
Supply Of Veterinary Equipment, Artificial Insemination Items, Veterinary Diagnostic & Miscellaneous Laboratory Needs 2023-25, hyderabad-Telangana

Department Of Animal Husbandry has published Supply Of Veterinary Equipment, Artificial Insemination Items, Veterinary Diagnostic & Miscellaneous Laboratory Needs 2023-25. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-08-2023. Medicine Tenders in hyderabad Telangana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of Veterinary Equipment, Artificial Insemination Items, Veterinary Diagnostic & Miscellaneous Laboratory Needs 2023-25
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Veterinary Equipment, Artificial Insemination Items, Veterinary Diagnostic & Miscellaneous Laboratory Needs 2023-25-1 Aie-2023-1 Ai Gun Containers 2 Aie-2023-2 Ai Gun For French Ministraws ( 0.25Ml ) - Imported 3 Aie-2023-3 Ai Sheaths – Split 4 Aie-2023-4 Ai Sheaths Unsplit Suitable For Ai Guns For 0.25Ml Straw 5 Aie-2023-5 Ai Straws ( 0.25Ml ) Imported 6 Aie-2023-6 Artifical Vagina Hose Pipe -14Inches 7 Aie-2023-7 Artifical Vagina Liners 20 8 Aie-2023-8 Artificial Vagina Cones 9 9 Aie-2023-9 Artificial Vagina Cones Sliconized - 9 10 Aie-2023-10 Artificial Vagina Hose Pipe -12 11 Aie-2023-11 Artificial Vagina Liners 12 12 Aie-2023-12 Artificial Vagina Liners 16 13 Aie-2023-13 Artificial Vagina Liners 18 Inches 14 Aie-2023-14 Auto Semen Dilutor Dispenser 15 Aie-2023-16 Av Liners 22 X 60Mm 16 Aie-2023-17 Cuvettes For Photometer ( Disposable ) 17 Aie-2023-18 Digital Frozen Semen Thawing System ( Dfsts ) 18 Aie-2023-19 Dipstick For Ln2 Container 19 Aie-2023-20 Disposable Plastic Goblets 13 Mm Dia 118 Mm Long Capacity 25 French Mini Straws 20 Aie-2023-21 Disposable Plastic Goblets Hexagonal Capacity 80 French Mini Straws 21 Aie-2023-22 Distributor Belt ( Synthetic ) 22 Aie-2023-23 Forceps For Frozen Semen Goblets 12 Inches 23 Aie-2023-24 Forceps For Frozen Semen Goblets 16 Inches 24 Aie-2023-25 Frozen Semen Storage Container 11-12 Liters 25 Aie-2023-26 Frozen Semen Storage Containers 30-35 Liters 26 Aie-2023-27 Frozen Semen Straw Lifter 27 Aie-2023-28 Goblets For Straws ( Aluminum ) 28 Aie-2023-29 Goblets For Straws ( Aluminum ) 29 Aie-2023-30 Gum Boots Full Size Pair ) 30 Aie-2023-31 Gynaecology Aprons 31 Aie-2023-32 Insemination Gloves 32 Aie-2023-33 Kit Bag For Artificial Insemination ( A.I Kit Bag ) 33 Aie-2023-34 Liquid Nitrogen Container Jumbo -12 34 Aie-2023-35 Liquid Nitrogen Storage And Transport Container-50-55 Ltr 35 Aie-2023-36 Ln2 Container Carry Bag 36 Aie-2023-37 Needle Plugs 37 Aie-2023-38 O-Ring Belt 38 Aie-2023-39 Photometer Bulb 39 Aie-2023-40 Portable Frozen