
Tender For For The Supply Lab Reagents And Consumable Items For The Department Of Microbiology, chamba-Himachal Pradesh

Directorate Of Medical Education And Research has published Tender For For The Supply Lab Reagents And Consumable Items For The Department Of Microbiology. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-06-2023. Indicators and Reagents Tenders in chamba Himachal Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For For The Supply Lab Reagents And Consumable Items For The Department Of Microbiology
Open Tender
Himachal Pradesh

Tender Details

For The Supply Lab Reagents And Consumable Items For The Department Of Microbiology , 1% Crystal Violet Solution-500 Ml , 80-Hole Two-Way Microtube Rack, Polypropylene, Autoclavable, Used For 0.5Ml, 1.5Ml, And 2.0Ml Microtubes , Acetone Analytical -2500 Ml , Actinomycete Isolation Agar 500 G , Adonitol Discs Vial , Aeromonas Isolation Medium Base 500G , Aeromonas Selective Supplement 5Vl , Agar Powder, Extra Pure, Bacteriological Grade 500G , Albert’S Stain A -125 Ml , Albert’S Stain B -125 Ml , Alkaline Peptone Water 500 G , Aluminium Foil, 18 M, Width 30 Cm, Thickness 10.5? , Amikacin 30 Mcg Vial , Amoxycillin / Clavulanic Acid ( 20 / 10Mcg ) Vial , Ampicillin 10Mcg Vial , Ampicillin / Sulbactam 10 / 10 Mcg Vial , Ana ( Rapid ) , Andrade Peptone Water 500 G , Arabinose Discs Vial , Arginine Dihydrolase Hiveg™ Broth 500G , Arginine Hydrochloride Discs Vial , Aso ( Latex ) , Autoclavable Bags For Waste Disposal, Size 12’ X 10’, Capacity 1Kg, Size 20’ X 14’, Capacity 2.5 Kg, Size 34’ X 20’, Capacity 9.5 Kg , Autoclavable Biohazard Bags, 24” X36” , Autoclavable Test Tube, Rimless, 150Mm X 18Mm , Autoclavable Test Tube, Rimless, 150Mm X 25Mm , Azide Dextrose Broth W / Bcp 500 G , Azithromycin 15 Mcg Vial , Bacitracin0.04 Units Disc Vial , Bacteria Dna Extraction Kit, Up To 25 ?G, Silica Membrane, 50 Preps , Bacterial Genomic Dna Purification Kit, Column Based, Total Dna Yield : Upto 20Mg / Well, 96 Preparation , Bacterial Transformation Kit, 40 Reactions , Bacterial Transformation Kit, 40 Reactions , Balsam Canada, Natural, 500G , Bhi Agar ( Brain Heart Infusion Agar ) 500G , Bile Esculin Azide Hiveg™ Agar 500 G , Bile Esculin Hiveg™ Agar 500G , Biohazard Bags, 500 / Pk , Bird Seed Agar ( Staib’S Medium ) 100G , Bismuth Sulphite Agar 500G , Blood Agar Base ( Infusion Agar ) 500G , Blood Collection Needles & Holders , Blotting Paper, 120-150 Gsm, 250 Sheets , Bordet Gengou Agar Base 500G , Bordetella Selective Supplement 5Vl , Bowie & Dick Test Pack , Brain Heart Infusion Broth, Hiveg 500 G , Brewer Thioglycollate Medium 100G , Brilliant Green Agar Medium 500G , Brilliant Green Bile Broth 500G , Bromo Cresol Purple Broth W / Lactose 500G , Brucella Igm ( Elisa ) , Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar Base 500G , Buffered Glucose Broth 100G , Burkholderia Cepacia Agar Base 500G , Burkholderia Cepacia Selective Supplement 5Vl , C.L.E.D. Agar W / Bromo