
Tender For Providing And Fixing Of Play Equipments At Municipal Board Jhalrapatan, jhalrapatan-Rajasthan

Department Of Local Bodies has published Tender For Providing And Fixing Of Play Equipments At Municipal Board Jhalrapatan. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-06-2023. Sport Accessories Tenders in jhalrapatan Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Corrigendum : Tender For Providing And Fixing Of Play Equipments At Municipal Board Jhalrapatan
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Tender Details

Providing And Fixing Of Play Equipments At Municipal Board Jhalrapatan-2 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake COMBO MAPS:- Area:3.95M x 3.95M Safe Area :4.85M x 4.85M Height:2.4 M Vertical Support : 1.5” ( 48MM NB )See Saw Stand : 1.5” ( 48MM NB )See Saw Center Support : 2”( 60MM NB )See Saw Railing : ¾” ( 25MM NB )Ladder : 1” ( 32MM NB ) & Rectangle Pipe 2” X 1” (50 x 25MM) For StepsLadder Hand Railing : ¾” ( 25MM NB )Top : 1”( 32MM NB )& ¾” ( 25MM NB )Frp Slide Length : 2.4 M ( Thickness : 5mm )Frp See Saw Seats : 12” X 8” ( Thickness : 3 Mm )Platform: 2” X ½” (50 x 15MM) Rectangle Pipe.Providing & fixing of combo Multi play having Area 3.95 x 3.95 Meter. The total height should be above ground level is 2.4 meter.SQUARE DECK 4’ HEIGHT: The platform is made in fiber reinforced plastic. The top of platform is anti skid surface with multi colour pigmented resin .The back coat of fiber reinforced plastic is such that the mat strands are not visible and the surface is tack free. It should be made by 16 gauge CRC sheet with FRP non skid lamination and Connected leg support pipe should be made by 48mm NB PIPE with proper fitment. The shape of Platform support at one end is arch type.FRP Slide 8’: There is 1 no. of FRP slide of length 2.4 meter having 5mm thickness connected to the one end of platform. The slide should be made by Fiber Reinforce Plastic 5 MM Thick.SEE SAW SINGLE: The Main structure made up with 48mm NB pipe & Center support of See Saw single made in 60mm NB pipe rest on the main stand. The center support is attached with 2 nos. FRP seats of size 12” x 8” having thickness 3mm for the seating. The railing of See saw center rod made with 25mm NB pipe.LADDER:Ladder should be made with 32mm NB pipes for support & the steps should be made with Rectangle Pipe of 50 x 25mm. The ladder railing made with 25mm NB pipe. TOP climber: The top of the climber made up with 32mm NB & 25mm NB pipe.All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give Smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. Slide should be made in a single mould piece there is no any joint in the slide.FRP components should be paint by 3 layers of PU paint. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge. 3 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake All In One Multy Play System:-Area : 10 Mtr x 12 MeterSafe Play area: - 11 mtr. X 13 mtr.Platform Height: - 1.5/ 1.8/2.1 mtr.Providing and installation ofMulty arrangement play system whichis consist Towers , V- bridge , arch bridge , lemon bridge , connector tube , tire ramp , FRP canopy’s , party swing , Multy seater see saw , rainbow climber , swing two seater, both types of FRP slides , plain ladder , snake shape ladder , tic tack toy steps and different types railing. All work shall be done by as per specification and order by engineer in charge.1. Towers and decks:- all the towers should be made by 40 mm IDGI pipe at lag support and platform should be made by 18 SWG CRC sheet. Supporting pipe connected with FRP canopy with proper fitment no sharp corner seen on the top and other place on the tower. Platform height from ground level 6’ and 7’ and total height from ground level are 13’. And there are proper space for standing 3-4 children’s on all types of deck.2. 2. V- Bridge:-v type bridge should be made by 20 mm IDGI pipe. In inner frame and 25 mm IDGI pipe at outer frame and shall be connected with towers with proper fitting arrangement like nut bolts or proper welding system hand rills and railing should be made by 15 mm IDGI pipe. And brightly paint by 3 layers of P.U. paint in Multy color.3. Arch Bridge: - This bridge should be made by 20 mm IDGI pipe. In inner frame and made like cross shapeand 25 mm IDGI pipeat outer frame ladder shall be made by 2”x1/2” rectangle pipe. And connected like such a way to go one tower to another towers. All the equipment joint cross welding system. There is no any sharp corner on the top of the bridge, all components brightly paint by 3 layers of P.U. paint in Multy color.4. 