Semen Container 3-4 Lit 40 Aie-2023-41 Semen Filling Flexible Tubes 41 Aie-2023-42 Semen Suction 42 Aie-2023-43 Sheath Carriers / Sheath Container 43 Aie-2023-44 Spare Lids For Ln Container-3-4 Lit Capacity 44 Aie-2023-45 Spare Lids For Ln Container-35 Lit Capacity 45 Aie-2023-46 Spare Lids For Ln Container-51.5 Lit Capacity 46 Aie-2023-47 Ss Long Aspiration Needles 47 Aie-2023-48 Ss Short Aspiration Needles 48 Aie-2023-49 Transportation Trolly For Ln Containers 49 Aie-2023-50 Unplugged Straws 0.25 Ml 50 Aie-2023-51 Wide Mouth Frozen Semen Containers Fitted With Castor Wheels. Veterinary 51 Veq-2023-1 Anti Kick Bars Stainless Steel For Bovines 52 Veq-2023-2 Artery Forceps-10 “, Ss, Curved 53 Veq-2023-3 Artery Forceps-10, Ss, Straight 54 Veq-2023-4 Artery Forceps-6, Ss, Curved 55 Veq-2023-5 Artery Forceps-6, Ss, Straight 56 Veq-2023-6 Artery Forceps-8, Ss, Curved 57 Veq-2023-7 Artery Forceps-8, Ss, Straight 58 Veq-2023-8 Automatic Analyzer- Veterinary ( For Biochemical Parameters With Printer ) 59 Veq-2023-9 Automatic Drenching Gun -Cum - Vaccinator ( Syringe 20 Ml ) 60 Veq-2023-10 B.P. Blades Sterile No.10 61 Veq-2023-11 B.P. Blades Sterile No.22 63 Veq-2023-13 B.P. Handle No.4 64 Veq-2023-14 Bandage Roll - Gauze 10Cmx4mtrs 65 Veq-2023-15 Bandage Roll - Gauze 15Cmx4mtrs 66 Veq-2023-16 Binocular Compound Microscope 67 Veq-2023-17 Blue Colour Apron ( Para Vets ) 68 Veq-2023-18 Bone Holding Forceps- 8 69 Veq-2023-19 Butter Fly Needle 20 G 70 Veq-2023-20 Butter Fly Needle 22 G 71 Veq-2023-21 Calf Puller ( Calf Jack ) 72 Veq-2023-22 Casting Rope 73 Veq-2023-23 Castrator - Imported ( Bovine ) 74 Veq-2023-24 Castrator Imported ( Ovine ) 75 Veq-2023-25 Catgut 1 76 Veq-2023-26 Catgut 1-0, 1 / 2 Circle Round Body 77 Veq-2023-27 Catgut 1-0, 1 / 2 Circle Tc 78 Veq-2023-28 Catgut Absorbable 79 Veq-2023-29 Catgut Absorbable 80 Veq-2023-30 Cealing Fan For Sample Drying 81 Veq-2023-31 Clinical Thermometer 82 Veq-2023-32 Clinical Thermometer With Lcd Display Unbreakable Plastic, 83 Veq-2023-33 Computed Radiography Sysytem 84 Veq-2023-34 Computer Table 85 Veq-2023-35 Dark Gray Apron ( Office Subordinates ) 86 Veq-2023-36 Dehorner 87 Veq-2023-37 Dehorning Saw ( Hack Saw ) 88 Veq-2023-38 Desmotomy Set 89 Veq-2023-39 Dressing Drum S.S. Seamless ( Is-3831- 1979 ) 90 Veq-2023-40 Dressing Forceps 6 91 Veq-2023-41 Dressing Forceps 8 92 Veq-2023-42 Dressing Forceps-12 93 Veq-2023-43 Dressing Forceps-14 94 Veq-2023-44 Dressing Forceps-16 95 Veq-2023-45 Dressing Forceps-20 96 Veq-2023-46 Dystocia Set 97 Veq-2023-47 Electronic Balance 98 Veq-2023-48 Feeding Cup S.S 99 Veq-2023-49 Forceps Thumb-6 100 Veq-2023-50 Forceps Thumb-8 101 Veq-2023-51 