
Tender For Fabrication And Erection Work, doiwala-Uttarakhand

Doiwala Sugar Company Ltd has published Tender For Fabrication And Erection Work. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-08-2023. Fabrication Work Tenders in doiwala Uttarakhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Fabrication And Erection Work
Open Tender

Tender Details

tender for Fabrication And Erection work- 1 Fabrication of Juice distribution Box as existing one from old/new plate 2 Fabrication of mill roller crown pinion oil tray as per existing one 3 Fabrication of Cover of mill roller crown pinion as per existing one 4 Fabrication of cover of under feed roller from 3.0mm th. plate as per existing one 5 Dismantling Rectification and ererection ofrunner basealong with runner of cane carrier 6 Repairing of rake of rake carrier including straightening &welding of missing flat (If reqd) square size wear plate at both end. 7 Fabrication & erection of sand catcher for Juice/Water/Syrup/Melt 8 Fabrication of scroll disc.& Fitting of the same on 5” nb or 6” nb pipe for making the conveyor scroll disc. Dia 12” to 18” plate thickness5 to 6 mm, straightness of pipe should be maintained 9 Repairing of trough of inter rake carrier/cut cane carrier by replacement of wornout portion by old/new sectionof Iron & Steel and welding. 10 Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection of trough of inter rake carrier/cut cane carrier as per existing one (straight portion only) from 8/10/12mm th. old/new plate. 11 Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection of bend portion of rake/cut cane carrier trough as per existing one from 8/10/12mm th. MS Plate old/new 12 Repairing of donally chute by welding & replacement of worn out portion 13 Fabrication of donaly chute as per existing on as per direction of Chiefengineer with new/old material 14 Replacement of complete khus khus conveyor trough. Job involve the work of dismantling, fabrication and erection and successful trial erection will be carried out strictly as per existingone. Plate th. 10/12mm. app. length 6 Mtrs. 15 Repairing of khus khus conveyor trough by replacement of wornout screen portion and wornout portion of donga. 16 Repairing of DSM Screen chamber box Job involvethe work of dismantling and fitting . 17 Fabrication of cover of side roller bearing of mill roller from 3.0mm th. MS plate. 18 Dismantling of Wornout DSM Screen complete 19 Fabrication & Erection of DSM Screen complete in all respect. 20 Fitting ofrake apron of inter rake carrier of mills 21 Fitting ofapron of cut cane carrier 22 Fabrication of leveller / chopper hood as per existing. one 23 a) Erection of leveler /chopper hood 24 b) Dismentling, replacement of wornout portion & fitting of leveller/chopper hood 25 Dismentling, Fabrication & Erection with proper alignment of rail of Cane Unloader 26 a) Replacement of wornout casing of fibrizor. 27 b) Replacement of deflector plate and other heavy structure of fibrizer 28 Replacement of wornout trough/Tray of cut cane carrier, Inter rake carrier. job involve the work of dismantling, fabrication and erection by new/old section of Iron & steel 10/12 mm th. 29 Fabrication of under feed roller gear covers as per existing one in two piece. 30 a)Fabrication of begacillo blower Fan 31 b) Fabrication of begacillo blower Casing 32 c) Erection of begacillo blower 33 Cyclone of dust collector 34 a) Dismantling 35 b) Fabrication of cyclone as per sample from old or new MS plate. 36 c) Erection of cyclone at proper place 37 d) Patching of cyclone of dust collector. Job involve the work dismantling of worn out portion and fitting of new/old plate at proper place 38 Repairing of ID fan casing by welding and patching. 39 Dismantling, Fabrication and Erection of 40 a) Upper Half of ID fan casing as per existing one 41 b) Lower half of ID fan casing as per existing one 42 Replacement of worn out trough/tray of bagasse carrier. job involve the work of dismantling of worn out portion and fitting of new/old suitable section of iron & steel at exact place. 