSIX CHANNEL 270 ECG MachineTHREECHANNEL 271 ECG MachineTWELVECHANNEL 272 ECG Machine SINGLE CHANNEL 273 ECG ROLL50 X 20 MTRS 274 ECG ROLL 106 x 20 MTRS 275 ECG ROLL 210 X 20 MTRS 276 ECG ROLL 215 X 20 MTRS 277 ECG ROLL 60 X 15 MTRS 278 ECG ROLL 80 MM X 20 MTRS 279 EDTA 5% w/v 500ml 280 EDTA K3 CONCENTRATE 150ml(Dropping Bottle) 281 ELASTIC ADHESIVE BANDAGE 4 X 1MTR 282 ELASTIC ADHESIVE BANDAGE 4 X 4/6MTR 283 ELECRTO SURGICAL PENCIL 284 ELEVATED CALIBRATOR (Liquistat)(with multi parameter assigned value) 5ml 285 ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE CUFFED ALL SIZE 286 ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE PLAIN ALL SIZE 287 ENEMA POT(DOUCHE SAT) 288 EOSIN 2% (For Hematoxylin Stain) 500 mL 289 EOSINOPHIL DILUTING FLUID 100ml 290 EPIDURAL CATHATOR 16 , 18 291 EPIDURAL KIT16 , 18 292 EPIDURAL NEEDLE NG 16 293 ESSENCE-NEBULIZER (HOME) 294 ETT INTUBATION STYLET 295 Examination gloves 296 EXAMINATION TABLE THREE FOLD 297 EXAMINATION TABLE TWO FOLD 298 EXTENTION DUO 299 EXTERNAL CATHETER MALE CONDOM CATHATOR 300 EYE,EAR & ULCER SYRINGE 301 falcon tube 302 FEEDING BAG 303 FEEDING TUBE FG ALL SIZE 304 Fetal Doppler 305 Fetal Monitor 306 FIELD STAIN - A 500 mL 307 FIELD STAIN - B 500 mL 308 FIELD STAIN A & B2 x 500ml(Combined kit with EasyFix spray fixative) 309 FINGARTIPPULSE OXIMETER 310 FIX WAKAR 311 FLATUS TUBE ALL SIZE 312 FLAXOMATALIC ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE ALL SIZE 313 FLOURIDE SOLUTION(Pot.Oxalate 5%, Flouride 1%) 500 mL 314 FLOW CELL CLEANER (Ready to use) 500 mL 315 FLUORIDE CONCENTRATE 150ml(Dropping Bottle) 316 FOLDING WAKAR 317 FOLEY CATHETERPAED. 8 , 10 318 FOLEY CATHETER 2 WAY 319 FOLEY CATHETER 3 WAY 320 FOOT STAP DOUBLE 321 FOOT STAP SINGLE 322 FORCEP PLAN POINTED 4 323 FORMAL SALINE 5000ml(FOR HISTOLOGY SAMPLE PRESERVATION) 324 FORMALIN CHAMBERS 21X 8X 8 THREE TRAY 325 FORMALIN CHAMBERS 26X 8X 8 THREE TRAY 326 FOUCHET’S REAGENT 150ml 327 FREEZE THERMOMETER 328 Front Aprin 329 G-6PDh (Quantitative, UV) Kinetic 15 x 1.1ml 330 G-6PDh (Screening) 15 x 1ml 331 GAMJI ROLL 4X3M. 332 GAMJI ROLL 6X3M. 333 Gamma GT (IFCC Kinetic) (Liquistat) 2x50 mL 334 GAUZE 18X90 SUPER FINE 335 GAUZE SWAB10CM X 10CM 336 GAUZE SWAB 7.5CM X 7.5CM 337 GEIMSA STAIN KIT 500ml(With Buffer 10X & Easyfix Spray) 338 gel pack 339 GIGLISAW HANDAL 340 GIGLISAW WIRE 341 Glacial Acetic acid (2.5 liter) 342 Glacial Acetic acid (2.5 liter) 343 GLASS SLIDE 344 Glass Test Tube 12 x 100 (Medium Size) 345 Glass Test Tube 12 x 75 (Small Size) 346 GLUCOMETER 347 GLUCOMETER STRIPS 348 GLUCOSE (GOD-POD) 5 x100ml 349 GONIO METER MEDIUM 350 GOT (AST) Kinetic (Liquistat)2x50 mL 351 GPT (ALT) Kinetic (Liquistat)1 x50ml 352 GRAM’S STAIN KIT (Ready to Use) 4 x 100ml 353 GRAMS IODINE 500 mL 354 GUEDEL AIRWAYS ALL SIZE 355 HAEMOGLOBIN STD (Cynmeth) 10ml 356 HAMAR WITH BRUSH 357 HAND HOLD PULSE OXIMETER 358 hand wash liquid 500ML 359 HBSAG CARD 360 HBSAG STRIP 361 HCG CARD 362 HCG STRIP 363 HCV CARD 364 HEAD STRAP FOR CPAP/BIPAP MASK 365 Heamoglobin Colour Scale Book with Strip 366 Heamoglobino meter 367 Heamoglobino strip 368 HEAMSTRIPS (Occult Blood Strips) 369 HEAMTEST 200 Test(For Occult Blood with Positive & Negative control) 370 HEAVY DUTY PALLET RACKS 371 HEMATOXYLENE (HARRIS) 500 mL 372 HEMOGLOBINO STRIPS 373 HIGHT SCALE WITH STAND 374 HIV CARD 375 Hub Cutter Needle Syring Cutter Ele. 376 Hub Cutter Needle Syring Cutter Non Ele. 377 HUMIDIFEDER BOTTAL 378 HYDROCHLORIC ACID N/10 500 mL 379 HYDROCHLORIC ALCOHOL 380 HYGROMETER 381 I.V. SET (REGULAR) 382 I.V.STAND 383 I.V.STAND WITH WHILL 384 ICU BED DELUXE 385 Idetification Tag adult 386 IMMERSION OIL (Microscopy Grade) Dropping Bottle25ml 387 INFANTOMETER 388 Infantometer 389 INFRARED DIGITALTHERMOMETER 390 Infusion Pump 391 INSULIN SYRINGE 100 UNIT 392 INSULIN SYRINGE 40 UNIT 393 INTERA KIT 18 ,20 ,22 394 INTRACATH 26 395 INTRACATH24 396 INTRACATHG 18 , 20 ,22 397 Intravenous Set with Airway and Needle 398 IRON RACKS 399 IRON TIBC (FERROZIN) 2x50 mL 400 IUI CANNULA 401 Jaundice Meter 402 K3 Blood Vaccutainer(EDTA-100 tubes/pkt),Consumable [700465] 403 KEHR’S ‘T’ TUBEFG ALL SIZE 404 Kellys Pad Disposable 405 Ketone & Glucose Strips 100 406 Kidney tray s.s. 10 407 Kidney tray s.s. 12 408 Kidney tray s.s. 6 409 Kidney tray s.s. 8 410 KNEE CAP 411 KWIRE ALL SIZE 412 L S BELT 413 LABOUR TABLE 2 LIGHOTOMY ROD 414 LARINGOSCOP ADULT 3 BLADE 415 LARINGOSCOP ADULT 4 BLADE 416 LARINGOSCOP BULB 417 LARINGOSCOP PEIDATRIC 2 BLADE 418 LARYNGEAL MASK ALL SIZE 419 Laryngoscope 420 LDH (UV Kinetic) (Liquistat) 5x10 mL 421 LED TORCH 422 LINT CLOTH 100 GM 423 LIPASE (Liquistat) 2x25 mL 424 LIQUID HAND WASH 500ML 425 LIQUID PARAFFIN 500 mL 426 LUGOL’S IODINE 100 mL 427 M.V. SET 110ML 428 M.V. SET 150ML 429 M.V.A. CANNULA ALL SIZE 430 M.V.A. KIT 431 MACANICAL WIGHT MACHINE ADULT 432 MACANICAL WIGHT MACHINE PEDATRIC 433 MAGNESIUM (Calmagite) (Liquistat) 5x10 mL 434 MALARIA ANTIGEN PF/PV CARD 435 MALICOT CATHATER ALL SIZE 436 MANUAL BREAST PUMP 437 MASQUITOFORCEP STRAIGHT & CURVED 5 438 MATARNITY PAD 439 Mattress 5kg cotton 3 Ft x 6 Ft 440 MAYO SCISSOR 6 1/2 441 MAYO SCISSOR 8 1/2 442 MAYOS INSTUMENT TROLLEY 443 MERCURY FREE SPHYGMOMANOMETER 444 METHYLENE BLUE 100 mL 445 metresses 3x6 with raxine cover 40 density 446 MICRO DRIP SET 447 MICRO PROTEIN (Pyrogallol Red) 5 x 10ml 448 MICRO PROTEIN (Turbidometry) 2 x 25ml 449 Microanatomy Spray Fixative 50ml 450 Micropiptte 0-100 fix and variable 451 Micropiptte 100-1000 fix and variable 452 MINI VAC SET 453 MOB 454 Monitor 2 parameter 455 mother and child Idetification Tag 456 MOTORIZED ICU BED 457 MOUTHGAG 458 MUCUS EXTRACTOR 459 Multipara Monitor 5 parameter 460 MYNER OPRATION TRAY 461 Napkin Sup. Quality Std Size(White) 462 NASOPHARYNGEAL AIRWAYALL SIZE 463 Nebulizer 464 NEBULIZER KIT (ADULT) 465 NEBULIZER KIT (CHILD) 466 NELATON CATHETAR ALL SIZE 467 Neonatle / Infent Weighing Scale with Sling Weighing Machine / Scale 468 NIBP CUFF 469 NITRIL POWDER FREEEXAMINATIONGLOVESALLL SIZE 470 NON.STER. GLOVESALL SIZE 471 NYLON 1 472 NYLON 2 473 NYLON 2-0 474 NYLON 3 475 NYLON 3-0 476 NYLON1-0 477 OFFICE ALMIRAH 478 OFFICE CHAIR 479 OFFICE TABLE 480 OPTHALMOSCOPE 481 OPTICARE - Microscope Lens Cleaner 150ml 482 OrthipadicTourniquet with Belt Electric 483 OrthipadicTourniquet with Belt Manual 484 ORTHO BANDAGE 4X 10M 485 ORTHO BANDAGE 6X 10M 486 OVER BAD TROLLY ADJUSTABLE 487 OVUM FORCEP 10 488 Oxygen Concentration 489 OXYGEN CYILNDER TROLLEY JAMBO 490 OXYGEN CYILNDER TROLLEY MEDIUM 491 OXYGEN CYLANDER 20CFT 492 OXYGEN CYLANDER 44CFT 493 OXYGEN CYLANDER JAMBO 494 OXYGEN CYLANDER KEY 495 OXYGEN FLOW METER 496 OXYGEN HOOD (L)10X 8X 9 497 OXYGEN HOOD (M)8X 7X 9 498 OXYGEN HOOD (S) 6X6X6 499 OXYGEN MASK (ADULT) 500 OXYGEN MASK (CHILD) 501 OXYGEN NASAL CANNULA (CHILD) 2 MTR 502 OXYGEN NASAL CANNULA (CHILD) 2 MTR 503 PAP SUMER KIT 504 PAPANICOLAOU EA -36 500 mL 505 PAPANICOLAOU EA- 65 500 mL 506 PAPANICOLAOU OG - 6 500 mL 507 PAPER TAPE 5CM X 9MTR 508 PAPER TAPE10CM X 9MTR 509 PAPER TAPE 2.5CM X 9MTR 510 PAPER TAPE 7.5CM X 9MTR 511 paraffin strip roll 512 PARAFFIN WAX 58°-60°C with cerecin 1kg 513 PATIENT BODY WIPES 514 Patient DRESS PAINT SHIRT 515 Patient gown 516 PEAD. URINE BAG 100ML 517 PEDIATRIC JACSON REES SYSTEM 518 PERITONEAL DIALYSISCATHETER SET ADULT 519 PERITONEAL DIALYSISCATHETER SET CHILD 520 Peticote Blauge Cloth Shuti Rangeen 521 PH METER 522 PHOSPHORUS (End Point) New (Liquistat) 2 x 50ml 523 Phototheraphy 524 Pillow Cover Cloth Bleach 525 Pillow with 2kg cotton 526 PIPETTE BULB 527 PLAIN RUBBER CATATER ALL SIZE 528 Plaster of Paris 410x2.7mtr 529 Plaster of Paris 6 15x 2.7mtr 530 PLASTIC KIDNY TRAY 8 531 PLASTIC KIDNY TRAY 10 532 PLASTIC KIDNY TRAY 12 533 PLASTIC SPUTOM CAP 534 PLASTIC URIN POT MALE 535 PLATELET DILUTING FLUID 100 mL 536 PLSTIC BAD PAN 537 PLSTIC URIN POT FEMAIL 538 PORTABLE Suction Machine 539 PORTNEB - HANDHELD NEBULIZER 540 POST MORTEM SAT 541 POTASSIUM (STPB) (Liquistat) 2x50 mL 542 POWDERD EXAMINATIONGLOVES ALL SIZE 543 POWER DROOL 544 PREP RAZOR 545 PRESAURE MONITIRING LINE ALL SIZE 546 PRESSURE MONITERING KIT 547 PROCTO SCOPES,M,L, 548 proline 549 PROTEIN (BIURET) (Liquistat) 4 x 50ml 550 QUADRIPOT STIK 551 RAPID AFB STAIN KIT (Cold Method) 2 x 100ml 552 RAPID ASO (Latex Slide Test) 50 Tests 553 RAPID BILE PIGMENT REAGENT 25ml 554 RAPID CRP (Latex Slide Test) 50 Tests 555 RAPID FRUCTOSE KIT(With Positive Control) 100 mL 556 RAPID H & E STAIN KIT 250 Smears(ONLY 03 minute H & E staining Kit) 557 RAPID MALARIA STAIN KIT (JSB I & II)2 x500ml(one minute stain for blood Parasite) 558 RAPID MP STAIN KIT 2 x 100ml(One minute stain for blood Parasite) 559 RAPID RA (Latex Slide Test) 50 Tests 560 RAPID WIDAL (O, & H) Slide Test(2+2) x5 mL 561 RAPID WIDAL (O, H, AH, BH) Slide Test 4 x 5ml 562 RAPID-PAP Cytoplasm Stain - A 500 mL 563 RAPID-PAP Cytoplasm Stain - B 500 mL 564 RAPID-PAP DEHYDRANT 500 mL 565 RAPID-PAP Nuclear Stain 500 mL 566 RAPID-PAP STAIN KIT 250 Smears(A3 Minute PAP Staining Kit) 567 RBC DILUTING FLUID 500 mL 568 RE-BREATHING BAG 569 RESPIROMETER 570 RETICULOCYTE COUNTING 25ml 571 RETICVIEW 125 Smears(With Counter Stain & Buffer) 572 REVOLVING STOOL 573 RF TURBILATEX 50 mL(Rheumtoid Factor) Quantitative 574 RIGHT ANGLE FORCEP 8 575 RIGHT ANGLE FORCEP 9 1/2 576 ROMO DRAIN BAG 577 ROMO VAC SET ALL SIZE 578 ROOM THERMOMETER 579 RUBBER BED PAN 580 RUBBER CORRUGATED DRAINAGE SHEET 581 RUBBER KELLYS PAD 582 RUBBER LUNG EXCISE BAG 583 RUBBER POST MORTAM GLOVES ALL SIZE 584 RUBER MAC & TOSE SHEETPER METRE 585 RYLES TUBE ALL SIZE 586 S.S AUTOCLOVE 12 X 12 587 S.S. BAD PAN FEMALE W/O COVER 588 S.S. BAD PAN FEMALE WITH COVER 589 S.S. BAD PAN MALE WITH COVER 590 S.S. BOWEL 10CM 591 S.S. BOWEL 12CM 592 S.S. BOWEL 14CM 593 S.S. BOWEL 16CM 594 S.S. BOWEL 20CM 595 S.S. FUMIGATER5LITERS 596 S.S. URINAL FEMALE 597 S.S. URINAL MALE 598 S.S.AUTOCLOVE 12 X 20 599 S.S.CATHETER TRAY 17 X 6 X 4 600 S.S.CATHETER TRAY 8 X 5 X 3 601 S.S.DRESSING DRUMS (JOINTED)6X6 602 S.S.DRESSING DRUMS (JOINTED)9X9 603 S.S.DRESSING DRUMS (JOINTED) 11X 9 604 S.S.DRESSING DRUMS (JOINTED) 12X10 605 S.S.DRESSING DRUMS (JOINTED) 15X12 606 S.S.FOGAR 607 S.S.KIDNEY TRAY 10 608 S.S.KIDNEY TRAY 12 609 S.S.KIDNEY TRAY 6 610 S.S.KIDNEY TRAY 8 611 S.S.STERILIZER 10 X 5 X 3 612 S.S.STERILIZER 14 X 6 X 4 613 S.S.STERILIZER 16 X 6 X 4 614 S.S.STERILIZER 18 X 8 X 6 615 S.S.STERILIZER 20 X 8 X 6 616 S.S.TRAY W/O COVER NEW BORN BABY 617 S.S.TRAY WITH COVER 10 X 8 618 S.S.TRAY WITH COVER 12 X8 619 S.S.TRAY WITH COVER 12X 10 620 S.S.TRAY WITH COVER 14 X10 621 S.S.TRAY WITH COVER 15 X 12 622 S.S.TRAY WITH COVER 18 X12 623 S.S.TRAY WITH COVER 8 X6 624 S.S.TRAY WITH COVER 9 X6 625 SAFRANINE 0.5% w/v (Grams) 500 mL 626 SANATRY NAPKEEN 627 SCALP VEIN SET ALL SIZE 628 SCISSOR CUTICAL 4 629 SCOTT’S TAP WATER SUBSTITUTE 100 mL 630 SEMEN DILUTING FLUID 100 mL 631 SGOT (Manual DNPH) 30 Tests 632 SGPT (Manual DNPH) 30 Tests 633 SILICON AMBUBAG ADULT 634 SILICON AMBUBAG NEONATAL 635 SILICON AMBUBAG PEIDIATRIC 636 SILICON FOLEY CATHETER 2 WAY 637 SILICON MASK ALL SIZE 638 SILICON VENTOUSE CUP WITH RELEASE VALVE 639 SILK 1 640 SILK 2 641 SILK 2-0 642 SILK 3 643 SILK 3-0 644 SILK THARED 645 SILK1-0 646 SIMPLE CAMOOD CHAIR 647 SIMPLE CAMOOD STOOL 648 SINGLE STAGE NITROGEN REGULATOR 649 SINGLE STAGE OXYGEN REGULATOR 650 SINGLE WALKING STIK 651 SKIN GRAFTING BLADE 652 SKIN GRAFTING BLADE HANDLE 653 SKIN MARKER PAN 654 SOD / POT / CHLO (Liquistat)( U. Acetate / STPB / Thiocynate ) 3 x100ml 655 SODIUM (Phosphonazo III) New (Liquistat) 2 x 50ml 656 SODIUM CITRATE 3.2% w/v 100 mL 657 SODIUM CITRATE 3.8% w/v 500 mL 658 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 5000ml 659 SOLID LINEN TROLLEY 660 SPINAL NEEDLEALL SIZE 661 Spirit lamp 662 SPONGE HOLDING FORCEP 10 663 SPONGE HOLDING FORCEP 8 664 Spoon 5 ML 665 Sputum cup with sticker 30ML 666 Sputum cup with sticker 50ML 667 Stadiometer 668 STER. SURGICAL GLOVESALL SIZE 669 STERILE BLADE WITH HANDLE ALL SIZE 670 STETHOSCOPE 671 STRACHER METER 672 STRETCHRE ON TROLLEY 673 STUMACH WASH TUBE 674 STURE NEEDLE 1/2 CIRCLE CUTTING 675 STURE NEEDLE R.B. 1/2 CIRCLE 676 STURE NEEDLE STRAIGHT 677 SUCTION CATHETER PLAIN ALL SIZE 678 SUCTION CATHETER THAMB CANTROLALL SIZE 679 SUCTION HANDAL 680 Suction Machine DOUBLE BOTTLE 681 SUCTION SET 682 SUCTION TUBE (ROLL OF 10 MTR) 683 SULPHOSALICYLIC ACID 3% w/v 500 mL 684 SULPHOSALICYLIC ACID 30 % w/v 500 mL 685 SULPHURIC ACID 20% v/v 500 mL 686 SUPRA CATH ALL SIZE 687 SURGICAL BLADEALL SIZE 688 Surgical Spirit 100 ml Bottle 689 Surgical Spirit 500 ml Bottle 690 SUTURE STITCH CUTTING SCISSOR TEETH 691 SYPHILIS CARD 692 SYPHILIS STRIP 693 Syringe Pump 694 Table Cloth Rangeen 695 Tape roll 696 TDS METER 697 Tericot Sharee 698 Test TubeBrush 699 THERM0METER DIGITAL 700 THERM0METER OVEL 701 THERM0METER ROUND 702 Thermacol box 703 THERMOMETER RECTAL 704 THOMAS SPLINT ALL SIZE 705 THREE WAY CANNULA ALL SIZE 706 THREE WAY EXT. TUBE ALL SIZE 707 THREE WAY STOP COCK 708 Tips For Auto Pipettes 2 to 100 Micro Litres 709 Tips For Auto Pipettes 200 to 1000 Micro Litres 710 Tips for Auto Pippetes 10 to 100 Micro Litres 711 Tissue Paper Roll(Each),Consumable 712 TOOMY SYRINGE 713 Torch With 2 Cells 714 TOTAL PROTEIN & ALBUMIN 2 x100ml(Biuret & BCG ) (Liquistat) 715 Tourniquet Belt 716 TOWEL CLIP 717 TRACHEOSTOMY FILTOR 718 TRACHEOSTOMY TUBE (CUFFED) ALL SIZE 719 TRACHEOSTOMY TUBE (PLAIN) ALL SIZE 720 TRI POT STIK 721 TRIANGULAR BANDAGE 90CM X 90CM 722 TRIGLYCERIDES (Enz. End Point) (Liquistat) 2x50 mL(Enz. End Point) (Liquistat) 723 TROCAR CATHETERALL SIZE 724 TROPONIN CARD 725 TUR SET 726 TYPHOID CARD igG/igm 727 Typhoid Test Card(An immunochromatography assay for the Rapid visual detection of typhoid Antibody IgG/IgM in human serum/plasma)(50 test per pack),Consumable [987739] 728 ULTRASONIC Nebulizer 729 ULTRASOUND GEL 250GM 730 ULTRASOUND GEL 5KG 731 UNDER PAD SHEET 732 UNIVERSAL CLEANER 10 Ltrs.(Compatible with All 3 Parts 18-23 Parameter Hematology counter) 733 UNIVERSAL DILUENT 10 Ltrs.(Compatible with All 3 Parts 18-23 Parameter Hematology counter) 734 UNIVERSAL WASH 100ml(Compatible with All 3 Parts 18-23 Parameter Hematology counter) 735 UREA (GLDH) (Liquistat) 5 x 10ml 736 UREA (NED) (Liquistat) 4 x 50ml 737 UREA DAM (with extended linearity) REAGENT 1 x 100ml 738 UREA H. P. (Berthelot) 100 mL 739 URETHRAL CATHETER K90 , K91 740 URIC ACID (End Point) (Liquistat) 4 x 50 mL 741 Urine Albumine/Sugar Strip 742 URINE BILE PIGMENT KIT 250 Test 743 URINE COLLECTING BAG 744 URINE COLLECTING BAG LEG BAG SET 745 UROMETER ADULT 746 USG PAPERS GLOSY 747 USG PAPERS NON GLOSY 748 VAPORISER 749 Vein Finder 750 VENTILATOR CIRCUIT DOUBLE WATER TRAP 751 VENTILATOR CIRCUIT PLAIN 752 VENTILATOR CIRCUIT SINGLE WATER TRAP 753 VICRIL 2 754 VICRIL1-0 755 VICRIL2-0 756 VICRIL3 757 VICRIL3-0 758 VICRIL 1 759 video Colposcope 760 VISITOR STOOL 761 VIWE BOX DOUBLE FILM 762 VIWE BOX SINGAL FILM 763 WARD BAD DELUXE 764 WARD BAD FOWLER 765 WARD BAD GENRAL 766 WARD BAD SAMIFOWLER 767 Warm Sleeping Bag for Neonates 768 WASH BASIN STAND DOUBLE 769 WASH BASIN STAND SINGLE 770 WATER BAD 771 WATER BED 772 WATER WIPES 773 WBC DILUTING FLUID 500 mL 774 Wheel Chair 775 WHO Hemoglobin color scale (Starter Kit) components (1) Colour Scale 01/kit (2)Test strip 1000/kit (3) Printed literature for method of use/kit (4)Lancet-1000/kit 10X100(NABL/CAP accrediated lab test certificate for the batch no. must be enclosed with each supply delivered),Consumable [MIS145] 776 Widal Test Kit 777 WIGHT MACHINE DIGITALADULT 778 WIGHT MACHINE PEDATRIC DIGITAL MODLE 779 WIPER 780 WRIGHT’S STAIN WITH BUFFER 2x100 mL(Gold Standard) 781 X Ray CasetteDigital10X 12 For Fuzi Make Machine 150 Sheet 782 X Ray CasetteDigital11X 14 For Fuzi Make Machine 150 Sheet 783 X Ray CasetteDigital14X 17 For Fuzi Make Machine 100 Sheet 784 X Ray CasetteDigital8X 10 For Fuzi Make Machine 150 Sheet 785 X Ray TableComplete 786 X-Ray Casette 10x12 787 X-Ray Casette 12x15 788 X-Ray Casette 6.5x8.5 789 X-Ray Casette 8x10 790 X-Ray Chest stand Floor mounted 791 X-Ray Chest stand wall mounted 792 X-Ray dark room safe light 793 X-Ray Developer 13.5ltr 794 X-Ray Developer 22.5ltr 795 X-Ray Developer 9ltr 796 X-Ray developing tank 22.5ltr 797 X-Ray developing tank 9ltr 798 X-Ray Film 10x12 Packet of 50 Sheet 799 X-Ray Film 12x12 Packet of 50 Sheet 800 X-Ray Film 12x15 Packet of 50 Sheet 801 X-Ray Film 6.5x8.5 Packet of 50 Sheet 802 X-Ray Film 8x10 Packet of 50 Sheet 803 X-Ray Film Digital 10x12 Packet of 150 Sheet 804 X-Ray Film Digital 11x14 Packet of 150 Sheet 805 X-Ray Film Digital 14x17 Packet of 150 Sheet 806 X-Ray Film Digital 8x10 Packet of 150 Sheet 807 X-Ray Film drying rack for 12 film 808 X-Ray Fixer13.5 Ltr 809 X-Ray Fixer13.5 LtrTank 810 X-Ray Fixer 22.5ltr 811 X-Ray Fixer 9 Ltr 812 X-Ray Hanger s.s. 10x12 813 X-Ray Hanger s.s. 12x15 814 X-Ray Hanger