Forceps Tissue- Alleys 6 102 Veq-2023-52 Forceps Tissue- Alleys 8 103 Veq-2023-53 Forceps Tissue- Alleys- 10 104 Veq-2023-54 Fumigator / Fumigation Machine 105 Veq-2023-55 Hydraulic Operation Table For Small Animals 106 Veq-2023-56 I / V Stand 107 Veq-2023-57 Ice Box With Lid 108 Veq-2023-58 Instrument Tray S.S. Seamless Without Lid 109 Veq-2023-59 Instrument Tray With Lid S.S. 110 Veq-2023-60 Instrument Trolley 111 Veq-2023-61 Instruments Sterilizer S.S. Seamless Table Model 112 Veq-2023-62 Intravenous Set Complete With Hypodermic 18 G ( 11 / 2 ) Needle 113 Veq-2023-63 Irrigator Can ( Douch Can ) Ss 114 Veq-2023-64 Kidney Tray 6 S.S. ( Per Is 3992-1982 ) 115 Veq-2023-65 Laboratory Chair 116 Veq-2023-66 Laboratory Chair - S Type 117 Veq-2023-67 Laboratory Table 118 Veq-2023-68 Refrigerator Ice Lined Vertical Model 119 Veq-2023-69 Mayo Trolley 120 Veq-2023-70 Medicine Storage Cabinet 121 Veq-2023-71 Medicine Storage ( Steel Shelve ) Cabinet 122 Veq-2023-72 Mosquito Forceps 5 123 Veq-2023-73 Mouth Gag Ss For Cattle 124 Veq-2023-74 Multifunction Endoscope 125 Veq-2023-75 Nail Cutter With Cutting Edges For Dogs 126 Veq-2023-76 Needle Destroyer 127 Veq-2023-77 Needle Holding Forceps 6 128 Veq-2023-78 Needle Holding Forceps- 8 129 Veq-2023-79 Needle Suturing ( Colts Tension ) 130 Veq-2023-80 Needle Suturing- Atraumatic 131 Veq-2023-81 Needle Suturing- Traumatic 132 Veq-2023-82 Non-Absorbable Eyeless Needled Sutures 133 Veq-2023-83 Nylon 1, 1 / 2 Circle 134 Veq-2023-84 Nylon 1-0 135 Veq-2023-85 Nylon 2-0 136 Veq-2023-86 Pestle And Mortar 137 Veq-2023-87 Pin Cutter 138 Veq-2023-88 Poly Glycolic Acid, Synthetic Absorbable 139 Veq-2023-89 Poly Glycolic Acid, Synthetic Absorbable 140 Veq-2023-90 Postmortem Set 141 Veq-2023-91 Pregnoscope 142 Veq-2023-92 Probang ( Stomach Tube For Cattle ) 143 Veq-2023-93 Probe Metal 144 Veq-2023-95 Refrigerator-200 Lts 145 Veq-2023-96 Refrigerator-310 Lts 146 Veq-2023-97 Rubber Sheeting 147 Veq-2023-98 S.S Trolley With Wheels 148 Veq-2023-99 Scissors Curved 6 -One End Sharp / One End Blunt 149 Veq-2023-100 Scissors Curved 8 -One End Sharp / One End Blunt 150 Veq-2023-101 Scissors Dissecting ( Metzenbau M Type ) 151 Veq-2023-102 Scissors For Hair Clipping 152 Veq-2023-103 Scissors Straight 6, Ss, Both Ends Blunt 153 Veq-2023-104 Scissors Straight 8, Ss, Both Ends Blunt 154 Veq-2023-105 Scissors Straight-6 Both Ends Pointed 155 Veq-2023-106 Scissors Straight-6 One End Pointed And One End Blunt 156 Veq-2023-107 Scissors Straight-8 One End Pointed And One End Blunt 157 Veq-2023-108 Scoop Small 158 Veq-2023-109 Shadow Less Lamp For Operation Theatre - Led 159 Veq-2023-110 Silk 1 160 Veq-2023-111 