Tender For Supplying, Installation And Commissioning For Various Ornamental Items In Open Places & Public Parks In Nac Champua Supplying, fitting and installation of 2 ft dia Giant FRP Foot Ball with various FRP sculpture height 2 ft (as per approval of engineer in charge)and the base will be with brick and CC of size 3 ft x 3ft x 2ft and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all etc. complete Supplying, fitting and installation of 3 ft dia Giant FRP Foot Ball with various FRP sculpture height 3 (as per approval of engineer in charge)and the base will be with brick and CC of size 4 ft x 4ft x 1ft and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all etc. complete Supplying flating and installation of FRP GIANT HAND 20 FT HEIGHT and the Foundations will be with brick and CC of required sin and Dust Froe Color with all cost of labour and materials, all es complete Supplying fining and installation of FRP 20 FT HEIGHT TREE WITH REAL LIFE SIZE TIGER ON BRANCH and the Tousdation will be with brick and CC of required size and Dost Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all ete complete Supplying, fitting and installation of FRP LAMP POST WITH DRUM BASE FT HEIGHT and the foundation will be with brick and CC of required size and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all ch complete Supplying and installation of FRPTREE LAMP POST 10 FT HEIGHT and the foundation will be with brick and CC of required size and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all etc. complete Supplying, fitting and installation of FRPGIANT HUNNEY BEE WITH SUN FLOWER ANY OTHER ANIMAL OR FLY CREATURE BASE 6 FT LONG & 7 FT DIA SUN FLOWER SHAPE BASE & 1 FT HEIGHT and the foundation will be with brick and CC of required size and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all etc complete Supplying fining and installation of FRPGIANT HUNNEY BEE WITH SUN FLOWER ANY OTHER ANIMAL OR FLY CREATURE BASE 3 FT LONG & 4 FT DIA SUN FLOWER SHAPE BASE & 6 INCH HEIGHT and the foundation will be with brick and CC of required size and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all to complete Supplying, fitting and installation of FRP6 FT HEIGHT /LIFE SIZE SPIDRE MAN/ CARTOON CHARACTER and the foundation will be with brick and CC of required size and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all ele, complete Supplying, fitting and installation of FRP3 FT HEIGHT CARTOON CHARACTER LIKE MICKY MOUSE, DONALD DUCK, CHHOTA BHIM ETC and the foundation will be with brick and CC of required size and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all etc. complete Supplying, fitting and installation of FRPDECORATIVE GATE 15 FT HEIGHT& 20 FT WIDE and the foundation will be with CC of required size and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, all etc. complete Supplying, fitting and installation of FRP6 FT HEIGHT PEACOCK SITTING ON WOOD LOG and the foundation will be with brick and CC of required size and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and materials, al etc. complete SITC of FRP AFRICAN ELEPHANT FAMILY SETwith required foundation of all Sculpture/Statue as per approval of EIC L. I nos of MALE AFRICAN ELEPHANT #FT HEIGHT IN JOYFUL STANDING POSITION 2 I nos of FEMALE AFRICAN ELEPHANT 75 FT HEIGHT IN JOYFUL DANCING POSITION 3 Inus of BABY AFRICAN ELEPHANT 3 FT HEIGHT IN JOYFUL STANDING POSITION I nos of BABY AFRICAN ELEPHANT 4 FT HEIGHT IN JOYFUL STANDING POSITION SITC of 12 FT HEIGHT AFRICAN ELEPHANTIN WALKING POSITION with required foundation of all Sculpture/ Statue as per approval of Engineer in charge SITC of FRP DEER FAMILY SET with required foundation of all Sculpture/ Statue as per approval of Engineer in charge with Size Height 1. 3.5 A MALE DEER 2. 3R FEAMLE DEER stnding position 1 no. 3. 3 ft feamle deer sitting position 4. 2. FL baby deer This, SITC of 4 FT HEIGHT FRP DEER with required foundation of all Sculpture/ Statue as per approval of Engineer in charge SITC of RABBIT FAMILY SET with required foundation of all Sculpture/ Statue as per approval of Engineer in charge with Size Height 1. 3.5 ft MALE RABBIT-2 nos 2. 3ft FEAMLE RABBIT -1 no 3. 2.5 # RABBIT -1 no. 4 2 Ft baby RABBIT -1 no Supplying, dating and installation of FRP 7FT LONG LIFE SIZE LION/TIGER and the foundation will be with brick and CC of required site and Dum Free Color with all out of labour and materials, all de complete Sapplying, fitting and installation of FRP & FT HEIGHT VARIOUS GOD STATUE IN SITTING/STANDING POSITION LIKE SHIVA STATUE, BUDDHA STATEE ETC and the foundation will be with brick and CC of quired size and Dust Free Color with all cost of labour and mixerials, all ele compline Supplying, fitting and installation MAGIC FRP STONE /FRP TAP SIZE 4 FT X 5 FT X 1 FT HEIGHT, CENTRAL HOLDING PIPE WILL BE OF S.S, 304 OR ACRALLIC AS PER THE REQUIREMENT OF SITE, 2 HP Monoblock Submersible pump of Crompton cri make, filter for pump required Plumbing fittings, grouting stands for ring & lights,&8 nos of 18 W Water