s.s. 6.5x8.5 815 X-Ray Hanger s.s. 8x10 816 X-Ray Lad Aprine 817 X-Ray Lad Lets 818 X-Ray Lad Number 819 X-Ray Lead Appron 820 X-Ray Lead Gloves 821 X-Ray Lead letter 0-9 822 X-Ray Lead letter A-Z 823 X-Ray Lead partition with lead glass 824 X-Ray Machine 100 MA Digital Complete Set Portabel 825 X-Ray Machine 100 MA Manual Complete Set 826 X-Ray Machine 300 MA Digital Complete Set 827 X-Ray Machine 300 MA Manual Complete Set 828 X-Ray Machine 60 MA Digital Complete Set 829 X-Ray Machine 60 MA Manual Complete Set 830 X-Ray Screen Kiran H.S. 10x12 831 X-Ray Screen Kiran H.S. 12x15 832 X-Ray Screen Kiran H.S. 6.5x8.5 833 X-Ray Screen Kiran H.S. 8x10 834 X-Ray Screen Kiran KG 4 10x12 835 X-Ray Screen Kiran KG 4 12x15 836 X-Ray Screen Kiran KG 4 6.5x8.5 837 X-Ray Screen Kiran KG 4 8x10 838 X-Ray View Box Med. Two Tubelight , Size 24x24 839 X-Ray View Box Med. Two Tubelight , Size 36x24 840 ZIG ZAG COTTAN 500GM 841 zipper polybag 842 MEDICINES 843 10% Amino Acid + Electrolyte Inj. 844 10% Entravenec Fate Emlusion 10% Inj. 845 5 FU 250mg. Inj. 846 5 FU 500mg. Inj. 847 5% Amino Acid + 5% Sarbitol Inj. 848 5% Amino Acid + Sarbitol Inj. 849 A&D Cap 850 Abacavir 300mg Tablet 851 Acarbose 50mg Tablet 852 Aceclofenac 100mg + Paracetamol 325mg + Chlorzoxazone 250mg Tablet 853 Aceclofenac 100mg + Paracetamol 325mg + Serratiopepdise10mg Tablet 854 Aceclofenac 100mg + Paracetamol 325mg Tablet 855 Aceclofenac 100mg Tablet 856 Aceclofenac 50mg + Paracetamol 125mg 60mlSyrup 857 Aceclofenac 50mg/5ml syrup 858 Acetazolomide 250mg Tablet 859 Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin 25 mg)Tablet 860 Acetylsalicylic Acid 150mg Tablet 861 Activated Charcoal 400mg Tablet 862 Acyclovin 3mg Oint 863 Acyclovir 0.5% 5ml Eye Drop 864 Acyclovir 200mg Tablet 865 Acyclovir 250mg Injection 866 Acyclovir 400mg Tablet 867 Acyclovir 500mg Injection 868 Acyclovir 800mg Tablet 869 Adenachrome (Chromstate) Tablet 870 Adenachrome 3mg/2ml 2ml Injection 871 Adenachrome 5mg/5ml 5ml Injection 872 Adenosine 6mg/2ml Injection 873 Adrenaline 1ml Injection 874 AGS 10000IU/ML Injection 875 Albendazole 200mg/5ml 10ml Syrup 876 Albendazole 400mg Tablet 877 Allopurinol 100mg Tablet 878 Allopurinol 300mg Tablet 879 Alpha-Beta Arteether 150mg/2ml 2ml Injection 880 Alphacalcidol Cap 881 Alprazolam 0.25mg Tablet 882 Alprazolam 0.50mg Tablet 883 Ambroxol HCL 15mg+Terbutaline Sulphate 1.25mg+Guaiphenesin 50mg 5ml((Additional composition of menthol also acceptable) 100ml bottle),Syrup 884 Amikacin 100mg 2ml Injection 885 Amikacin 250mg 2ml Injection 886 Amikacin 500mg 2ml Injection 887 Amino Acid 7% + EAA 61% Injection 888 Amino Acid 8% + Bcaa 42% Injection 889 Aminophyline 100mg Tablet 890 Aminophyline Injection 10ml 891 Amiodarone 100mg Tablet 892 Amiodarone 200mg Tablet 893 Amiodarone hydrochloride Injection(50mg /ml) 3ml 894 Amlodipine 10mg Tablet 895 Amlodipine 2.5mg + Ramipril 2.5mg Tablet 896 Amlodipine 2.5mg Tablet 897 Amlodipine 5mg + Atenolol 50mg Tablet 898 Amlodipine 5mg + Ramipril 2.5mg Tablet 899 Amlodipine 5mg Tablet 900 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid Tablet Kid 228mg. 901 Amoxicillin 1000 + Clavulanic Acid 200mg Tablet 902 Amoxicillin 200mg + Clavulanic Acid 28.5 30 ml Syp 903 Amoxicillin 250 mg+ Bromhexine 8 mg Cap 904 Amoxicillin 250mg+ Lactic Acid Basilus 60 Million Spores Cap 905 Amoxicillin 500mg + Clavulanic Acid 125mg Tablet 906 Amoxycillin 1000mg+ Potassium Clavulanate 200mg Injection 907 Amoxycillin 250mg + Potassium Clavulanate 50mg Injection 908 Amoxycillin 500mg+ Potassium Clavulanate 100mgInjection 909 Amoxycillin Inj 250 mg/vial vial 910 Amoxycillin Trihydrate Disp. Tab. 125mg. 911 Amoxycilline 250mg Cap 912 Amoxycilline 500mg Cap 913 Amoxycilline 5ml/125mg30 ml Syp 914 Amoxycilline Injection 250mg 915 Amoxycilline Injection 500mg 916 Amphotericin B Inj IP 50 mg(Liposomal Amphotericin B also acceptable),Injection 917 Ampicilline + Cloxacilline Injection(250 mg +250mg ) 918 Ampicilline + Cloxacilline Injection(500 mg +500mg) 919 Ampicilline 125mg+ Cloxacilline 125mg Cap 920 Ampicilline 250mg + Cloxacilline 250mg Cap 921 Ampicilline 250mg Cap 922 Ampicilline 30ml /125mg Syp 923 Ampicilline 500mg Cap 924 Ampicilline Injection 250mg 925 Ampicilline Injection 500mg 926 Antacid 170ml syrup 927 Antacid Tablet 928 Anti D Immunoglobulin for IV/IM Use (Monoclonal) Inj 150mcg 1 ml vial 929 Anti D Immunoglobulin for IV/IM Use (Monoclonal) Inj 300mcg PFS/vial 930 Anti Rabies Vaccine I.P. Inj. Human (Tissue Culture) for I/D and I/M route 2.5 IU with(1ml diluents),Vial 931 Anti scorpion Venom Injection 10 ml 932 Anti Snake venom Inj Polyvalent 10 ml (Lyophilized) 10 ml vial 933 Anti Tetanus Human ImmunoglobulinInjection250 IU /Vial 934 Anticold 30ml Drop 935 Anticold 60ml Syp. 936 Anticold Tab. 937 Antifungal 5 gm Oint . 938 Antioxidant Lycopen, Vitamins & Multi Minerals 200ml syrup 939 Antioxidants+ Lycopene+ Vitamins& Multimineralscap 940 Antioxident Cap 941 Antioxident with Vitamine & Ginseng cap. + 15 Ingredients 942 Arteether Injection1 ml 943 Artemether + Lumefantrine Tab 20mg +120mg 944 Artemether Inj 80 mg/ ml 1ml amp 945 Artesunate + Sulphadoxine + Pyrimethamine(Age group of less than 1year) Tab Artesunate 25mg(3Tab) + Sulphadoxine 250mg(1tab)+Pyrimethamine 12.5mg Tablets IP(1tab) 1 Combi Pack 946 Artesunate + Sulphadoxine + Pyrimthamine (Age group 15 or Above) Tab Artesunate 200mg (3 Tab) + Sulphadoxine 750mg (2 Tab) + Pyrimethamine 37.5 mg (2 Tab) Tab. IP 1 Combi Pack 947 Artesunate + Sulphadoxine + Pyrimthamine (Age group between 1-4 years) Tab Artesunate 50mg (3 Tab) + Sulphadoxine 500mg (1 Tab) + Pyrimethamine 25 mg (1 Tab) Tab. IP 1 Combi Pack 948 Artesunate + Sulphadoxine + Pyrimthamine (Age group between 5 to 8 years) Tab Artesunate 100mg (3 Tab) + Sulphadoxine 750mg (1 Tab) + Pyrimethamine 37.5 mg (1 Tab) Tab. IP 1 Combi Pack 949 Artesunate + Sulphadoxine + Pyrimthamine (Age group between 9 to 14 years) Tab Artesunate 150mg (3 Tab) + Sulphadoxine 500mg (2 Tab) + Pyrimethamine 25 mg (2 Tab) Tab. IP 1 Combi Pack 950 Artesunate 60 mg Tablet 951 Artesunate 60mg Injection 952 Artesunate Powder for Injection 120 mg(Vial of 1 powder injection with Appropriate Diluents),Injection 953 ARV Rabies Vaccine Injection I.P. 2.5 IU Single Dose 954 Ascorbic Acid 100mg Tablet 955 Ascorbic Acid 500mg Tablet 956 Asprin 150mg Tablet 957 Asprin 75mg Tablet 958 Atenolol 100 mg Tablet 959 Atenolol 25 mg Tablet 960 Atenolol 50 mg Tablet 961 Atorvastatin 10 mg Tablet 962 Atorvastatin 20 mg Tablet 963 Atorvastatin 40 mg Tablet 964 Atracurium 10mg/ml 2.5ml vial/Amp Injection 965 Atropine sulphateInjection 0.6mg/ml 1ml 966 Atropine Sulphate 0.6 mg/ml SC/IM/IV(2ml Amp),Injection 967 Atropine Sulphate 1% 5ml Eye Drop 968 Atropine Sulphate Eye 1% Ointment 969 Avastin 100mg. Inj. 970 AzithromycinInjection 100mg 5ML 971 AzithromycinInjection 200mg 5ML 972 Azithromycin 200mg/5ml 15ml Syp 973 Azithromycine 250mg Tablet 974 Azithromycine 500mg Tablet 975 Baclofen(40 mg tab),Tablet 976 B-complexInjection 10ml 977 B-complexInjection 3 ml 978 B-complexInjection 30ml 979 B-ComplexMinerals with zinc Cap 980 Bcomplex + Zinc + GinsengCap. 981 B-Complex 100ml Syp 982 B-Complex Tablet NFI 983 Bendamustine(100mg Vial),Injection 984 Benzathain PenicillinInjection 12 Lac 985 Benzathain PenicillinInjection 6 Lac 986 Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 5% 15gm tube 987 Betahistidine 16 mg Tablet 988 Betahistidine 24 mg Tablet 989 Betahistidine 8 mg Tablet 990 BetamethasoneInjection 4mg ml 1 ml 991 Betamethasone Dipropionate Ointment 0.05% 15 gram tube 992 Betamethasone sodium phosphate(ml contain Betamethasone sodium phosphate equal to 4mg of Betamethasone (1ml Amp)),Injection 993 Betamethasone Tab 0.5 mg 994 Bicalutamide 50mg Tablet 995 Bisacodyl suppositories 5 mg 996 Bisacodyl Tab 5mg 997 Bleaching Powder Containing Not Less Than 30% w/w of Available Chlorine(as per I.P),Powder 998 Bleomycin(15 units / Vial),Injection 999 Boro-Spirit Ear Drops-(0.183 gm Boric Acid in 2.08 ml of Alcohol 10 ml vial) Drop 1000 Bortezomib(2mg),Injection 1001 Botropase Injection(Haemocoagulase 1CU) 1ml 1002 Brimonidine Eye Drops 1003 Bromhexin (4mg ) + Salbutamol (2mg) 60ml Syp 1004 Bromhexine 4mg/5ml 50ml bottle Syp 1005 Budesonide Nebulising Suspension Containing Budesonide(0.5 mg/2ml 2ml Amp) Suspension 1006 Bupivacaine HCL for Spinal Anaesthesia 4ml Amp Injection 1007 Bupivacaine hydrochloride 0.5% 20ml Vial Injection 1008 Bupivacaine hydrochloride With Dextrose 5% SpinalInjection 1009 Cabergoline Tab 0.5 mg 1010 Caffeine Citrate Inj. 20mg/ml 3ml Vial Injection 1011 Caffine Citrate Drop 1012 Calamine Lotion 50 ml Bottle 1013 Calamine Lotion IP (contains per 1000 ml:- calamine 150 gm,Zinc oxide 50 gm, Bentonite 30 gm, Sodium Citrate 5gm, liquified phenol 5ml, glycerin 50 ml purified waterfreshly boiled and cooled to produced 1000ml) 50 ml Bottle(50 ml Bottle),Bottle 1014 Calcium 100ml. Syp 1015 Calcium 75mg + Phosphorus 58mg + Vitamin C 25mg + Niacinamide 15mg + Vit A 6.4mg + Vit E 5mg + Magnesium 3mg + Potassium 2mg + Vit B1 1mg + Vit B2 1mg + Calcium Phosphorus 1mg + Manganese 0.5mg + Molybdenum 0.1mg Iodine 0.075mg + Vit D3 0.0025mg + Folic Acid 50mcg + Copper 45mcg + Vit B12 0.5mcg Cap. 1016 Calcium Carbonate 500mg Tablet . 