43 Replacement of ash chute of boiler. Plate thickness .5/6mm Size 400x400x2000mm. job involve the work of dismantling, fabrication & erection. 44 Dismantling, rectification/ repairing and re-erection of bagasse chute of RBC/CRBC 45 Dismantling, rectification and re-erection of runner base along with runner both side of Bagasse Carrier/Cross Carrier/bagasse elevator. 46 i) Fabrication of new bagasse chute forRBC/CRBC 47 ii) Erection of new bagasse chute at RBC/CRBC 48 Repairing of feeding chute of bagasse by welding or replacement of worn-out portion of plate ( of Boiler Feeder) 49 Dismantling, Fabrication and Erection of bagasse feeding chute of boiler feeder with new/old MS section of plate. 50 Strengthening of column of RBC, CBRC etc. By providing extra section of iron & steel. 51 Dismantling, fabrication and Erection of side plate of both side of any bagasse carrier. Plate size 5 to 6 mm Th. , width 200 to 250 mm 52 Fabrication & Erection of MS Pipe drum Size 17” dia x 1600mm long at the end ofRBC 53 Repair and fitting of Bagasse feeding slides above bagasse feeding chutes- boiler 54 Dismantling of bagacillo screen with frame (above bagacello blower) repair & refitting 55 Dismantling, Repairing & Fitting of Juice Weighing Scale (Weighing Tank) 56 Dismantling, Repairing & Fitting of Water Weighing Scale (Weighing Tank) 57 Reparing of shall of Vapour Line Juice Heater 58 Replacement of Multijet condenser of Quad. 59 i) Dismantling of existing condenser complete 60 ii)Fabrication of condenser strictly as per existing one of MS section of Iron & Steelwith bottom cone.Jet box will be fabricated of stainless steel section. Job involve the work of fitting ofGM nozzle, itsMS Nut of 25 mm th. MS plate and hole flange etc. 61 iii)Erection of fabricated condenser at proper place. Job involve the work of jointing of top vapour pipe and bottom cone and trial . 62 Replacement of Multijet Condenser at Pan No. 1 by S.S. Single entry condenser. The job involes the work of dismantling of old condenser and erection of new condenser with jointing all the concerned vapour pipe and trial of the same. 63 Fabrication of S.S. Single entry condenser. The Job involes the work of making the nozzles also. 64 Erection of 6” nb coil of quad vapour cell & semikestner 65 Dismantling of 6” nb coil of quad, vapour cell & semikestner 66 Fabrication of 6” nb coil to quad vapour cell and semikestner 67 a) Dismantling of cover of Juice heater/vapour line juice heater and stacking it in scrap yard if necessary. 68 b) Fabrication of cover of juice heater/VLJH with new 32mm th. MS plate as per existing one. 69 c) Erection of cover of juice heater/VLJH at proper place. 70 a)Dismantling of Juice Compartment of any juice heater/VLJH of top/bottom. 71 b) Fabrication of compartment (Complete) of any juice heate/VLJH to top/bottom. 72 c) Erection of compartment portion complete at proper place of any juice heater/VLJH top/bottom 73 Dismentling repairing and fitting of juice compartments of juice heater/VLJH of top/bottom 74 Replacement of outer shell of saveall of vapour cell. Job involve the work of dismantling of old outer shell fabrication of outer shell from old/new section of iron & steel and then erection at proper place. All existing connections will be maintained of items 75 Replacement of inner shell of saveall of vapour cell. Job involve the work of dismantling of old inner shell fabrication of inner shell from old/new section of iron & steel and then erection at proper place. All existing connections will be maintained of items 76 Replacement of top cone of Quad bodies 77 Replacement of top cone of vapour cell 78 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of wornout shell( 1” to 1.1/2”) top & bottom of vapour line juice heater by new plate. replacement of wornout 3 nos. partition plate in juice compartment in top header and fixing of new clit 70 nos, fitting of bolt for both the cover 79 Repair of down take of evaporator body 80 Erection of 6” nb coil of clarifier job involves the fitting of flange and replacement of worn out nipple if required. 