
Tender For Supply Of Chemical Glass Ware Lab Ware Regents Kit Etc, gorakhpur-Uttar Pradesh

Medical Education And Training has published Tender For Supply Of Chemical Glass Ware Lab Ware Regents Kit Etc. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-06-2023. Clothing Accessories Tenders in gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Chemical Glass Ware Lab Ware Regents Kit Etc
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemical Glass Ware Lab Ware Regents Kit Etc , Isopropyl Alcohol 5 Lt Bottle , Papanicolau O.G.6 125 Mlbottle , Papanicolau E.A 36 125 Mlbottle , Papanicolau E.A 65 125 Mlbottle , May.Grunwald Stain (Mgg) 100 Mlbottle , Giemsa Staining 100 Mlbottle , H2so4 (Sulphuric Acid) 500 Mlbottle , Methanol 500 Mlbottle , Diethy Ethyl Ether L.R 500 Mlbottle , Leishman’S Stain Solution (Cytochrome) 500 Mlbottle , Tincture Benzoin 100 Mlbottle , Semen Diluting Fluid 200 Ml Bottle , Platelet Diluting Fluid 50 Mlbottle , Chloroform 05Ltbottle , Wbc Diluting Fluid 500 Ml Bottle , Rbc Diluting Fluid 500 Mlbottle , N/ 10 Hcl 1000Ml Bottle , Formaldehyde 5 Ltbottle , Xylene 2.5Ltbottle , Conc. Hcl(Hydrochloric Acid) 500Ml Bottle , Liquid Ammonia 500Ml Bottle , D.P.X. 250 Ml Bottle , Conc.Nitric Acid 500Mlbottle , Glycerine 500 Ml Bottle , Glycerine 1000 Ml Bottle , Liquid Paraffin 500 Ml Bottle , Na Oh(Sodium Hydroxide) 500 Ml Bottle , Poly-L Lysine Solution 100 Ml Bottle , Citric Acid (Anhydrous Pure) 1000 Ml Bottle , H 2 O2(Hydrogen Peroxide) 1000 Mlbottle , Deionized Water 5 Lt. Bottle , Schiffsreagent 500 Ml Bottle , Bendictreagent 500 Ml , Drabkinssolution 5Lit , Fouchet’S Reagent 200 Ml , Ehrlich Reagent 200 Ml , Methylene Blue Stain 125Mlbottle , A.F.Bstain Kit , Carbolfuchsin Stain 125Mlbottle , Reticulocytestain(Biolab) 01 Packet , Acetone 500 Mlbottle , Sodium Hypo Chloride 5 Ltr Bottle , Spirit 5Ltr Bottle , Glucose God- Pod Kit 500 Ml , Glacial Acetic Acid 500Ml Bottle , Hematoxylin Stain Powder(Sd Fine) 25Gm/ 5 Gmpacket , Eosin Powder (Water Soluble) 25Gm Packet , Aluminum Potassium Sulphate500 Gmpacket , Mercuric Oxide Red 500 Gm Packet , Wax 600-620 500Gmpacket , Albumin Powder 500 Gmpacket , Periodic Acid 25 Gmpacket , Mercuric Oxide 25Gmpacket , Dextrose (Anhydrous) 500 Gm Packet , Sulphur Powder100 Gm , Barium Chloridepowder500 Gm , Ammonium Sulphate500 Gm , Sodium Sulphate 500 Gm , Sulphosalicylicacid 500 Gm , Gentian Violet100 Gm , Tris Buffer (Sd Fine) 500 Gmpacket , Edta 100 Gmpacket , Low Profiledisposablemicrotome Blade For Cutting Tissue Section , Urinestrip( Distix) Packet (1X100 Strips) , Phosphotungisticacid 100 Gmpacket , Brilliant Crystalblue Stain 100 Gm , Plastictissue Embedding Cassettes Packet(1X1000 Pieces) , Oxalic Acid 500 Gm , Ferric Chloride 500 Gm , Sodium Thio Sulphate 500 Gm , Potassium Ferrocyanide 500 Gm , Sodium Chloride 500 Gm , Sodium Nitroprusside 500 Gm , Orthotoludine Reagent 500 Gm , Benzidinepowder 25 Gm , Diamino Benzidine 25 Gm Powder , Total Protein Kit , Albumin Kit , Serum Creatinine Kit , Serum Urea Kit , Serumsgot Kit , Serum Sgpt Kit , Directs.Bilirubinkit , Serumcalcium Kit , Serumalkalinephosphate Kit , Serumcholesterol Kit , Serumtriglyceride Kit , Serum Hdl Cholesterol Kit , Serumuric Acid Kit , Tpo(Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody) 6 Ml Vial , Mouse/Rabbit Specific Polymer Hrp- Dab Ihc Detection Kit 15 Ml Vial , Desminantibody (Ihc) 6 Ml Vial , Vimentin Antibody (Ihc) 6Ml Vial , Estrogen Receptor Antibody (Er) 6Ml Vial , Anti-Progesterone Receptor Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti S-100 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Human Her2/Neu Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Human Cytokeratin(Pan) Antibody Cocktail 6Ml Vial , Anti Melanoma Antibody( Anti Hmb45 Antibody) 6Ml Vial , Anti Neuron Specific Enolase (Nse) Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Cd45 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Hpv-16 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Cd20 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Cd15 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Cd30 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Antibody (Anti C –Kit) 6Ml Vial , Myeloperoxidase Reagent 6Ml Vial , Anti Ki 67 Antibody6ml Vial , Antiecadherin Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anticd- 34 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti P-63 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Antip-53 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Smoothmuscle Actin Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Ck -6 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Ck -17 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Anti Cd-68 Antibody 6Ml Vial , Whatman Filter Papersheet , Coplin Jar (Plastic) 01Piece , Tuff’S Jar (Glass) Piece , K3 Edta Vacutainar 1 X100 , Plain Vacutainar 1 X100 , Riya Vial( Plastic) 1 X100 , Test Tube Stand(Plastic) Piece , Test Tube Holder Piece , Plastic Beaker 25Ml Piece , Plastic Beaker 100Ml Piece , Semen Collection Container 20 Ml (1X50) Packet , Urine Sample Container 50 Ml (1X50) Packet , Micro Tips Pippt(200- 1000 Ul) , Micro Tips Pippt (20- 200 Ul) , Sprit Lamp 50Ml Piece , Plastic Dropper Piece , Pipettebulb Piece , Glass Testtube 7Ml,Piece , Glass Testtube 10Ml,Piece , Glass Testtube20ml Piece , Glass Slide (Blue Star) Packet , Cover Slip (Blue Star) Packet , Neubauer Chamberpiece , Glass Pipette 5 Ml 20 Micro Lit Piece , Glass Pipette 10 Ml 20 Micro Lit Piece , Glass Pipette 1 Ml 20 Micro Lit Piece , Micropipette 10Microlitre Fix Piece , Micro Pipette 100Microlitre Fix Piece , Micro Pipette(5-50)Microlitrevariablepiece , Micro Pipette 20 Microlitre Fix Piece , Micro Pipette 1000 Microlitrefixpiece , Micro Pipette50 Microlitrefixpiece , Wintrobe Esr Tube With Stand Piece , Westergreen Esrpipette With Stand Piece , Pricking Needileno 23 (1 X100) Packet , Pricking Needileno 24 (1 X100) Packet , Pricking Needileno 21 (1 X100) Packet , Pricking Needileno 20 (1 X100) Packet , Surgicaltray 6X8 “ Inch (Rectangular) Piece , Microscopicslide Tray (Aluminium) Holding Capacity20 (3X1”Inch)Piece , Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle16 No Piece , Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle18 Nopiece , L P Needle Piece , Histology Tissue Base Mold (Steel ) Piece , Bone Marrow Biopsy Needle(Trephinebiopsy) Piece , Glass Rodpiece , Ph Paper Strip (5.0-7.5) Booklet(1X20 Strips) , Ph Paper Strip (2.0-10.5) Booklet(1X20 Strips) , Lens Cleaningpaperbooklet (9Cmx14.5Cm,100 Leaves) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (10Cm X 5Cmx 20Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (15Cm X 10Cmx 25Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (16.2Cm X 6Cmx 18Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (12Cm X 10Cmx 20Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (12Cm X 12Cmx 20Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (17Cm X 8Cmx 18Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (5.5Cm X 5Cmx 10Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (17Cm X 9.5Cmx 30Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (28Cm X 24Cmx 29Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (21Cm X 19Cmx 27Cm) , Museum Mounting Jar(With Cover) (11Cm X 25Cmx 24Cm) , Hiv Rapid Tridotkit , Hbsag Immunoassay Rapid Kit , Hcv Rapidkit,(Fourth Generation Immunoassay For Core,Ns3,Ns4,Ns5) , Rdt Formprapidkit (Immunochromatographic Kit For Pf/Pan Antigen) , Vdrl Rapid Immunoassay Kit , Typhoidrapidkit (Igg,Igm) , Filaria Rapid Ag Card Test , H3n2 Rtpcr Kit , Zika Virus Rtpcr Kit , Dengue Rapidkit (Immunochromatographic Assay For Ns1,Igg ,Igm) , Plain Vial5 Ml Vial , Abo Rh Anti Sera10 Ml Packet , Ppd Vial 5 Ml Vial , Sodium Citrate Vial 5 Ml Vial , Capillary Tube Piece , A.H.G. 5Ml , Anti A1 Lectin 5Ml , Anti H Lectin 5Ml , Anti D (Igm + Igg Monoclonal) 10Ml , Pt 5Ml , Aptt 3Ml , Calcium Chloride 10Ml , Bovine Albumin 5Ml , Hiv Rapid Kit 4Th Generation , Hiv Rapid Kit 3Th Generation , Hcv Rapidkit,3Th Generation , Hbaag Rapid Kit 4Th Generation , Hbaag Rapid Kit 3Th Generation , Hiv Elisa Kit 4Th Generation , Hcv Elisa Kit 4Th Generation , Hcv Elisa Kit 3Th Generation , Hbaag Elisa Kit 4Th Generation , Hbaag Elisa Kit 3Th Generation , Troniquete , Micro Pipette 10 Ul Fix , Micro Pipette 50 Ul Fix , Micro Pipette 25 Ul Fix , Micro Pipette 100 Ul Fix , Micro Pipette 1000 Ul Fix , Micro Pipette 100-1000 Ul Variable , Micro Pipette 10-100 Ul Variable , Micro Pipette 0-10 Ul Variable , Micro Pipette 20-200 Ul Variable , Micro Pipette Stand (Big) Plastic Make , Micro Pipette Stand (Small) Plastic Make , Transfer Bag Of 300Ml , Double Bag 350Ml With Sagm And Diversion Pouch (With Luer Adapter) , Tripal Blood Bag 350Ml With Sagm And Diversion Pouch (With Luer Adapter) , Leucodepltion Blood Bag 350Ml (Inline Top And Top) , Leucodepltion Blood Bag 350Ml (Lab Side) , Pregnancy Kit Test , Cappilary Tub , Swab Stick , Benedict Reagent Quanitateive 500 Ml , Benedict Reagent Qualitateive 500 Ml , Sulphar Powder 500 Gm , Occult Blood Powder 100Gm , Hydrozen Peroxide 500Ml , Egg Albumin 500Gm , Sulphuric Acid 1000Ml , Sodium Hydroxide 500Gm , Copper Sulphate 500Gm , Picric Acid 500Ml , Arcino Molibate 500Ml , Phaspho Tungstic Acid 500Gm , Sodium Carbonate 500Gm , Nitric Acid 500Ml , Silver Nitrate 25Gm , Hydrochloric Acid 500Ml , Taffers Reagent 250Ml , Bromo Cresol Green Reagent Box , Urea Kit , Protein Kit , Cholesterol Kit , Pipette 1Ml , Pipette 2Ml , Test Tub , Burette With Tip , Burette Stopper , Burette Stand , Filter Paper , Mesauring Cylinder 50Ml , Beaker 250Ml , Beaker 500Ml , Round Bottle Flask 200Ml , Conical Flask 200Ml , Urin Jar Plastic , Funnel Plastic , Cuvette Colouimeton , Dispenser Bottle , Amikacin 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Amoxicillin Clavulanic Acid 20/10 Mcg/ Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Cefoperazone75 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Ceftriaxone 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Nitrofurantoin 300 Mcg/ Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Ceftazidime /Avibacatam 30/10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Ofloxacin 5 Mcg/ Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Ceftazidime /Clavulanic Acid 30/10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Ciprofloxacin 5 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Ertapenem 10 Mcg/ Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Gentamicin 10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Imipenem 10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Levofloxacin 5 