
Supply Of The Under-Mentioned Goods/Articles -, kolkata-West Bengal

Presidency University has published Supply Of The Under-Mentioned Goods/Articles -. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-08-2023. Screws Tenders in kolkata West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of The Under-Mentioned Goods/Articles -
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Supply Of The Under-Mentioned Goods/Articles -1 Conical flask, 500 ml 2 Conical flask, 100 ml 3 Conical flask, 250 ml 4 Screw Cap Bottle, 100 ml 5 Screw Cap Bottle, 250ml 6 Screw Cap Bottle, 500ml 7 Glass Spreader 8 Glass slides,box 9 Glass coverslips, square 10 Micro Tips 0.2ul-10ul (#521000) 11 Micro Tips 2-200ul (#521010) 12 Micro Tips 200-1000ul (#521020) 13 Micro Centrifuge Tube 1.5ml (#500010) 14 Micro Centrifuge Tube 2.0ml (#500020) 15 Test tube stand, 18 places (#202050) 16 Beaker, plastic, autoclavable, 100 ml 17 Beaker, plastic, autoclavable, 250 ml 19 DMSO extrapure, 99%, 500ml, (#43404) 20 MTT extrapure AR, 98%, 100mg (#33611) 21 DAB, 5g, (#94524) 22 Sulphanilamide extrapure AR, 99%, 100g (#65404) 23 N-(1-Naphthyl)Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride, 5g,(#61166) 24 Silver Nitrate extrapure AR, 99.9%, (#94118), 10g 25 Ferric Chloride Anhydrous pure, 98%, (#72287), 500g 26 Ferrous Chloride Tetrahydrate extra pure, 98%, (#82984), 500g 27 Ammonia Solution Extrapure AR 30%, (#14388), 500ml 28 Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate extrapure, 99%, (#85919), 500g 29 Fluorescein Sodium Salt, (#55091), 25g 30 Giemsa Stain solution (#72404), 100ml 31 Agarose, Low Melting for molecular biology, (#32417), 10g 32 EDTA Disodium Salt 0.5M Solution, (#35888), 100 ml 33 N-Lauroylsarcosine Sodium Salt, molecular biology,(#15448), 25g 34 Propidium iodide, (#11195), 10mg 35 Tris Buffer for molecular biology, (#71033), 100g T 36 Triton X-100, (#64518), 100ml 37 Potassium Ferricyanide, (#15766), 100g 38 Potassium Ferrocyanide, (#12914), 500g 39 X-Gluc Sodium, (#16651), 25mg 40 Gelatin powder, (#83740), 500g 41 Congo Red, (#24275), 5g 42 Lysozyme, (#45822), 1g 43 Alkaline Phosphatase, (#12151), 100mg 44 10X TAE buffer (#71989), 100 ml 45 Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1) (#69031), 100 ml 46 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate,(#91417), 250 g 47 Potassium Acetate for molecular biology, (#96248), 100 g 48 Whatman 40/41 filter paper roll 49 Sterile disposable petriplates, 90 mm, 1 cartoon (#PW001) 50 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS (#TCL119) 51 HiPer Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Teaching Kit (# HTBM005) 52 HiPer Cloning Teaching Kit (Blue-White Selection) (#HTBM036) 53 Bradford reagent, (#ML106), 100ml 54 SYBR Safe Gel, (#ML053) 55 1kb DNA Ladder, (#MBT051), 50Ln 56 Nutrient agar, (#M001), 500g 57 Brilliant Green Bile Broth, (#M121S), 100g 58 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar, (#MH581), 100g 59 Davis Minimal Broth, (#M390-500g) 60 Sulfuric acid, (#AS016), 500ml 61 MGYP medium, (#M1846), 500 g 62 Acetosyringon, (#PCT1301), 5g 63 Agar PT (#RM7695), 500 gm 64 Murashige& Skoog Medium, #PT010, 1000ml 65 Rifampicin, (#CMS1889), 1g 66 Streptomycin, (#SD091), 25mcg 67 BAP (6-Benzylaminopurine), (#PCT0802), 25g 68 Indole-3-acetic acid, (#PCT0803), 5 g 69 Hygromycin, (#PCT1104), 100mg 70 Proteinase k, (#MB086), 1g 71 20X TBE, (#ML022), 100ml 72 Sodium (meta)arsenite, Hi-AR, (#GRM1847), 250g 73 Nesslers reagent, (#R010), 125mL 74 Boric acid, (#TC580M), 500g 75 L-asparagine, (#PCT0303), 25g 76 trichloroacetic acid, (#MB293), 100g 77 30% Hydrogen Peroxide (H202), (#107209), 500ml

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