Silk 1-0 161 Veq-2023-112 Silk Thread Roll ( Black Braided ) 162 Veq-2023-113 Silk Thread Roll ( Black Braided ) 163 Veq-2023-114 Small Animals Examination Table 164 Veq-2023-115 Spatula 165 Veq-2023-116 Spring Balance 100Kg.Capacity 166 Veq-2023-117 Ss Revolving Stools 167 Veq-2023-118 Ss Tables 3X2.5X2.5 Ft ( 304 ) 168 Veq-2023-119 Ss Tables 6X3x2.5 Ft ( 304 ) 169 Veq-2023-120 Ss Tables 6X3x2.5 Ft With Sink ( 304 ) 170 Veq-2023-121 Ss Tables 9X3x2.5 Ft ( 304 ) 171 Veq-2023-122 Stethascope 172 Veq-2023-123 Surgical Kit 173 Veq-2023-124 Surgical Tray With Lid S. 174 Veq-2023-125 Suture Removal Scissors 175 Veq-2023-127 Syringe Disposable- 10Ml 176 Veq-2023-128 Syringe Disposable- 10Ml ( With Out Needle ) 177 Veq-2023-129 Syringe Disposable-1Ml ( With Needle ) 178 Veq-2023-130 Syringe Disposable- 20Ml 179 Veq-2023-131 Syringe Disposable- 20Ml ( With Out Needle ) 180 Veq-2023-132 Syringe Disposable-2Ml 181 Veq-2023-133 Syringe Disposable- 2Ml ( With Out Needle ) 182 Veq-2023-134 Syringe Disposable-5Ml 183 Veq-2023-135 Syringe Disposable- 5Ml ( With Out Needle ) 184 Veq-2023-136 Syringes Insulin -1 Ml Disposable With Needle 185 Veq-2023-137 Teat Instrument Kit- 186 Veq-2023-138 T-Handle Set For Wire Saw 187 Veq-2023-139 Thermos Flask Ss-1 Lit 188 Veq-2023-140 Tooth Rasper 189 Veq-2023-141 Trevis 190 Veq-2023-142 Trocar And Canula For Large Animals 191 Veq-2023-143 Trocar And Canula For Small Animals 192 Veq-2023-144 Ultra Sound Scanner With Color Doppler For Veterinary Use 193 Veq-2023-145 Ultrasound System Portable 194 Veq-2023-146 Vaccine Carrier 195 Veq-2023-147 Veterinary Laryngoscope With Light ( Battery Operated ) 196 Veq-2023-148 Wash Basin S.S.Heavy Quality 197 Veq-2023-149 X Ray Machine Portable Veterinary 198 Vbc-2023-1 100 Bp Dna Ladder 199 Vbc-2023-2 1Kb Dna Ladder 200 Vbc-2023-3 50X Tae Buffer 201 Vbc-2023-4 Acetone 202 Vbc-2023-5 Acetonitrile 203 Vbc-2023-6 Acid Boric 204 Vbc-2023-7 Acid Fast Stain 205 Vbc-2023-8 Agar Agar Powder 206 Vbc-2023-9 Agarose Special 207 Vbc-2023-10 Amphotericin B 208 Vbc-2023-11 Avian Influenza Antibody Elisa Kit 209 Vbc-2023-12 Bactopeptone ( Bacteriological Grade ) 210 Vbc-2023-13 Benzyl Pencillin 211 Vbc-2023-14 Biochemical Kit For Blood Urea Nitrogen 212 Vbc-2023-15 Biochemical Kit For Serum Alt 213 Vbc-2023-16 Biochemical Kit For Serum Ast 214 Vbc-2023-17 Biochemical Kit For Serum Bilirubin 215 Vbc-2023-18 Biochemical Kit For Serum Calcium 216 Vbc-2023-19 Biochemical Kit For Serum Creatinine 217 Vbc-2023-20 Biochemical Kit For Serum Magnesium 218 Vbc-2023-21 Biochemical Kit For Serum Phosphorus 219 Vbc-2023-22 Biochemical Kit For Serum Total Proteins 220 Vbc-2023-23 