81 Replacemnet of Damage arm of clarifier 82 a) Dismantling of mud boot/juice boot of clarifier. 83 b) Fabrication and erection of mud boot/juice boot of clarifier. 84 Replacement of tray of clarifier of any compartment. Job involve the work of dismantling, fabrication & erection at exact place proper double coat welding is required. 85 Fabrication and Erection of Clerifier for fly ash wet scrubber. 86 Dismantling and refitting of condenser catcher of vacuum filter. Job involve the work of minor repair if required 87 Replacement of MS condenser/catcher of vacuum filter. Job involve the work of dismantling, fabrication, erection resting and trial. 88 Repairing of stirrer of vacuum filter drum by welding,patching etc. 89 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of stirrer of vacuum filter drum from new/old section of iron & steel. 90 Fabrication of bucket for lime elevator and sugar elevator as per sample from 5.0mm th. MS plate job involve the work of holes for attachment. 91 Fabrication of scroll for lime station as per existing one with MS plate of 6/8mm th. 12” dia and fitting of the same on 4”/5” MS Pipe. 92 a) Dismenteling of Lime Screw conveyer 93 b) Fabrication of Lime Screw Conveyer Complete 94 c) Erection of Lime Screw Conveyer complete 95 Fabrication of sulphur melter as per sample complete in all respect, work ofmaking of valve seat spindle etc. Hydraulic testing of melter is necessary as per direction of Chief Engineer 96 Fabrication & erection of jacket of scrubber from old vapour pipe new/old section of Iron & Steel. 97 Fabrication of lower/upper half of sulphur furnace (Port make type) with new/old section of iron & steel as per existing one. Job involve the work of fitting of nipple, flange stud etc. 98 Dismantling, repairing and re-erection of gas absorption tower of syrup sulphiter 99 Fabrication and erection of scrubber for port make sulphur furnace as per existing one from M.S Plate of 12/14 mm th. Complete in all respect u.e. cover flange 100 Replacement of square flange of sulphur furnace Top & Bottom half 101 Hydraulic testing of cooling coil of water cooled crystallizer as per direction of Chief Engineer. Job involve the work of miner repair if required. 102 Hydraulic testing of cooling coil of vertical crystallizer as per direction of Chief Engineerjob involve the work of miner repair if reqd. 103 Dismentalling, Fabrication,Eraction & Hydraulic Testing of complete Coils of Vertical Crystelizer in all respect 104 Fabrication& erectionof cone from 8/10/12mm th. plate of any size and erection of the same at directed place. Job involve the work of dismantling also. 105 Replacement of Multijet condenser of Pan No.1, (35 MT Capacity) 106 i) Dismantling of condenser including tail pipe 107 ii)Fabrication of condenser strictly as per existing one 108 iii)Erection of condenser at proper place. Job involve the work of jointing of vapour pipe and tail pipe complete in all respect. 109 Replacement of wornout portion of Multijet Condenser of Quad/Pan. 110 i) Shell with man hole. Job involves the work of dismantling of wornout portion and fitting of new one at proper place. 111 ii)Spray Box: Job involve the work of dismantling fabrication & erection as per existing one complete in all respect. 112 iii)Replacement of inner side plate of spray box. Job involves the work of dismantling of existing wornout plate, fabrication & erection of new plate alongwith nozzle. 