4. Lemon Bridge: - lemon bridges outer frame should be made by 25 mm IDGI pipe. And handrails should be made by 20 mm IDGI pipe. Bridges ladders should be made by 2” x ½” Rectangle pipe. Total length 3.0 mtr. X 0.75 mtr. In half round shape All the equipment joint cross welding system. There is no any sharp corner on the top of the bridge , all componentsbrightly paint by 3 layers of P.U. paint in Multy color.5. Connector Tube or Circular Shape Bridge: - the connector should be made look like circular shape or round shape supporting pipe shall be made up of 20 mm IDGI pipe. And circular shape pipe shall be made up of 25 mm IDGI pipe both types of pipe are connected each other with cross wilding arrangement there is proper way to go one deck to another deck.All the components fitted by proper fitments with towers there is no any sharp corner show on the top of the bridge., all components brightly paint by 3 layers of P.U. paint in Multy color.6. Tyre Ramp: - Ramps steel frame should be made by 40 mm IDGI pipe and well joint with 6 nos. of heavy duty tyres and connect specifically on the ramp. Ramp shall be connected with platform by proper fitting arrangements like nut bolts or proper welding system. Handrails and railing should be made by 20 mm IDGI pipe. , all components brightly paint by 3 layers of P.U. paint in Multy color.7. FRP Canopy:-alltypesof FRP canopy should be completely made up of Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic heaving thickness 3 mm allover on the canopy proper mounted top of each and every tower , all componentsbrightly paint by 3 layers of P.U. paint in Multy color.8. Plane ladder:- the ladders should be made by 25 mm & 20mm IDGI pipe and steps should be made by 2” x 1” Rectangle pipe of size 100x 25 .proper welding with smooth finishing there is no anythere is proper way to go one deck to another deck.All the components fitted by proper fitments with towers there is no any sharp corner show on the top of the bridge., all components brightly paint by 3 layers of P.U. paint in Multy color.9. Snake Type ladder:- this ladder should be look like such a snake shape and made by 25 mm IDGI pipe for climbing for children’s and connected with side panel of lemon bridge. All the components joint cross welding system. There is no any sharp corner show on the top all components brightly paint by 3 layers of P.U. paint in Multy color.10. TIC TAC TOY :- Total 9 nos. of X and O FRP cylinders made up of Fiber Glass Reinforced plastic with 8” Dia and 9” of length. And fitted on FRP window panel. Total length of FRP window panel are 0.8 mtr. X 0.8 mtr. And fitted left or right side of tyres ramp. Paint by PU paint in Multy color.11. FRP WAVE SLIDE: - slide should be made up ofFiber Glass Reinforced plastic having thickness 5 mm all over on the slide with both side smooth finishing total length of slide 3.6 mtr. And width 0.6 mtr. Slide should be connected with a platform with proper fitment like nut bolts or clam system and brightly paint by 3 layers of the epoxy coated paint.12. FRP LONG SLIDE:- slide should be made up of Fiber Glass Reinforced plastic having thickness 5 mm all over on the slide with both side smooth finishing total length of slide 3.0 mtr. Without joint and width 0.5 mtr. Slide should be supported by 20 mm IDGI pipe slide should be connected with a platform with proper fitment like nut bolts or clam system and brightly paint by 3 layers of the epoxy coated paint.13. STRAIGHT SLIDE:- Slide should be made up of Fiber Glass Reinforced plastic having thickness 5 mm all over on the slide with both side smooth finishing total length of slide 4.2 mtr.and width 0.6 Slide should besupported by 20 mm IDGI pipe slide should be connected with a platform with proper fitment like nut bolts or clam system and brightly paint by 4 layers of the epoxy coated paint.14. RAINBOW CLIMBER:- rainbow climber shall be made up of25 mm IDGI pipeat outer