Thymol Blue, Granulated 500G , Campylobacter Agar Base 500G , Campylobacter Supplement-I 5Vl , C-Anca ( Elisa ) , Candida Agar 500G , Carbenicillin 100 Mcg Vial , Carbol Fuchsin ( Dilute ) Solution -500 Ml , Carbol-Fuchsin Solution ( Concentrated ) - 250 Ml , Carbon Utilisation Agar 500G , Cary - Blair Medium Base 500G , Casein Soyabean Digest Agar, Granulated 500G , Cefazolin 30 Mcg Vial , Cefepime 30 Mcg Vial , Cefotaxime 30 Mcg Vial , Cefotaxime / Clavulanic Acid 30 / 10 Mcg Vial , Cefoxitin 30 Mcg Vial , Ceftazidime 30 Mcg Vial , Ceftazidime / Clavulanic Acid 30 / 10 Mcg Vial , Cellobiose Discs Vial , Centrifuge Tubes With Cap, Self-Standing, Sterile, Clear, 50 Ml , Centrifuge Tubes, Autoclavable, Conical Bottom, With Screw Cap, Printed Graduations, 50Ml, Polypropylene , Centrifuge Tubes, Conical, Screw-Capped, 15 Ml , Cetrimide Agar Base 500G , Changeable Nichrome Loop, Embedded In Brass Rod With Heat Resistant Handle, 2-4 Mm Diameter Loop, Assorted Nichrome Loops , Chikungunya Igm ( Rapid ) , Chocolate No. 2 Agar Base 500G , Christensen Citrate Agar 500G , Ciprofloxacin 5 Mcg Vial , Clindamycin 2 Mcg Vial , Columbia Blood Agar Base, Granulated 500G , Congo Red 1%, 125 Ml , Conical Centrifuge Rack, 15 Ml, 4 / Pk , Cooked Meat Medium W / Glucose, Hemin And Vitamin K 500G , Corn Meal Agar 500G , Co-Trimoxazole 25 Mcg Vial , Cotton Rolls, Absorbable, Medical Grade , Crp ( Latex ) , Cryo Box For Micro Tubes 5 Ml, Polystyrene, 25 Place , Cryo Box For1-2 Ml Vials, Polystyrene, 100 Places, 8 / Pk , Cryo Vial, Screw-Capped2ml 1000 / Pc , Cryo Vial, Screw-Capped, 5Ml 500 / Pc , Cryotag 1000 / Pk , Custom Primer Pairs , Cystine Tellurite Agar Base 500G , Czapek Yeast Extract Agar 500G , Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller 500G , Dengue Igm ( Elisa ) , Dengue Igm / Nsi ( Rapid ) , Dengue Ns1 ( Elisa ) , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, Granulated 500G , Dermato Supplement 5Vl , Dermatophyte Test Agar Base 500G , Dextrose Agar Base, Emmons, Granulated 500G , Dextrose Discs Vial , Dh5a Competent Cells, 10 Vials , Diethyl Ether, 500 Ml , Diphenyl Supplement 5Vl , Diphtheria Virulence Agar Base 500G , Discard Jar, , Dissection Needles With Plastic Handle , Dixons Agar 500G , Dmaca Indole Discs Vial , Dnase Test Agar W / Toluidine Blue 100G , Dntps , Doxycycline Hydrochloride 30 Mcg Vial , Dpx Mountant ( Liquid ) , Ds-Dna ( Elisa ) , Dulcitol Discs Vial , Durham Tubes, Glass, Autoclavable, Length 25-27 Mm, Diameter 6-7 Mm , Durham Tubes, Neutral Glass, Autoclavable; Length : 25Mm - 27Mm, Diameter : 6 - 7Mm , E-Gel 1 Kb Plus Express Dna Ladder, 100 Apps , E-Gel Ex Gels- 1%- 10-Pak, 10 Pak , E-Gel Sample Loading Buffer, 4 X 1.25Ml , Enterococcus Faecalis Atcc 29212 , 2 Sticks , Erlenmeyer Flasks, Narrow Mouth, Borosilicate Glass, Capacity 100 Ml, 500 Ml, 1000 Ml , Ertapenem 10 Mcg Vial , Erythromycin 15 Mcg Vial , Escherichia Coli Atcc 25922, 2 Sticks , Ethanol, Molecular Biology Grade, 500 Ml , Ethyl Acetate, 500 Ml , Ezy Mic™ Strips Colistin 120 Strips , Ezy Mic™ Strips Vancomycin 120 Strips , Falcon Tubes, 15 Ml, Screw Capped, 500 / Pk , Ferric Chloride, Anhydrous, 100 G , Field’S Tryptic Digest Broth 500G , Fletcher Leptospira Medium Base 500G , Fluid Tetrathionate Medium 500G , Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 500G , Formalin, 40% Formalidehyde, 500 Ml , Fosfomycin 200 Mcgvial , Freezing Boxes, Polypropylene, Autoclavable, 100-Place ( 10X10 ) , Fructose Discs Vial , Fungal Dna Purification Kit , Fungobiotic Agar 100G , Fusidic Acid 10 Mcgvial , Galactose Discs Vial , Gatifloxacin 5 Mcg Vial , Gentamicin 10 Mcg Vial , Giemsa’S Stain, 100 Ml , Glass Beaker, Graduated, Borosilicate, 50 Ml, 100 Ml, 500 Ml, 1000 Ml , Glass Marking Pen, Blue And Black , Glass Marking Pencils, White , Glass Slides, Ground Edges, Plain, 76 Mm X 26 Mm X 0.95 Mm , Glass Stirring Rod – 300 Mm Long, 6 Mm Diameter , Glucose Azide Broth 500G , Glucose Of Medium 500G , Glucose Phosphate Broth, Granulated 500G , Glycerol, 98%, 500 Ml , Gram’S Iodine Solution- 500 Ml , Gram’S Safranin Solution-500 Ml , Group A Selective Supplement 5Vl , Group A Streptococci Selective Agar Base 500G , Haemoglobin Powder 100G , Hand Sanitizer, Isopropyl-Alcohol Based, 100 Ml , Hbsag ( Rapid ) , Heart Infusion Broth 500G , Hepatitis A Igm Elisa , Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Elisa , Hepatitis C Igm ( Elisa ) , Hepatitis E Igm Elisa , Hicrome™ Candida Differential Agar 100G , High-Fidelity Dna Polymerase, 1000 Units , Hiveg™ Peptone 500G , Horse Serum 100Ml , Hot Start Taq Dna Polymerase, 1000 Units , Human Papilloma Virus Genotyping Kit ( Rt-Pcr ) , Hydatid Serology ( Iha ) , Hydrochloric Acid, Concentrated, 1000 Ml , Hydrogen Peroxide, 10 Volume Or 30%, 500 Ml , Imipenem 10 Mcg Vial , India Ink, 100 Ml , Inositol Discs Vial , Inulin Discs Vial , Isopropyl Alcohol, 2.5 Liter , Kit I For Esbl Identification , Kit Iii For Esbl Identification , Kl Virulence Enrichment 5Vl , Klebsiella Pneumoniae Atcc 700603, 2 Sticks , Kovacs Indole Reagent 100 Ml , Lactophenol Cotton Blue Solution -500 Ml , Lactose Discs Vial , Latex Gloves, All Sizes, 100 / Pk , Lauryl Sulphate Broth, Granulated 500G , Legionella Selective Supplement 5Vl , Leptospira Enrichment Supplement 5Vl , Leptospira Medium Base 500G , Levofloxacin 5 Mcg Vial , Liquid Handwash, 500Ml , Liquid Paraffin, 100 Ml , L-Spreader, Autoclavable, Resuable , Lugols Solution ( Diluted Iodine-Potassium Iodide Solution ) -125 Ml , Lysine Hydrochloride Discs Vial , Lysine Iron Agar 500G , Macconkey Agar Medium 500G , Macconkey Broth Purple ( Double Strength ) W / Bcp , Macconkey Broth Purple 500G , Macconkey Sorbitol Agar ( Sorbitol Agar ) 500G , Malachite Green 1% -100 Ml , Malaria P.Vivax & P.Falciparum ( Rapid ) , Malarial Parasite - Kit, 1 L , Maltose Discs Vial , Mannitol Discs Vial , Mannitol Motility Test Hiveg™ Medium 100G , Mannose Discs Vial , Marker Pens, Solvent Resistant , Mccartney Bottle W / Aluminium Cap, Neutral Glass, Autoclavable , Mccartney Bottle, Borosilicate Glass, Screw Capped, Capacity 20 Ml, Flat Bottomed, Size 28 X 85 Mm , Mcfarland Standard Set , Measuring Cylinder: Graduated, Single Metric Scale, With Pour Out, With Hexagonal Base, 50 Ml, 100 Ml, 500 Ml , Melibiose Discs Vial , Meropenem Mrp Mcg Vial , Methyl Red Indicator -125 Ml , Methylene Blue Solution-500 Ml , Microbiology Spillage Kit , Microcentrifuge Tube 5Ml ( Ependrof Tube ) , Polypropylene, Autoclavable, 100 / Pc , Microcentrifuge Tubes, 0.5 Ml, Conical Bottom, 500 / Pk , Microcentrifuge Tubes, 2 Ml, Conical Bottom, 500 / Pk , Micropipette Tips 0.2-10 ?L 1000 / Pk , Micropipette Tips 200-1000 ?L 500 / Pk , Micropipette Tips 2-200 ?L 1000 / Pk , Microscope Cover Glass, ( Borosilicate Glass ) , 18 X 18 Mm , Moeller Decarboxylase Hiveg™ Broth Base 500G , Molecular Biology Grade Water, Nuclease-Free, 500 Ml , Mueller Hinton Agar, Granulated 500G , Mueller Hinton Broth 500G , Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Dna Purification Kit , Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Dna Purification Kit, Principle : Column Based, 50 Preparation , Nalidixic Selective Supplement 5Vl , Netilmicin 30 Mcg , Nigrosin Stain 10% -100 Ml , Nitrate Broth 100G , Nitric Acid, Concentrated, 1000 Ml , Nitrilegloves, Medium 100 / Pk , Nitrofurantoin 300 Mcg Vial , Non-Absorbent Cotton Wool , Norfloxacin 10 Mcg Vial , Nutrient Agar, Granulated 500G , Nutrient Broth, Granulated 500G , O’Meara Reagent -100 Ml , Ofloxacin Of Mcg Vial , Onpg Discs Vial , Optical Plate Seal, For 96 Well Pcr Plate100 / Pc , Optochin Disc Vial , Ornithine Hydrochloride Discs Vial , Oxidase Discs Vial , P-Anca ( Elisa ) , Parafilm Sealing Film, Transparent, Roll Size 2” X 250’ , Pasteur Pipette, Glass, Sterilizable, Long Drawn-Out Capillary Tip, Capacity 2 Ml, With Rubber Teats, 500 Pc , Pcr Clean-Up Kit, Spin / Vacuum Column, Up To 40 ?G, 50 Preps , Pcr Micro Tubes & Caps: 0.1Ml 4-Tube & 4-Cap Strips, 1000 / Pk ( Rotogene Compatible ) , Pcr Product Purification Kit, Column Based, Total Dna Yield : 80 - 95% Dna Recovery, 50 Preparation , Pcr Rack With Cover, For 0.2 Ml Tubes, Polypropylene, Autoclavable, 6 / Pk , Pcr Tubes 0.1Ml 4-Tube & 4-Cap Strips, 1000 / Pk , Pcr Tubes 0.2 Ml, Flat. 1000 Per Pack , Penicillin-G 10 Units Vial , Petri Dish, Borosilicate Glass, 150X25 Mm , Petri Dish, Borosilicate Glass, 90X17 Mm , Ph Buffer Capsules, Ph 4 To 9.2 , Phenol Crystals, 100 G , Phenol Red Indicator, 125 Ml , Phenylalanine Agar 500G , Piperacillin 100 Mcg Vial , Piperacillin / Tazobactam100 / 10 Mcg Vial , Plasmid Dna Purification Kit ( Spin Column ) , Plasmid Yield 20-200 ?G , Plasmid Dna Purification Kit, Column Based, Total Dna Yield : Upto 20Mg / Well, 96 Preparation , Plastic Disposal Bags, Black , Polystyrene Slide Storage Boxes, For 3 X 1 Slides, - 100 Place , Polyvinyl Alcohol 100 G , Potassium Dichromate, 500 G , Potassium Hydroxide Pellets, 