
Tender For Instrument Spares, kichha-Uttarakhand

Kichha Sugar Company Limited has published Tender For Instrument Spares. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-06-2023. Weight Measuring Instrument Tenders in kichha Uttarakhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Instrument Spares
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Tender Details

Instrument Spares , Instrument Sparers , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Type Range-0 To 30 Psi, 3/8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Make Wyke/Radix. A. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , D. Dial Size- 10” , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 15 Psi, 3/8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Make Wyke/Radix.A. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , D. Dial Size- 10” , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 100 Psi, 3/8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Make Wyke/Radix.A. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , D. Dial Size- 10” , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 300 Psi, 3/8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Make Wyke/Radix.A. Dial Size-4” , A. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , D. Dial Size- 10” , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 600 Psi, 3/8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Make Wyke/Radix. A. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , D. Dial Size- 10” , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 150 Psi, 3/8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Make Wyke/Radix.A. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , D. Dial Size- 10” , Master Gauge Accuracy- ± 0.5%, Dial Size-150 Mm, Dial With Antiparallax Mirror, Knife Edge Pointer Make Ravika. A. Range- 0 To 30 Psi , B. Range- 0 To 100 Psi , C. Range- 0 To 300 Psi , D. Range- 0 To 600 Psi , Master Gauge Accuracy- ± 0.5%, Dial Size-250 Mm, Dial With Antiparallax Mirror, Knife Edge Pointer Make Ravika. A. Range- 0 To 30 Psi , B. Range- 0 To 100 Psi , C. Range- 0 To 300 Psi , D. Range- 0 To 600 Psi , Compound Gauge, Complete S.S., Range- Vacuum- 0 To 30 Inch Hg.. Pressure- 0 To 30 Psi., 3/8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting. Make Wyke/Radix. A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , Vacuum Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 30 Inch Hg. 3/8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Make Wyke/Radix.A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , Dial Type Temperature Gauge, Complete S.S. Mercury In S.S. Tube, Stem Type. (Size- 8 Mm. Dia X 300 Mm. Length.) Range- 0 To 120ºc Make Wyke/Radix. A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , Dial Type Temperature Gauge, Complete S.S. Mercury In S.S. Tube, Stem Type. (Size- 6 Mm. Dia X 450 Mm. Length.) Range- 0 To 400ºc Make Wyke/Radix. A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , Dial Type Temperature Gauge, Complete S.S. Mercury In S.S. Tube, Capillary Type. Capillary Length-2 Mtr., Sensing Dia 6 Mm.,Range- 0 To 120ºc Make Wyke/Radix.A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , Dial Type Temperature Gauge, Complete S.S. Mercury In S.S. Tube, Capillary Type. Capillary Length-2 Mtr., Sensing Dia 6 Mm.,Range- 0 To 400ºc Make Wyke/Radix.A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” , C. Dial Size- 8” , Glass Thermometer Size- 14” Make- Zeal.A. Alcohol Filled , B. Mercury Filled , Digital Temperature Indicator, Mounting Size- 96 X 48 Mm. Make Radix/Selectron. A. “Pt-100” Type, Range- 0 To 200ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , B. “K” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , C. “J” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , Digital Temperature Indicator, Mounting Size- 96 X 96 Mm. Make Radix/Selectron. A. “Pt-100” Type, Range- 0 To 200ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , B. “K” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , C. “J” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , Digital Temperature Controller, Mounting Size- 96 X 96 Mm. Make Radix/Selectron. A. “Pt-100” Type, Range- 0 To 200ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , B. “K” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , C. “J” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , Compensating Cable, Teflon Coated, S.S. Shielded Fire Proof. A. “J” Type , B. “K” Type , Low Resistance Three Core Cable, Teflon Coateds.S. Shieldedfire Proof Forpt 100Sensor. , High Tempereture Thermocouple, “J/K” Type, Head Type With½” Bsp Adjustable Fitting Make Alfa/Radix/Selectron.A. Size- 6 Mm. X 170 Mm. , B. Size- 6 Mm. X 325 Mm. , High Temperature Thermocouple, “J/K” Type, Head Type With ½” Bsp Adjustable Fitting Make Alfa/Radix/Selectron. A. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 35Mm. To 100 Mm. , B. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 101Mm. To 200 Mm. , C. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 201Mm. To 300 Mm. , Thermocouple “K” Type, Head Type Built S.S. Thick Rod Suitable For Working In Boiler Outlet Gas With Fitting Accessories Size- 15 Mm. X 800 Mm. , Sensor “Pt-100” Type, Head Type With ½” Bsp Adjustable Fitting Make Alfa/Radix/Selectron. A. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 30Mm. To 80 Mm. , B. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 81Mm. To 100 Mm. , C. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 101Mm. To 200 Mm. , D. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 201Mm. To 300 Mm. , E. Size- 10 Mm. Diax Length- 301Mm. To 400 Mm. , Duplex Sensor “Pt-100” Type, Head Type With ½” Bsp Adjustable Fitting Make Alfa/Radix/Selectron.A. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 30Mm. To 80 Mm. , B. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 81Mm. To 100 Mm. , C. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 101Mm. To 200 Mm. , D. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 201Mm. To 300 Mm. , E. Size- 10 Mm. Diax Length- 301Mm. To 400 Mm. , Electronic Temperature Recorder With Digital Display Range-0 To 100º C / 0 To 200ºc / 0 To 600º C, Pt-100 Type Make-G Tek. A. Size- 10” , B. Size-10” , Circular Type Pressure Recorder, 24 Hrs. Bourdon Tube Type. Range- 0 To 30 Kg/Cm², Size-8” , Digital Temperature Panel Cubicle Consisting Of 10 Digital Temperature Indicator (Make-Radix/Selectron, Mountingsize-96 X 48 Mm., Pt 100 Type, 0.1ºc Resolution) With Complete Internal Wiring And Mcb. , Four Digit Auto Ranging Rpm Indicator, Modal- Rc 100 Mounting Size-96 Mm. X 48 Mm. Range-0 To 9999Rpm. Type Pnp Make Selectorn. , Proximity Sensor Type-Pnp Dia 30 Mm. , S.S. Thermo Well, Bar Stag Type (Heavy Duty) A. Size- 16 Mm. X 345 Mm., Bore-8 Mm. 340 Mm., ½” Bsp Thread Inner & Outer. , B. Size- 16 Mm. X 190 Mm., Bore-8 Mm. 185 Mm., ½” Bsp Thread Inner & Outer. , Recorder Chart Paper, Circular Type, 24 Hrs. (Different Ranges). , Recorder Penfor G Tek Make Electronic Recorder. , Mechanical Juice Counter, Seven Digit, Modal- S-060, Make Keltron. , Dial Type Rpm Meter, Modal- At-6, Dial Size- 6”, Range- 0 To 10000 Rpm, Fsd- 1818 Rpm, Bl- 8250 Rpm At 1500 Rpm. Make Beacon Industries Pvt. Lrd., Wadala. , Taco Generator, Modal- Tg-Fng, 1 Volt Ac/1000 Rpm Make Beacon. , Recorder Ink, Glycerin Mix. , Pressure Switch Modal- Ps-4B., Rang- 01 To 7 Kg./Cm² Differential Pressure- 0.6 To 0.7. Make- Dan-Foss. , Filter Regulator Lubricator With Gauge & Accessories. Range 0 To 7 Kg./Cm². ½” Or 3/8” Bsp Fitting. , Dead Weight Vacuum Gauge Tester, Modal- Dt-55, Range- 2 Inch Hg. To 28 Inch Hg. Carrier Weight-Inch Hg. Unit. Make- Ravika. , Chart Drive Motor Of Pressure/Temperature Recorder 24 Hrs. , High Pressure Niddle Valve (S.S., Working Pressure 40 Kg./ Cm²) A. Size- ½” , B. Size- 3/8” , High Pressure Ball Valve (S.S., Working Pressure 40 Kg./ Cm²) A. Size- ½” , B. Size- 3/8” , Repairing /Calibration Of G –Tek Make Digital Temperature Recorder Com Indicator, Pt-100 Type, Range- 0 To 100ºc/200ºc. , Digital Multimeter. Make-Maco. , Hand Held Tachometer (Mechanical/Dial Type) Range- 1 Rpm To 10000 Rpm, Make-Fuji Kogyo/Mitutoyo. , Dial Indicator, Rang- 0 To 10 Mm. Least Count-0.01 Mm. Dial Size-50 Mm., Make Mitutoyo, Japan. , Micro Metermake Mitutoyo, Japan.(A) 0 To 25 Mm. Out Side. , (B) 0 To 150 Mm. Out Side. , (C) 0 To 150 Mm. In Side. , Filler Gauge 6”. Size- 0.02To 1 Mm. , Master Level 2” Make Rsk Japan. , M.S. Flexible Conduit Pipe. A. 3/8” Id , B. ½” Id , C. ¾” Id. , D. 1” Id , Hand Held Micro Controller Based Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge, Make: Modosonic/Reputed Company.,(Suitable For Testing Tube Thickness). , Digital Vernior Caliper, Size 300Mm, Make Mitutoyo Make (Made In Japan) , Hand Held Digital Tep. Indicator Infra Red Type, Remote Type Range 0-1400º Sencing Distance Maximum 2 Mtr. , Pid Controler Model-Dc-1040 Make Honey Well , D.C. Power Supply Input 220 Volt Ac Output 24 Volt Dc. Capicity 5Va , Weighing Scale Monitor With Totlizer Module Wsm-21 With Sensor Make-Electromed , Senser For Weighing Scale Monitor Of Model Wsm-21 Make Electromed , Pressure Transemeter Range 0-25Kg, Per Sq. Cm, Out Put 4-20 Ma Make Abb/Rosemount , Pressure Transemeter Range 0-7Kg, Per Sq. Cm, Out Put 4-20 Ma Make Abb/Rosemount , Pressure Transemeter Range 0-3Kg, Per Sq. Cm, Out Put 4-20 Ma Make Abb/Rosemount

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INR 6000.0 /-
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