1017 Calcium Carbonate Vita. D3500 mg Tablet . 1018 Calcium Chloride Injection 1019 Calcium Citrate Vita D3 Tablet 1020 Calcium Dobesilate 15 gm Oint . 1021 Calcium Dobesilate Cap 1022 Calcium Drpo 30ml. 1023 Calcium Gluconate Injection 10 ml 1024 Calcium Leucovorin 15mg. Inj. 1025 Calcium Leucovorin 50mg. Inj. 1026 Calcium with vitamin D tablets USP Calcium carbonate 1.25g eq. to elemental(calcium 500mg and Cholecalciferol IP 250 IU) Tablet 1027 Calium with Vit D 3 IU 100 ml Syp 1028 Calutide 50mg. Tab. 1029 Capecitabine 500mg Tablet 1030 Capecitabine Tab 500 mg 1031 Carbamazepine Syp 100mg/5ml 100ml bottle 1032 Carbamazepine Tab 200 mg 1033 Carbamazepine Tab 400 mg 1034 Carbimazole 10mg Tablet 1035 Carbolic Acid 1000 ml 1036 Carboplatin 150mg. Inj. 1037 Carboplatin 450mg. Inj. 1038 Carboprost 250mg Injection 1039 Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Sodium Drops 1% Eye Drops 10 ml 1040 Carboxymethyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose 1041 Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drop 0.5% 10ml Eye Drop 1042 Carpinol (Sunway) Injection2 ml 1043 CCNU (lomustine) 40mg. Cap 1044 Cefaodoxil 125mg/30ml Syp 1045 Cefaodoxil 250mg Tablet 1046 Cefaodoxil 500mg Tablet 1047 Cefepime500mg Injection 1048 Cefepime 1000mg Injection 1049 Cefepime 250mg Injection 1050 Cefixime 100mg Dispersible Tablet 1051 Cefixime 200mg + Ofloxacin 200mg Tab 1052 Cefixime 200mg Tablet 1053 Cefixime 50mg Dispersible Tablet 1054 Cefixime Oral 100mg/5ml 30ml Suspension 1055 Cefixime Oral 10ml bottle drop 1056 Cefixime Oral 50mg/5ml 30ml Suspension 1057 Cefoparazone 1000mg Injection 1058 Cefoparazone 250mg Injection 1059 Cefotaxime Sod500mg Injection 1060 Cefotaxime Sod 1000mg Injection 1061 Cefotaxime Sod 250mg Injection 1062 Cefozoline Sodium 250mg Injection 1063 Cefozoline Sodium 500mg Injection 1064 Cefozoline Sodium1gm Injection 1065 Cefpodoxime 100mg Tablet 1066 Cefpodoxime 100mg/5ml 30ml Syrup 1067 Cefpodoxime 200mg Tablet 1068 Cefpodoxime 200mg with Ofloxacin 200mg Tablet 1069 Cefpodoxime 50mg Tablet 1070 Cefpodoxime 50mg/5ml 30ml Syrup 1071 Ceftazidime 1000mg Injection 1072 Ceftazidime 250mg Injection 1073 Ceftazidime 500mg Injection 1074 Ceftriaxone 1000Mg + Sulbactam Sodium500Mg vial Injection 1075 Ceftriaxone 1000Mg + Tazobactum 125Mg vial Injection 1076 Ceftriaxone 1000mg Injection 1077 Ceftriaxone 125mg Injection 1078 Ceftriaxone 250Mg + Sulbactam 125Mg vial Injection 1079 Ceftriaxone 250mg Injection 1080 Ceftriaxone 500Mg + Sulbactam 250Mg vial Injection 1081 CefuroximeInjection 250mg 1082 CefuroximeInjection 750mg 1083 Cefuroxime 250mg Tablet 1084 Cefuroxime 500mg Tablet 1085 Cephalexin 250mg Cap 1086 Cephalexin 500mg Cap 1087 Cephalexin Dispersible 125mg Tablet 1088 Cephalexin Syp 125mg/5ml 30 ml bottle 1089 Cetrimide Cream solution 20% concentrative for Dilution(0.2 mg),Cream 1090 Cetrimide+Chlorhexidine conc. Solution 15% + 7.5% 1 litre bottle 1091 Cetrizine 10mg Tablet 1092 Cetrizine 30ml Syp 1093 ChloramphenicolInjection20ml 1094 Chloramphenicol + Dexamethasone 10ml Eye Drop 1095 Chloramphenicol 10 ml Eye Drop 1096 Chloramphenicol 500mg Cap 1097 Chloramphenicol Eye Ointment 0.5% Ointment 1098 Chloramphenicol Eye Ointment 1% 4g/5g tube 1099 ChlorhexadineAcetate 0.5% white Soft Parafin Medicated Gauze 1x10 1100 Chlorhexidine gluconate Mouthwash 0.2 % w/v solution50ml bottle 1101 Chlorine 75mg Tablet ISI mark 1102 Chlorocal H 1.5 gm Eye Oint 1103 Chloroquine phosphateInjection 40mg/ml (5ml amp) 1104 Chloroquine Phosphate Syp 160mg /10ml(50mg/5ml base) 60ml Bottle 1105 Chloroquine Phosphate Tab 250 mg 1106 Chlorphenaramine MiltInjection 2ml 1107 Chlorphenaramine MiltInjection10ml 1108 Chlorpheniramine Maleate 4mg Tablet 1109 Chlorpheniramine(Oral Liquid 2 mg/5 ml 30 ml bottel),Liquid 1110 ChlorpromazineInjection 25mg /ml 2ml 1111 Chlorpromazine 100mg Tablet 1112 Chlorthalidone 12.5mg Tablet 1113 Chlorthalidone 25mg Tablet 1114 Chlorthalidone Tab 50mg 1115 Chlotrimazole 2%+ Metronidazole 10%45 Gm Oint . 1116 Cinnargin 25 mg Tablet 1117 Cinnargin 50 mg Tablet 1118 Ciprofloxacin + Dexamethasone 5ml Eye Drop 1119 Ciprofloxacin 250mg + Tinidazole 300mg Tablet 1120 Ciprofloxacin 250mg Tablet 1121 Ciprofloxacin 500mg + Tinidazole 600mg Tablet 1122 Ciprofloxacin 500mg Tablet 1123 Ciprofloxacin Eye Drop 1124 Ciprofloxacin Eye Ointment 0.3% 3/3.5 gram tube 1125 Ciprofloxacin Inj 200 mg/100ml 100ml FFS Bottle Infusion 1126 Cisplatin 10mg. Inj. 1127 Cisplatin 50mg. Inj. 1128 Clarithromycin 250mg Tablet 1129 Clindamycin Inj 150 mg/ ml 2 ml vial 1130 Clindamycine 150 mg Capsule 1131 Clindamycine 300 mg Capsule 1132 Clinidipne 10mg Tab. 1133 Clobetasol Propionate Oint . 1134 Clofazimine 100mg Capsule 1135 Clofazimine 50mg Tablet 1136 Clomiphene citrate 50 mg Tab 1137 Clonazepam 0.5mg Tablet 1138 Clonazepam Injection 1139 ClonidineInjection10ml vial (1mg ) 1140 Clonidine 100 mcgTablet 1141 Clopidogrel + Aspirin 150mg Cap 1142 Clopidogrel + Aspirin 75mg Cap 1143 Clopidogrel 75mg Tablet 1144 Clotrimazole (Vaginal Tab) 100 mg (with applicator) Tab. 1145 Clotrimazole (Vaginal Tab) 500 mg (with applicator) Tab. 1146 Clotrimazole + Lignocaine Ear drop 1% 5 ml vial 1147 Clotrimoxazole 15gm 1% Tube Oint . 1148 Clotrimoxazole 15gm 2% Tube Oint . 1149 Cloxacillin(500mg),Capsule 1150 Cloxacillin(Capsule 125 mg),Capsule 1151 Clozapine(25 mg),Tablet 1152 Clozapine(50 mg),Tablet 1153 CMC Eye Drop 1154 Codeine(Oral Solution 15 mg/5 ml 60 ml bottle),solution 1155 Collodal Calcium with B-12Injection 15ml 1156 Combo Ear Drop(Chloramphenicol 5% w/v + Clotrimazole 1% + Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2%),Ear Drop 1157 Cough drop 15ml 1158 CPM + Ammonium Chloride+ Sdodium Citrate+ Menthol 100ml Syp 1159 Cristaline Panicilline 10 Lac (CP 10Lac) Inj. 1160 Cristaline Panicilline 5 Lac (CP 5Lac) Inj. 1161 Cyclophosphamide Inj 500 mg/vial vial 1162 Cycloserine(Capsule 125 mg),Capsule 1163 CynocobalamineInjection10ml (B-12) 1164 CynocobalamineInjection30ml (B-12) 1165 Cyproheptadine 4 mg Tablet 1166 Cytoheptadine 1.5 mg drop 15ml 1167 Dacarbazine (DTIC) 500mg with Solvent Inj. 1168 Dacarbazine(200 mg per vial),Injection 1169 Deferasirox Dispersible 250mg Tablet 1170 Deferasirox Dispersible 500mg Tablet 1171 Deferasirox Dispersible Tab 500 mg 1172 Deferiprone 500mg Capsule 1173 Deriphylline (Sustained release) Tablet 1174 Desferrioxamine Injection 500mg vial 1175 DexamethasoneInjection4mg/ml.10ml 1176 Dexamethasone eye drop(0.1%, 5ml),Eye Drop 1177 Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 8mg/2ml 2ml Injection 1178 Dexamthasone 0.5mg Tablet 1179 Dextran -40 + 0.9% Sodium chloride Inj. 1180 Dextran-40 + 5% Dextrose Inj. 1181 Dextran-70 Injection 1182 Dextromethorphan 10mg/5ml 100ml Syrup 1183 Dextromethorphan 10mg/5ml 60ml Syrup 1184 DiazepamInjection5 mg/2ml 1185 Diazepam 5mg Tablet 1186 Diclofenac + Methyl Salicylate + Menthol ointment 10gm oint 1187 Diclofenac 50mg + Paracetamol 325mg + Chlorzoxazone 250mg Tablet 1188 Diclofenac 50mg + Paracetamol 325mg + Serratiopeptidase 10mg 1189 Diclofenac 50mg+ Paracetamol 500mg Tablet 1190 Diclofenac potassium 50 mg + Paracetamol 325 mg + cpm 4mg +magnasium Trisillicate 100mg + Chlorpheniramine Meleate 4mg Tab. 1191 Diclofenac sodium 25 mg/ml(3ml Amp),Injection 1192 Diclofenac Sodium 50mg Tablet 1193 Diclofenac with Menthol 30gm Ointment 1194 Diclofenac(1%),Gel 30gm ointment 1195 Diclophenic SodInjection 1ml 1196 DicyclomineDrop 1197 DicyclomineInjection 2ml 1198 Dicyclomine Hydrochloride 20mg + Paracetamal 325mg Tablet 1199 Dicyclomine Hydrochloride 20mg Tablet 