frame and 20 mm IDGI pipe in inner frame. Total height 2 mtr. From ground level. Connected with platform with proper fitment like nut bolts or gross welding system and brightly paint by 4 layers of PU paint. There is no any sharp corner show on the top.15. MULTY SEATER SEE SAW:- there are 1 no. of see saw (4 seater) should be made by 50 mm IDGIPipe for Center Support And leg support shall be made up of 40mm NB pipe. Hand railing should be made by 20 mm IDGI pipe. Seating arrangement for children shall be made up of Fiber Glass Reinforced plastic 4 mm FRP thickness with smooth finishing and brightly paint by 3 layers of PU paint. There is no any sharp corner show on the top.16.SWING TWO SEATER:- Its total required area 3 mtr. X 1.5 mtr. And height shall be 2.4 mtr. From ground level top bar of swing is made by 50mm IDGI pipe 16 gauge. And 4 nos. of leg support pipe should be 40mm IDGI pipe 16 gauge.Top bar attach with 2 nos. of alloy steel coasting bearing with GI chain. Seating arrangement of swing is made up of 9mm thick. Anti skid chequered reinforced rubber belt. Bearing should be covered by specially design nylon clamp. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments.And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge.17. Party swing 4 seater:-party swing should be made by 40 mm IDGI pipe and connected on the front slide of the bridge, seating arrangement should be made up of 18 SWG CRC sheet having thickness 1.5 ,, and laminated by FRP plane and smooth sheet. Total seating capacity of 4 children’s. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. And install by c.c. base system as per order by engineer in charge. 4 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake MAPS Joy :-Safe Play Area -4.5 mtr. X 3.5 mtr.Area – 3.5 mtr. X 5.4. Mtr.Height- 3.6 mtr with canopyProviding & Fixing MAPS Joy its total required are 3.5 mtr x 5.4 mtr. And consist 4 no. of equipments.01-strate slide- should have 2.4 mtr. Length and Width 0.5 mtr. And made up of FRP 5 mm thickness over all. Paint free.02- 1 no. of square deck Platform should be made FRP non skid lamination and connected leg support pipe.03- FRP Canopy Fitted on the platform and made up of fiber glass reinforced plastic with 3 mm FRP thickness. With 60 mm IDGI pipe in leg support.04- Bridge climber shall be made by 25 mm IDGI pipe and capsule pipe at bottom of the bridge.05- Square deck without canopy should be made FRP non skid lamination and connected leg support pipe.06- Ladder should be made up of 1’’ x 2’’ rec. sq. powder coated pipe for proper footrest of children’s. Safety railing and handrills should be made up of 20 and 25 MM NB pipe.All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 3-12 Year. 5 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake 3 Way Multi Action Play System Mini Combo with 4 Loop Climber :-Safe play Area – 6 mtr. X 4 mtr.Area – 5 mtr. X 3 mtr.Height – 2.4 mtr. Its required area 5mtr x 3mtr and height should be 2.4 mtr. from ground level connected with four nos. of equipments. 1 no. of FRP slide should have length 2.4 mtr. X 0.5 mtr. shall be made by FRP 5mm thickness overall slide should be connected with item nos. 2 rainbow junior climber should be made by 25mm IDGI pipe in outer frame and 20mm NB GI B’ class pipe. Inner frame should be connected with platform. Platform should be made by 16 G thickness in steel frame and covered by FRP non skid sheet. Platform should be connected with item no.3 swing single seater having height 2.4 mtr. Connected with 40mm NB pipe on top bar and joint with 35 mm NBGI B’ class pipe. For leg support swing made by 6mm. Heavy duty chain joint with FRP seat should have 5 mm thickness in FRP. Supporting pipe connected with See Saw Single board made by 40 mm. NB B class pipe. With have two proper fitting arrangement seat should made by 5 mm FRP seat. 1 no of loop climber proper fitted with platform, there is 4 no of loop in climber. All Equipments paint by 3 layer of P.U. paint in multi-colour or oven baked powder coated whichever is feasible and possible. 