Proof RGB LED Lights & digitally controlled panel board (12 FT DIA WATER BODY CIVIL WORK INCLUDED AS PER DESIGN APPROVED BY EIC, NEED TO FIXE GRANITE ON TOP SURFACE OF WATER BODY & GLAZE TILES ON INSIDE & OUTSIDE WALL OF WATERBODY) Supplying, fitting and installation 2 Pattern Dancing FOUNTAIN with 1 no of 7 ft dia ring & I no of 8 ft dia ring, 2 Nos of 2 HP Monoblock Submersible pump of Crompton/ CRI make, filter for pump, required Plumbing fittings, grouting stands for ring & lights,& 16 nos of 18 W Water Proof RGB LED Lights & digitally controlled panel board WITH 2 NOS OF SUITABLE VED OF L&T Make (20 FT DIA WATER BODY CIVIL WORK INCLUDED AS PER DESIGN APPROVED BY EIC NEED TO FIXE GRANITE ON TOP SURFACE OF WATER BODY & GLAZE TILES ON INSIDE & OUTSIDE WALL OF WATERBODY) Hopptying, firing and installation Deme Fountain with i woof 7 dis ring. I Now of 2 HP Monoblock Crompton eri make, filter for репр required Plumbing fittings, grouting stands for ring & lights,& s of 18 W Water Prisf RGB LED Light 4 digitally controlled pand board (19 FT DIA WATER BODY CIVIL WORK INCLUDED AS PER DESIGN APPROVED BY RIC NEED TO FIXE GRANITE ON TOP SURFACE OF WATER BODY & GLAZE TILES ON INSIDE & OUTSIDE WALL OF WATERBODY) Supplying, Eating and installation Floating FOUNTAIN High Jet With FT DIA FLOATER, Mt Ring Fountain with 1 of 6 daring FOR MIST FOUNTAIN & I no of CENTRE HIGH JET, 1 Now of 75 Monoblock Submersible pamp of Crompton eri make, filter for pop requirest Plumbing fittings, grouting stands for ring & lights,& 12 ans of 18 W Water Prod RGB LED Lights & digitally vantridled panel Supplying, filing and installation Floating High Jet FOUNTAIN With 6 Ft Dia Floater, 1 No or Centre High det Flower Jet Neale, 1 No of 7.5 Submersible pump of Crompton eri male, filter репр required etings groting stands for ring & lights 8 nos of 1 W Water Proof RGB LED Lights digitally controlled panel beard Supplying fining and installation 4 ft diu Ball Fountain with I no of 6 dia ball & 50 no of 27 S.S. 304 stick & Nozzles for bull fountain, 6 ft height Riser Pipe, I Nos of J HP Monoblock Submersible pump of Crompton/ eri make, for pump. required Plumbing grouting stands for ring & lights, & 16 nos of 18 W Water Proof RGB LED Lights & digitally controlled panel board (12 FT Dia Water Body Civil Work Included As Per Design Approved By EIC Need To Fix Granite On Top Surface Of Water Body & Glaze Tiles On Inside & Outside Wall Of Water body) Supplying, fitting and installation Calys FOUNTAIN with 1 no of 2.5 dia Calyx fountain Nozzle, 1 Nos of 1 HP Mono block Submersible pump of Crompton cri make, filter for pump, required Plumbing fittings, grouting stands for ring & lights,& 10 nos of 18 W Water Proof RGB LED Lights & panel board (10 ft dia water body civil work included as per design approved by eic. Need to fixe granite on top surface of water body & glaze tiles on inside & outside wall of water body) Supplying, fitting and installation Sculpture Jet with 1 no of 2 dia Sculpture Jet fountain Nozzle, 1 Nos of 1 HP Monoblock Submersible pump of Crompton/ cri make, filter for pump. required Plumbing fittings, grouting stands for ring & lights,& 10 nos of 18 W Water Proof RGB LED Lights &panel board (10 ft dia water body civil work included as per design approved by cie. Need to fixe granite on top surface of water body & glaze tiles on inside & outside wall of water body) 28 Supplying, fitting and installation Double Dome FOUNTAIN with I no of 2.5 ft dia ring & I no of 6 ft dia ring, I Nos of 2 HP Mono block Submersible pump of Crompton/ eri make, filter for pump, required Plumbing fittings, grouting stands for ring & lights, & 10 nos of 18 W Water Proof RGB LED Lights &panel board (10) ft dia water body civil work included as per design approved by EIC. Need to fix granite on top surface of water body & glaze tiles on inside & outside wall of water body) Supply/fixing Decorative Solar Garden Lamp of IS1 Good reputed brand Powder Coated Garden Lamp will install at Open space Park and Different Beautification Sites, including all tax complete SPECIFICATION: Size: Height- 8-10- feet (approx.)FRAME: Galvanized iron/Mild steel/Stainless Steel/FRP.PAINT: Powder Coated Shiny and Dust free color(Panel Box, Wiring, Labor, Transportation, Installation Included) Supply/fixing Flood Light AC Waterproof Multi color flood light for illuminating different statue and ornamental decorative items having the types as Below, 1 SET 1. Type 01:50 what AC 2. Type 02: 100 want AC (Panel Box, Wiring, Light Stand, Labor, Transportation, Installation Included) Supply/fixing Multi Color RGV Light Multi Color RGV Light 12v DC Waterproof Multi color RGV light for illuminating different statue.including all tax complete(Rider Wiring Labor, Transportation, Installation Included) Supply/fixing Spot Lights Spot Lights for Selfle Points as below mentioned type, including all tax complete L Type 01:05 want, AC waterproof 2 Type 02: 20 waat, AC waterproof (Panel Box, Wiring, Labor, Transportation, Installation Included)