1200 Dicyclomine hydrochloride Tab 10mg 1201 Diethycarbomazim 50mg Tablet 1202 Diethylcarbamazine Tab 100mg 1203 Diethylcarbamazine(Oral Liquid 120 mg/5 ml 100 ml bottel),Liquid 1204 Digoxin 0.25mg Tablet 1205 Digoxin Injection(0.5mg /2ml) 2ml 1206 Dilitizem Injection 1207 Diloxanide Furoate(Tablet 500 mg),Tablet 1208 Diltiazem SR 90mg Tablet 1209 Diltizime 30mg Tablet 1210 Diltizime 60mg Tablet 1211 Diphenhdramine HCL 12.50 MG + Ammonium Cloriede 125 mg + Sodium Citrate 55 MG syrup 100ml 1212 DiphenhydramineInjection50 mg /ml 1213 Diphenhydramine 12.5mg/ml. Syp 1214 Diphenhydramine 25mg. Cap 1215 Diphenhydramine SG Inj. 1216 Diphenylhydantoin 100mg Tablet 1217 Diphenylhydantoin 30mg Tablet 1218 Diphtheria antitoxin 10000 IU 10 ml vial 1219 Disodium Hydrogen citrate (Alkalizer) 100 ml Syp 1220 Disulfiram 250mg Tablet 1221 Dobutamine 50mg/ml 5ml ampInjection 1222 Dobutamine Inj 12.5 mg/ ml 20 ml vial 1223 Docetaxel 120mg. Inj. 1224 Docetaxel 20mg. Inj. 1225 Docetaxel 80mg. Inj. 1226 Domperidone 10mg Tablet 1227 Domperidone 1mg per 1ml suspension 30 ml bottle 1228 Donepezil 5mg Tablet 1229 Dopamine hydrochlorideInjection40mg /ml (5ml amp) 1230 Doripenem Inj. 1231 Doxorubicin Lypholozed 10mg Vial Injection 1232 Doxorubicin Lypholozed 50mg Vial Injection 1233 Doxycyclin Hyclate 100mg Cap 1234 Doxycycline 100mg Tablet 1235 Doxycycline Dry 50mg/5ml Syrup 1236 Doxylamine Succinate Tab 10 mg 1237 Drotaverine Inj 40 mg/2 ml 2 ml amp 1238 Drotaverine Tab 40 mg 1239 Dydrogesterone 10 mg Tab 1240 Empagliflozin 25mg Tablet 1241 Enalapril Injection 1242 Enalapril Maleate 10mg Tablet 1243 Enalapril Maleate 2.5mg Tablet 1244 Enalapril Maleate 5mg Tablet 1245 Endoxan (Cyclophosphamide) Inj. 1246 Endoxan (Cyclophosphamide) Tab. 1247 Enoxaparin Inj 40 mg equivalent to- 4000 IU Vial/PFS 1248 Enoxaparin Inj 60 mg equivalent to- 6000 IU Vial/PFS 1249 Entravenec Fate Emlusion 20%Inj. 1250 Enzyme with Vitaminsdrop 15ml 1251 Epirubicin 10mg. Inj. 1252 Epirubicin 50mg. Inj. 1253 Epirubicin Inj 100 mg /vial vial 1254 Erithroprotine 10 K Inj. 1255 Erithroprotine 2 K Inj. 1256 Erithroprotine 4 K Inj. 1257 Erlotinib 150mg Tablet 1258 Erlotinib(150 mg),Tablet 1259 ERTAPENEM Inj. 1260 Erythromycine 250mg Tablet 1261 Erythromycine 500mg Tablet 1262 Erythropoietin10000IU Injection 1263 Escitalopram 10mg Tablet 1264 Esmolol 100mg/vial(10mg/ml),Injection 1265 Ethamsylate 250mg Tablet 1266 Ethamsylate Injection 2ml 1267 Ethinylestradiol (A) + Levonorgestrel (B)(Tablet 0.03 mg (A) + 0.15 mg (B) Tablet 1268 Ethinylestradiol + Norethisterone Tab 35 mcg +1mg 21 tablets/strip 1269 Ethinylestradiol 0.01mg Tablet 1270 Ethinylestradiol 0.05mg Tablet 1271 Etiophylline and theophylline 220mg/2ml Injection 1272 Etophylline 231mg + Theophylline 69mg Sr Tablet 1273 Etophylline 77mg + theophylline 23mg Tablet 1274 Etoposide 100mg. Inj. 1275 Famotidine 20mg Tablet 1276 Famotidine 40mg Tablet 1277 Fenofibrate 200mg Tab. 1278 Fentanyl citrate 50 microgram/ml 2 ml amp 1279 Fentanyl Citrate 50mcg/ml 2ml AmpInj 1280 Ferric Ammonium Citrate 110mg + Folic Acid1.5mg + Cyanocobalamin 15mcg+ Sorbitol Solution syrup 200ml 1281 Ferric Ammonium Citrate IP 25mg + Lysine HydrochlorideUSP 50 mg. + Cyanocobalamin IP 5mcg. + Folic Acid IP 200mcgper mlDrop 15ml 1282 Ferric Ammoniun Citrate 200 mg+ Folic Acid 0.5 mg / 5ml 200ml Syp 1283 Ferric Carboxymaltose 50mg/ml(20ml vial),Injection 1284 Ferric Carboxymaltose Inj Equ.to Elemental Iron 500mg/10ml 1285 FERROUS ASCORBATE 100 MG , FOLIC ACID 1.5 MG ,ZINK 22.5 ,D3 -200I.U.,CYNOCOBALAMIN 2 MG 1286 Ferrous Ascorbate 100mg (Elemental iron)+Folic Acid 1.5mg(Tablet),Tablet 1287 Filgrastim 300mcg. Prefilled Syring Contains Inj. 1288 Finofibrate 160mg Tablet 1289 Finofibrate 40mg Tablet 1290 Fluconazole 100ml Inj. 1291 Fluconazole 150mg Tablet 1292 Fluconazole 400mg Tab. 1293 Fluconazole(Eye Drop 3 mg/ml(10 ml Vial),Eye Drop 5 ml Eye Drop),Drop 1294 Flumazenil Inj 0.1 mg/ ml 5 ml multiple dose vial 1295 Flunarizine 5mg Tablet 1296 Fluoxetine 20mg Capsule 1297 Fluphenazine 1ml 25mg/ml Injection 1298 Foleron (Iron III) Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex Tablet 1299 Folic acid 5mg Tablet 1300 Folic Acid Tab(400 mcg),Tablet 1301 Formalin 450ml 1302 Formoterol 6mcg + Budesonide 200mcg(30 cap x 6 pack with 1 Dispensing Device),Rotacaps 1303 Fortifield Procane PenicillineInjection 20 Lac 1304 Fortifield Procane PenicillineInjection 4 Lac 1305 Framycetin sulphate 1% Cream 30gm tube Cream 1306 Frusemide 10mg/ml 2ml Amp Injection 1307 FULVESTRANT 500mg 10ml Injection 1308 Furazolidone 100mg Tablet 1309 Furazolidone 60ml Syp 1310 Furosemide 40mg Tablet 1311 Furosemide Drop 1312 Fusidic acid cream/sodium fusidic ointment 2% 5gm 5gm Tube 1313 Gamma Benzene Hexachloride Solution/Lotion 1% 100ml Bottle 1314 Gatifloxacin 5ml Eye Drop 1315 Gatifloxacine 200mg Tablet 1316 Gefitinib(250mg),Tablet 1317 Gemcitabine 1gm. Inj. 1318 Gemcitabine 200mg. Inj. 1319 Gemcitabine Inj 1.4 gram/vial vial 1320 Gentamicin + Hydrocortisone Ear drop (0.3%+1%) 5 ml vial 1321 Gentamicin 0.3% Eye/Ear Drops 5ml 1322 Gentamicin 40mg/ml 2ml Amp Injection 1323 Gentamycine Sulpfate 15gmOint . 1324 Glibenclamide 5mg Tablet 1325 Gliclazide 80mg Tab 1326 Glimepiride 1mg Tablet 1327 Glimepiride 2mg Tablet 1328 Glipizide 5mg Tablet 1329 Glucose Pouch 100gm Powder 1330 Glucose Pouch 75gm Powder 1331 Glycereen 15% Sod Chlor 15% Enema 20ml 1332 Glycerin 500gm 1333 Glycerin Oral Liquid 30ml bottel Liquid 1334 Glycerine IP Solution 100 ml bottle 1335 Glycerol 100ml 1336 Glyceryl TrinitrateInjection5mg/ml 5 ml 1337 Glyceryl Trinitrate Sub-lingual Tab 0.5 mg 10 Tab 1338 Glycopyrolate 0.2mg/ml 1ml vial Injection 1339 Griesofulvin 125mg Tablet 1340 Gum Paint (Tannic Acid)(2% w/v 15 ml bottle),Bottle 1341 Haloperidol 5mg Tablet 1342 Haloperidol 5mg/ml 1ml amp Injection 1343 Haloperiodol 1.5mg Tablet 1344 Halothane 250ml Inhalation 1345 Halothane 50ml Inhalation 1346 Heparin sodiumInjection 1000IU/ml 5ml 1347 Heparin sodiumInjection 5000IU/ml 5ml 1348 Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin 100 IU/vial Vial 1349 Herceptin 440mg. Inj. 1350 Human Albumin solution IP i/v 20% w/v 100 ml FFS bottle 1351 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin(Injection 10000 IU 1ml Injection 1352 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin(Injection 5000 IU +2mlInjection 1353 Human Immunoglobin 5% IV IG((5mg/100ml Each),Injection 100ml injection),Injection 1354 Hyaluronidase 1355 Hydrochlorothiazid 12.5mg Tablet 1356 Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg Tablet 1357 Hydrochlorothiazide 50mg Tablet 1358 Hydrocortisone 0.5% 15gm Ointment or Cream 1359 Hydrocortisone 1% 15gm Ointment or Cream 1360 Hydrocortisone sodium succinateInjection 200 mg/ml vial 1361 Hydrocortisone sodium succinate Injection400 mg /ml vial 1362 Hydrocortisone sodium succinate Injection 100 mg /ml vial 1363 Hydrogen Peroxide 400ml 1364 Hydrogen Peroxide 6% Solution (WHO-GMP Certification exempted for this item)(400 ml ),Bottle 1365 Hydroxy ethyl starch-200/3% Inj. 1366 Hydroxy Progesterone Injection250mg 2ml 1367 Hydroxychloroquine 200mg Tablet 1368 Hydroxyethyl (6% Saline solution for infusion)(Starch 6%IP 500 ml Bottel),Infusion 1369 Hydroxyethylstarch 6% Solution with Sodium Chloride 0.9% IV Infusion i/v 500 ml FFS Bottle 0.90% 1370 HydroxyUrea 500mg Capsule 1371 Hydroxyurea Dispersable 100mg Tablet 1372 Hydroxyzine 10mg/5ml syrup,(100ml Bottle),Syrup 1373 Hydroxyzine 25mg Tablet 1374 Hylace Injection 1ml 1375 Hyoscine butylbromide 20mg/ml 1ml Vial/Amp Injection 1376 Hypersol 10mlEye Drop 1377 HypersonInjection 5ML 1378 I.V. (Electrolyte M) 500ml FFS dextrose Anhydous 5gm KCl 150mgNacl 100mgNa Acetate 280mgNa Meisulphite21 mg Dibasic K Phosphate 130mg/100ml 500ml FFS 1379 I.V. 10% Amino Acid + Electrolyte Inj. 1380 I.V. Ciprofloxacine100ml FFS 1381 I.V. D.N.S.500 ml Glass Bottle500ml 1382 I.V. D.N.S.500 ml Plastic Bottle500ml FFS 1383 I.V. Dextrose 5% Glass Bottle500ml 1384 I.V. Dextrose 5% Plastic Bottle500ml FFS 1385 I.V. Dextrose10%Glass Bottle500ml 1386 I.V. Dextrose10%Plastic Bottle500ml FFS 1387 I.V. Dextrose 25% 100ml FFS Bottle Injection 1388 I.V. Dextrose 25% 25ml FFS 1389 I.V. Dextrose 25% 500ml FFS Bottle Injection 1390 I.V. Dextrose 50% 25 ml FFS 1391 I.V. Electrolyte E I.V 500ml FFS/BFS Bottle 500ml FFS. Dextrose 5gSodium Acetate 0.64gSodium chloride 5gPotassium chloride 75mgSodoium citrate 75mgCalcium chloride Solution correcting water electrolyte & Nutrition 52mg Magnesium chloride 31 mg TabletSodium meta bi sulphate 20 mg 1392 I.V. Electrolyte P (Multi-Electrolytes and Dextrose injection Type I IP) I/V fluid (Each 100ml Contains: Anhydrous Dextrose 5gm Potassium Chloride 0.13gm, Sodium Acetate 0.32gm, Dibasic Potassium Phosphate 0.026gm)(500 ml FFS Bottle),Injection 1393 I.V. Glycin 3000ml. Inj. Bottle Plastic 1394 I.V. Linozolidine FFS 1395 I.V. Mannitol 10% 100ml FFS 1396 I.V. Normal saline 0.9 % 100 ml Glass Bottle 1397 I.V. Normal saline 0.9 % 100 ml Plastic BottleFFS 1398 I.V. Normal saline 0.9 % 500 ml Glass Bottle 1399 I.V. Normal saline 0.9 % 500 ml Plastic Bottle FFS 1400 I.V. Ofloxacine 100 ml FFS 1401 I.V. Ornidazole 100ml FFS 1402 I.V. Ringer Lactate PlasticBottle 500 ml FFS 1403 I.V. Tinidazole 400ml FFS 1404 I.V.