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Meropenem 10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Moxifloxacin 5 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Prulifloxacin 5 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Vancomycin 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Azithromycin 15 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Erythromycin 15 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Chloramphenicol 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Piperacillin/Tazobactam 100/10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Tobramycin 10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Tetracycline 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Cefotaxime 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Fluconazole 10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Amphotericin B 100 Units / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Itraconazole 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Nystatin 100 Units / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Voriconazole 1Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Co-Trimoxazole 25 Mcg/ Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Clindamycin 2 Mcg/ Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Teicoplanin 30 Mcg/ Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Cefdinir 5 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Cefpirome 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Imipenem –Cilastin 10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Ampicillin 2 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Ampicillin + Sulbactam 6 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Polymyxin-B 100 Unit / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Bacitracin 8 Unit / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Cefoxitin 20 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Linezolid 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Gentamicin (High) 50 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Faropenem 5 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Doxycycline 10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Aztreonam 50 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Fosfomycin 50 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Novobiocin 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Optochin 5 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Cefuroxime 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Minocyline 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Nalidixicacid 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Norfloxacin 10 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Tigecycline 15 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Clarithromycin 15 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Ketoconazole 30 Mcg / Disc , 100 Disc / Vial , Vancomycin (E Test Strip) 0.5 – 32 Mcg/Ml , Cefepime/Cefepime+Clavulanic Acid (E Test Strip) Cefepime (0.25-16Mcg)/Cefepime+Clavulanic Acid (0.064-4 Mcg) , Imipenem And Imipenem + Edta(E Test Strip) Imipenem (4-256 Mcg) And Imipenem+ Edta (1-64 Mcg) , Macconkey Agar 500G / Bottle , Muller-Hinton-Agar 500G / Bottle , Chrome Universal Agar 500G / Bottle , Lugol’S Iodine 125 Ml/Bottle , Urea Agar Base 100G / Bottle , Simmons Citrate Agar 100G / Bottle , Triple Sugar Iron Agar 100G / Bottle , Blood Agar Base 500G / Bottle , Robertson Cooked Meat Media 500G / Bottle , Sucrose 500G / Bottle , Lactose (Lr) 500G / Bottle , Mannitol (C6h14c6) 500G / Bottle , Peptone, 