
Tender For Supply Of Surgical Items (Part-1)- 4002 - Absorbent Gauze (20Mt X 90Cm),4004 - Adhesive Tape 5Cmx10mtr,4005 - Adhesive Tape 7.5Cmx10mtr,4006 - Bandage Cloth (20Mt X 90Cm),4007 - Blood Administration Set (Eto Radiation Method),4009 - Cotton Crep, Porbandar-Gujarat

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Tender For Supply Of Surgical Items (Part-1)- 4002 - Absorbent Gauze (20Mt X 90Cm),4004 - Adhesive Tape 5Cmx10mtr,4005 - Adhesive Tape 7.5Cmx10mtr,4006 - Bandage Cloth (20Mt X 90Cm),4007 - Blood Administration Set (Eto Radiation Method),4009 - Cotton Crep. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-06-2023. Disposable Medical Staff Clothing Tenders in Porbandar Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Surgical Items (Part-1)- 4002 - Absorbent Gauze (20Mt X 90Cm),4004 - Adhesive Tape 5Cmx10mtr,4005 - Adhesive Tape 7.5Cmx10mtr,4006 - Bandage Cloth (20Mt X 90Cm),4007 - Blood Administration Set (Eto Radiation Method),4009 - Cotton Crep
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Surgical Items ( Part-1 ) - 4002 - Absorbent Gauze ( 20Mt X 90Cm ) , 4004 - Adhesive Tape 5Cmx10mtr, 4005 - Adhesive Tape 7.5Cmx10mtr, 4006 - Bandage Cloth ( 20Mt X 90Cm ) , 4007 - Blood Administration Set ( Eto Radiation Method ) , 4009 - Cotton Crepe Bandage ( As Per Bp ) Size: 10Cmx4mtr, 4010 - Cotton Crepe Bandage Pack ( 6Cmx4mtr ) ( As Per Bp ) , 4011 - Sterile Hypodermic Needle Size:22X1 In, 4013 - Sterile Hypodermic Needle Size:23X1in, 4015 - Sterile Hypodermic Needle Size:24X1 In, 4017 - Infusion Set ( E.T.O.Sterilised ) , 4019 - Sterile Hypodermic Syringe For Single Use Size 10 Ml ( Without Needle ) , 4020 - Sterile Hypodermic Syringe For Single Use Size 2 Ml ( Without Needle ) , 4021 - Sterile Hypodermic Syringe For Single Use Size:5Ml ( Without Needle ) , 4022 - Plaster Of Paris Bandage ( 10Cm X 2.7Mtr ) ( As Per Bp ) , 4023 - Plaster Of Paris Bandage ( 15Cm X 2.7Mtr ) ( As Per Bp ) , 4024 - Rolled Bandage ( 5Mt X 5Cm ) , 4041 - Ab.Sur.Sut.Chromic 1 With 1 / 2Cir.Rb45mm, 4043 - Ab.Sur.Sut.Chromic 2 With 1 / 2Cir.Rb45mm, 4044 - Absorbable Surgical Suture Catgut Chromic 1-0 With Needle., 4045 - Ab.Sur.Sut.Chromic 2-0 With 1 / 2Cir.Rb30m, 4055 - Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Polyglycolic Acid ) With Needle 1 With1 / 2Cir.Rb 40Mm, 4057 - Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Polyglycolic Acid ) ( Synthetic ) With Needle 1-0 With1 / 2Cir.Rb40mm, 4058 - Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Polyglycolic Acid ) ( Synthetic ) With Needle 1 With1 / 2Cir.Rb 30Mm, 4060 - Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Polyglycolic Acid ) ( Synthetic ) With Needle 2-0 With1 / 2Cir.Rb30mm, 4063 - Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Polyglycolic Acid With Needle.3-0 With 1 / 2Cir. Rb17mm, 4073 - Non-Absorbable Black Braided Silk Surgical Suture