Bids Are Invited For Ohm Meter; Series Type, Portable Box Type ( Q3 ) , Ohm Meter; Shunt Type, Portable Box Type ( Q3 ) , Digital Multi Meter ( Q3 ) , A. C. Voltmeter M. I. Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case ( Q3 ) , Milli Voltmeter Centre Zero Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case ( Q3 ) , Ammeter Mc Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case ( Q3 ) , Ac Ammeter Mi, Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case ( Q3 ) , Kilo Wattmeter Analog ( Q3 ) , Digital Wattmeter ( Q3 ) , A. C. Energy Meter Single Phase ( Q3 ) , A. C. Energy Meter Three Phase ( Q3 ) , Power Factor Meter Digital ( Q3 ) , Frequency Meter ( Q3 ) , Lux Meter ( Q3 ) , Tachometer ( Q3 ) , Tong Tester / Clamp Meter ( Q3 ) , Megger ( Q3 ) , 3- Point D. C. Starter ( Q3 ) , 4- Point D. C. Starter ( Q3 ) , Wheat Stone Bridge With Galvanometer And Battery ( Q3 ) , Single Phase Variable Auto ( Q3 ) , Phase Sequence Indicator ( Q3 ) , Growler ( Q3 ) , Oscilloscope Dual Trace ( Q3 ) , Function Generator ( Q3 ) , Discrete Component Trainer ( Q3 ) , Linear I. C. Trainer ( Q3 ) , Digital I. C. Trainer ( Q3 ) , Oil Testing Kit ( Q3 ) , Battery Charger ( Q3 ) , Current Transformer Test Set ( Q3 ) , Potential Transformer Test Set ( Q3 ) , Hand Drill Machine ( Q3 ) , Portable Electric Drill Machine ( Q3 ) , Load Bank ( Lamp / Heater Type ) ( Q3 ) , Brake Test Arrangement With Two Spring Balance Rating ( Q3 ) , Rheostat ( Sliding Type ) ( Q3 ) , Ac Starters Different Type ( Q3 ) , Universal Motor With Starter / Switch ( Q3 ) , Thyristor / Igbt Controlled A. C. Motor Drive With ( Q3 ) , Single Phase Transformer, Core Type, Air Cooled ( Q3 ) , Three Phase Transformer, Shell Type Oil Cooled With Delta / Star ( Q3 ) , Used Dc Generators-Series, Shunt And Compound Type For Overhauling Practice ( Q3 ) , Pillar Electric Drill Machine Motorized ( Q3 ) , Motorised Bench Grinder ( Q3 ) , Single Phase Capacitor Motor With Starter Switch ( Q3 ) , Manual Motor Coil Winding Machine ( Q3 ) , Ceiling Fan Coil Winding Machine ( Q3 ) , Electrician Tool Kit ( Q3 ) , Primary Current Injection Set ( Q3 ) , Shaded Pole Motor ( Q3 ) , High Performance Power Supplies ( Q3 )