500G / Bottle , Dextrose Anhydrous(C6h12o6) 500G / Bottle , Bile Esculin Reagent/Agar 500G / Bottle , Methylene Blue For Zn Stain 500Ml / Bottle , Carbol Fuchsin For Zn Stain 500Ml / Bottle , Giemsa Stain 500Ml / Bottle , Periodic Acid Schiff Stain 500Ml / Bottle , Safranine For Zn Stain 500Ml / Bottle , Gentian Violet(Crystal) 100G / Bottle , Phenol (C6h5oh) (Crystal) 500G / Bottle , Methyl Red Reagent 500G / Bottle , Phenyl Pyruvic Acid(Ppa Test) 100G / Bottle , Prepared Oxidase Disc 50 Disc/ Box , Iodine (Crystal)100G / Bottle , Tri-Sodium Citrate ( Na3c6h5o72h2o) 500G / Bottle , Citric Acid (C6h8o7) 500G / Bottle , Kovac’S Indole Reagent 100Ml / Bottle , 40 % Urea (Nh2conh7) 500G / Bottle , Antibiotic Zone Scale 1Pc/Box , Antisera-Salmonella O And H A,2 Ml / Vial , Antisera-Shigella Dysenteriae, 2 Ml / Vial , Antisera-Shigella Flexnari, 2 Ml / Vial , Antisera-Shiegella Sonnie,2 Ml / Vial , Antisera-Vibrio Cholera O139 ,2 Ml / Vial , Atcc Strain - E.Coli 25922,Freeze Dried Lyophilized / Vial , Atcc Strain - E.Coli 35218, Freeze Dried Lyophilized / Vial , Atcc Strain - Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 27853 Freeze Dried Lyophilized / Vial , Atcc Strain - Staphylococcus Aureus 25923 Freeze Dried Lyophilized / Vial , Atcc Strain - Staphylococcus Aureus 29213 Freeze Dried Lyophilized / Vial , Mounted Peripheral Blood Smear Slides For Gametocytes Of Plasmodium Vivax And Falciparum,(1 – Slide) , Potassium Permagnate (Kmno4) 500G / Bottle , Formalin (20%) 500Ml / Bottle , Methanol (Ch3oh) 500Ml / Bottle , Acetone (Lr) (Reagent ) 500Ml / Bottle , 100 % Sulphuric Acid (H2so4) 500Ml / Bottle , Gram’S Iodine 500Ml / Bottle , Boric Acid500g / Bottle , Di- Sodium Hydrogen Ortho-Phosphate500g / Bottle , Formaldehydesolution (37-41)%1000Ml / Bottle , Potassium Iodide (Ki) 500G / Bottle , Hydrogen Peroxide Solution(H2o2) 6%1000Ml / Bottle , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets Purified (Naoh) 500G / Bottle , Potassiumhydroxide Pellets (Koh) 500G / Bottle , Sodium Chloride (Nacl) 500G / Bottle , Amyl Alcohol ( C5h11oh)500Ml / Bottle , Xylene Sulphur 500Ml / Bottle , 70 % Isopropyl Alcohol 500Ml / Bottle , Normal Saline 500Ml / Bottle , Digital Weighing Balance 2Kg/ Machine , Test Tube (Glass 7Ml) 100Pc/ Pkt , Sterile Swab Stick, 100Pc/Pkt , Test Tube Holder (Small)10Pc/Box , Test Tube Holder (Large)10Pc/Box , Petri Disk 90X90 (10Pc/Pkt) , Petri Disk 90X120, (10Pc/Pkt) , Stock Vial (50Pc/Pkt) , Sterile Disposable Square Petri Plates (10Pc/Pkt) , Viral Transport Medium (3Ml/Vial) , Kovac’S Indole Reagent 100 Ml/ Bottle , Centrifuge Tubes 50Ml (Glass) 100Pc/Box , Centrifuge Tubes 15Ml (Glass) (Consumable)100Pc/Box , Erlenmeyer Flask (1000Ml) (Consumable) 1Pc , Microtube Rack (5X16 Holes) Per Rack , Wash Bottle Capacity 500Ml/Pc , Sterile Disposable Forceps (10Pc/Pack) , Steam Indicator Tape Size 18Mm (1-Pc) , Autoclavable Dispo Bag “14” (50/Pack) , Indicator Ph Paper(Ph 5 To 7.5)(5 Bundle / Pack) , Permanent Marker Pen (Red/Black) (Narrow Tip) (1-Pc) , Homogeniser With Serrated Pestle S.P 10Ml (1-Pc) , Nichrome Loop 4Mm, Double Wound (10Pc/Pack) , Nichrome Loop 2Mm, Double Wound (10Pc/Pack) , Semisolid Imrv Medium And Selective Supplement Fd19 -2Vl, 500Gm/Bottle , Sample Discarding Jar 3L Capacity (Borosil) (1-Pc) , Sample Discarding Jar 5L Capacity (Borosil) (1-Pc) , Conical Flask500ml Capacity(Borosil) (1-Pc) , Kala-Azar Detection Rapid Test (25Kit/Box) , Blood Culture Bottle/Bhi (Paediatric) 20Ml Capacity (10Pc/Box) , Blood Culture Bottle /Bhi(Adult) 70Ml Capacity (10Pc/Box) , India Ink Reagent (Nigrosin Stain 10% W/V (100 Ml) And Methylene Blue (125Ml/Bottle) , Scrub Typhus Igm Elisa 96Well Test Kit/Box , Chikungunya Igm Elisa 96Well Test Kit/Box , Je Igm Capture Elisa 96Well Test Kit/Box , Dengue Igm Elisa 96Well Testkit/Box , Dengue Ns-1 Ag Elisa 96Well Test Kit/Box , Cryptococcal Ag Rapid Test (25Kit/Box) , L J Medium Slant 10 Slant/Pack , Capped Collection Tube 1.5Ml Capacity (50Pc/Box) , Microamp Optical Tube 8/Strips (0.2 Ml Capacity) , Microamp Optical 8 Cap Strips (0.2 Ml) , Micro Centrifuge Tube 1.5Ml Capacity (500Pc/Box) , Serological Pipette 10Ml (200Pc/Box) , Serological Pipette 5Ml (250Pc/Box) , Art Barrier Specialty Pipettetips 100-1000?L Racked(96X1 Box) , Art Barrier Specialty Pipette Tips 20-200?L Racked (96X1 Box) , Art Barrier Specialty Pipette Tips 2-20?L Racked (96X1 Box) , Art Barrier Specialty Pipette Tips 50?L Racked (96X1 Box) , Art Barrier Specialty Pipette Tips 0-10?L Racked (96X1 Box) , Safeskin Purple Nitrile Gloves (Medium) 100/Box , N95 Particulate Respirator (Niosh Approved) 1Pc , Kimwipes 37.33X42.16 Cmn (140/Box) , Cryo Vial Sterile 1.8Ml (25Vial/Pkt) , Cryo Box 1.8Ml (9X9 Wells)(1 X 4 / Box) , Fg-Optical Adhesive Covers For Pcr, 1Pc , Microamp Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate(0.2Ml),(1- Plate) , Zip Lock Bag 21.3X18cm (10Bag/Box) , 96 Well Pcr Plate, (1- Plate) , Falcon Tube 10Ml (1Pc) , Falcon Tube50ml (1Pc) , Dacron Swab Stick (Nylon Flocked) (100Pc/Box) , Polypropylene Trigger Sprayers (500Ml), 1Pc , Stainless Steel Rectangular Pan With Sliding Lid And Handles Tapered Sides ( Size 11 X 8 Inch),1Pc , Paraffin Film (M) (1-Roll) , Red Cap Tube 3Ml (1-Pc) , Aluminum Foil (72 Meter) (1-Pc) , Isopropanol 99.9%(500Ml/Bottle) , Spirit Surgical Grade (1Lt/Bottle) , Spirit Absolute (40 Lt/Gallon) , Hypochlorite Soln (5%/4.6%) (1Lt/Bottle) , Sterilium Hand Rub ( 500Ml/Bottle) , Liquid Hand Wash (750Ml/Pack) , Blotting Paper (1-Sheet) , Tourniquets For Blood Collection (1-Pc) , Loose Gloves M (7/7.5)(100/Box) , Surgical Gloves M (7/7.5),(1-Pc) , 3 Ply Surgical Mask , (1-Pc) , Surgical Head Cap, (1-Pc) , Face/Protective Shield , (1-Pc) , Bleaching Powder (25Kg/Bag) , Protective Goggles (1-Pc) , Rna Extraction Kit(1-Rxn) , Rna Zap Water 200Ml /Bottle , Ethanol Absolute Molecular Grade(500Ml/Bottle) , Thermacol Transport Box (18Cm X 12 Cm) (500Pc/Bag) , Tissue Paper (Toilet Paper Roll)(9Pc/Pack) , Labeling Stickers Sheets(St-65A4) (100Sheets/Pack) , Disposable Tongue Depressor (Spatula) (100Pc/Pack) , Nuclease Free Water (Molecular Grade) 1000Ml/Pack , Glucose Strip , Taqpath Multiplex Rt Pcr Kit For The Detection Sars Cov-2 1000 Rxn , Taqman Sequence Detection (Primer + Probe) For Screening (E Gene & Rnp) And Confirmatory (Rdrp, & Hku Orf Ib) , Seegene Allplex 2019-Ncov Assay R , Mylab Patho Detect Covid-19 Qualitative Pcr Kit , A*Star Fortitued Kit 2.0 Covid-19 Rt-Pcr Test , Pandemic H1n109 Assay Set 1000 Rxn , Super Script Iii Platinum Qrt Pcr Reagent 5 Rxn , Agpath One Step Rt Pcr Reagent , Labgun Covid-19 Rt Pcr Kit , Bgi Rt Pcr Kit For Detection Sars Cov-2 , 1-Napthol 200 Gm , 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Hydrazine 300 Gm , 2-Amino Diphenyl Oxalic Acid 500 Gm , 2-Chloro-2H-Azirine 500 Gm , 2-Napthol 250 Gm , 3,5- Dinitrosalicylic Acid 500 Gm , 8-Hydroxy Quinoline 250 Gm , Absolute Ethanol 10 Lit , Acacia 500 Gm , Acetaldehyde 500 Ml , Acetamide 500 Gm , Acetanilide 1 Kg , Acetic Acid 10 Lit , Acetic Anhydride 2.5 Lit. , Acetone 05 Lit , Acetonitrile 05 Lit , Acetophenone 500Ml , Acetyl Acetone 