Bids Are Invited For Laboratory Consumable Blood Agar Base , Cled Agar , Ketodiastix , Prothrombin Time , Pttk Reagent , C Reactive Protein , Gram Stain , Mct Oil , Schirmers Test , Specimen Bottle For Bact Alert Fa Adult , Specimen Bottle For Bact Alert Fa Paediatric , Sterile Ophthalmic Irrigating Balanced Salt Solution With Glutathione , Trop I Rapid Test , Zn Stain , Aborh Fwd And Reverse Grouping Gel Card , Liss Comb Card For Ictdct Gel Card , Pooled Cell , Red Cell Diluent , Abo Fwd Grouping Withrh Grouping Gel Card , Hbsag Elisa 4Th Gen , Hcv Elisa 4Th Gen , Mckconkey Broth Double Strength , Mckonkey Broth Single Strength , Pap Stain , Glucostrips One Touch , Bio-Rad Assayed Chemistry Control Level , H360 Diluent , H 360 Lyse , H360 Erba Elite Clean , Hi Assorted Biochemical Test Code Kb002 , Hiim Vic Biochemical Test Code Kb001 , Hematoxylin Stain , Widal Test Kit , Eosin Y , Petri Dishes Culture Plate , Antibiotic Sensitivity Disk Gpc 1St Line , Antibiotic Sensitivity Disk Gpc 2Nd Line , Antibiotic Sensitivity Disk Gnb 1St Line , Antibiotic Sensitivity Disk Gnb 2Nd Line , Semen Dilluting Fluid , Wbc Dilluting Fluiid , Giemsa Stain , Test Tube 10Ml , Esr Tube Disposable , Typhidot Rapid Test Kit , Lancet Disposable , Nihon Kohden Cleanac Total Quantity : 31038