( Electrolyte ‘G’) 500ml FFS Dextrose Anhydrous 5 gmKCl 130 mgNaCl 370 mg TabletAmmon Cl 370 mg Na Sulphite 15 mg /100ml 500mlFFS 1405 Ibuprofen400 mg + Paracetamole 325 Tablet 1406 Ibuprofen + Paracetamole syrup 1407 Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml 60ml Syp 1408 Ibuprofen 200mg. Tab. 1409 Ibuprofen 400mg Tablet 1410 Icthamol 100gm 1411 Icthamol Glycerin 100gm 1412 Ifosfamide(1gm),Injection 1413 Imatinib Mesylate Cap 400 mg 1414 Imipromine 25mg Tablet 1415 Indomethacine 25mg Tablet 1416 Insline NPH Inj. 1417 Insulin soluble (bovine + porcine or porcine) 40IU/mlInjection10ml 1418 Insulin soluble Inj. 40IU/ml 10ml 1419 Insulins Human Mixtard30:70 Injection10ml 1420 Intraperitoneal Dialysis Solution 0.015 1.5% 500ml solution 1421 Intraperitoneal Dialysis Solution 0.025 2.5% 500ml solution 1422 Intrvenous Immunoglobulin Inj. 1423 ipratropium Bromide 250 mcg/ml Respules Inhalation 1424 Ipratropium Bromide inhaler 20mcg per puff(200 metered dose container),Inhaler 1425 Irinotecan Hydrochloride 100mg Injection 1426 Irinotecan(100 mg Inj (1 ml amp)),Injection 1427 Iron & Folic Acid Enteric Coated Blue (As Per Nipi Guidelines) 100 mg + 0.5 mg Tablet 1428 Iron 100ml Syp. 1429 Iron 30ml Drop 1430 Iron and Folic acid enteric coated Tab dried Ferrous Sulphate Equ. to Ferrous Iron 100 mg and Folic Acid 0.5 mg (Blue Tablet) 1431 Iron and folic acid enteric coated Tab Dried Ferrous Sulphate IP eq. to 45 mg Elemental iron and 400 mcg folic Acid IP (Pink Color) - WIFS Junior 1432 Iron and Folic Acid Enteric Coated Tab. Ferrous Sulphate IP to Ferrous Iron 100 mg & Folic Acid IP 0.5 mg Granules (Red Tablet) 1433 Iron Ferras Sulphate Folic Acid 100ml Syp 1434 Iron Folic Acid Sugar coated (Blue Tablet) Ferrous Sulphate IP equivalent to 60 mg elemental iron & 500 mcg folic acid IP(60 mg + 500 mcg),Tablet 1435 Iron Folic Acid Sugar Coated Tablet Dried Ferrous Sulphate IP eq. to 45mg ferrous iron and 400mcg Folic Acid IP (Pink coloured Tab) -WIFS Junior IFA Tablets (Detail specification as per tender)(45mg + 400mcg),Tablet 1436 Iron Folic Acid Syrup, Each mL containing 20mg elemental Iron&100mcgFolic acid with suitable anti-oxidant, antimicrobial agent and food grade flavouring agent.The bottle should have 6 fragmented markings at equal intervals(If an artificial sweetening is used it should be highlighted on the label. Warning should be put on label Medication should be kept out of reach of children. (As per attached specification) (50mL bottle with auto dispenser)),Syrup 1437 Iron PolymaltoseInjection 1438 Iron SucroseInjection 2.5ml 1439 Iron SucroseInjection 5ml 1440 Isoflurane Inhalation 1441 Isosorbite Dinitra.10 mg Tablet(Sub) {Sorbitrate} 1442 Isosorbite Dinitra.5 mg Tablet(Sub.) {Sorbitrate} 1443 Isosorbite Mononitrate 20 mg Tablet 1444 Isoxsuprine 10mg Tablet 1445 Isoxsuprine HCl Injection 1446 Itraconazole Cap 100mg 1447 Itraconazole Cap 200mg 1448 Ivabradine 5mg Tab. 1449 Ivermectin 12mg Tablet 1450 Ketamine HydrochlorideInjection 10mg/10ml in each vial 1451 Ketorolac 10mg Tablet 1452 Ketorolac eye drop 0.5% 5ml Drop 1453 Labetalol Inj 20 mg/4ml 4ml amp 1454 Labetalol Tablet 100mg. 1455 Lactobacillus Tab 60 million spores 1456 Lactulose 10gm/15ml 100ml Bottle syrup 1457 Lantanoprost eye drop 0.005% 5ml Eye Drop 1458 Lenalidomide 25mg Capsule 1459 LetroZole 2.5mg Tablet 1460 Levetiracetam 250 mg Tablet 1461 Levocetirizine + Monteleukast 2.5 mg + 4mg/5ml 60ml Suspension 1462 Levocetirizine 5mg + Montelukast 10mg Tablet 1463 Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride IP 2.5mg+ Ambroxol Hydrochloride IP 30mg Per 5ml Syp. 60ml 1464 Levocetrizine dihydrochloride 5mg Tablet 1465 Levodopa (A) + Carbidopa (B)(Tablet 100 mg (A) + 10 mg (B) CR),Tablet 1466 Levodopa (A) + Carbidopa (B)(Tablet 100 mg (A) + 25 mg (B) CR),Tablet 1467 Levodopa (A) + Carbidopa (B)(Tablet 250 mg (A) + 25 mg (B)),Tablet 1468 Levofloxacin Inj 500 mg/100 ml 100 ml FFS Bottle 1469 Levofloxacine250mg Tablet 1470 Levofloxacoine 500mg Tablet 1471 Levonorgeastrelemergency contraceptives0.75 mg Tablet2 No 1472 Levosalbutamol(50mcg/dose 30 capsule in 6 pack with 1 dispecing device),Capsule 1473 Levosulbutamol(100 mcg 30 capsule in 6 pack with 1 dispecing device),Capsule 1474 Levothyroxine 100mcg Tablet 1475 Levothyroxine 50mcg Tablet 1476 Lignocain Spray 1477 Lignocaine 2 % 21.3mg/ml 30ml Injection 1478 Lignocaine 2% + adrenaline 5mcg/ml 30mlInjection 1479 Lignocaine 4%Injection30 ml 1480 Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2% 30gm Tube Gel 1481 Lignocaine Hydrochloride 4% Eye drops 5ml Vial 1482 Lignocaine Hydrocloride and dextorse Injection Hevy 5% Spinal 2 ml amp. 1483 Linagliptin 5 mg Tablet 1484 Linezolid 600mg Tablet 1485 Liquid Paraffin 400ml 1486 Liquid Paraffin 50ml 1487 Lisinopril 5 mg Tablet 1488 Lithium Carbonate 300mg Tablet 1489 Loperamide(2mg),Tablet 1490 Lorazepam 1mg Tablet 1491 Lorazepam 2 mg/ml 2ml amp 1492 Losartan 10mg Tablet 1493 Losartan Potassium 25mg Tablet 1494 Losartan Potassium 50mg Tablet 1495 Lotion Benzyl Benzoate 100 ml 25% 1496 Lotion Gama Benzyne Hexachloride 100ml 1497 Lquid Cresol with Soap Solu. 400ml 1498 Luliconazole Cream 10GM Ointment 1499 Luliconazole Cream 20gm Ointment 1500 Luliconazole Cream 30gm Ointment 1501 Lycopen + Niacinamide + pyridoxine H + C + Vitamins + Methylcobalamin200ML SYRUP 1502 Lycopene + antioxidant + multivitamine Cap. 1503 Lycopene with Multivitamins + Multiminerals cap 1504 Lysol 5 Ltr. Jar 1505 Mabthera 100mg. Inj. 1506 Mabthera 500mg. Inj. 1507 Magnesium Hydroxide+Aluminium Hydroxide Tablet 500mg. + 250mg. 1508 Magnesium sulphate 50 % 1ml Amp Injection 1509 Magnesium sulphate 50 % 2ml Amp Injection 1510 Mannitol Inj. 20% 350ml FFS Bottle 1511 Mannitol(20% 100 ml FFS Bottle),Injection 1512 Mebendazole 100mg Tablet 1513 Mebendazole 30ml Syp 1514 Mebeverine 200mg Tablet 1515 Medroxy Progesterone Acetate(10 mg),Tablet 1516 Medroxyprogesterone acetate(Injection 150 mg 1 ML / VIAL),Injection 1517 Mefenamic Acid 250mg + Dicyclomine 10mg Tablet 1518 Mefenamic Acid 500 mg+ Dicyclomine 10mg Tablet 1519 Mefloquine Tab 250 mg 1520 Menadione (Vit.K3) Injection10mg/ml 2ml 1521 Mepafotic Eye Drop 1522 Mephentermine Inj 30mg/ml(10 ml Vial),Injection 1523 Meropanam 1000mg Inj. 1524 Meropanam 125mg Inj. 1525 Meropanam 500mg Inj. 1526 Metaclopromide10ml Injection 1527 Metaclopromide2ml Injection 1528 Metaclopromide 10mg Tablet 1529 Metformin 500mg + Glim. + Piog. MP1 Tab. 1530 Metformin 500mg + Glim. + Piog. MP2 Tab. 1531 Metformin(1000mg),SR Tablet 1532 Metformin(500 mg),Tablet 1533 Methotraxate 2.5mg. Tab. 1534 Methotraxate 50mg. Inj. 1535 Methotrexate Tab 5 mg 1536 Methyl Ergometrin Injection 2ml 1537 Methyl Ergometrine maleate0.125mg Tablet 1538 Methyl Sacicylate 100gm Oint. 1539 Methylcobalmin 1500mg Cap 1540 Methyldopa 250mg Tablet 1541 Methylprednisolone125mg Injection 1542 Methylprednisolone250mg Injection 1543 Methylprednisolone40mg Injection 1544 Methylprednisolone500mg Injection 1545 Methylprednisolone 1000mg Injection 1546 MethylPrednisolone 16mg Tablet 1547 MethylPrednisolone 4mg Tablet 1548 MethylPrednisolone 8mg Tablet 1549 Metoclopramide 10mg Tab 1550 Metoclopramide 5mg/ml 2 ml Amp Injection 1551 MetoprololInjection1mg /ml 1552 Metoprolol 25mg sustained release Tablet 1553 Metoprolol 25mg Tab 1554 Metoprolol 50mg sustained release Tablet 1555 Metoprolol 50mg Tab 1556 Metronidazole 1% Ointment 15 gram tube 1557 Metronidazole 200mg Tablet 1558 Metronidazole 400mg Tablet 1559 Metronidazole 500mg/100 ml(100 ML FFS Bottle),Injection 1560 Metronidazole Oral Suspension(200 