1 Lit , Acetylcholine Iodide 5Gm , Activated Charcoal 1Kg , Nutrient Agar 500Gm , Alcohol /Spirit 25Lit , Almond Oil 1Lit , Aloe Vera Gel 1Kg , Alpha-Amylase 100Gm , Alpha-Napthol 250Gm , Aluminium Chloride 1Kg , Aluminium Hydroxide 500Gm , Aluminium Sulphate 500Gm , Amaranth Red 100Gm , Amino Acid Kit , Ammonia 10 Lit , Ammonium Acetate 1Kg , Ammonium Bicarbonate 500Gm , Ammonium Carbonate 1Kg , Ammonium Chloride 1Kg , Ammonium Citrate (Tri) 500Gm , Ammonium Hydroxide 1Kg , Ammonium Molybdate 500Gm , Ammonium Nitrate 1Kg , Ammonium Oxalate 500Gm , Ammonium Reineckate 1Kg , Ammonium Sulphate 1Kg , Amyloglucosidase 50Ml , Anhydrous Sodium Sulfite 1Kg , Aniline 5Lit , Aniline Acetate 500Gm , Anthranilic Acid 250Gm , Apple Essence 50Ml , Arachis Oil 500Ml , Arsenic Trioxide 500Gm , Ascorbic Acid 500Gm , Ashwagandha 500Gm , Aspartic Acid 100Gm , Aspirin 1Kg , Atropine Sulphate 10Ml , Atropine Sulphate 25Gm , Bahera 1Kg , Barfoed’S Reagent 1Lit , Barium Chloride 1Kg , Barium Sulphate 500Gm , Bay Leaf 500Gm , Beef Extract 500Gm , Beeswax 2Kg , Belladonna Leaf Dry 500Gm , Benedict’S Reagent 1 Lit , Bentonite Powder 1Kg , Benzaldehyde 5 Lit , Benzamide 1Kg , Benzene 2.5 Lit , Benzidine 500 Gm , Benzil 1Kg , Benzoic Acid 5Kg , Benzoic Anhydride 500Gm , Benzoin 500Gm , Benzothiazole 250Gm , Benzoyl Chloride 4 Lit , Benzyl Alcohol 2.5 Lit , Benzylpenicillin 250Gm , Bial’S Reagent 1Lit , Blood Group Test Kit (10 Ml Anti A,B & D) , Borax 1Kg , Boric Acid 500Gm , Bovine Serum Albumin 10Gm , Bramhi 500Gm , Brilliant Blue 5Gm , Bromine 500Ml , Bromocresol Green Solution 250Ml , Butanol 2.5 Lit , Butyl Isocyanate 500 Gm , Cadmium Sulfate 5Gm , Caffeine 500Gm , Calamine 1Kg , Calcium Chloride Anhydrous 2.5Kg , Calcium Gluconate 500Gm , Calcium Hydroxide 5Kg , Camphor 250Gm , Carbolfuchsin 100Gm , Carbon Tetrachloride 2.5 Lit , Cardamom 250 Gm , Carrageenan 500Gm , Castor Oil 2.5 Lit , Catechol 500Gm , Cellulose Acetate Hydrogen Phthalate 500Gm , Ceric Ammonium Sulphate 500Gm , Cetyl Alcohol 500Gm , Chandan Powder 500Gm , Charcoal500gm , Chloral Hydrate 500Gm , Chloroform 10 Lit , Chloroquine Powder250gm , Chlorosulfonic Acid1 Lit , Chlorpheniramine Maleate Powder 250Gm , Chlorpromazine 250Gm , Cinchona 500 Gm , Cinnamic Acid 250 Gm , Cinnamon 500 Gm , Citric Acid 500 Gm , Clove 500 Gm , Cobalt Chloride 500 Gm , Cocoa Butter 200 Gm , Codeine Phosphate 50 Gm , Compound Tartrazine Solution 100Gm , Copper (Ii) Acetate 2.5Kg , Copper (Ii) Oxide 1Kg , Copper (Ii) Sulphate 1Kg , Copper (Metal) Turning 500Gm , Copper Sulfate 1Kg , Coriander 500Gm , Corn Oil 500Ml , Corn Starch 500Gm , Creatinine 100Gm , Crystal Violet 500Ml , Cupric Acetate 500Gm , Dapsone Powder 250Gm , Dextrin 500Gm , Dextrose 1Kg , Dichloro Methane 5Lit , Diethyl Ether10lit , Diethylmalonate500ml , Dioscorea 250Gm , Diphenylamine 500Gm , Disodium Edta 500Gm , Disodium Phosphate Heptahydrate 1Kg , Dmso 5Lit , Dragendroff’S Reagent 1Lit , Ephedra 500Gm , Eriochrome Black T (Solochrome Black T) 25Gm , Ethanol 10Lit , Ethyl Acetate 5Lit , Ethyl Acetoacetate5lit , Ethyl Benzoate 500Ml , Ethyl Cellulose500gm , Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (Edta) 2Kg , Eucalyptus Oil 500Ml , Eudragit 500Gm , Fehling’S Solution A 2Lit , Fehling’S Solution B 2Lit , Ferric Ammonium Sulphate 1Kg , Ferric Chloride 500Gm , Ferric Chloride 1Kg , Ferrous Sulphate 500Gm , Formaldehyde 5Lit , Formic Acid 5Lit , Fructose 1Kg , Furosemide 25Gm , Gelatin 1Kg , Glacial Acetic Acid 5Lit , Glucose 1Kg , Glycine 1Kg , Glycine 100Gm , Glyoxalic Acid 1Lit , Granulated