113 Replacement of worn out MS pipe of 16”nb to 44” 114 a) Dismantling of worn out existing pipe 115 b) Fabrication of pipe from 8/10mm th. MS plate new/old. 116 c) Erection of Pipe at proper place incase of fabrication/erection ‘V’ is required essentially and then double coat welding wt. of dismantled pipe (Which will be useless) will be calculated on the basis of Std. th. of plate i.e. 8mm minus 3.0mm 117 i) Pipe Size 16” to 23” nb 118 ii) Pipe Size 24” to 35” nb 119 iii) Pipe Size 36” to 42” nb 120 Dismentalling, Fabrication and Erecrtion of Till Tal Bottel at Pan 121 Replacement ofbend of condenser of Pan/Quad, the job incluses the dismantling, fabrication and erection of bend portion including one meter pipe on both side 122 Strengthening of vapour pipe by providing the support of old 2” nb/2.1/2”nb pipe in inner side. 123 Replacements of outer shell of save all of 60 Tons pan. Job involves the work of dismantling of old outer shell, fabrication of outer shell from old/new section of iron & steel and then erection at proper place All existing connections will be maintained as it is. 124 Replacement of outer shell of saveall of Quad bodies. Job involve the work of dismantling of old outer shell, fabrication of outer shell from old/new section of iron & steel and then erection at proper place. All existing connection will be maintained as it is. 125 Replacement of condensate channel of Pan calenderia . Job involve the work of dismantling of existing channel and fabrication and erection of new channel at proper place. 126 Replacement of umbrella of saveall (Fine Type)of vapour cell. Job involve the work of dismantling of existing fabrication of new strictly as per existing one or as directed by Chief Engineer 127 Replacement of umbrella of saveall (Fin Type)of quad bodies. Job involve the work of dismantling of existing, fabrication and fitting of new one strictly as per existing one or as directed by Chief Engineer 128 Replacement of umbrella of saveall (Fin Type)of Pan 60 Tons. Job involve the work of dismantling of existing, fabrication and fitting of new one strictly as per existing one or as directed by Chief Engineer 129 Replacement of umbrella of saveall (Fin Type)of Pan 40 Tons. Job involve the work of dismantling of existing, fabrication and fitting of new one strictly as per existing one or as directed by Chief Engineer 130 Replacement of stirrer of air cooled crystallizer job involve the work . 131 i) Dismantling of existing wornout stirrer 132 ii)Fabrication and erection of stirrer at properplace. 133 Replacement of outer shell of saveall of Pan. Job involve the work of dismantling of old outer shell fabrication of outer shell from old/new section of iron & steel and then erection at proper place. All existing connections will be maintained of items 134 Replacement of inner shell of saveall of Pan. Job involve the work of dismantling of old outer shell fabrication of outer shell from old/new section of iron & steel and then erection at proper place. All existing connections will be maintained of items 135 Dismentalling of the bottom of Eveporator Body, Fabrication & Erection of ring then erection of bottom to increase the space in body 136 a)Dismantling of discharge Valve complete with driving arrangement of any pan 137 b) Fabrication of discharge valve complete 138 c) Erection of discharge valve complete with driving arrangement of any pan 139 Repairing of water cooled/Vacuum/Dry seed crystallizer by replacing the demege arms (ribben type) 140 Replacement of shall of vacuum crystilizer Upper Half Shall 141 Replacement of shall of vacuum crystilizerComplete Shall 142 Fabrication & Erection ofsupport of stirrer of air cooled crystallizer by MS section of Iron & Steel 143 Replacements of outer shell of save all of 40 Tons Pans. Job involves the work of dismantling of existing old outer shell fabrication of outer shell from old/new section of iron & steel and then erection at proper place. All existing connection will be maintained as it is. 144 Replacement of top cover plate of saveall of 12mm thick plate in proper place including proper strengthening work etc. 145 i) 40 Ton Pan 146 ii) 60 Ton Pan 147 Replacement of pan charging header. Job involve the work of dismantling, fabrication of header by fitting of various nipple, flange as per existing one and then erection at proper place. 