Tender For Repair And Modification Works At Ist Floor Of New Wing Kasturba Hospital Habibganj Bhel Township, Bhopal 1 5.3 RA Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope upto 150 degree, landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases upto floor five level excluding the cost of centring, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:2:4 (1 - cement : 2- coarse sand :4 - graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 1.00 Cum 3556.89 3556.89 2 Centring and shuttering including strutting, propping, etc. and removal of form for: 5.9.3 RA Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform. 10.00 Sqm 301.28 3012.80 3 RA 5.22.6/ 5.22.6A Steel Reinforcement for RCC work i/c straigthening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto/above plinth level :TMT bars (excluding cost of steel bars) 80.00 kg 7.40 592.00 4 Providing and fixing 18mm thick gang saw cut mirror polished premoulded and prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills , facias and similar locations of required size of approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) with joints treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels. Granite of any colour and shade RA Area of slab over 0.5 Sqm 30.00 Sqm 2609.09 78272.70 5 8.3.2 Providing edge moulding to 18 mm thick marble stone counters, Vanities etc. including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc., complete as per design approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Granite work. 5.00 Mtr 178.75 893.75 6 Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows, etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all complete: 9.48.2 RA Fixed to openings/wooden frames with rawl plugs screws, etc. 50.00 kg 89.43 4471.50 7 9.84 RA Providing and fixing aluminium extruded section body tubular type universal hydraulic door closer (having brand logo with ISI, IS : 3564 embossed on the body, door weight upto 36 kg. to 80 kg. and door width from 701 mm to 1000 mm) with double speed adjustment with necessary accessories and screws, etc. complete. 3.00 Each 836.01 2508.03 8 Providing and fixing ISI marked aluminium butt hinges anodised (anodic coating not less than Grade AC 10 as per IS:1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with necessary screws, etc. complete: 9.95.6 RA 75 x 63 x 4 mm. 9.00 Each 63.35 570.15 Note :- Aluminum hinges shall not be used in wooden shutters, stainless steel hinges shall be preferred. 9 9.96.2 RA Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts ISImarked anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS:1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with nuts and screws, etc., complete. 250 x 16 mm. 3.00 Each 145.86 437.58 10 Providing and fixing aluminium handles ISI marked anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS:1868) transparent or dyed to required colour and shade with necessary screws, etc. complete. 9.100.1 RA 125 mm. 6.00 Each 53.31 319.86 11 9.119 RA Providing and fixing factorymade P.V.C. door frame of size 50x47mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet mitred at corners and joined with 2 Nos. of 150mm long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. square tube, the vertical door frame profiles to be reinforced with 19x19mm M.S. square tube of 19 gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out the frame. The door frame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. screws of 65/100mm size complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 20.00 Mtr 345.79 6915.80 12 Providing and fixing factory made panel PVC door shutter consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thickness and size of 19 mm x 19 mm for styles and 15x15 mm for top & bottom rails. M.S. frame shall have a coat of steel primers of approved make and manufacture . M.S. frame covered with 5 mm thick heat moulded PVC C channel of size 30 mm thickness, 70 mm width out of which 50 mm shall be flat and 20 mm shall be tapered in 45 degree angle on both side forming styles and 5 mm thick, 95 mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75 mm shall be flat and 20 mm shall be tapered in 45 degree on the inner side to form top and bottom rail and 115 mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75 mm shall be flat and 20 mm shall be tapered on both sides to form lock rail. Top, bottom and lock rails shall be provided both side of the panel. 10 mm (5 mm x 2 ) thick, 20 mm wide cross PVC sheet be provided as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail, paneling of 5 mm thick both side PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded/ sealed to the styles & rails with 7 mm (5 mm+2 mm) thick x 15 mm wide PVC sheet beading on inner side, and joined together with solvent cement adhesive. An additional 5mm thick PVC strip of 20mm width is to be stuck on the interior side of the C Channel using PVC solvent adhesive etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge, manufacturers specification & Drawing. 9.120.1 RA 30 mm thick plain PVC door shutter 6.30 Sqm 2133.99 13444.14 13 10.2 (RA) Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. 200.00 kg 58.31 11662.00 14 10.2 (RA) Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. .(Excluding cost of structural steel). 2 5 0 . 0 0 k g 1 3 . 0 9 3 272.50 15 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. 11.41.2 RA Size of Tile 600x600 mm 25.00 Sqm 1105.38 27634.50 16 Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all colours & shade, in skirting, riser of steps, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including grouting the joint with white cement & matching pigments etc. complete. 