
Bids Are Invited For Various Civil Maintenance / Minor Construction Works, Dehradun-Uttarakhand

Medical Education Department has published Bids Are Invited For Various Civil Maintenance / Minor Construction Works. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-07-2023. LAN Tenders in Dehradun Uttarakhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Various Civil Maintenance / Minor Construction Works
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Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Various Civil Maintenance / Minor Construction Works 1. On both the floors of Directorate of Medical Education, Internet Intercom Local Area Network / CTP] nets have been made instead of camera wires and these wires are hanging on the walls, which have to be done in PVC casing or inside the wall. Whose math cost is Rs. 2,11,58000 (Account attached) 2. Basically, stores are to be made by making aluminum partitions under the stairs in both the stairs and in the empty space attached to the stairs of the first floor, so that cleaning materials and other messy files/materials can be collected in the directorate. 1,19,790.00 (Estimation attached) 2. It is proposed to make 01 washroom for the officers on the ground floor of Directorate of Medical Education. Whose estimated cost is Rs 1,14,480.00 (Estimation No. 14. Additional Director or Joint Director (Nursing) Joint Director (Medical), Deputy Directors room walls are damaged due to spillage, in which painting work is to be done every year , but the problem of dampness persists due to the old age of the building. To solve the said problem, it is proposed to get PVC paneling done in the rooms. The estimated cost of which is Rs 5,42,440.00. The estimate is attached) 5. Additional proposed for PVC paneling, Retiring Room attached to Chief Finance Officers room and total measurement of Assistant Accounts Officer Jayas walls, 925 square feet ceiling, 335 square feet, whose total additional cost at mathematical rates is 19025000. In this way the total expenditure of all PVC paneling ceiling and ceiling light is 735728.00. 6. It is proposed to construct a park behind the directorate, in which it is proposed to install earthen maran and iron matches in the shady trees, whose arrival cost is [0] [15000.00] (Arrival is attached). 7. It is proposed to construct a garden adjacent to the main entry of the directorate, in which construction of round wall, iron billing, gate and planting of flowers and shady trees is proposed. Whose calculation cost is Rs.193815.00 (Estimation is attached) 8. Service of AC installed in the rooms of all the officers of the directorate is proved. Estimated cost is 15200. , It is proposed to get all the damaged ACs of the directorate serviced. Approved Jagra 15200 + Therefore, out of the above maintenance works, would like to give financial and administrative approval to get the works done up to 25 thousand directly from the market and other works through Get. In case of non-availability of services on GOM, would like to give approval for getting the works done under Uttarakhand Adhipati Niyamavali-2017.

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