
Tender For Supply Of Food Industry Vocation Lab Item At Gsss Sursura Kishangarh, Ajmer-Rajasthan

RAJASTHAN COUNCIL OF SCHOOL EDUCATION has published Tender For Supply Of Food Industry Vocation Lab Item At Gsss Sursura Kishangarh. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-05-2023. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Ajmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Food Industry Vocation Lab Item At Gsss Sursura Kishangarh
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Food Industry Vocation Lab Item At Gsss Sursura Kishangarh Granite Tabletop Granite Counter Top-Work Station Forstudents, Dimensionas Per Lab Size, Should Beconstructed In Thelab Separatelybefore Theestablishmentoflab, Twosi Nkswithwater Connectionmust Be Attched Tothis Work Station List Of And - CretionOven’ - 7trirs. 6Oonm/4oOmm) Sei -Automatic,Three phase,Eectric,Gas,Frequenc ‘Qhertz)5O -sO,Stainess Steel, forPizza, Breads,Bun,Biscuit,220 -380 V, 3000egreeC DoughProofer Stainless steel body,Automatic, singledoor,2 2ovapprox. Hand blendercum mlxer with plastic body &stainless 4 steelblades, 8o0 watt handblender with mixer andwhisker, interlock, frequenc Mixer and grinder ELECTRIC FRYER , BAKIN PAN , PLANETARY MIXER SPIRALMIXER REFRIGERATOR DEEP FREEZER LPG GAS BURNER AND CYLINDER WEIGHING SCALE , WORK TABLE , HIGH SPEED EXHUST , SERRATED BREAD KNIFE , Serrated Bread Knife 17 serratededge bread shcer knife-14 inches with wooden handle Knives 18 Stainless steel bladeknives of all sizeswithnons slpphande Thermnometers Digital LCD water proof 1 Thermometer 2 ofthemshould - measure Timer Digital Kitchen Magnetic 20 count downStopwatchTimer with Lou dAlarm (up to 96 ____ dB)with Backstand Bread tin/mould Aluminium bread 21 tinwithcover, Nonsticky carbon base, volume1000 ml. Aluminium Cakepan coolingracks Stainless steel 9shelves 23 cooling rack ror bakery products. size: 9shelves, size:1500x 550x 1800H [mm) _______ ____ Dough scrappers and plastic Steel dough scrapper Dimensions: 12.5 x15cm (6 24 inches) alpng with plastic dough scrapper also can beused as cake polisher and cutter ands moother Flour sifter/sieves 25 12 inchBrass/stainless steel Frame-Sieve Apron & Headgear chef Hat and Kitchen Apron Adult Adjustable 26 WhiteApronwithHat & KitchenPocket, adjustable for Menand Women, (33”L x26’W), Reusable Measuring cup 27 different sizes and Measuring measure mentsas Jug pemeed Measuring spoon Measuring Spoons:UTaste 18/SStainless SteelMeasuring SpoonsSet 28 of 9 Piece: 1/l6tsp, 1/8tsp, 1/4 tsp. 1/3 tsp, 1/2tsp, 3/4tsp, 1 tsp, 1/2tbsp & 1 tbsp. Dry and Liquid Ingredients Mixlngbowl/vesseIs q stainless steelmixing bowls Moulds/cutter Stainless Steel cookie cutter of diHferent shapes Muffintray 31 stainless steel Non-stick cupcake BakingSlotTray for 12 MuffinCup Nozileset 32 StaInless Steel Piping Nozzles Tips-24 pieces Pallet knife straight and bent SIZE 40 33 INcH,STRAIGHTAND BEND pallet knives of STAINLEsS sTEEL Plates Rolling pin STANDARD SIzE 3s FoRMOsTNEEDS: Rolling pin forbakingl6inches cakerings 3 pcs of round Cake Rings, Small Cake Ring Diameter = 10cm (4inch), Heights4.s6 36 cm, Medium Cake Ring: Diameter 15 cm (6inch), Height=4.SCfll, Big cake Ring: Diameter = 20 cm (8 Inch)0 Height s 4.5 cm, Steel spatula and pastry brush Spoon (big and small) Different size of spoon (tea 38 spoon, sugar spoon, serving spoonetc) set storage containers Different sizes of storage 39 containers made of plastic, large, medium and small Strainer 4o stainless Steel Soup & Juice Strainer & Liquid Filter (large-free size) Tumntable Cake Turn table -12inch or 41 30 cm dais -Steel I I Wirewhlskers Stainless steel wirewhiskers with wooden handle 42 Packaging material food grade Plastic Round Food Container Storage Box Microwave Safe, Kitchen Storage, Reusable Plastic containers for Fridge Storage (differentsizes) Pizza cutter Stainless Steel Pizza cutter 45 freesëze Doughsheeter writing Board with whiteboard marker and duster 47 6’ x 4’ white board,4 color white boardmarker in a pack of 10 eachcolor,OlDuster FireExtinguishers 1 Co2 type fireextinguisher 48 forelectncalequipmentS,mi nimum 4.5 KG, 1ABC typefire exting uisher for LPB, Minimum 4.5 KG List of Recurring tools 8 equipments Gloves Unis exquilted heat resistant baking gloves withfilling, protection up to 450rFc Handtowels Icingcomb Icing comb with different 3 patterns, Steel /plastic Parchment Paper 4 Parchment Paper 4OGsm, Dimensions: tength - 28cm, — r Width - 25cm, Colour - white, Material- Pape Piping Bag FIRST AID KIT , CONSUMABLES FOR LAB ETC

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Tender Value
INR 3 Lakhs /-
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