Blue Tongue C Elisa Kits, 96 Well Plate 221 Vbc-2023-24 Bovine Leptospira Elisa Kit 222 Vbc-2023-25 Bovine Tb Ab Elisa Kit 223 Vbc-2023-26 Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Antibody Detection Kit 224 Vbc-2023-27 Brain Heart Infusion Broth 225 Vbc-2023-28 Brucella Serum Ab Elisa Kit 226 Vbc-2023-29 Buffered Peptone Water 227 Vbc-2023-30 Carbol Fuchsin 228 Vbc-2023-31 Casein Acid Hydrolysate 229 Vbc-2023-32 Cedar Wood Oil 230 Vbc-2023-33 Chlamydia Ab Elisa Kit 231 Vbc-2023-34 Chloroform 232 Vbc-2023-35 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Monohydrate 233 Vbc-2023-36 Citric Acid Monohydrate Hi-Lr 234 Vbc-2023-37 Dextrose Monohydrate 235 Vbc-2023-38 Dichloromethane 236 Vbc-2023-39 Disinfectant Concentrate-Aldehyde Free 237 Vbc-2023-40 Dmso Cell Culture Grade 238 Vbc-2023-41 Dneasy Blood & Tissue Kits 239 Vbc-2023-42 E.M.B. Agar 240 Vbc-2023-43 Edwards Medium Base Modified 241 Vbc-2023-44 Eosin Stain Solution 242 Vbc-2023-45 Ethidium Bromide 243 Vbc-2023-46 Fetal Bovine Serum 244 Vbc-2023-47 Fields Stain A 245 Vbc-2023-48 Fields Stain B 246 Vbc-2023-49 Formaline 247 Vbc-2023-50 Gel Loading Buffer 6X 248 Vbc-2023-51 Giemsa Stain 249 Vbc-2023-52 Glacial Acetic Acid 250 Vbc-2023-53 Glycerol 251 Vbc-2023-54 Grams Iodine Ar Grade Solution 252 Vbc-2023-55 Grams Stain Kit 253 Vbc-2023-56 Haematoxyline Stain 254 Vbc-2023-57 Hand Sanitizer 255 Vbc-2023-58 Hexane 256 Vbc-2023-59 Ibr Ab Screening Elisa Kit 257 Vbc-2023-60 Iso Propyle Alcohol 258 Vbc-2023-61 Kanamycine 259 Vbc-2023-62 Lactalbumin Hydrolisate 260 Vbc-2023-63 Lactophenol Cotton Blue Stain 261 Vbc-2023-64 Lead Acetate 262 Vbc-2023-65 Leishmans Stain Solution 263 Vbc-2023-66 L-Glutamine 264 Vbc-2023-67 Mac Fadyean Stain ( Polychrome Methylene Blue ) 265 Vbc-2023-68 Macconkey Agar 266 Vbc-2023-69 Macconkey Broth 267 Vbc-2023-70 Mannitol Salt Agar 268 Vbc-2023-71 Methyle Para- Hydroxy Benzoic Acid 269 Vbc-2023-72 Methylene Blue ( Loefflers ) 270 Vbc-2023-73 Minimum Essential Medium Automod 271 Vbc-2023-74 Muller Hinton Agar 272 Vbc-2023-75 Nuclease Free Water 273 Vbc-2023-76 Nutrient Agar 274 Vbc-2023-77 Nutrient Broth 275 Vbc-2023-78 Paraffn Wax 276 Vbc-2023-79 Paratuberculosis ( Johnes Disease ) Ab Elisa Kit 277 Vbc-2023-80 Plate Count Agar 278 Vbc-2023-81 Potassioum Dichromate Hi-Lr 279 Vbc-2023-82 Potassioum Phosphate Mono Basic Anhydrous 280 Vbc-2023-83 Potassium Al. Sulphate 281 Vbc-2023-84 Potassium Chloride 282 Vbc-2023-85 Potassium Permanganate 283 Vbc-2023-86 Proteinase-K 284 Vbc-2023-87 Reagents For Auto Hematology Analyzer Abx / Horiba India 285 Vbc-2023-88 Rnase Zap 286 Vbc-2023-89 Robertson Cooked Meat Medium 287 