
Tender For Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents, Kits, Glass Goods, And Instruments For The Office Of The Principal Purba Bardhaman, Purba Bardhaman-West Bengal

Department Of Health And Family Welfare has published Tender For Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents, Kits, Glass Goods, And Instruments For The Office Of The Principal Purba Bardhaman. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-08-2023. Waxes Tenders in Purba Bardhaman West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents, Kits, Glass Goods, And Instruments For The Office Of The Principal Purba Bardhaman
Open Tender
West Bengal
Purba Bardhaman

Tender Details

Tender For Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents, Kits, Glass Goods, And Instruments For The Office Of The Principal Purba Bardhaman Ethanol (100%). Glacial acetic acid. HCI. - Conc. Sulfuric Acid. Crystal Iodine. Phosphomolybdic Acid. Methylene Blue. Di-sodium Hydrogen Phosphate. Sodium Acetate. Fuchsin Basic. Paraffin wax.(60°-62°C) Hematoxylin Powder. Tr-sodium Citrate. Acetone. Isopropyl Alcohol. Xylene. ___._..__ Methanol. _..... Sodium Citrate. Eosin Powder. - Formalin. teishman stan. Bilirubin. Drabskln Reagent. DPx Reagent, ______________- bmmersion Oil Cholesterol Uric Acid. ar. Paraffin wax. (s4-s6C) Sodium Hydrogen Sulphate Distilled water. Acetone Free Methanoll Double oxa late power. Yeast Extract. H202. Lysol. N.N.N.N.tetramethylparaphenelenedi aminedihydrodiloride. - Uquld Paraffin. ugued Paraffin. Neutral Red. - Oxalc Acid, Potassium Iodide. Potassium dlchromate. 4-aminobenzoic Acid. ____-___ P-diethytaminobenzaldetyde. Plasticin. ____________ Rectified spirit. Potassium Hydroxide. Saranilic Acid. Setfranine. Tryptone. - Arginine Crystal Violet. sodium Hypochlorite(4%l. Man€anese sulphate. ine Hydrochloride. Maignese sulphate t-Avrno. HydrocNoride. Phenol crystal. Lp !tO(k SenitIvltyoç aMahy4anbe Reagent Bromoaesol Purpue Cres Red. Benecha’s Reagent. coocvibs Reagents. Glucose (GoD-PoD). HDLC (P1GM 1), — Tr$Øycecld. (colormetrIc, ALP ____ urea (Ierthelot). urea (urease Nessler). Creatinine. ____._...._ Calcium (oCPC). Protein (Biuret) [tmin (BCG). _____- Uric Acid. Antisera - A. - AntniSera — B. Seia - 0”. __-______ !1xA8 (spot) -so test. ix€ (EusA) —96 test. HCV (spot)- 3Orest. ___________ Hcv (EuISA). 96test. 11Ev (1gM ELusA)- 96test. — AV (IBM EuusA)- 96test. widal test kit (SOrnl/set). ASo test kit (sotest/lootest). - MPDA — 40test. cRP- 25test. ANE-lOtnt RPR(VollL - sotest. KydaUd Cyst (EuIsA) -9eEest - Canddia tiflcatlc,n kll. Menkwis (rapid Iate* aggtudnatlon kut)-3Ou. __ mORoH test kt - 96test. _-_____ .!tA.TRsTkfl—2otest.? Vbde oderae anti sera poly vI4rio Oobrae anti sera kaba. Vlbrio Oolerae 1n14 era ojawr Typhoid anti sera poly-o. Sairnonela 0 factor 2. Salmonella o fador 4. Salmonella H(d) aalutinatirig sera Salmonella N paly phase 2 Rk-3991o test. $abour Dextrose diwtmwph.rWcoiO br, Sabouraud Dextrose *411 SDCA. Coin meal Allar Candida cfrorne Agar. Brain heart Infusion Apr. Apr Apr Powder. RcM medium (M149). MRVP medium. urea Apr base. - _________ Thayer Martin Media. Cetrimide Apr. Nutrient Apr. MacConuceyAgarwithoutNacl& violet. Mueller Hinton Agar. T.c.B.5. Apr. cled moller decarboxylase base bile escculin agar hecktoen enteric agar lj medium ornithina soybean casein digest medium cholorform potassium acetate liquid soap sulfuric acid hydrocholridde acid potassium nitrate diethylebaibituric acid hydrochloride acid potassium nitrate diethylebaturic acid sodium diethybarbiturate pnp power alt ast ammonium sulphate cabon tetra chloride delonized water formic acid rapid pap triglyceride kit pt postassium aluminium sulphate tlc plate wbc diluting fluid rbc biluting fluid eosinophil diluting fluid glass goods and instruments Gss Shd. owr p (z2mm 22mm Covet Ssp(22mn e 4Omm rsp_(22mm x 30mm) cap T. wash bottle Test tube (4 • 1/2). ______ Disposable vial fo blood colecton (plain v4 test tube beaker capling jar mccarney bottle blood culture bottle petri dish test tube round bottom flask reagent bottle cryoverial haematrocrits secrum specimen test tube glass colorimeter spectrophotometer micropipette varibale whatman paper filter paper disposable syringe disposable clot vial microtips eppendrop tube micropipette spirit lamp bacterilogical incubator vertical autoclave anaerobic apparatus digital water bath shaker themometer bp instrument stethoscope syrindge with needle dissecting microscope small fine tip scissors fine no tooth forceps Toothed Forceps. (Big, Small) Allis Tissue rorceps. (Big, Small) 5calpal Handle -no-3&4 Scalpal Blade. 24 no Electric Hub Cutter. Hub Cutter (Manual). Artery Forcep. Scissor. Magnifying glass. __________ Baby weight machine. (cigital)_ Adult weight machine. (digital) lnfantometer. Diamond marker pen, Microtome Blades. Test Tube Holder. Handle for scalpel blades. Bone marrow biopsy needle pediatric and adult ____________ Glass jar ____________... Artery Forceps (Big, Small) Scissors(small, Big ,Medium) Straight Scissors (large, Medium) Curved Long thin blade cutting knife wax Tray Cassate (3z3cm) Cassate (2 x2cm) Haemoglobinometer Tube Haemoglobinometer pipette wintrob tube RBc Pipette - wBc Pipette watch Glass (7s mm) Neubauer Chamber Cuvette (Colorimetric), (ectrometric) Rubber Teat Graduated Pipette (1,2,5.lOml) Test tube stand (WoodenPdlythene) Cuvette Haemocytometer box Urinometer Haemoglobinomneter Esbach Albuminometer Tissue floation bath Surgical tray Big __...._..___._ xnife (Big, Medlum) ..._.________ Mosquito Forcep Spirit lamp vertical Autoclave (20” Diameter) Digital Anaerobic Apparatus - Inspissator shaker ________ vortex Filtretips (assorted size). Nitril Gloves (large) Nitril Gloves (small)

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