With Needle 1-0 With1 / 2Cir Rb30mm, 4074 - Non-Absorbable Black Braided Silk 2-0 Surgical Suture With Needle, 4076 - Non-Abs.Bb.Silk Sut.3-0 With1 / 2Cirrb25mm, 4090 - Non-Absorbable Black Braided Silk Surgical Suture On Reels Non Sterile, 4116 - Non-Absorbable Monofilament Polyamide Surgical Suture With Needle, 4117 - Non-Absorbable Monofilament Polyamide Surgical Suture With Needle 2-0 Straightcut60, 4120 - Non-Absorbable Monofilament Polyamide Surgical Suture With Needle 3-0 3 / 8Cir Cut 16Mm, 4137 - Absorbable Surgical Suture Polyglactin 910 { Synthetic } With Needle 1 With 1 / 2Cir Rb 40Mm, 4143 - Absorbable Surgical Suture Polyglactin 910 { Synthetic } With Needle 1-0 1 / 2Cir Rb 40Mm, 4146 - Absorbable Surgical Suture Polyglactin 910 { Synthetic } With Needle 2-0 1 / 2Cirrb30mm, 4179 - Absorbent Cotton Wool ( 400 Gm ) , 4182 - Disposable Needle Size: 26X0.5, 4184 - Insulin Syringe 1Ml With Gradu Ation Upto 100 Units With Prefixed 28G X 1 / 2, 4188 - I.V. Cannula With Injection Valve Size:18 G, 4189 - I..V. Cannula With Injection Valve Size:20 G, 4190 - I..V. Cannula With Injection Valve Size:22 G, 4191 - I.V. Cannula With Injection Valve Size:24 G, 4194 - Scalp Vein Set Size:22, 4196 - Scalp Vein Set Size:24, 4198 - Elastic Adhesive Bandage ( As Per Bp ) Size: 10Cm X 2.70 Mtr, 4227 - Foleys Catheter 8 Fr ( 3 To 5Cc ) Balloon ( Paediatric ) , 4228 - Foleys Catheter 10 Fr ( 3 To 5Cc ) Balloon ( Paediatric ) , 4229 - Foleys Catheter For Adult Use: 12Fr ( 30 To 50Cc Balloon ) ( 2 Way ) , 4230 - Foleys Catheter For Adult Use : 14 Fr ( 30 To 50 Cc Balloon ) ( 2 Way ) , 4231 - Foleys Catheter For Adult Use:16Fr ( 2 Way ) 30 To 50 Cc Balloon, 4232 - Foleys Catheter For Adult Use: 18 Fr ( 30 To 50Cc Balloon ) ( 2 Way ) , 4269 - Disposable Syringe 20 Ml, 4270 - Disposable Syringe 50 Ml, 4276 - Disposable Spinal Needle 25G*3 1 / 2 Inch, 4278 - Disposable Spinal Needle 23G X 3 1 / 2 Inch, 4282 - Infusion Set ( Micro Drip Set ) ( E.T.O.Sterilised ) , 4285 - Cat Gut Chromic 1 1 / 2 Cir Rb 30Cm, 4289 - Synthetic Absorbable Braided Triclosan Coated Polyglactin 910 Size:1, Length:90 Cms 1 / 2 Circle Rc 40 Mm Needle, 4303 - Synthetic Absorbable Monofilament Triclosan Coated Poliglecaprone 25 Antibacterial Suture Size 3 / 0, 4305 - Permeable Non Woven Surgical Synthetic Adhesive Tape ( Non Sterile ) . Size: 1.25 Cms X 9.1 Meter, 4306 - Ryles Tube ( Eto Sterilized ) , Size-8., 4307 - Ryles Tube ( Eto Sterilized ) , Size-10., 4308 - Ryles Tube ( Eto Sterilized ) , Size-12., 4309 - Ryles Tube ( Eto Sterilized ) , Size-14., 4310 - Ryles Tube ( Eto Sterilized ) , Size-16., 4312 - Suction Cathater ( Eto Sterilized ) Size-8., 4313 - Suction Cathater ( Eto Sterilized ) Size-10., 4314 - Suction Cathater ( Eto Sterilized ) Size-12., 4315 - Suction Cathater ( Eto Sterilized ) Size-14., 4316 - Suction Cathater ( Eto Sterilized ) Size-16., 4317 - Surgical