11.46.2 RA Size of Tile 600x600 mm 2.00 Sqm 1119.62 2239.24 17 11.36 RA Providing and fixing Ist quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS:15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacture) of approved make in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement :3 Coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. 50.00 Sqm 588.98 29449.00 18 11.37 RA Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in colours, such as White, Ivory, Grey, Fume, Red Brown, laid on 20mm thick Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 Coarse sand) including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigment etc., complete. 25.00 Sqm 600.89 15022.25 19 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS:5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. (i) Single socketed pipes a) 12.41.1 RA 75 mm dia. 10.00 Mtr 112.50 1125.00 b) 12.41.2 RA 110 mm dia. 10.00 Mtr 183.33 1833.30 20 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised- PVC moulded fittings /accessories for unplasticised - Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion: a) Coupler (i) RA 75mm 6.00 Each 85.82 514.92 ii) RA 110mm 6.00 Each 113.86 683.16 b) Single push fit Coupler : (i) RA 75mm 6.00 Each 101.56 609.36 (ii) RA 110mm 6.00 Each 142.38 854.28 c) Single tee with door. (i) RA 75x75x75 mm 6.00 Each 178.88 1073.28 (ii) RA 110x110x110 mm. 6.00 Each 259.29 1555.74 d) Bend 87.5 degree (i) RA 75 mm bend 6.00 Each 91.72 550.32 (ii) RA 110 mm bend 6.00 Each 136.48 818.88 21 12 mm cement plaster of mix: 13.4.2 RA 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand). 70.00 Sqm 99.21 6944.70 22 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix: 13.5.2 RA 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand). 70.00 Sqm 114.32 8002.40 23 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) of approved manufacturer, of required shade and colour complete, as per manufacturers specification 13.42.1 RA Two or more coats on new / old work 455.00 Sqm 35.83 16,302.65 24 13.80 RA Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 150.00 Sqm 67.68 10,152.00 25 Repairs to plaster of thickness 12 mm to 20 mm in patches of area 2.5 sqm and under including cutting the patch in proper shape raking out joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls complete including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 meters lead 14.1.1 RA With cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand). 40.00 Sqm 145.34 5813.60 26 14.4.1 RA Making the opening in brick masonry including dismantling in floor or walls by cutting masonry and making good the damages to walls, flooring and jambs complete to match existing surface i/c disposal of mulba/ rubbish to the nearest municipal dumping ground. For Door/ Window/ Clerestroy Window 2.00 Sqm 358.79 717.58 27 Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade: 14.66.1 RA Old work (Two or more coats applied @1.67 ltr/ 10 sqm) on existing cement paint surface 50.00 Sqm 43.02 2151.00 28 14.72 RA Providing and fixing double scaffolding system (cup lock type) on the exterior side, upto seven story hight made with 40 mm dia. M.S. tube 1.5 m centre to centre, horizontal & vertical tubes joining with cup & lock system with M.S. tubes, M.S. tube challies, M.S. clamps and M.S. staricase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc. and maintaining it in a serviceable condition for the required duration as approved and removing it there after. The scaffolding system shall be stiffened with bracings, runners, sonnection with the building etc wherever required for inspection of work at required lacations with essential safety features for the workmen etc. complete as per directions and approval of Engineer-in-Charge. The elevational area of the scaffolding shall be measured for payment purpose. The payment will be made once irrespective of duration of scaffolding. Note:- This item to be used for maintenance work judicially, necessary deduction for scaffolding in the existing item to be done. / CLA 50.00 Sqm 111.36 5568.00 29 Demolishing cement concrete manually/by mechanical means including disposal of material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer Incharge.: 15.2.1 Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix). 5.00 Cum 671.05 3355.25 30 15.7.4 Demolishing brick work manually/by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer Incharge. In cement mortar. 12.03 Cum 566.60 6816.20 31 Dismantling doors, windows and clerestory windows (steel or wood) shutter including chokhats, architrave, holdfasts, etc. complete and stacking within 50 metres lead: 15.12.1 Of area 3 sqm and below. 20.00 Each 101.70 2034.00 32 Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking material within 50 metres lead: 15.23.1 For thickness of tiles 10 mm to 25 mm. 40.00 Sqm 20.30 812.00 33 15.56 Dismantling old plaster or skirting raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 m lead. 20.00 Sqm 15.00 300.00 34 15.60 Disposal of building rubbish / malba / similar unserviceable, dismantled or waste materials by mechanical means, including loading, transporting, unloading to approved municipal dumping ground or as approved by Engineerin- charge, beyond 50 m initial lead, for all leads including all lifts involved. 15.00 cum 101.75 1526.2 35 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type W.C. pan) with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever), conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required 17.2.1 RA W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid 4.00 Each 2523.62 10094.48 36 17.7.1 Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever require : 6.00 Each 1648.23 9889.38 37 17.8 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal for wash basin completely recessed at the back for the reception of pipes and fittings. 