148 Replacement of steam coil (Retangular shape) of molasses tank at pan floor. 149 Replacement of existing condensate channel of pan calenderia. Job involves the work of dismantling of existing channel and fitting of 6” nb pipe as per requirement at proper place 150 Repaired/replacement of wornout portion of centrifugal saveall of Pan 151 Replacement of driving side bed of crystallizer 152 Replacement of damage arm of crystallizer 153 Replacement of wornout conical portion of Pan 154 i) Top Cone 155 ii) Bottom Cone 156 Rewelding of Pan bottom saucer ( both side) making ‘V’ groove 157 Fabrication and Erection of ‘J’ Pipe in Pan 158 Fabrication and Erection complete PanThe job includes the Dismantling, fabrication and Erection of Pan including outer shall, lower cone, Top cone, saveall, feeding header, umbrella exhaust/vapour pipe connection with required strengthing and succesfull trial 159 60 Ton Pan 160 40 Ton Pan 161 Replacement of Top cone with seveall 162 For 60 Ton Pan 163 For 40 Ton Pan 164 Replacement of wornout trough tray of hopper. job involve the work of dismantling, fabrication and erection by new/old section of Iron & steel . 165 Fabrication & Erection of complete hopper tray as per existing and completein all respect and satisfactory trial.Size app. 8.5 Mtr to 11 Mtr Width 1.5 MtrDepth 0.25 Mtr,Plate th. 5/6mm 166 Fabrication of discharge chute of sugar grader from3.0mm th. plate as per existing one. 167 Fabrication of discharge chute of SD machine from old or new 3.0mm th. plate. Size 700x400x300mm 168 Fabrication of Molasses. Separator box of centrifugal machine strictly as per existing one. 169 Replacement of worn out duck plate of hopper. Job involves the work of dismantling, fabrication from old/new section of iron and steel and erection. 170 Dismantling, repairing and fitting of sugar discharge chute of grader. 171 Replacement of wornout channel of sugar gradar. Job involve the work of dismantling of existing channel and fitting of new channel at proper place 172 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of Magma mixer as per existing one with old/new section of iron & steel complete in all respects. A Magma, C Magma 173 Installation of molasses pump compete with Gear Box Motor including Bed fabrication and fitting etc. 174 Installation of Magma pump compete with Gear Box Motor including Bed fabrication and fitting etc. 175 Fabrication and erection of super heater wash water coloum as per existing one and hydraulic testing. 176 Repairing and hydraulic testing of super heated wash water coloum. 177 Replacement of wornout plate of hopper with the fitting of new Angle iron flange etc. 178 Replacemant of Hopper Tray 179 Replacement of wornout plate of chute of sugar grader 180 Fabrication & Erection of Vapour Extraction blower for S.D. Machine 181 Fabrication of Tilting chute as per existing 182 Dismantling and fitting of submersible pump set 183 Fabrication of motor cover/Guard with old dGC.Sheet/200 Empty drums. 184 i) Up to 20 HP Motor 185 ii) above 20 HP & Up to 50 HP Motor 186 Fabrication of suction strainer of spray/injection pump/injection channel. 187 Cleaning of chocked nozzle of spary system during general cleaning. 188 Fitting of dummy flange of spray system app. Qty. of flange 50 Nos. 189 Dismantling of CI Nozzle of Spray system 2”nb 190 Dismantling of CI Pipe of 2” nb of Spray system 191 Dismantling of CI Bend of 2” nb of Spray system 192 Dismantling of CI Cluster of spray system 193 Dismantling of 6” nb CI Pipe of Spray system 194 Erection of C.I. Nozzle of 2”nb of Spray System 195 Erection of C.I. Pipe of 2” nb of spray system 196 Erection of C.I. bend of 2”nb of Spray System 197 Erection of C.I. Cluster of Spray system 198 Erection of 6” nb C.I. Pipe of Spray System 199 Fabrication of cluster 200 Dismentling and erection of Spray System 201 a) Main Pipe Line 202 b) Branch Pipe Line 203 Fabrication of M.S. Pipeof Spray System 204 a) Main Pipe Line 205 b) Branch Pipe Line 206 Dismantling, cleaning & refitting of cooling coil of molasses. storage tank job involve miner repair of coil if required. 