Hernia Mesh ( 15X15 Cm ) , Surgical Hernia Mesh 6X11, Surgical Hernia Mesh 10 X15, 4319 - Combined Spinal / Epidural Mini Pack And Needle Set Containing 18G Epidural Mini Pack And 26G Lancet Tip Spinal, 4320 - Dispo. I.V. Regulating Device Dial-A-Flow, 4321 - Central Venous Catheter, 4323 - Disposable Cannula Size: 25 G, 4324 - Disposable Cannula Size: 26 G Half Inch, 4325 - Disposable Cannula Size: 27 G Half Inch, 4326 - Disposable Cannula Size: 30 G Half Inch, 4328 - Pencil Point Spinal Needle No.25 G, 4329 - Pencil Point Spinal Needle No.27 G, 4330 - Haemostatic Gelatin Thrombin Matrix, 4331 - Fibrin Sealant ( 2 Ml ) , 5 Ml Vials ( Multi Purpose Use ) For Rtpcr Lab, 6001 - E.C.G. Roll ( 50 Mm X 20 Meter ) , 6002 - E. C. G. Jelly, 6060 - Rubber Sheeting 1100Mm X 30 Mtr., 6068 - Surgical Blade No:11, 6070 - Surgical Blade No:15, 6074 - Surgical Blade No:23, 6075 - Surgical Blade No:24, 6077 - Surg.Rubber Gloves 6 Inch, 6078 - Surg. Rubber Gloves 6.5 Inch, 6079 - Surg. Rubber Gloves 7 Inch, 6080 - Surg.Rubber Gloves 7.5 Inch, 6081 - Surg.Rubber Gloves 8 Inch, 6135 - X Ray Film Size 8 X 10, 6136 - X Ray Film Size:10 X 12 In, 6137 - X Ray Film Size 12 X15, 6170 - Surgical Rubber Gloves ( Disposable ) 6 Inch, 6171 - Surgical Rubber Gloves ( Disposable ) 6.5 Inch, 6172 - Surgical Rubber Gloves ( Disposable ) 7 Inch, 6173 - Surgical Rubber Gloves ( Disposable ) 7.5 Inch, 6174 - Surgical Rubber Gloves ( Disposable ) 8 Inch, Ab. Surg. Suturechromic 1 With 1 / 2 Circle Rb 45 Mm Needle, Ab.Sur.Sut. Catgut Chromic 1 With 1 / 2 Circle Rb 45 Mm Needle 100Cm, Abdominal Drain Kit 24 G, Adhesive Labels / Stickers For Test Tubes., Air Ways As Per Size & No., Alcoholic Thermometer For Refrigerator, Allish Forceps Size: 6&Quot;, Allish Forceps Size: 8&Quot;, Ambu Bag Adult, Ambu Bag Pediatric, Anti Septic Hand Wash Liquid Shop, Anti Septic Hand Wash Liquid Shop, Artery Forceps Size: 6&Quot;, Artery Forceps Size: 8&Quot;, Autoclave Label, B.P. Arm Bag, B.P. Bulb With Valve, B.P.Glass Tube, B.P. Cuff, B.P. Instrument Digital ( Automatic ) With Arm Bag, B.P. Instrument ( Digital ) Led Line, B.P. Instrument ( Mercury ) , Bad Pan Plastic, Bad Pan S.S., Bain Circuit, Basins Big Size, Basins Medium Size, Bed Pan Steel, Bipap Mask, Bipap Mask Large, Bipap Mask Medium, Bipap Mask Small, Bowls Big Size, Bowls Medium Size, Bowls Small Size, Breast Pump Mannual, Breathing Beg 2 Ltr., Breathing Beg 1 Ltr., Catheter K-90, Catheter K-91, Chital Forceps, Chital Forceps Container, Cidex Tray, Cord Clamp, Dead Body Cover, Deavers Retractor, Dial Flow Divece Regulator, Dial Thermometer For Refrigerator, Dial Thermometer For Refrigerator, Diaper For Neonatal Baby, Digital Thermometer For Refrigerator, Digital Thermometer Clinical, Digital Thermometer For Room Temperature, Digital Thermometer For Room Temperature, Diletor Set, Dispo. Pulse Oxy Meter Probe, Dispo.Needle Size: 