Supply & installation of following dept. of physics, X-ray investigation of cubic crystal structure, red he-ne laser, analog oscilloscope; dept of civil engg., temperarure controlled water bath, oil free compressor, soumd level meter, co, co2 aie qulity meter,personal sampler; hydraulic RAM, pitot tube with U rube mercucy manometer, microprocessor based PH meter, refrigerator dring oven, single beam scanning visible spectrophotometer, microprocessor based conductivity TDS meter; pertrographic microscope. Electronics & electrical engg., setup for a lab scale synchrophasor based wide area moniroring model consisting of; a) phasor measurement unit with relay, C0) GPS unit I.e. satellite synchronized clock communicate with the PC rectifier. Centrak workshop, dept. of mechanical engg., TIG cum plasma Arc welding machine, tool makers microscope, hand operated metal sheet bending machine; micro plasma welding machine; shaft to shaft torque transducer with connector cable, thetmocouple attachement unit, copper and nickes plating unit etc. centre for envitoment: fluorescence spectrophotometer; central instruments facality; RF impedance/material analyzer, surface area analyzer for characterization of porous samples; department of design: creative suite 6 master collection, rouch based interface toolkit, mobile+ gesture development kit, interactive communication device with capacitive stylus, interactive android tablet, intuos5 touch large interactive windows communication device, touch professional pen tablet, interactive tablet, vertical oscillation sander, heart rate monitor, HCL wireframing rapid prototyping and specification software tool, hand sensor kit, portable pocket projector. Department of mechanical engineering; densiry tester as per column method with chiller, jomney end quench test apparatus, variable frequency drive inline torque transducer, PEEK and PEEK composites; gymkhana, football goal post, hockey goal post leg extension, uprightbike etc.