207 Replacement of bottom plate of syrup/molasses Tank at pan floor Size plateth. 10mm th. 208 Replacement of wornout portion of Pan/ Quad/ Vacuum Crystallizer/Seed Crystallizer etc. 209 i)- Dismantling 210 ii) Fabrication & Erection 211 Dismantling and Refitting of Top Cover of Cation/Anion Tank of DM Plant 212 Dismantling and Refitting of Bottom Cover of Cation/Anion Tank of DM Plant 213 Modifacation in pug mill (if required) for shifted S.D C/F Machine 214 Fabrication & Erection of outer casing of S.D C/F machine 215 Replacement of inlet vapour pipe (L type) in quad 4th body 500 mm dia 216 Replacement of driving attachment portion of sugar hopper 217 M.S. Bend of condenser of pan/quad the job includes the fabrication & erection of bend portion including one meter pipe line on both side. 218 Replacement/Repair/Febrication and Erection of main vertical I beam column of main structure of machinery. Provision of temperry additional support to main structure at the time of replacement of main coloumn covers under this job. 219 Replacement of main horizontal base structure of machinery by required Ibeam/chennels 220 Febrication and Erection of Oil & Grease skimmer 221 Vertical Shade at R.B.C. by New/Scrap Material 222 PART (B) 223 Replacement of worn-out runner of cane carrier/cutcane carrier / intor rakecarrier and all bagasse carrier 224 a) Straight portion at ground floor 225 b) Straight portion at 12 to 14 Mtr hight 226 c) Perpendicular portion up to 12 Mtrs hight 227 d) Inclined portion 228 Cutting of chevron Groove:- 229 a) In ReshelledRoller 230 b) In Old Regrooved Roller 231 c) In Old Under Feed Roller 232 d) In Reshelled Under Feed Roller 233 Fabrication of Juice Ring from old/New MS plate 8/10/12mm Thik 234 Reclaining of teeth ofmill roller crown pinion 235 Straighteningof cane carrier slate 236 Repairing of paddle of bagasse carrier by straightening and welding 237 Dismentling, Febrication and erection of side plate of Cane Carrier 238 Replacement of flue gas Air ducting of boiler a) Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection 239 Fabrication and erection of platform from scrap material including dismantling also. 240 Fabrication & erection of railing pipe from scrap material . 241 a) Provision of Support of M.S. flat/angle iron 65x65mm/75x75mm/100 x 100mm thickness 8mm/10mm/12mm 242 b) Strengthering of support already exist 243 A) Dismantling, fabrication and erection of MS tank square/rectangular/ conical bottom at ground floor . 244 i) Dismantling 245 ii) Fabrication 246 iii) Erection 247 At 8 to 10 Mtr hight. 248 i) Dismantling 249 ii) Fabrication 250 iii)Erection 251 B) At 16 to 20 Mtr hight. 252 i) Dismantling 253 ii)- Fabrication 254 iii) Erection 255 Patching of vessel/tank/gutter, pipe line trough etc. from new/old The work of dismantling of old worn out section of Iron & Steel if required 256 a) Small patch less then 1 sq. mtr 257 b) Big patch above 1 sq. mtr. 258 Dismantling, re-weldingand re-erection of old vapour/exhaust pipe of any size (The job includes the work of dismantling rotating the position of pipe and then rewilding) 259 Replacement of brass/SS tube of juice heater /VLJH/Semikestner.Job involves the work of dismantling of old tube, fitting of tube and their hydraulic test. 260 a) Dismantling 261 b) Fitting 262 Replacement of brass/SS tube of Pan Job involves the work of dismantling of worn out old tube/fitting of new/repaired tube and than hydraulic test. 263 a) Dismantling 264 b) Fitting 265 Replacement of brass/SS tube of Quad bodies’ job involves the work of dismantling of wornout tubes fitting of new/repaired tube and hydraulic testing. 