Vbc-2023-90 Selinite F Broth 288 Vbc-2023-91 Silica Gel - G 289 Vbc-2023-92 Silicon Sealent 290 Vbc-2023-93 Silver Peraxide 3 Lt. 291 Vbc-2023-94 Sodium Bi Carbonate 292 Vbc-2023-95 Sodium Chloride A.R. Grade 293 Vbc-2023-96 Sodium Citrate Trybasic Dihydrate Extrapur Ar, 99% 294 Vbc-2023-97 Sodium Hydroxide Flakes 295 Vbc-2023-98 Sodium Hydrozen Corbonate A.R. 296 Vbc-2023-99 Sodium Hypo Chlorite 297 Vbc-2023-100 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous 298 Vbc-2023-101 Soya Casein Digest 299 Vbc-2023-102 Streptomycin Sulphate 300 Vbc-2023-103 Sucrose 301 Vbc-2023-104 Surgical Spirit 302 Vbc-2023-105 Sybr Green Pcr Master Mix 303 Vbc-2023-106 Taq Dna Polymerase 304 Vbc-2023-107 Taq Dna Polymerase Master Mix Red ( 500 Reactions ) 305 Vbc-2023-108 Thyoglycolate Broth With Liver Extract ( Bq Vaccine ) 306 Vbc-2023-109 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 307 Vbc-2023-110 Tris Buffer 308 Vbc-2023-111 Try Sodium Citrate Dihydrate Hi-Lr 309 Vbc-2023-112 Trypsin 1:250 310 Vbc-2023-113 Trypsin Bovine Veterinary 311 Vbe-2023-1 Automatic Haematological Analyzer 312 Vbe-2023-2 Bacteriological Incubator ( Digital Display ) 313 Vbe-2023-3 Binocular Field Microscope 314 Vbe-2023-4 Bio Safety Cabinet 315 Vbe-2023-5 Bod Incubator: Gmp Model ( Ss ) 316 Vbe-2023-6 Bottle Cooler 317 Vbe-2023-7 Centrifuge 318 Vbe-2023-8 Electrophoresis Equipment 319 Vbe-2023-9 Elisa Reader 320 Vbe-2023-10 Laminar Air Flow Unit 321 Vbe-2023-11 Mice Cages Large 322 Vbe-2023-12 Polypropylene Mice Cages 323 Vbe-2023-13 Polypropylene Storage Vials 324 Vbe-2023-14 Polypropylene Storage Vials 325 Vbe-2023-15 Rabit Breeding Cage 326 Vbe-2023-16 Tab Digital Microscope 327 Vbe-2023-17 Trinocular Laboratory Microscope 328 Vbg-2023-1 Beakers-1000Ml 329 Vbg-2023-2 Beakers-250Ml 330 Vbg-2023-3 Capillary Tubes 331 Vbg-2023-4 Conical Flasks - 1000 Ml 332 Vbg-2023-5 Conical Flasks - 50Ml 333 Vbg-2023-6 Conical Flasks -500 Ml With Autoclavable Lids 334 Vbg-2023-7 Conical Flasks-250 Ml 335 Vbg-2023-8 Glass Cover Slip- Circular / Square 336 Vbg-2023-9 Mac Master Egg Counting Chamber ( Glass ) 337 Vbg-2023-10 Measuring Cylinder 250Ml Capacity Graduated With Clear Markings . Should Withstand Repeated Sterilization In The Hot Air Oven 338 Vbg-2023-11 Measuring Cylinders Graduated 339 Vbg-2023-12 Microscope Slides 340 Vbg-2023-13 Neutral Glass Vials With Rubber Bung, Aluminium Seal 341 Vbg-2023-14 Petri Dishes 342 Vbg-2023-15 Reagent Bottles ( 500 Ml ) With Autoclavable Caps 343 Vbg-2023-17 Reagent Bottles With Autoclable Caps 344 Vbg-2023-18 Reagent Bottles With Autoclable Caps 345 Vbg-2023-19 Reagent Bottles With Autoclavable Caps- 10 Lit 