Supply Of Testing, Regents Equipment, Cards And Kits Items At Jln Govt. Hospital Nagaur , A.S.O. 100 Test Sd/J. Mitra/Tulip , Acetic Acid Bdh 500 Ml , Acetone 5 Ltr. , Albumin Klt 5*50 Ml Erba , Alkaline Phasp (Auto Span) 20 Ml/Erba , Alkaline Phasp (Erba) , Amylase Kit 6*6 Ml Erba/J.Mitra/Tulip , Anti Sera Group A,B,D Kits Ml J.Mitra/Tulip 10 Ml , Australia Antigen Per Kit Rapid , Auto- Pipette 100-1000 Ul , Auto- Pipette 10 Ul , Auto- Pipette 500 Ul , Auto- Pipette 50 Ul , Auto- Pipette 50 Ul , Band Aid Per Piece , Benedicts Qualitative Reagent 5 Ltr , Bilirubin 4*60 Ml. Erba , Bovine Albumin Sera 5 Ml. Jmitra/Tulip Etc , Brillint Cresyl Bule 100 Ml , Brush For Claning Test Tube Per Piece , C.R.P. 100 Test Sd/J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Calcium Kit 2*50 Ml Erba , Capillary Tube Per Tube , Chikangunia Rapid Test Sd/I. Mitra/ Tulip Etc Per Test , Cholestol Kit 5*20 Ml. Erba Etc , Ck-Nac Kit 2*10 Ml. Erba/J.Mitra/Tulip Etc , Ck- Mb Kit 2*8 Ml 2*2 Nil Erba/ J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Combs Sera 5 Ml. J.Mitra/Tulip Etc , Cotton Tape &3 4 Per Piece , Cover Slip Glss 18 Mm 1*100 , Cover Slip Glass Chember 1*100 , Creatinine Kit 4*60 Ml. Erba , Dengue Card Igg/Igm/Ns-1 Sd/J. Mitra/ Tulip Etc , Dengue Elisa Kit Sd/ J. Mitra/ Tulip Per Kit , Diastix Bayer 100 Strips , Disposable Esr Pipette With Tube Per Tube , Distil Water 5 Lit Gallan H2so4 Reg , Dropper Big Size 9 Per Piece , Earba Wash Kit Cat No. 1921 4*50 Ml , Edta Vials (K3) 13*75 Mm Double Cape Per Piece , Edta Vials (K3) 13*75 Mm Single Cape Per Piece , Ehrlichs Reagent 500 Ml , Eosinophil Solution 500 Ml , Eosinophil Counting Fluid 500 Ml , Erba Cim 5 Semi Auto Analiser Pm Kit , Erba Roll Paper 2.5 P Th. Paper Per Roll , Erba Roll Paper 3 Plan Tharmal Paper Per Roll , Erba Roll Paper 4 Per Roll , Esr Pipette Gdr Each , Ethyl Alcohol 500 Ml , Auto Pipette 100Ul , Filter Paper Pe Piece , Gention Fluid 500 Ml , Giemsa Stain 500 Ml , Glass Slide 50 Pcs. , Glucose Kit 2*200 Ml Erba , Grams Crytal Violet Per Piece , Grams Iodine 500 Ml , Grams (Stain) 500 Ml , Hb Pipetle Top Per Piece , Hb Tube Top Per Piece , Hbs Ag Kit Rapid Sd/J. Mitra/ Tulip Etc , Hbs Ag Kit Elisa 96 Test Sd/J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Hcv Elisa 96 Test Sd/J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Hcv Kit Rapid Sd/ J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Hdl Cholesterol 2*50 Ml. Erba , Hiv Kit (Elisa) 96 Test Sd/J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Hiv Kit (Rapid) Sd/J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Hiv Tridot Sd/Tulip/ J. Mitra Etc , Hiv Elisa 4Th Gen. , Hydrochloric Acid Bdh 500 Ml , Jsb Stain- I Malaria , Jsb Stain-Ii Malaria , Ldh (P-L) Kit 