mg/5ml (60 ml Bottle)),Suspension 1561 Miconazole IP Cream 2% w/w 15 gram tube 1562 Micronised ProgestronInjection200mg1 ml -2ml 1563 Midazolam 1mg/ml 10ml Injection 1564 Midazolam 1mg/ml 5ml Injection 1565 Mifepristone 200mg Tablet 1566 Mifepristone-200mg (1 Tab)+Misoprostol-200mcg (4 Tab)(Combipack),Tablet 1567 Milk of Magnasia 11.25ml Liquid Paraffin 3.75ml/15ml ( Creamafin Formula ) 170 ml Syp 1568 Misoprostal200mcg Tablet 1569 Montelukast 10mg Tablet 1570 Montelukast 5mg Tablet 1571 Morphine15mg/ml 1ml Injection 1572 Morphine sulphate 10mg Tablet 1573 Morphine sulphate inj. IP 10mg/ml(1ml Ampoule),Injection 1574 Moxifloxacine 5ml Eye Drop 1575 Multivitamin 200ml Syp. 1576 Multivitamin Sugar coated tab NFI Formula Multivitamin sugar(Item with additional vitamin will also be considered),Tablet 1577 Multivitamin with Protein 100ml Syp 1578 Multivitamin with Protein 200ml Syp 1579 Multivitamine drop 1580 Multivitamine with Zincdrop 1581 Mupirocin 2% 5gm Tube Ointment 1582 Mupirocin Cream/Ointment 2% 15 gram tube 1583 N-acetyl cysteine Inj 200 mg/ ml 1 ml Amp 1584 Nalidixic Acid 500mg Tablet 1585 Nalidixic Acid Susp 30ml Syp 1586 NaloxoneInjection 0.4mg/ml -1ml Amp 1587 Naloxone Injection 0.1mg/ml- 1ml Amp 1588 Natamycin Eye Drop 1589 Natural Progesteron Injection 100mg/2ml 1590 Neomycin Sulfate 10gm Oint . 1591 Neosporin H 5gm Eye Oint 1592 NeostigmineInjection 2.5mg/ml 1593 Neostigmine 0.5mg/ml 1ml Injection 1594 Netimycin 250mg. Inj. 1595 NetlimycineInjection300 mg 1596 Nicotinamide 15mg + Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B1) 1mg+ Riboflavine (Vitamin B2) 1mg + Pyridoxine HCL (Vitamin B6) 0.5mg + Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) 1mcg tab. 1597 Nicotinamide 50mg Tablet 1598 Nifedipine 10mg Tablet 1599 Nifedipine 5mg Capsule 1600 NikethamideInjection 2ml 1601 Nitazoxanide 500mg Tab. 1602 Nitroglycerine inj. - 25 mg/5ml(5ml),Ampule 1603 Nitroglycerine(Glyceryl Trinitrate)(Sublingual Tab 0.5 mg),Tablet 1604 Nondrolon DeconateInjection25 mg 1605 Nondrolon DeconateInjection50 mg 1606 Noraderanaline Bitartrate 2Mg/2ml2ml Injection 1607 Norfloxacin + Dexamethasone 10 ml Eye Drop 1608 Norfloxacin 100mg Tablet 1609 Norfloxacin 5ml Eye Drop 1610 Norfloxacine 400mg + Tinidazole 600mg Tablet 1611 Norfloxacine 400mg Tablet 1612 Normal Saline(Nasal Drops: Sodium Chloride Drops 0.05% w/v 10 ml vial),Drop 1613 Ofloxacin 10 mlEye Drop 1614 Ofloxacin 200mg Tablet 1615 Ofloxacin Eye drops 0.3% w/v 5 ml Vial 1616 Ofloxacin Tab 400 mg 1617 Ofloxacine 200 + Ornidazole 500 Tablet 1618 Ofloxacine Dexamethasone Eye Drop 1619 Olanzapine 10mg Tablet 1620 Olanzapine 5mg Tablet 1621 Olopotadine Antiallergic Eye drop 0.1% 5 ml Vial 1622 Omeprazole 20mg + Domperidone 10mg Cap 1623 OndansetronInjection 2 ml 1624 Ondansetron 4 mg Tablet 1625 Ondansetron Syp 2mg/5 ml 30 ml bottle 1626 Ondansetron Tab 2 mg 1627 Opthalmic Sol. Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose 10ml Nasal Drop 1628 Ormeloxifene(Tablet 30 mg 10x10),Tablet 1629 Ornidazole 60ml. Syp 1630 ORS WHO Powder Glucose Anhydrous 13.5g/l, Sodium chloride 2.6g/l, Potassium chloride 1.5g/l, Trisodium Citrate 2.9g/l(As per attached Pack Specification),Powder 1631 Oseltamivir IP 100ml. Syp 1632 Oseltamivir IP 30mg Cap 1633 Oseltamivir IP 45mg Cap 1634 Oseltamivir IP 75mg Cap 1635 Oxaliplatin 100mg. Inj. 1636 Oxaliplatin 50mg. Inj. 1637 Oxygen Gas(Oxygen gas for inhalation),Inhalation 1638 Oxytocin Inj(5 IU/ml (1ml Amp)),Injection 1639 Paclitaxel 100mg. 260/3005 Inj. 1640 Paclitaxel 260mg(43.34ml vial),Injection 1641 Paclitaxel 30mg.Inj. 1642 PancuroniumInjection2mg/ml 1643 Pantoparazole 40mg Injection 1644 Pantoprazole 40mg + Domperidone 30mg Cap. 1645 Pantoprazole 40mg + Domperidone 10mg Tablet 1646 Pantoprazole 40mg + Levosulpiride 75mg Cap. 1647 Pantoprazole 40mg Tablet 1648 Paracetamol + Phenylephrine Hydrochloride + Caffeine + Diphemhydramine HCl Tab. 1649 Paracetamol 125 mg/5ml 60ml Bottle Suspension 1650 Paracetamol 125 mg/5ml 60ml Bottle Syrup 1651 Paracetamol 125 mg/ml Drop 1652 Paracetamol 150mg/ml 2ml Amp Injection 1653 Paracetamol 500mg Tablet 1654 Paracetamol 650mg Tablet 1655 Paracetamole 325 mg + Mefenamic Acid 500mg Tablet 1656 Pediatric Solution like isolyte(P N/2 and N/5),solution 1657 Pemetrexed(500mg),Injection 1658 Penicillin V Tab 125 mg 1659 Penicillin V Tab 250 mg 1660 Penicillin V(Phenoxymethyl penicillin potassium)(250 mg),Tablet 1661 Pentazocine lactate(30mg/ml (1 ml Amp)),Injection 1662 Peprazine Citrate 30ml Syp 1663 Permethrin Cream 5% 30gm Tube 1664 Permethrin Lotion 5% 60ml Bottle Lotion 1665 Pheniramine maleate 22.75 mg/ml 2ml Injection 1666 Pheniramine Meleate 25mg Tablet 1667 Phenobarbitone 200 mg/ml Injection 1668 Phenobarbitone 200mg/5ml Syp 1669 Phenobarbitone 30mg Tablet 1670 Phenobarbitone 60mg Tablet 1671 Phenytoin Sodium 100mg Tablet 1672 Phenytoin sodium 50mg/ml 2ml amp Injection 1673 Phenytoin Sodium Oral suspension 25mg/ml 100 ml bottle 1674 Phytomenadione Injection 10mg/ml Injection 1675 Pilocarpin PFs Injection 1676 Pilocarpine Eye drops 2% 5ml Vial 1677 Pilocarpine Eye drops 4% 5ml Vial 1678 Pioglitazone 15mg Tablet 1679 Piperacillin 1Gm + Tazobactam 125Mg Injection 1680 Piperacillin 2Gm + Tazobactam 0.25Mg Injection 1681 Piperacillin 4gm + Tazobactam 0.5gm Injection 1682 Piroxicam 20mg Cap. 1683 Piroxicam Gel 30gm Oint . 1684 PLASMA derived activated prothrombin complex concentrate(500 Units/Vial),Injection 1685 Plasma derived Factor VIII 500 IU / Anti Hemophillic Factor VIII 500 IU(Vial),Vial 1686 Plasma Derived FACTOR VIII(250IU/Vial),Vial 1687 POMALIDOMIDE 2mg Capsule 1688 Potassium Chloride 150mg/10ml Injection 1689 Potassium chloride Oral solution 100mg/ml 100ml Bottle 1690 Potassium chloride Oral solution 100mg/ml 200ml Bottle 1691 Povidine-iodine Germicide(Gargle 20% w/v 100 ml bottel),Bottle 1692 Povidine-iodine(Gargle 2% w/v 100 ml bottel),Bottle 1693 Povidone Iodine + Metronidazol 15gm Ointment 1694 Povidone Iodine Cream 125gm Oint . 1695 Povidone Iodine Cream 15 mg Oint . 1696 Povidone Iodine Cream 250gm Oint . 1697 Povidone Iodine Solution 5% 100ml 1698 Povidone Iodine Solution 5% 500ml 1699 Povidone Iodine Solution 7.5% 100ml 1700 Povidone Iodine Solution 7.5% 500ml 1701 Povidone Iodine Surgical scrub 7.5% 500ml Bottle 1702 Povidone Iodine Vaginal 200mg Pessary 1703 Powder Acriflavin 20gm 1704 Powder Bleaching 25kg 1705 Powder Boric Acid 400gm 1706 Powder Cetrimide 100gm 1707 Powder Glucose 100 gm 1708 Powder Magnesium Sulphate 400gm 1709 Powder Mercurochrome 20gm 1710 Powder Nitrofurazone 20% 10gm 1711 Powder Povidoine 1712 Powder Sulfanilamide Dusting 400gm 1713 Pralidoxime (PAM)Injection25 mg/ml 20 ml 1714 Pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM)Injection 1715 Prazosin Tab 1mg 1716 Prednisolone 10mg Tablet 1717 Prednisolone 20mg Tablet 1718 Prednisolone(1% Eye drop),Drop 1719 Prednisolone(Drops 1% Eye 5 ml drop),Drop 1720 Pregabalin 150mg CAP. 1721 Premix Insulin(30:70 Injection (Regular: NPH)2vial of 100ml Injection 1722 Primaquin 15mg Tablet 1723 Primaquin 2.5 mg Tablet 1724 Primaquin 7.5 mg Tablet 1725 Procarbazine 50mg. Cap. 1726 Proctocedyl Ointment30 gm. Tube 1727 Promethazine 25 mg/ml(2 ml Amp),Injection 1728 Promethazine 5 mg/5ml(60 ml Bottle),Syrup 1729 Promethazine Tab 25 mg 1730 Proparacaine Hydrochloride Eye Drop 1731 Propofal 10mg/ml 10ml Injection 1732 Propofal 10mg/ml 20ml Injection 1733 Propranolol 10Mg Tablet 1734 Propranolol 40mg Tablet 1735 Protamine 50mg/5ml 5ml vial Injection 1736 Proteine Hydrolysate 1gm + Choline Citrate 1mg Pyridoxine HCL 2mg Cyanocobalamin 10 mcg + Folic Acid 1mg per 15ml Syp200ml 1737 Protin Hydrolysate + Pyridoxin + Niacinamide + Iron Cholin Citrate + Magnesium Chloride + Maganese Chloride + Zinc sulphate + Lysine 1738 protin tonic syrup 200ml 1739 Pyridoxine 100mg Tablet 1740 Pyridoxine 10mg Tablet 1741 Pyridoxine 40mg Tablet 1742 Quinine dihydrochloride 300mg/ml 2ml Injection 1743 Quinine Sulphate 300mg Tablet 1744 Rabeprazole 20mg + Domperidone 30mg Cap. 1745 Rabeprazole 20mg + Domperidone10mg Tablet 1746 Rabeprazole 20mg + Levosulpiride 75mg Cap. 1747 Rabeprazole 20mg Tablet 1748 Rabies ImmunoglobinesInjection150IU 1749 Rabies Immunoglobulin Inj-300 IU((2ml vial PFS)),Injection 1750 Rabies Vaccine Human (Tissue Culture) ID/IM(Inj 2.5 IU/ ml 1 vial with 1 ml diluents),Injection 1751 Rabies Vaccine Human Injection. (Intra Dermal) 1752 Ramipril 2.5 