6 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake Combination Set 3 in oneas per specification:-Age Group: - 2- 4 yrs.Product Area :- 2.0 m x 1.6 mSafe Play Area :- 3.0 m x 2.6 mAs the name suggests, this item has a combination of three items such as swing, slide and seesaw. The complete frame of this item is fabricated from 20 NB and 25 NB powder coated GI pipes. The slide in the combination set is made up of Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP). The slide landing support is made in 20 NB pipe. The slides are given a smooth finish so that the child does not hurt itself while playing on it. The bucket swing is made up of FRP and is attached to a nylon rope/ chain. For the bucket swing a handle is given for gripping, which is made in rotational molding and out of FRP. The see-saw lever and stand is made up of 20 NB GI pipe. The see saw seat is made out of FRP 3 MM. The bearing used is of heavy-duty bush type. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give Smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 6-12 Year. 7 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumakecriss cross :- Rec. Age: - 4 - 12 yrs.The area :- 1.4 m x 1.4 mSafe play area :- 2.4 m x 2.4 mHeight :- 2.1 mThis is very simple type of structure similar to the shape of the ladder arranged in criss cross manner. The main frame of this criss cross scrambler is fabricated from 25 NB powder coated GI pipe. There is one centre support of 40 NB GI pipe and horizontal bars of 20 NB pipe. The pipes conforming to IS 1239 with GI thickness of 60 µ are powder coated to prevent rusting due to atmospheric condition All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 4-12 Year. 8 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake hanging Climber:-Safe Play Area -3.4 mtr. X 2.2 mtr. Dia Area: - 2.4 mtr. 1.2 mtr.Height- 2.4 mtr.It required area 2.4 mtr x 1.2 mtr & height 2.4 mtr and leg support should made up of 50 mm IDGI pipe outer frame should be made by 32 mm IDGI pipe in main frame joint with 20 mm IDGI pipe in handrails/inner frame in dia. Ladder should be made by 20 mm IDGI pipe. And connected with proper fitment like welding, fastener.All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments.And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 6-12 Year. 9 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, ArasumakeTurbo Tower :- Age Group: - 4 - 12 yrs.Product Area :- 1.8 m diameterSafe Play Area :- 2.8 m diameterHeight :- 3.35mMaterial Specification:In this interesting turbo tower the center support is made up of 80 NB powder coated GI pipe. The loops given to the turbo tower are made up of 15 GI powder coated GI pipe. The rings of the turbo tower are made up of 20 NB powder coated GI pipes. The bend pipes are made in 25 NB GI pipes. There is a sufficient distance between the rings for the children climbing on it. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 4 to 12 Year. 10 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake Snake Climber: -Safe Play Area -4.5 mtr. X 2.0 mtr.Area : 3.6 x 1.0 MtrHeight- 2.4 mtrIts height 2.4 mtr. And Length should be 3.6 mtr. And width should be 1.0 mtr. And made by 50 mm IDGI pipe in vertical support and 32 MM NB pipe in outer frame. Handrails should be made by 25 mm IDGI pipe. Leg support should be 50 mm IDGI pipe. Ladder should be made by 20 mm IDGI pipe.All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments.And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 3-8 Year. 11 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, ArasumakeSky Rocker :- Age Group: - 5 - 12 yrs.Product Area :- 2.5 m x 0.6 mSafe Play Area :- 3.5 m x 1.6 mHeight :- 2.40mMaterial Specification:The sky rocker is the most attractive and enjoyable of its kind. The main frame support is made from 80 NB GI pipe. while the top pipe is of 40 NB and 20 NB GI pipe. The top pipe is inserted into a nylon bush which gives the rider a swinging experience to enjoy. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments.And install by C.C. base System as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 6-12 Year. 12 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, ArasumakeRotary Thrill MGR :-Safe Play Area -2.5 mtr. DiaArea: - 1.5 mtr. DiaHeight- 1.0 mtr.Its total required area 1.5 Dia mtr. Outer frame should be made by 32 mm IDGI pipe and handrail and leg support should be made by 20 mm IDGI pipe. Center pipe should be made by 48 mm IDGI pipe. Connected with heavy duty ball bearing 6312 reputed make only. Seating arrangement should be made by Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic with 5 mm thickness. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 3-8 Year. 13 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake Jumbo slide12’: -Safe Play Area: -4 .6 mtr. X 1.5 mtr.Area – 3 mtr. X 0.6 mtr.Height: -3.0 mtr.Its required area 3.0 mtr. X 0.6 mtr. Platform height should be 1.5 mtr. From ground level and slide length 3.69 mtr. Slide should be made by Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic having thickness 5mm overall. The back side of slide is surface mat with phantom effect. Connected with platform should be made by 16 SWG CRC sheet with FRP non skid lamination. Leg support of the platform should be made by 48mm NB pipe 14 gauge. Ladder should be made by 32mm NB pipe.The ladders railing should be made up of 25mm NB pipe it is design in such a way that a ladder itself has safety railings for the platform. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. Slide should be made in a single mould piece there is no any joint in the slide.FRP components should be paint by 3 layers of PU paint. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge. 14 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake STANDARDslide :-Safe Play Area -3.4 mtr. X 1.5 mtr.Area – 2.4 mtr. X 1.5 mtr.Height- 1.2 mtrIts required area 2.4 x 1.5 mtr. Platform height 1.2 mtr. In ground level should be made by 32mm IDGI pipe for leg support. The ladders railing should be made up of 25mm IDGI pipe & it is design in such a way that a ladder itself has safety railings of 2”x1” rectangle pipe of size 50 x 25mm for the platform. Slide length 2.4 mtr. With 5 mm thickness overall slide chute 0.5 mtr. Wide. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 3-10 Year. 15 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, ArasumakeFRP Spiral Slide :-Safe Play Area -3.5 mtr. X 2.7 mtr.Area: - 2.5 mtr. X 1.7 mtr.Height- 2.1 mtr.The spiral slide is made up of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) in one piece having shell thickness of 4-5 mm. The slide is supported on a center support 80 NB GI pipe. The landing supports of the slide are supported by two 20 NB pipes. The slide ladder steps should be made with 2”x 1” rectangle pipe of size 50 x 25mm. Railing should be made by 25 mm NB pipe.The safety railing of the ladder is made25 MM IDGI pipe. The spiral slide platform is made up of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP). The trade and riser of the ladder are designed in such a way it wont entrap childs foot while playing.All the sharp edges and corners are properly grinded to give smooth finish so that children are not hurt while playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 4-12 Year. 16 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake EagleSee Saw:-Safe play Area – 2.5 mtr. X 3.5 mtr.Area – 1.5 mtr. X 2.5 mtr.Height – 0.8 mtr.It’s required area 1.5mtr x 2.2mtr. Main frame should be made by 80mm IDNB Centre pipe with proper fitment for installation of see saw.Handle should be made by 25 mm IDNB pipe. Total height 0.5mm from ground level. 2 nos. of sheet made by 3 mm thick FRP with proper seating arrangement grouted in CC. foundation base All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to Give Smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 6-12 Year. 17 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake Spring Rider: -Safe Play Area – 1.9 mtr. X 1.7 mtr.Area – 0.9 mtr. X 0.7 mtr.Height – 0.5 mtr.Providing & Fixing of Spring Rider Its required area 0.9 mtr x 0.7 mtr. Total height 0.5mtr from ground level. Leg support should be made by 40 mm IDGI pipe & handle made by 15 mm NB pipe. Seat should be made by FRP animal Duck / Horse shape with 5 mm thick connected with heavy duty spring. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 3-12 Year. 18 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake Swing Double Seater : -Safe Play Area -4 mtr. X 2.5 mtr.Area: - 3 mtr. X 1.5 mtr.Height- 2.4mtrIts total required area 3 mtr. X 1.5 mtr. And height shall be 2.4 mtr. From ground level top bar of swing is made by 60mm IDGI pipe. And 4 nos. of leg support pipe should be 60mm IDGI pipe.Top bar attach with 2 nos. of alloy steel coasting bearing with GI chain. Seating arrangement of swing is made up of 10mm thick. Anti skid chequered reinforced rubber belt. Bearing should be covered by specially design nylon clamp. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments.And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge. 19 Providing and installation of Uday Creations kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake Circular swing :-Safe play area:-2.5 m x 3 mThe area :-1.5 m x 2 mThe leg support of this item is made up of 40 MM, while the top bar is from 50 MM powder coated GI pipes. The swing frame is made from 25 MM and 15 MM powder coated GI pipes. There are two seats provided which are made out of Fiber Reinforced Plastic. The platform is made using chequered plate for footrest and bearing assembly is made. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. Slide should be made in a single mould piece there is no any joint in the slide.FRP components should be paint by 3 layers of PU paint. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge. All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 3-10 Year. 20 Providing and installation of kilkari, Arihant Playtime, Svr, Arasumake FRP Dustbin Penguin shape:-Height- 1.3 mtr.Thickness: - 3 mm In FRP.Its total height 1.3 mtr. From ground level and made up of Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic with 3mm thicknessand made by complete FRP process using 450 GSM mat with resin, hardener and furnish by reputed make pigments in Multy colors.Paint by 3 layer of P.U. paint in Multy color. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge. 21 Providing and fixing of kilkari, playtime, Svr, Arasu make FRP Spiral Slide 3.0mtr. :-Safe Play Area -3.0 mtr. X 2.7 mtr.Area: - 2.0 mtr. X 1.7 mtr.Height- 3.0 mtr.Its total required area 2.0 mtr. X 1.7 mtr. From ground level. Slide length should be 3.0 mtr. With 5 mm thickness in FRP slide should be smooth finished at sliding part and Connected with platform should be made up of FRP non-skid sheet and having height 3.0 mtr. From ground level slide should be supported by 80 mm IDGI pipe. Railing and ladder should made by 20 mm IDGI & 25mm IDGI pipe steps should be made by 25mm IDGI & 2”x 1” Rectangle pipe of size 100x25 respectively.All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments. And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 3-10 Year. 22 Providing and fixing of kilkari, playtime, Svr, Arasu make FRP Wave slide : -Safe Play Area - 5.2 mtr. X 1.6 mtr.Area: - 4.2 mtr. X 0.6 mtr.Height- 1.5 mtr.Providing & Fixing Of Wave Slide Its total required area 4.2 mtr x 0.6 mtr. Platform height 1.5 mtr. From ground level connected with leg support 60 mm NB pipe & ladder steps should be made with 2”x 1” rectangle pipe of size 100 x 25. Realing should be made by 25 mm NB pipe. Total slide length 3.0 mtr. With 5 mm FRP thick.. Slide should be made in a single mould piece there is no any joint in the slide.FRP components should be paint by 3 layers of PU paint.All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give Smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 6-12 Year. 23 Providing and fixing of kilkari, playtime, Svr, Arasu make Tabular See Saw 2 Seater:-Safe play Area – 2.5 mtr. X 4.5 mtr.Area – 1.5 mtr. X 3.5 mtr.It’s required area 1.5mtr x 3.5mtr. Outer frame should be made by 60mm IDGI pipe connected with 80mm IDGI Centre pipe handle should be made by 32 mm IDGI pipe. Total height 0.5mm from ground level. 2 nos. of sheet made by 5mm thick FRP with proper seating arrangement grouted in CC. foundation base All the sharp edges and corner properly grinded to give Smooth finishing so that children are not hurt with playing on it. The pure polyester powder coating (oven baked) done on the pipes extend the life of equipments And install by C.C. base system as per order by engineer in charge Age capacity 6-12 Year.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 16-06-2023 Corrigendum Date 26-06-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 30000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 15 Lakhs /-
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