25 Ml 4*8/1*8 Ml Erba/J.Mitra/Tulip Etc , Leishman Stain 500 Ml , Methyl Alcohol 500 Ml , Methyleneblue 500 Ml , Micro Protein 1*50 Liqued , Multistix Bayer 100 Strip , Neuber Counting Chamber Rohan India Brigh Line , Nitric Acid Bdh 500 Ml , Occult Blood Test Kit , Pasture Pipette Glass , Pipette Glass 10 Ml , Pipette Glass 1 Ml , Pipette Glass 20 Ml , Plastic Urine Containers Per Piece , Potassium Hydroxide 500 Ml , Pregnancy Colour Card Acon/Hicks/Mainkind Etc , Pt Kit (Agappe) Ivd , Pt Kit (Uniplastin) , Ra Kit 100 Test , Rmt Antigen Set Sd/ J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Scrub Tiphus Rapid Test Sd/ J. Mitra/ Tulip Etc , Seminal Fluid 500 Ml , Serum Cap Test Tube 4 Screq Cap , Serum Sample Cup , Sgot Kit 5*20 Ml. Erba Etc , Sgpt Kit 5*20 Ml Erba Etc , Sulfuric Acid 500 Ml , Sulphuric Acid Bdh 500 Ml , Sulpur Flower (Powder) 500 Gm , Test Tube 3 Glass , Test Tube 3 Plastic , Test Tube 4 Glass , Test Tube 4 Plastic , Test Tube Stand 48 , Test Tube Stand 96 , Test Tube With Screw Cap 3 , Test Tube With Screw Cap 4 , Tips Blue 1X500 Pack , Tips Yellow 1X1000 Pack , Total Protein Test Kit 5*50 Ml Erba , Triglyceride 5*50 Ml Erba , Unnas Polychrone Methyne Blue , Urea Kit 5*20 Ml Erba , Uric Acid Test Kit 5*20 Ml. Erba , Uric Acid Test Kit 5*50 Ml. Erba , Uristix Bayer 100 Strips/Seimens/Bayer Etc , Vdrl Card Sd/Acon/Tulip , Wbc Pipette Gdr , Widal Test Kit 100 Test Sd/J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Xylene 500 Ml , Blood Suger Erba Kit , Anti Ab (Group) J. Mitra/Tulip Etc , Sodium Hypocloride 5 Ltr. , Blood Bag 350 Ml , Blood Beg (Pedia) , Needle 22/23 No. 1X100 Pack , Chikangunia Elisa Test Kit 1*96 , Keto Distix , Test Tube Jelly 4 , Anti D Polyclonal Igg+Igm , Anti H Polyclonal Igg+Igm , Anti A Polyclonal Igg+Igm , Sensitized O Cells , Scrub Typhus Elisa Test Kit 1*96 , Hav Igm Elisa Testkit 1*96 , Hev Igm Elisa Testkit 1*96 , Typhid Elisa Testkit For Typhoid 1*96 , Typhid Rapid Test Fortyphoid , Tube Agglutination Test Kit Fortyphoid , Modified Carry Blair Medium , Brain Heart Infusion Medium (Bhi) , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar(Dca) , Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar(Ppa) , Blood Culture Bottles With Brain Heart Infusion Broth(20Ml) , Blood Culture Bottles With Brain Hear Tinfusion Broth(70Ml) , Sim Agar , Ss Agar , Blood Aga Rbase , Cled Media , Nutrient Agar , Macconkey Agar , Muller Hinton Agar , Thiosulphate Citrate Bile Salt Agar(Tcbsagar) , Mannitol Agar , Salanite Broth , Sorbitol Macconkey Agar , Chrome Agar (Hicromeutiagar) , Xld Agar , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar(Sda) , Alkaline Peptone Water , Amies/Stuart Media For Sample , Carry Blair Media For Stool Transport , Triple Sugar Iron Agar , Simmon Citrate Agar , Urea Agar Base For Urea Test , Urea Solution For Urea Test , Kovac’Sreagent(Indolereagent) , Glucose Phosphate Broth , Methylred Indicator Solution , Alpha Napthol For Vptest(Barrita) , 40% Koh (Barritb) , 30% Hydrogenperoxide (H2o2) , Oxidase Reagent , Optochin , Bacitracin , Novobiocin , Sodium Deoxycholate , Ph Paper1to14 , Ph Paper 2To10.5 , Ferric Chloride , Tryptone Broth For Indole Test , Glass Marking Pencil , Of Medi A(Glucose) , Vials For Storage(Cryo,Eppendores)B , Bile E Sculin Agar , Tsb[Tryptonesoyabroth] , Glycerol , Gram’Sstainkit , Afb(Zn)Stainkit , Albertstainkit , Lugol’Siodine , Indianink , Glasspetriplates (100Mm) , Disposable Petriplates(100Mm) , Measuring Cylinder 50Ml , Measuringcylinder100ml , Measuringcylinder250ml , Conical Flasks 100Ml , Conical Flasks 250Ml , Conical Flasks 500Ml , Test Tube10ml , Maccartney Bottle(100Ml) , Glassrod , Slide Trays , Multichannel Micropipette (30?L– , Micropipette(10-100Microlitre) , Micropipette(100-1000Microlitre) , 70%Ethanol , 70%Ethlyalcohol , 10%Koh , Sterile Stool Container With Spoon , Pre-Sterile Cottons Wabs , Swabsticks(Withtube) , Blood Culture Bottle With Out Media(Forbhimedia)30Ml , Blotting Paper Sheet , Ceedar Woodoil , Staining Rack(Rodwithstand) , Reagent Bottle (Narrow Mouth)125Ml , Plastic Infor Hanging Drop Preparation , Plastic Droper1*100 , Discardingjar , Inoculation Loop (10Microlitre) , Inoculation Loop (Standard For Urine Culture0.001Ml) , Inoculation Loop Holder , Stop Watch , Diamond Marke Rpencil , Tissue Paper Roll , Aluminum Foil , Filter Paper Sheet , Bun Senburner With Small Gas Cylinder , Spirit Lamp , Paraffin Tape2X250 , Analyticalweighing Balances(Cap.0.01Gm-220Gm) , Electric Heater For Water Boiling[Waterbath] , Thermometer110c,Mercuryfilled , Autoclave Thermophilus Strip For Internal Quality Check , Incubator Thermophilus Strip For Internal Quality Check , 0.5Macfarlandsolution , 0.5Macfarlandunitpaper , Vibriocholerae Antisera,Polyo1 , Vibriocholerae Antisera,O139bengal , Fecaloc Cul Tblood Testkit , Amikacin(30Mcg) , Augmentin(20/10Mcg) , Ampicillin(10Mcg) , Cefepime(30Mcg) , Cefoxitin(30Mcg) , Ceftazidime(30Mcg) , Ceftriaxone(10Mcg) , Cefuroxime(30Mcg) , Chloramphenicol(30Mcg) , Ciprofloxacin(10Mcg) , Clindamycin(2Mcg) , Cotrimoxazole(25Mcg) , Doxycycline(10Mcg) , Erythromycin(10Mcg) , Gentamycin(10Mcg) , Imipenem(10Mcg) , Levofloxacin(5Mcg) , Linezolid(30Mcg) , Meropenem(10Mcg) , Nalidixicacid(30Mcg) , Netilmicin(10Mcg) , Nitrofurantoin(300Mcg) , Norfloxacin(10Mcg) , Ofloxacin(5Mcg) , Oxacillin(1Mcg) , Penicillin(10Mcg) , Peperacillin/Tazobactam(100/10Mcg) , Teicoplanin(30Mcg) , Tetracycline(30Mcg) , Vancomycin(30Mcg) , Gluco Strips Sd Code Free