18 X 1.5&Quot;, Disposable Sterile Container, Disposable Swabs, Disposible Cautry Pencil, Disposible Head Cap, Doyans Retractor, Durhaims Tube, E. T. Tube With Cuff Size:6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.8.5, 9, E. T. Tube Without Cuff Size:2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, , E.T.Tube With Cuff All Size ( Non Sterile Rubber Base ) , E.T.Tube With Cuff All Size ( Non Sterile Rubber Base ) , Ecg Bulb, Ecg Clamp Set, Ecg Electrode ( Chest Lead ) , Ecg Jelly, Ecg Roll, Ecg Roll, Ecg Roll, Ecg Roll, Envodil Soln. ( Agno3 +H2o2 ) , Ephisiotomy Scciser All Size, Epidural Catheter 18 G, Epidural Catheter 18 G, Epidural Set 18 G, Epidural Set 18 G, Eppindorf Cups, Esmartch Bandage 4&Quot;, Esmartch Bandage 4&Quot;, Esmartch Bandage 6&Quot;, Esmartch Bandage 6&Quot;, Ethibond 2 No. Suture, Ethibond 2 No. Suture, Examination Gloves, Extention Tube For Syringe Pump 100 Cm, Extention Tube For Syringe Pump 150 Cm, Extention Tube For Syringe Pump 50 Cm, Face Mask ( Three Layer Mask ) , Face Shield, Filter Barrier Microtips 10 &Micro;L ( 96 Nos. / Pkt ) , Filter Barrier Microtips 1000 &Micro;L ( 96 Nos. / Pkt ) , Filter Barrier Microtips 200 &Micro;L ( 96 Nos. / Pkt ) , Filterbarrier Microtips 20 &Micro;L ( 96 Nos. / Pkt ) , Forceps Straight And Curved Size: 5&Quot;, Forceps Straight And Curved Size: 6&Quot;, Forceps Straight And Curved Size: 8&Quot;, Forceps Babcock, Forhead Thermometer, Formalin Tab., Gluco Meter Strip, Gluco Meter Strip, Gluco Meter Strip, Glucocard Strips, Green Armytege Forceps, Hammer, Hb Pipette 20 Mm, Hb Pipette 20 Mm, Hb Square Tube, Head Cap ( Disposible ) , High Concentration O2 Mask ( Nrbm ) , High Concentration O2 Mask Pediatric ( Nrbm ) , High Concentratration O2 Mask ( Nrbm ) , High Concentratration O2 Mask ( Nrbm ) , Hiv Kit, Humidifier Bottle For O2 Valve, Humidifier Bottle For Oxygen Concentretor, Hysterectomy Forceps All Size, I V Stand Telescopic, Icd Bag, Icd Trocars Cannula, Icd Tube Size 28 With Bag, Igel Adult Size: No.4, Infant Feeding Tube No 5, Infant Feeding Tube No 6, Infant Feeding Tube No 7, Infant Feeding Tube No 8, Infrared Thermometer, Insulin Syringe 1 Ml With Graduation Up To 40 Unit With Prefixed 28 Gx1 / 2 Needle, Insulin Syringe With Needle, Insulin Syringe With Needle, K-90 Plain Catheter, K-91 Plain Catheter, Kelleys Forceps, Kidney Trey ( Plastic ) , Kidney Trey ( S.S ) , Knife Handle No. 3&Quot; & 4&Quot;, Kochers Clamp 8 &Quot;, Laringial Mask Adult ( Lma ) All Size, Lead Apron 110 Cm ( Light Weight ) , Lead Apron 90 Cm ( Light Weight ) , Linan Gown All Size, Liquid Soap, Lyringoscope Lamp ( White ) , Mastoid Retractor, Megills Forceps, Micro Amp Optical Caps 0.2 Ml For Rt-Pcr , 8 Caps Per Strips ( 250 Pack Size ) , Micro Amp Optical Tubes 0.2 Ml For Rt-Pcr , 8 Tubes Per Strips ( 250 Pack Size ) , Microgen - D 125 Soln., Micropore Tape, Micropore