346 Vbg-2023-20 Reagent Bottles With Autoclavable Caps-2 Lit 347 Vbg-2023-21 Reagent Bottles With Autoclavable Caps-5 Lit 348 Vbg-2023-22 Reagent Bottles ( 1000 Ml ) With Autoclavable Caps 349 Vbg-2023-23 Seperating Funnels 350 Vbg-2023-24 Test Tubes 351 Vbg-2023-25 Test Tubes With Screw Cap 352 Vbg-2023-26 Vacutainer With Needle And Holder 353 Vbg-2023-27 Vacutainer With Needle And Holder With Antocoagulant 354 Vbg-2023-28 Vacutainer With Needle And Holder Without Anticoagulant 355 Vbm-2023-1 96-Well Titration Plates 356 Vbm-2023-2 Ahu Pre Filter ( 610 X 610 X 305 Mm ) 357 Vbm-2023-3 Ahu Pre Filter ( 610 X 305 X 305 Mm ) 358 Vbm-2023-4 Autoclavable Biohazard Bags 359 Vbm-2023-5 Automatic Door Closer 360 Vbm-2023-6 Bucket - Ss - 5 Lt. 361 Vbm-2023-7 Buckets - Ss With Out Lid 362 Vbm-2023-8 Centrifuge Tubes With Screw Cap, Pp 363 Vbm-2023-9 Centrifuge Tubes-15 Ml 364 Vbm-2023-10 Centrifuge Tubes-50 Ml 365 Vbm-2023-11 Clean Room Bunny Suit 366 Vbm-2023-12 Clean Room Coats 367 Vbm-2023-13 Cotton Wool ( Absorbent ) 368 Vbm-2023-14 Cryo Gloves 369 Vbm-2023-15 Cryovials 370 Vbm-2023-16 Disposable Face Masks 371 Vbm-2023-17 Disposable Head Caps 372 Vbm-2023-18 Disposable Needles-16G 373 Vbm-2023-19 Disposable Needles-18G 374 Vbm-2023-20 Disposable Needles-20G 375 Vbm-2023-21 Disposable Needles-22G 376 Vbm-2023-22 Disposable Palm Size Hand Gloves - Made From Polythene And Covering Full Length Of The Palm Of Adult. 377 Vbm-2023-23 Disposable Pipettes 378 Vbm-2023-24 Disposable Shoe Covers 379 Vbm-2023-25 Disposalbe Surgical Drapes 380 Vbm-2023-26 Doctors Apron 381 Vbm-2023-27 Doctors Apron Full Hands 382 Vbm-2023-28 Euthanesia Chamber 2A- 4 ( 4 Compartments ) 383 Vbm-2023-29 Euthanesia Chamber 5 384 Vbm-2023-30 Euthanesia Chamber 6 ( 24 Compartments ) 385 Vbm-2023-31 Euthanesia Chamber For Mice With Co2 Supply, Flow Rate Adjustment, Flow Meter, Pressure Guage And Co2 Supply Tank Valve 386 Vbm-2023-32 Gel For Ultrasound Scanning, 387 Vbm-2023-33 Glass Ware Cleaning Brushes 388 Vbm-2023-34 Gloves Obstestrical 389 Vbm-2023-35 Gloves Surgical Sterile- 6 1 / 2 Size 390 Vbm-2023-36 Gloves Surgical Sterile- 7 1 / 2 Size 391 Vbm-2023-37 Hand Sprayer - Plastic 392 Vbm-2023-38 Hepa Filters 393 Vbm-2023-39 Hepa Filters 394 Vbm-2023-40 Hepa Filters 395 Vbm-2023-41 Hepa Filters 396 Vbm-2023-42 Hepa Filters 397 Vbm-2023-43 Hepa Filters 398 Vbm-2023-44 Ice Packs 399 Vbm-2023-45 Infrared Lamp 400 Vbm-2023-46 Instrument Cabinet 401 Vbm-2023-47 Lab Chappals 402 Vbm-2023-48 Latex Powder Free Surgical Gloves 7 Inches 403 Vbm-2023-49 Micro Pipette Multichannel 404 Vbm-2023-50 Micropipette 405 Vbm-2023-51 Micropipette 406 Vbm-2023-52 