6.00 Each 778.85 4673.10 38 17.31 Providing and fixing 600x450 mm beveled edge mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) complete with 6 mm thick hard board ground fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws and washers complete. 6.00 Each 606.83 3640.98 39 17.34.1 Providing and fixing toilet paper holder : C.P. brass 6.00 Each 226.76 1360.56 40 18.8 (RA) Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. a 18.8.1 15 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 20.00 Metre 198.20 3964.00 b 18.8.2 20 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 20.00 Metre 218.85 4377.00 c 18.8.3 25 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 20.00 Metre 265.31 5306.20 41 18.54.1 Providing and fixing PTMT bib cock of approved quality and colour. 6.00 Each 112.29 673.74 42 18.55.1 Providing and fixing PTMT stop cock of approved quality and colour. 6.00 Each 112.29 673.74 43 18.77 RA Cutting holes up to 15x15 cm in R.C.C. floors and roofs for passing drain pipe etc. and repairing the hole after insertion of drain pipe etc. with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), including finishing complete so as to make it leak proof. 6.00 Each 140.08 840.48 44 Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : For fixed portion RA Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) 550.00 Kg 294.19 1,61,804.50 45 RA For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately) 20.00 Kg 338.31 6,766.20 46 21.2.2 RA Providing and fixing 12mm thick prelaminated particle board flat pressed three layer or graded wood particle board conforming to IS: 12823 Grade l Type ll, in panelling fixed in aluminum doors, windows shutters and partition frames with C.P. brass / stainless steel screws etc. complete as per architectural drawings and directions of engineer-in-charge. Pre-laminated particle board with decorative lamination on both sides. 110.00 Sqm 785.68 86424.80 47 21.3.1 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineerincharge. (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item)With float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness 10.00 Sqm 637.82 6378.20 48 6.4.2 RA Brick work with Ghol bricks having compressive strength not less than 50 Kg/cm2 in super structure above plinth level upto floor V level in all shapes and sizes in cement mortar 1:6 (1cement:6 Coarse sand) . 5.00 Cum 6422.91 32114.55 49 6.13.2 RA Half brick masonry with Ghol bricks having compressive strength not less than 50 Kg/cm2 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level. Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) . 30.00 Sqm 747.90 22437.00 50 Non-DSR Providing and fixing in true horizontal level 600 mm x 600 mm false ceiling system manufactured by M/s. Armstrong World Industries using hot dipped galvanized steel section, exposed surface with precoated capping, main tee of size 15 x 32 mm., having 0.27 mm gauge at every 1200 mm. centre to centre maximum and rotary stitched cross tee of size 15 x 32 mm, having 0.27 mm gauge at every 600 mm. c/c. and sub cross tee of size 15 x 32 mm, having 0.25 mm gauge at 1200 mm c/c. and wall angle of size 19 x 19 mm., having 0.35 mm gauge fixed to the periphery of the wall. The above grid is suspended at every 1200mm c/c. in both directions using 2.0 mm. thick pre-straightened GI wire laying ORCAL LAY-IN STANDARD PERFOARTED MICROLOOK EDGE METAL TILE WITH ACCOUSTICAL FLEECE manufacture and punched in single process by M/s. Armstrong world Industries, of size 600mm x 600mm x 0.5 mm having NRC 0.70 , light reflectance of >61% (WT), with standard Perforation of 2.5 mm dia. (16% open space), having fire performance CLASS 0 / CLASS 1 (BS 476), surface having global white- baked polyster paint over the formed grid complete.SPECIFICATION FOR ACCOUSTICAL FLEECE- The Acoustical Fleece(Fabric Backing) to be used in case of perforated metal ceiling system should be Soundtex acoustic nonwoven C 1986 SP as manufactured by M/s. Freudenberg, Germany. 405.00 Sqm 1567.62 634886.10 51 Non-DSR Supply and fixing of DGU (Double glazed Unit) glass pane with 5mm glass on both side separated with spacer, with cavity of 12mm filled with argon gas, dessicant etc. along with complete accessories. Glass make shall be saint gobain/ASAI/Modigaurd. As per instruction of enginner incharge . 37.08 Sqm 3850.00 1,42,758.00 Providing and Fixing of Automatic sliding sensor glass door (Toughenend Glass of 12mm thickness) and all accessories complete fitting work including fixed glass work in elevational area, as approved by Engineer incharge. Total approx toughenend Glass of 12mm thickness (fixed+sliding) - size 3.67m x 3.0m (only sliding door size 2nos-0.90 m x 2.1m ) a Fixed partition with 12mm thick toughened glass 8.04 Sqm 2500.00 20,100.00 b Providing and fixing of Automatic sliding sensor glass door (Toughenend Glass of 12mm thickness) and all accessories complete fitting work, as approved by Engineer incharge. 1. Door leaf width -900mm 2. Door leaf height - 2100mm 3. Toughenend Glass of 12mm thick 4. Glass pane shall be of make Saintgobain/Asahi/Modiguard. 5. Open style - single open or Bi-party 6. Installation type -surface mounting 7. Motor 24VDC-60W 8. Opening speed 150-450mm/sec 9. Closing speed 100-340mm/sec 10. Hold open time 0-8 second 11. model Make - ozone,dorma or equivalent 12. Locking arangement system 1.00 Lumpsum 145000.00 1,45,000.00 Total Rs. 1588551.57