Supply Of Vegetables Under Dietary Articles Supply Of Vegetables , List Of Items , Tomatoes , Green Chillies , Coriander Green , Ginger , Curry Leaves , French Beans , Carrot English (Big Size) , Carrot Indian , White Pumpkin , Cabbage , Cauliflower , Brinjal , Papdi , Red Pumpkin , Long Padwal , Gawari , Suran , Tondli , Capsicum , Green Peas , Beetroot , Drum Sticks , Cucumber , Raw Plaintains , Ladys Fingers , Karela , Navalkol , Brinjol (Black For Bharta) Big , Mushroom Button , Methi Bhaji , Baby Corn Fresh , Raw Mango , Methi Leaves (Small Methi) , Chawli Leaves , Allo Pan (Alu Patta) Big Size , Palak , Red Math , Salad Leaves/Parsley/Celery , Mint Leaves , Gooseberry , Raw Tomatoes , Madras Cucumber , Maize (Makai) Fresh Corn , Raw Groundnut , Chawli Shenga , Turia/Ghosali , Dhemsa/Chaw-Chaw , Kohla , Salgum , Small Parver , Mulla , Shepu Bhaji , Raw Papaya , Brocoli , Basil Fresh / Thyme , Red Cabbage , Bell Pepper(Capsicum Red/Yellow) , Beans Sprout , Lettuce / Ice Berg Leaves , Asparagas , Rosorolla , Cherry Tomatoes , Aarbi , Lemon Grass , Zuccinni , Avacodo , Lotus Stem , Brussels Sprouts , Baby Carrot , Wet Cashewnut (Peeled) , Sweet Potatoes , Green Onions , Surti Papdi , Tuar Sheng , Green Pavta , Harbhara , Purple Yaam , Banana Leaf , Garlic Fresh Leaves , Bhavnagri Chilly (Mirchi) , Roman Lettuce