mg Tablet 1753 Ramipril 5 mg Tablet 1754 Ranitidine 150mg Tablet 1755 Ranitidine 300 mg Tablet 1756 Ranitidine 50mg/2ml 2ml Injection 1757 Ranolazine 500Mg Tablet 1758 Recombiant FVIIa(1mg/vial),Vial 1759 Recombinant Anti - Hemophilic Factor VIII(250 IU inj / Vial),Injection 1760 Recombinant Anti - Hemophilic Factor VIII(500 IU inj / Vial),Injection 1761 Recombinant F IX(500IU/Vial),Vial 1762 Reduced osmolarity ORS Pkt. WHO formula Sodium Chloride 2.5mg Potessium Chloride 1.5mgSodium Citrtr 2.09g Dextrose 13.6g 20.5gm 1763 Erythropoetin 2000 IU Injection 1764 Erythropoietin 2000 IU/ml Prefilled syringe of 1ml Injection 1765 Riboflavin 5mg Tablet 1766 Risperidone 12.5mg Injection 1767 Risperidone 2mg Tablet 1768 Risperidone 50mg 2ml Injection 1769 Rituximab 500mg Injection 1770 Rosuvastatin 10mg + Fenofibrate 145mg Tablet 1771 Rosuvastatin 10mg Tablet 1772 Rosuvastatin 20mg Tablet 1773 Rosuvastatin 5mg Tablet 1774 Roxithromycin50mg Tablet 1775 Roxithromycin 150mg Tablet 1776 Roxithromycine 30 ml Syp 1777 Salbutamol 2mg Tablet 1778 Salbutamol 4mg Tablet 1779 Salbutamol Inhalation IP 100mcg/dose(200 Metered dose container),Inhaler 1780 Salbutamol Sulphate (2mg/5ml 60ml)(60ml Bottle),Syrup 1781 Salicylic acid 2% Ointment 30 gram tube 1782 Salicylic acid 6 % Ointment 30 gram tube 1783 Sargramostin Inj 500 mcg/ ml vial vial 1784 SensorcaneInjection0.5% 20ml 1785 Seratiopaptidase 10mg Tablet 1786 Seratiopaptidase 5mg Tablet 1787 Silver Sulphadiazine cream 1% 25gm Tube 1788 Sitagliptin 100mg Tablet 1789 Sitagliptin(50 mg),Tablet 1790 Sodium Aminosalicylate Granules(10 gm Bottel of 100 gm),Powder 1791 Sodium bicarbonate Inj. - 7.5% w/v(10ml),Ampoule 1792 Sodium Chloride N/2 Injection IP (0.45%)(500ml FFS Bottle),Injection 1793 Sodium picosulfate Tablet 1794 Sodium Picosulphate Syp 1795 Sodium Thiopentone - 0.5 gm powder/vial(20ml Vial),Injection 1796 Sodium Valproate Oral solution 200mg/5ml 100 ml bottle 1797 Sodium Valproate(200mg),Tablet 1798 Sodium Valproate(500 mg),Tablet 1799 Soframycine 1.5gm Eye OintTube 1800 Solution Chloroxylenol4.8%w/v Terpineol 9%v/v Alcohol absolute 13.1%v/v ( Detol Formula} 1801 Sorafenib(200mg),Tablet 1802 Spironolactone(25mg),Tablet 1803 StreptokinaseInjection15 Lac Unit 1804 StreptokinaseInjection750000 Lakh 1805 Succinyl Choline(50mg/ml (10 ml Vial)),Injection 1806 Sucralfate (20 mg Tablet 10 x 10),Tablet 1807 Sucralfate(1gm/5ml),Syrup OR Suspension 1808 Sulfacetamide Eye drops - 20% 10 ml Vial 1809 Sulfadimidine 500mg Tablet 1810 Sulfamethoxazole +Trimethoprim Suspension (200 mg + 40 mg) / 5 ml Suspension(50 ml Bottle),Suspension 1811 Sulfamethoxazole 100mg+Trimethoprim20 mg Tablet 1812 Sulfamethoxazole 200mg+Trimethoprim40 mg Tablet 1813 Sulfamethoxazole 400mg+Trimethoprim80 mg Tablet 1814 Sulfamethoxazole 800mg+Trimethoprim160mg Tablet 1815 Sulfasalazine(500 mg),Tablet 1816 Sumatriptan(25mg),Tablet 1817 Surfactant Suspension(Inj 25 mg/ml),Injection 1818 Surgical Sprit 100 ml 1819 Surgical Sprit 500 ml. 1820 Suspension for Intratracheal instillation(80mg/ml (Pack size as Licensed)),Suspension 1821 Tamoxifen 10mg. Tab. 1822 Tamoxifen 20mg. Tab. 1823 Tamsulosin 0.4mg. Tab. 1824 Tapentadol 100mg Tablet 1825 Telmisartan 20mg Tablet 1826 Telmisartan 40mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg Tab 1827 Telmisartan 40mg + Amlodephin 5mg Tablet 1828 Telmisartan 40mg + metoprolol Succinate (ER) Tab 1829 Telmisartan 40mg Tablet 1830 Telmisartan 80mg Tablet 1831 Temozolimide 100mg. Cap. 1832 Temozolimide 20mg. Cap. 1833 Temozolimide 250mg. Cap. 1834 Temsulusin 0.4MG + Dutasteride 0.5mg 1835 Teneligliptin 20mg & Metformin Hydrochloride (ER) 500mg Tab 1836 Teneligliptin 20mg & Metformin Hydrochloride (SR) 1000mg Tab 1837 Teneligliptin 20mg Tab. 1838 Terbutaline SuplhateInjection 0.5mg/ml 1 ml 1839 Terbutanil Sulphate 1.5mg + Bromhexine 4mg + Guaiphensin 50mg 100ml Syp 1840 Tetanus immunoglobulin(USP/IP 250 IU/vial),Injection 1841 Tetanus ToxideInjection 0.5ml 1842 Tetanus ToxideInjection 5ml 1843 Thiamine Hydrochloride 2.25 mg + Riboflavine 2.5mg + Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 0.75mg +Cyanocobalamin 2.5mg + Nicotinamide 30mg + D-Panthenol 2.5mg Flavoured syrup200ml 1844 Thiamine(Injection 100 mg/ml 1 ML/VIAL),Injection 1845 ThiopentoneInjection 1gm 1846 Thyroxine Sodium. 100mcg Tablet 1847 Thyroxine Sodium. 50 mcg Tablet 1848 Timolol Maleate Eye drop 0.5 % 5ml Vial solution 1849 Tincture Benzoin 450ml 1850 Tincture Iodine 450ml 1851 Tinidazole 300mg Tablet 1852 Tinidazole 500mg Tablet 1853 Tinidazole Susp. 150mg/5ml 60 ml bottle 1854 Tiotropium 18mcg(30cap. x 6 pack with 1 Dispensing Device),Rotacaps 1855 Tiotropium 9mcg 180 doses Inhaler(180 or more doses acceptable),Inhaler 1856 Tizanidine 2mg Tablet 1857 Tizanidine 4mg Tablet 1858 Tobramycin 10ml Eye Drop 1859 TOPOTECAN(Inj 4 mg 4 ml vial),Injection 1860 TorasemideInjection100mg/2ml 1861 Torsemide 10mg Tablet 1862 Torsemide 20mg Tablet 1863 Tramadol100mg Tablet 1864 Tramadol50mg Tablet 1865 Tramadol injection 100mg/ml 2 ml 1866 Tramadol injection 50mg/ml 2ml 1867 Tranamic Acid 500 MG + Mefenamic Acid 250 MG Tablet 1868 Tranexamic acid 100mg/ml Injection 5ml Amp 1869 Tranexamide Acid 500 mg Tablet 1870 Trastuzumab 440 mg Injection(Vial),Injection 1871 Trastuzumab 440 mg Injection(Vial),Injection 1872 Trihexyphenidyl Tab 2 mg 1873 Tropicacl Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Eye Drop 1874 Tropicacyl Plus 5 ml Eye Drop 1875 Tropicamide(1% 5ml vial),Eye Drop 1876 Tropicasyl Plus (ophth) 10ml Eye Drop 1877 Turpentine Liniment 400ml 1878 Turpentine Oil (Repacking License is also eligible)(50ml Bottle),Bottle 1879 Turpentine Oil 400ml 1880 Urokinase Inj 5 Lac IU/vial vial 1881 Ursodeoxycholic Acid BP 150mg Tab. 1882 Ursodeoxycholic Acid BP 300mg Tab. 1883 Valethamate Bromide ( Epidosin ) Injection 1884 Vancomycin Hydrochloride(1000mg Vial),Injection 1885 Vancomycin Hydrochloride(250mg Vial),Injection 1886 Vancomycin Hydrochloride(500mg),Injection 1887 Vecuronium Bromide inj 2mg/ml (2ml Amp) 1888 Velcade 1 mg./2ml (only 1/2)Inj. 1889 Velcade 3.5 mg. Inj. 1890 Verapamil(40 Mg IP),Tablet 1891 Verapamil(Injection 5 mg/2 ml 2 ml vial),Injection 1892 Vildagliptin 50 + Metformin 1000 mg 1893 Vildagliptin 50 + Metformin 500 mg 1894 Vildagliptin 50mg tab 1895 Vinblastine 10mg. Inj. 1896 Vincristine Sulphate(1mg/ml (cytocristin inj) 1 ml Vial),Injection 1897 Vinorelbine(10 mg),Injection 1898 Vitamin A IP 2500 IU + Vit B1 1mg + Vit B2 1.5mg+ Vit B6 1mg + Vit B12 1mcg + Vitamin C 50mg+ Vit E 5mg + Vit E 5mg + Niacinamide 15mg + Folic Acid IP 0.15mg Elemental Calcium IP 75mg + Phosphorus 58mg+ Ferrous Fumarate IP 30mg + Zinc Sulphate IP 10mg +Magnesium Sulphate IP 0.50mg + CopperSulphate USP 0.50mg + Potassium Iodide IP 0.01mg + Ginseng USP 42.50mg Cap. (With mono cartan) 1899 Vitamin A Syrup(100000 IU/ML with market spoon for 1ml and 2 ml (100 ml bottle)),Syrup OR Solution 1900 Vitamin B1(Thiamine 100 mg),Tablet 1901 Vitamin B12 Inj 500 mcg/ml(30 ml Amp/Vial),Injection 1902 Vitamin C(100 mg),Tablet 1903 Vitamin KInjection(10mg /ml) 1 ml 1904 Vitamin K1(1mg/0.5ml (0.5 ml Amp)),Injection 1905 Vitamin. B Complex NFI (PROPHYLACTIC)(B12 mg, B22mg, B6 0.5 mg, Niacinamide 25 mg, calcium pantothenate 1 mg),Tablet 1906 Voglibose 0.2 MG Tablet 1907 Voglibose 0.3 MG Tablet 1908 Voglibose IP 0.2 mg + Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500 mg Tablet 1909 Voglibose IP 0.3 mg + Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500 mg Tablet 1910 Warfarin 1mg Tablet 1911 Warfarin Sodium(5 mg),Tablet 1912 Warfarint 2mg Tablet 1913 Water For Injection 10 ml Amp 1914 Water For Injection 2 ml Amp 1915 Water For Injection 5 ml Amp 1916 Wax Solvent Ear Drops: Benzocaine 2.7% 10 ml bottel Drop 1917 Wax Solvent Ear Drops:Paradichlorobenzene 2% 10ml Botte Drop 1918 Xylometazoline 0.05% Nasal 10ml(0.05% 10ml),Drop 1919 Xylometazoline Nasal 0.1% 10ml Vial Drop 1920 Zinc Sulphate Dispersible 10mg Tablet 1921 Zinc Sulphate Dispersible 20mg Tablet 1922 Zinc Sulphate SYRUP 100ML 1923 Zinc Sulphate SYRUP 50ML 1924 Zine Sulfate Monohydrate 20mg + Thiamine Mononitrate 10mg + Riboflavine 10mg + Pyridoxine 3mg +Cyanocobalamin 5mcg + Nicotinamide 50mg + Calcium Pantothenate 12.5mg + Folic Acid 1000mcg + Magnesium Sulfate Monohydrate 10mgCap. 1925 Zoledronic Acid(4mg Vial),Injection 1926 Zolpidem 10 mg(Tablet),Tablet

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