266 a) Dismantling 267 b) Fitting 268 Provision of flat iron 8mm x 100mm/8mm x 75mm butt joint of molasses storage tank for strengthening purpose welding on both side of flat iron required. 269 Re-welding of worn out welding of any tank, tray, gutter etc. 270 Re-welding of cross purline joint of trusses at proper place in any house. 271 Fabrication and erection of staging for plate form from MS channel 100x 50/150 x 75 of gurder and angle iron. 272 Fabrication of Cable rake by old boiler tube/new agnle iron/MS flat 273 a) Width up to 1.1/2’ 274 b) Above than 1.1/2, to 5’ 275 a) Erection of cable rake and fitting of cable in rake as per direction of Chief Engineer. 276 b) Laying of power cable 240 Sq.mm in the rake 277 c) Laying of power cable (under ground) 120 Sq.mm 278 Replacement of gutter/chute from 6 to 8 mm th. new/old MS plate. 279 i) Dismantling 280 ii) Fabrication and erection 281 Shifting of scrap material from one place to other place within area of 200 mtr 282 Straightening of old Scrap curved M.S. Plate. 283 Straightening of old MS Pipe of 20” nb to 44” nb Dia (Conversion in plain section). 284 Provision of support of Pan body shell of 60 Ton cone by angle iron of any size 285 Provision of inside support of 60 Ton Pan with ribs of M.S. Plate Size 350x 350x10mm 286 Drilling of Holes in any plate, flange, coupling etcSize 1 /2”” nb to 1” nb 287 Dismantling of MS/GI/SS Pipe along with, bend, flange, tee & reducer etc. 288 i) Size ½” nb to 2” nb 289 ii) Size 2.1/2”nb to 6”nb 290 iii) Size 8” nb to 12” nb 291 iv)Size 14”nb to 16 “nb 292 Erection of MS/GI/SS Pipe along with, bend, flange, tee & reducer etc. 293 i)Size ½” nb to 2” nb 294 ii) Size 2.1/2”nb to 6”nb 295 iii) Size 8” nb to 12” nb 296 iv)Size 14”nb to 16 “nb 297 Replacement of MS bend, tee, cross, reducer. Job involves the work of dismantling and fitting. 298 i)Size ½” nb to 2” nb 299 ii) Size 2.1/2”nb to 6”nb 300 iii) Size 8” nb to 12” nb 301 iv)Size 14”nb to 16 “nb 302 Fabrication ofbend,tee Cross & reducer etc. 303 i) - Size 2”nb to 6”nb 304 ii) Size 8” nb to 12” nb 305 iii)Size 14”nb to 16 “nb 306 Cutting of Old Flange Iron old and wornout Pipe 307 i) - Size 2”nb to 6”nb 308 ii) Size 8” nb to 12” nb 309 iii)Size 14”nb to 16 “nb 310 Replacements of Nipple/Distance piece Job involve the work of dismantling fabrication and erection. 311 i)Size ½” nb to 2” nb 312 ii) Size 2.1/2”nb to 6”nb 313 iii) Size 8” nb to 12” nb 314 iv)Size 14”nb to 16 “nb 315 v) Size 16” nb to 24” nb 316 Dismantling of Valve 317 i)Size ½” nb to 2” nb 318 ii) Size 2.1/2”nb to 6”nb 319 iii) Size 8” nb to 12” nb 320 iv)Size 14”nb to 16 “nb 321 Erection of Valve 322 i)Size ½” nb to 2” nb 323 ii) Size 2.1/2”nb to 6”nb 324 iii) Size 8” nb to 12” nb 325 iv)Size 14”nb to 16 “nb 326 Dismantling of man hole16” nb to 20”nb 327 Fabrication and erection of man hole from old/new section of iron & steel 16” nb to 20”nb, 328 Welding of New/Old Flange. 329 i)Size ½” nb to 2” nb 330 ii) Size 2.1/2”nb to 6”nb 331 iii) Size 8” nb to 12” nb 332 iv)Size 14”nb to 16 “nb 333 Fabrication of long bend 3 to 5 Mtr length of 5”/6” nb Pipe 334 Opening and fitting of dummy flange ofPipeLine 335 Fabrication and erection of Coil in circular shape 336 i) From 2” nb to 2.1/2” nb Pipe 337 ii)From 3” nb to 4” nb Pipe 338 iii)Fron 6” nb Pipe 339 Fabrication of Flange. Job include the work of face/OD maching and drilling of hole. Holes will be drilled by drill machine only 340 Dismantling of C.I. Pipe of 12”nb to 16”nb Size 341 Erection of C.I. Pipe of 12”nb to 16” Size 342 Painting of Boiler Chimney inside & out side surface by Aluminium paint and black heat registant paint respectirvely. 343 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of vaccum filter juice tray with fitting of all related accessaries 344 WORK OF WELDING 345 a) Pipe welding 346 b) Plate welding 347 c) Miscellenous work of welding

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