
Bids Are Invited For Atl Advance Components 1 Ar Mars Globe 1. A 10” Globe X1 2. Kiddie Passport X1 3. Stamps X1 4. Country Flag Stickers X1 5. A Help Guide X1 1 2 Ar Globe World 1. A 10” Globe X1 2. Kiddie Passport X1 3. Stamps X1 4. Country Fl, Satara-Maharashtra

National Institution for Transforming India Aayog has published Bids Are Invited For Atl Advance Components 1 Ar Mars Globe 1. A 10” Globe X1 2. Kiddie Passport X1 3. Stamps X1 4. Country Flag Stickers X1 5. A Help Guide X1 1 2 Ar Globe World 1. A 10” Globe X1 2. Kiddie Passport X1 3. Stamps X1 4. Country Fl. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-06-2023. Wrenches and Drivers Tenders in Satara Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Atl Advance Components 1 Ar Mars Globe 1. A 10” Globe X1 2. Kiddie Passport X1 3. Stamps X1 4. Country Flag Stickers X1 5. A Help Guide X1 1 2 Ar Globe World 1. A 10” Globe X1 2. Kiddie Passport X1 3. Stamps X1 4. Country Fl
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Atl Advance Components 1 Ar Mars Globe 1. A 10” Globe X1 2. Kiddie Passport X1 3. Stamps X1 4. Country Flag Stickers X1 5. A Help Guide X1 1 2 Ar Globe World 1. A 10” Globe X1 2. Kiddie Passport X1 3. Stamps X1 4. Country Flag Stickers X1 5. A Help Guide X1 1 3 Knewton Block 1. Switch Block X1 2. Ldr Block X1 3. Ir Block X1 4. Pot Block X1 5. Led Block X1 6. Motor Block X1 7. Buzzer Block X1 8. Bar Graph X1 9. Power Block X1 10. Not Gate Block X1 11. Splitter Block X1 12. Bo Motors X1 13. Bo Wheels X1 14. Powerbank With Usb To Dc Cable X1 15. Grey Plate X1 16. Small Connector X 15 17. Removal Tool X 1 18. Diy Coutouts X20 19. Manual X1 2 4 3D Pen 1. 3D Pen X1 2. Holder X1 3. Usb Cable X1 4. Filament X1 5. User Manual X1 2 5 Robot Mechanics Kit 1. Laser Cut Body X 1 2. Dc Bo Motor X 1 3. Screws And Screwdriver X 1 4. 9V Battery X 1 5. User Manual X 1 4 6 Gear Mechanism Kit 1. Laser Cut Body X 1 2. Dc Bo Motor X 1 3. Screws And Screwdriver X 1 4. 9V Battery X 1 5. User Manual X 1 4 7 Robotics Jr Kit 1. Lego Parts X 93 2. User Manual X1 5 8 E-Circuit Max Kit ( Circuitrix 50 ) 1. Circuitrix Board X1 2. Manual X1 3. Connecting Wires X 10 5 9 Vr Glass Set 1. Plastic Vr For Mobile Phone Device X1 5 10 3D Filament 1. 3D Fillament Of Different Color 1Kgx1 4 11 37 In 1 Sensor Kit 1. Set Of 37 Different Sensor X 1Each 1 12 Android Tablet 1. Android Tablet X 1 2. Charger X1 1 13 Alilo Robot 1. Explorer Robot X1 2. Manual X1 3. Set Of Cutouts Puzzles 1 14 Mechanical Sensor Kit 1. Set Of Model Cutouts 2. Bo Motors X2 3. Screwdriver X1 4. Screw Pouch X1 5. Power Block X1 6. Ir Sensor Block X1 7. Dc Motor Block X1 8. Rubber Bands X 10 9. Powerbank X1 10. Usb To Dc Jack X1 11. Manual X1 2 15 India And World Map 1. Manual X1 2. Different World And India Mapsx 3 1 16 Knewton Duino 1. Knewton Duino Board X1 2. Arduino Nano With Cable X1 3. Oled Display X1 4. Bluetooth Module X1 5. Manual X1 2 17 580 Pcs Robot Kit 1. Smart Creative Module -1 Qty 2. Remote Control -1 Qty 3. Usb Charging Cable -1 Qty 4. Instruction Manual - 1 Qty 5. Building Blocks -1Qty 1 18 426 Pcs Robot Kit 1. Smart Creative Module -1 Qty 2. Remote Control -1 Qty 1 3. Usb Charging Cable -1 Qty 4. Instruction Manual - 1 Qty 5. Building Blocks -1Qty 19 Otto Diy Robot 1. Body X 1 2. Ultrasonic Sensor X 1 3. Buzzer X 1 4. Sg90 Servos X 4 5. Arduino Nano X 1 6. Arduino Nano I / O Expansion Shield X1 7. Usb Cable For Arduino Nano X 1 8. Screwdriver X1 9. Female-Female Jumper X 6 10. User Manual X 1 11. Jumper Cable X4 2 20 4 Dof Robotic Arm 1. Body X 1 2. Arduino Nano X1 3. Servo Expansion Shield X 1 4. Servo Motor X 4 5. Nano Cable X 1 6. Jumper Cable X8 7. Joystick X 2 8. Screwdriver X1 9. M3*20 Mm ( Nut & Bolt ) X1 10. M3*10 ( Nut & Bolt ) X 1 11. M3*6 ( Nut & Bolt ) X 1 2 21 Biomedical Kit 1. Digital Microscope X 1 2. Sample Slides Box X 1 1 22 Electronics Fundamental Kit 1366 1. Electronics Components X 1 2. User Manual X 1 1 23 Bluetooth Controlled Spider Robot 1. Body X 1 2. Servo X 8 3. Servo Expansion Shield X 1 4. Arduino Nano X 1 5. Nano Cable X 1 6. Screw Driver, X 1 7. Jumper Cable X 4 8. Bluetooth Module X 1 9. M3*6 Mm ( Nut & Bolt ) X 1 10. M2 * 9.5 Mm ( Screws ) X 1 11. M3*10 Mm ( Nut & Bolt ) X 1 2 24 Diy Drone 1. Body X 1 2. Drone Electronics Parts X 1 3. Remote Electronics Parts X 1 2 25 Prototyping Material 1. Foam Sheetx 10 2. Color Set X 1 3. Cutter With Blades X 1 4. Scissor -X 1 2 26 Resistor Box 1. Multiple Resistor Box Each Box Contains 100 Different Resisitors 3 27 Capacitor Box 1. Multiple Capacitor Box Each Box Contains 100 Different Capacitors 3 28 9V Battery 1. 9V Non Rechargable Battery 20 29 I2c Module 1. Generic I2c Module For Lcd 10 30 Chessis 1. Metal Chassis For Diy Robot 4 31 Motor Driver L 298N 1. Generic L298 Motor Driver Which Can Controll 2 Motors 4 32 Wired Robot 1. Grey Chassis X1 2. Bo Motor X4 3. Bo Wheels X4 4. Ribbon Wire X 1M 5. Screw Pouches X1 6. Screw Driver X1 7. Dpdt Switch X1 1 33 Big Wheel 1. Big Wheel 4 34 Advance Robotics Kit 1. Body X 1 2. Electronics Components X 1 3. User Manual X 1 1 35 Ai Starter Kit 1. Body X 1 2. Electronics Components X 1 3. User Manual X 1 1 36 Solar Pannel 1. Mini Solar Pannel Min 3 Volt 1 37 Aeromodelling Chuck Glider 1. Hand Launch Chuck Glider

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