Tape, Micropore Tape, Microscope Lamp, Mosquito Artery Forceps Curved All Size, Mosquito Artery Forceps Streaght All Size, Mucus Extractor, Myo Scissors Curved 5€, Myo Scissors Curved 7€, N-95 Mask, N-95 Mask ( Ffp2, Bfe ≫99%, Nebuliser Machine Big Size, Nebuliser Mask Adult, Nebuliser Mask Kit ( Adult ) , Nebuliser Mask Kit ( Neonatal. ) , Nebuliser Mask Kit ( Paed. ) , Needle Cum Hub Cutter 1000 Ml, Needle Holders Size: 6&Quot;, Needle Holders Size: 8&Quot;, Non Ab.Sur.Sut. Monofilament Polymide 2-0 45 Mm 3 / 8 Circle Curved Cutting Needle, Non Ab.Sur.Sut. Monofilament Polymide 2-0 45 Mm 3 / 8 Circle Reverse Cutting Needle, Nylon Swab Stick Flocked, O2 Nasal Cannula Adult, O2 Nasal Cannula Pediatric, Owm Forceps, Oxygen Cylinder B Type, Oxygen Mask Neonatal, Oxygen Mask Pediatrics, Oxygen Mask Adult, Oxygen Nasal Cannula Adult, Oxygen Nasal Cannula Neonatal, Oxygen Nasal Cannula Padiatric, Oxygen Regulator With Flow Meter & Humidifier Bottle, Oxygen Regulator With Humodifier Bottle & Flow Meter For Central Line, Oxygen Regulator Without Humidifier Bottle, Oxygen Spener, Pack Container For Liquid Bio Medical Waste, Panchar Proof Container 1000 Ml, Panchar Proof Container 1200 Ml, Panchar Proof Container 1500 Ml, Panchar Proof Container 1500 Ml, Panchar Proof Container 3000 Ml, Panchar Proof Container 3500 Ml, Panchar Proof Container 800 Ml, Pead. I.V. Set With Flask ( 110 Volumed ) , Plain Forcep 6€, Plastic Gloves For Kitchan, Plastic Apron Disposible, Plastic Apron For Gynac Ot, Plastic Apron For Orthopedic, Plastic Apron Reusable, Monofilament Polyproylene Sur. Suture Size:1 With Rb 1 / 2 Circle 50Mm Needle 150Cm Loop ( Prolyne ) , Monofilament Polyproylene Sur. Suture Size:1-0 With Rb 1 / 2 Circle 50Mm Needle 150Cm Loop ( Prolyne ) , Monofilament Polyproylene Sur. Suture Size:2-0 With Rb 1 / 2 Circle 50Mm Needle 150Cm Loop ( Prolyne ) , Monofilament Polyproylene Sur. Suture Size:3-0 With Rb 1 / 2 Circle 50Mm Needle 150Cm Loop ( Prolyne ) , Ppe Kit, Ppe Kit ( Hiv Kit ) , Pressure Monitoring Line, Proctoclysis Enema, Pulse Oxymeter Finger, Resuscitator Silicone Bag Adult, Resuscitator Silicone Bag Neonatal., Resuscitator Silicone Bag Pead., Right Angle Artery Forceps, Roll Bandage, Roll Bandage, Roll Bandage, Roll Bandage, Romovac Set 8 No, Romovac Set 10 No, Romovac Set 12 No, Romovac Set 14 No, Romovac Set 16 No, Room Thermometer, Ryle’S Tube No 8, Ryle’S Tube No 10, Ryle’S Tube No 12, Ryle’S Tube No 14, Ryle’S Tube No 16, S.S Dressing Drum 11 X 18, S.S Dressing Drum 11 X 9, S.S Dressing Drum 12 X 15, S.S Dressing Drum 15 X 18, S.S Dressing Drum 9 X 6, S.S. Trey With Cover Size 10 X 12, S.S. Trey With Cover Size 12 X 15, S.S. Trey With Cover Size 11 X 7, S.S. Trey With Cover Size 6 X 9, Sahli’S Hemoglobin Meter With Pipette @ Square Tube, Sample Cups For Tecomo Fullyauto Anlyser

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