
Bids Are Invited For Acs And Sgci Rolling Mill Work Rolls 2003657 , 2003658 , 2003659 , 2003660 , 2003661 , 2003663 , 2003665 , 2003671 , 2003690 , 2074146 , 2003707 , 2003712 , 2003713 , 2003715 , 2003716 , 2003717 , 2003730 , 2003733 , 2003734 , 2003 ,, Visakhapatanam-Andhra Pradesh

RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LTD has published Bids Are Invited For Acs And Sgci Rolling Mill Work Rolls 2003657 , 2003658 , 2003659 , 2003660 , 2003661 , 2003663 , 2003665 , 2003671 , 2003690 , 2074146 , 2003707 , 2003712 , 2003713 , 2003715 , 2003716 , 2003717 , 2003730 , 2003733 , 2003734 , 2003 ,. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-07-2023. Packaging Machinery Tenders in Visakhapatanam Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Bids Are Invited For Acs And Sgci Rolling Mill Work Rolls 2003657 , 2003658 , 2003659 , 2003660 , 2003661 , 2003663 , 2003665 , 2003671 , 2003690 , 2074146 , 2003707 , 2003712 , 2003713 , 2003715 , 2003716 , 2003717 , 2003730 , 2003733 , 2003734 , 2003 ,
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Acs And Sgci Rolling Mill Work Rolls 2003657 , 2003658 , 2003659 , 2003660 , 2003661 , 2003663 , 2003665 , 2003671 , 2003690 , 2074146 , 2003707 , 2003712 , 2003713 , 2003715 , 2003716 , 2003717 , 2003730 , 2003733 , 2003734 , 2003 , 2003736 , 2003737 , 2003738 , 2003739 , 2003740 , 2003741 , 2003742 , 2003750 , 2003752 , 2003753 , 2003754 , 2003757 , 2003760 , 2003764 , 2003765 , 2003776 , 2003777 , 2074237 , 2074149 , 2074148 , 2074147 , 2112481 , 2112482 , 2112483 , 2112484 , 2114152 , 2114161 , 2114137 , 2114138 , 2114133 , 2114156 , 2114139 , 2114155 , 2114134 , 2114158 , 2114135 , 2114154 , 2114153 , 2114142 , 2114162 , 2166102 , 2003775 , 2074236 , 2003655 , Roll, Acs, 40-45°, 1-D22940, Rd, 730X1000mm Roll, Sgci, 50-55°, 1-D22940, Rd, 730X1000mm Roll, Sgci, 50-55°, 1-D22941, Rc, 730X1000mm Roll, Sgci, 55-60°, 1-D22942, Rd, 650X1000mm Roll, Sgci, 55-60°, 1-D22943, Re, 630X1000mm Roll, Acs, 40-45°, 1-4012881, Re, 610X1244mm Roll, Sgci, 50-55°, 1-4012882, Rd, 460X1116mm Roll, Sgci, 58-63°, 1 / 4012883, Rd, 380X850mm Roll, Sgac, 70-75°, 1 / 4012885, Re, 360X600mm Roll, Sgci, 62-66°, 1 / 4012885, Re, 360X600mm Roll, Sgci, 68-73°, 1-4012884, Rd, 360X600mm Roll, Sgci, 48-53°, 0-8030410, Re, 610X1000mm Roll, Sgci, 52-57°, 0-8030410, Re, 610X1000mm Roll, Sgci, 52-57°, 0-8030420, Rf, 490X960mm Roll, Sgci, 68-72°, 0-8030430, Rf, 480X840mm Roll, Sgac, 70-75°, 0-8030440, Rf, 375X740mm Roll, Acs, 40-45°, 1-51100, Rd, 680X1000mm Roll, Acs, 45-50°, 1-51100, Rd, 680X1000mm Roll, Acs, 45-50°, 1-51100, Rd, 695X1000mm Roll, Acs, 45-50°, 1-51100, Rd, 705X1000mm Roll, Acs, 45-50°, 1-51100, Rd, 815X1000mm Roll, Acs, 45-50°, 1-51100, Rd, 825X1000mm Roll, Acs, 45-50°, 1-51100, Rd, 760X1000mm Roll, Acs, 45-50°, 1-51100, Rd, 660X1000mm Roll, Acs, 45-50°, 1-51100, Rd, 720X1000mm Roll, Acs, 45-50°, 1-51100, Rd, 785X1000mm Roll, Sgci, 50 -55°, 1-51100, Rd, 680X1000mm Roll, Sgci, 58-63°, 1-51101, Re, 560X630mm Roll, Sgci, 58-63°, 1-51101, Re, 570X630mm Roll, Sgci, 58-63°, 1-51101, Re, 575X630mm Roll, Sgci, 58-63°, 1-51101, Re, 580X630mm Roll, Sgci, 58-63°, 1-51101, Re, 620X630mm Roll, Sgci, 58-63°, 1-51101, Re, 670X630mm Roll, Sgci, 58-63°, 1-51101, Re, 640X630mm Roll, Sgci, 58-63°, 1-51101, Re, 660X630mm Roll, Sgci, 65-70°, 1-51101, Re, 670X630mm Roll, Sgci, 65-70°, 1-51101, Re, 660X630mm Roll, Sgci, 65-70°, 1-51101, Re, 580X630mm Roll, Sgci, 48-53°, 10393227, Rd, 650X800mm Roll, Sgci, 48-53°, 10393228Rc, 515X800mm Roll, Sgci, 53-58°, 10393229 Rd, 410X600mm Roll, Sbm, Npci, Stand 1 To 6, 730X800 Roll, Sbm, Naci, Stand 7 & 8, 730X800 Roll, Sbm, Naci, Stand 9 To 12, 520X750 Roll, Sbm, Naci, Stand 13 To 18, 420X650 Roll, Steel Base, 47-50°, 750X900 Mm Roll, Naci, 60-65°, 600X800 Roll, Naci, 67-73°, 560X800 Roll, Naci, 67-73°, 605X800 Roll, Npci, 60-65°, 570X800 Roll, Npci, 60-65°, 590X800 Roll, Naci, 67-73°, 640X800 Roll, Npci, 60-65°, 565X800 Roll, Npci, 60-65°, 605X800 Roll, Npci, 60-65°, 645X800 Roll, Npci, 60-65°, 630X800 Roll, Npci, 56-61°, 635X800 Roll, Npci, 56-61°, 595X800 Roll, Npci, 56-61°, 860X145 Roll, Naci, 67-73°, 570X800 Roll, Npci, 60-65°, 670X800 Roll, Sgci, 65-70°, 1-51101, Re, 640X630mm Roll, Sgci, 65-70°, 1-51101, Re, 570X630mm Roll, Acs, 40-45°, 1-D22939, Rc, 850X1200mm Total Quantity : 735

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 19-06-2023 03-07-2023

Key Value

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