500 G , Potassium Permanganate, 100 G , Potassium Tellurite 1% 5Vl , Ppe Kits ( Including Coverall, Head Caps, Goggles, N95 Masks ) , Ppe Kits ( Triple Layered Masks, N95 Masks, Head Caps, Shoe Covers, Gloves, Gowns, Goggles ) , Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Atcc 27853, 2 Sticks , Pyr Reagent, 10 Ml , Qiaamp Viral Rna Mini Kit, 250 Reactions , Ra Factor ( Latex Agglutination ) , Racked Filter Pipette Tips – Sterile 1000 ?L 960Pc , Racked Filter Pipette Tips – Sterile 20 ?L 960Pc ( Aerosol Barrier Tips ) , Racked Filter Pipette Tips – Sterile 200 ?L 960Pc ( Aerosol Barrier Tips ) , Racked Filter Tips Sterile, 960 / Pc 10 ?L ( Aerosol Barrier Tips ) , Raffinose Discs Vial , Restriction Enzyme Bamh, 1000 Units , Restriction Enzyme Ecor I, 1000 Units , Restriction Enzyme Hind Iii, 1000 Units , Restriction Enzyme Xbai, 1000 Units , Rhamnose Discs Vial , Rnasezap / Rnaskil, 250 Ml , Robertson’S Cooked Meat Medium 500G , Rotavirus ( Latex ) , Rpr Kit ( Slide Agglutination ) , Sabouraud Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol Agar 100G , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Granulated 500G , Salicin Discs Vial , Sars-Cov-2 Rt Pcr Kit, 96 Tests , Sars-Cov-2 Rt Pcr Kit, 96 Tests , Scrub Typhus Igm ( Elisa ) , Scrub Typhus Igm ( Rapid ) , Sealing Tape For Labware , Selenite Broth, Granulated 500G , Semi-Skirted Pcr Plate, 96 Well, Polypropylene, Autoclavable, Clear, 25 / Pack , Sheep Blood Agar Base 500G , Shigella Flexneri Atcc 12022, 2 Sticks , Simmons Citrate Agar 500G , Sodium Chloride, 500 G , Sodium Hydroxide, 500 G , Sodium Hypochlorite5000 Ml , Sorbitol Discs Vial , Sparfloxacin 5Mcg Vial , Spirit Lamp With Wicks , Stainless Steel Dressing Drum, 27 X 22 Cm , Stainless Steel Forceps, Blunt, Size: 6 Inch , Stainless Steel Forceps, Pointed, Size: 6 Inch , Stainless Steel Petri Plate Carrier, For 100 Mm Diameter Plates, Capacity 12 Plates , Stainless Steel Test-Tube Rack. Size: 23.5 X 12.5 X 5 Cm, Holds 40 Tubes In 4 Rows, Hole Diameter: 18 Mm , Stand For Vials, 24 Holding Capacity , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 25923, 2 Sticks , Staphylococcus Epidermidis Atcc 35984, 2 Sticks , Steam Indicator Tape, Size 18 Mm , Steel Spatula- One End Flat, One End Spoon, 8 Inches , Sterile Cotton Swab W / Wooden Stick, Size : 150 Mm X 2.5 Mm, Individually Packed. ( Gamma Irradiated ) , Sterile Cotton Swab With Wooden Stick, Size 150 Mm X 2.5 Mm, Individually Packed , Sterile Cotton Swab, In Screw Capped Polypropylene Tube, Cotton Bud W / Polypropylene Stick, Size : 75 Mm, Packed In 12 Mm Diameter Tube, Individually Packed , Sterile Cotton Swab, In Screw Capped Polypropylene Tube, Wooden Stick, Packed In 12 Mm Diameter Tube, Size 150 Mm , Sterile Disposable Petri Plates ( Polystyrene ) , Optically Clear, Size : 90 Mm Diameter X 25 Mm, Individually Packed. , Sterile Flocked Nylon Swab W / Breakpoint , Sterile Mineral Oil -100 Ml , Sterile Scalpel Blade, No. 10 , Sterile Vials ( For Urine Collection ) , Polystyrene, Screw Capped, Capacity 50 Ml , Sterile Viscose Swab W / O Breakpoint , Streptococcus Kit ( Latex ) , Sucrose Discs Vial , Sulfuric Acid, Concentrated, 1000 Ml , Sulphanilic Acid 0.8% -100 Ml , Surgical Adheive Tape, 1, 2 , Surgical Spirit, 1000 Ml , Syringe-Driven Filters, Nylon-66, Hydrophilic Membrane, Pore Size: 0.22?M, 25 Mm Diameter, Without Prefilter, Sterile , T4 Dna Ligase, 200Units / ?L, 1000 Units , Taq Polymerase With Gel Loading Dye , Taq1 Polymerase 1000 Units , Tcbs Agar, Granulated 500G , Test Tubes With Rim, Borosilicate, 12X 75 Mm , Test Tubes With Rim, Borosilicate, 38 X 200 Mm , Thayer Martin Medium Base 500G With Supplements , Tigecycline 15 Mcg Vial , Tissue Paper Rolls 50X2 Mtr. , Todd Hewitt Broth 100G , Toluidine Blue Dna Agar 100G , Torch Panel Test ( Rapid ) , Total Rna Purification Kit, Column Based, 96 Preparation , Toxoplasma Igm / Igg ( Rapid ) , Trehalose Discs Vial , Trichophyton Agar 1-7 100G , Triple Sugar Iron Agar, Granulated 500G , Tryptone Soya Broth 500G , Tryptone Soya Broth, Granulated 500G , Typing / Identification Antisera – Shigella Spp, Vibrio Cholerae O1, O139, Salmonella Spp, Neisseria Spp, Heamophilus Spp, Pneumococcus , Urea 40% 5Vl , Urea Agar Base ( Christensen ) 500G , Uv Safety Goggles , V Factor Disc Vial , Vacutainer Tubes ( Purple Cap ) , Vacutainer Tubes ( Red Cap ) , Vancomycin 30 Mcg Vial , Vibrio O129 Differential Disc 10 Mcg Vial , Vibrio O129 Differential Disc 150 Mcg Vial , Viral Dna Purification Kit, Column Based, 50 Preparation , Viral Transport Medium In A Self-Standing Tube, One Sterile Flocked Nylon Swab With Breakpoint And One Sterile Polyester Swab Without Breakpoint , Viral Transport, Medium 50 X 3Ml , Vitamino Growth Supplement, Modified 5Vl , Wash Bottles, 250 Ml, Low-Density Polyethylene Body, Cylindrical, Polypropylene Screw Closure With Angled Stem And Draw Tube Molded In One Piece , Whatman Filter Paper, All Range , Widal Test ( Slide Test ) , Wilson Blair Agar W / Bg 500G , Workstation Rack, Polypropylene, 50 Holes, White, 5 / Pk , X Factor Disc Vial , X+V Factor Disc Vial , Xylose Discs Vial , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar, Granulated 500G , Zinc Dust, 500 G , Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate, 500 G , ?-Naphthylamine Solution, 100 Ml , Nylon Brushes, Small, Medium & Large , Rotor Adapters ( 10 X 24 ) Qiagen 990394 , Filter-Tips, 1000 ?L ( 1024 ) Qiagen 990352 , Sample Tubes Cb ( 2 Ml ) Qiagen 990382 , Changeable Nichrome Loop, Embedded In Brass Rod With Heat Resistant Handle, Hoilding 1 Ul Volume , Nichrome Loop Embedded In Brass Rod With Heat Resistant Handle With ( Straight ) End , Test Tube, With Rim, Borosilicate Glass Suitable For Heating Application , Size 38X200mm, 18X150mm , Multiplex Rt Pcr Kits For Influenza, Adenovirus, Rsv, Rhinovirus

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 15 Lakhs /-
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