Micropipette Tips 407 Vbm-2023-53 Micropipettes 408 Vbm-2023-54 Micropippettes 409 Vbm-2023-55 Microtip Holding Box 410 Vbm-2023-56 Microtip Holding Box 411 Vbm-2023-57 Microtip Holding Box 412 Vbm-2023-58 Nylon Syringe Filters Sterile 413 Vbm-2023-59 Parafilm M-25 414 Vbm-2023-60 Pcr Tubes 415 Vbm-2023-61 Petriseal 416 Vbm-2023-62 Ph Indicator Paper Booklets 417 Vbm-2023-63 Pp Bottle Set With Rubber Bungs And Seal ( 100Ml ) 418 Vbm-2023-64 Pp Vials For Serum Storage 419 Vbm-2023-65 Ppe Kits 420 Vbm-2023-66 Rapid Ccpp Test Kits 421 Vbm-2023-67 Rapid Ndv Test Kits 422 Vbm-2023-68 Rapid Test Kits For Anthrax 423 Vbm-2023-69 Rapid Test Kits For Glanders In Equine 424 Vbm-2023-70 Rapid Test Kits For Ppr 425 Vbm-2023-71 Roller Bottles Sterile 426 Vbm-2023-72 Rt Pcr Tubes 427 Vbm-2023-73 Rtpcr Kits For Babesia 428 Vbm-2023-74 Rtpcr Kits For Blue Tongue Virus 429 Vbm-2023-75 Rtpcr Kits For Brucellosis 430 Vbm-2023-76 Rtpcr Kits For Bvd 431 Vbm-2023-77 Rtpcr Kits For Chlamidia 432 Vbm-2023-78 Rtpcr Kits For Haemorrhagic Septicaemia 433 Vbm-2023-79 Rtpcr Kits For Ibr 434 Vbm-2023-80 Rtpcr Kits For Leptospira 435 Vbm-2023-81 Rtpcr Kits For Lumpy Skin Disease ( Lsd ) 436 Vbm-2023-82 Rtpcr Kits For Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 437 Vbm-2023-83 Rtpcr Kits For Paratuberculosis 438 Vbm-2023-84 Rtpcr Kits For Ppr 439 Vbm-2023-85 Rtpcr Kits For Sheep Pox & Goat Pox 440 Vbm-2023-86 Rtpcr Kits For Theileria 441 Vbm-2023-87 Rtpcr Kits For Trypanosoma 442 Vbm-2023-88 Self Adhesive Label Roll 443 Vbm-2023-89 Soft Soap 444 Vbm-2023-90 Steam Process Indicator Tape 445 Vbm-2023-91 Sterile Swabs 446 Vbm-2023-92 Surgeon Gown Made Blue / Green Cloth 447 Vbm-2023-93 Syringe Filters-0.45U 448 Vbm-2023-94 Tape Adhesive Zinco Xide 449 Vbm-2023-95 Test Tube Drying Rack 450 Vbm-2023-96 Test Tube Rack To Hold 30 Tubes 451 Vbm-2023-97 Test Tubes With Screw Caps 452 Vbm-2023-98 Tissue Culture Bottles 453 Vbm-2023-99 Tissue Culture Flask 454 Vbm-2023-100 Uv Tube Light 455 Vbm-2023-101 Vaccine Storage Crates 456 Vbm-2023-102 Water Feeding Bottle For Mice 457 Vbm-2023-103 Whatman Filter Paper 458 Vbm-2023-104 Whatman Filter Paper 459 Vbm-2023-105 Wide Mouth Pp Bottle 1 Lit

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 01-08-2023 Relaxation in Turnover requirement in respect of MSME / SSI 08-08-2023
2 21-07-2023 Extension of Bid Submission Closing Date 08-08-2023
3 28-06-2023 Certain corrections carried out in Specifications and UOM 24-07-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 10000 /-
INR 300000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2 Crore /-
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