Zinc 500Gm , Gum Trgacanth Powder 1Kg , Hagers Reagent 1Lit , Harde 500Gm , Histamine 25Gm , Honey 1Kg , Hydrazine Hydrate 2.5 Lit , Hydrochloric Acid 10Lit , Hydrogen Peroxide 1 Lit , Hydroxy Napthol Blue 25Gm , Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose 500Gm , Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride 500Gm , Ibuprofen Powder 500Gm , Iodine 500Gm , Iron Oxide 500Gm , Isabgol 1Kg , Iso Propanolol 2.5 Lit , Isoniazid Powder 250Gm , Jatamansi 500Gm , Kaolin 500Gm , Lactose 1Kg , Lanolin 1Kg , Lead Acetate 1Kg , Lead Nitrate 500Gm , Lead Subacetate 2Lit , Leishman Reagent In Methanol 25Gm , Lemon Essential Oil 250Ml , Leucine 25Gm , Light Magnesium Oxide 500Gm , Light Mineral Oil5lit , Light Petroleum Ether (40 -600) 2.5 Lit , Liquid Paraffin (Heavy) 500Ml , Liquid Paraffin (Light) 500Ml , Liquorice 500Gm , Long Pepper 500Gm , Lwinoff’S Reagent 1 Lit , Magnesium Chloride 1Kg , Magnesium Hydroxide 500Gm , Magnesium Stearate 2Kg , Magnesium Sulfate 2Kg , Magnesium Turning 250Gm , Malonic Acid 1Kg , Maltose 1Kg , Mayer’S Reagent 1Lit , Menthol 500Gm , Mercuric Chloride 50Gm , Mercurous Nitrate 25Gm , Metaphosphoric Acid 1Kg , Methanol 10 Lit , Methi 500Gm , Methyl Blue 25Gm , Methyl Cellulose 500Gm , Methyl Ethyl Ketone 1 Lit , Methyl Orange 100Gm , Methyl Orange Indicator 250Ml , Methyl Paraben 500Gm , Methyl Red 25Gm , Methyl Red 500Ml , Methyl Salicylate 500Ml , Methylene Blue500 Ml , Methylene Chloride 2.5 Lit , Metol Solution 100 Ml , Metronidazole Powder 250 Gm , Microcrystalline Cellulose 1Kg , Millon’S Reagent 1 Lit. , Mineral Oil 500 Ml , Molisch Reagent 100 Ml , Monosodium Phosphate 1 Kg , Morpholino Propane Sulphonic Acid (Mops) 25 Gm , Nagkeshara 500 Gm , Napthol Blue 25 Gm , Napthoquinone100 Gm , N-Hexane 5 Lit , Ninhydrin 100 Gm , Nitric Acid 10 Lit , N-Phenylanthranilic Acid (Ferroin Sulphate) 100 Ml , O-Cresol 500 Ml , Octanol 2.5 Lit , Oil Of Anise 30 Ml , Olive Oil 1 Lit , O-Phenylenediamine 250 Gm , Orange Oil 500 Ml , Orthophosphoric Acid 2.5 Lit , Osmic Acid 500 Gm , Oxalic Acid 500 Gm , O-Xylene 500 Ml , P-Aminobenzoic Acid 1 Kg , Para Amino Benzoic Acid (Paba) 250 Gm , Paracetamol Powder 500 Gm , Paraffin Liquid Heavy5 Lit. , Paraffin Liquid Light5 Lit. , P-Benzoquinone100 Gm , P-Chloromercuribenzoic Acid 1 Kg , Peg 200 2.5 Lit , Peg 3350 500 Gm , Peg 400 500 Ml , Peg 400 2.5 Lit , Peg 6000 500 Gm , Peptone Soya 500 Gm , Perchloric Acid 2.5 Lit , Petroleum Ether 5 Lit , Phenobarbitone 10 Gm , Phenol 1 Kg , Phenophthaline Indicator , Phenyl Hydrazine Hydrochloride 500 Gm , Phenylalanine25 Gm , Phloroglucinol 250 Gm , Phosphoric Acid 1 Kg , Physostigmine 10 Gm , Picric Acid 500 Gm , Picrolonic Acid 500 Gm , Pine Oil 250 Ml , Pineapple Flavour100 Ml , Piper Longum Fruit 500 Gm , Piper Longum Root 500 Gm , Piperazine Citrate 500 Gm , Plumbagoo Zeylanica 500 Gm , Potassiumdichromate 2 Kg , Potassium Bromide 2 Kg , Potassium Chloride 2 Kg , Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate 500 Gm , Potassium Ferricyanide 1 Kg , Potassium Ferrocyanide 1 Kg , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate 1 Kg , Potassium Hydroxide 2 Kg , Potassium Iodide 500 Gm , Potassium Permanganate 500 Gm , Potassium Sodium Tartrate 500 Gm , Potassium Sulphate 1Kg , Precipitated Chalk 500 Gm , Precipitated Sulphur 500 Gm , Propanol 05 Lit , Propyl Glycol 1 Kg , Propyl Paraben 500 Gm , Propylene Glycol 2.5 Lit , P-Toluene Sulfonylamide 500 Gm , P-Toluene Sulphonic Acid 2.5 Lit , Pyridine 2.5 Lit , Quinine Sulphate 100 Gm , Rbc Diluting Fluid 500 Ml , Rectified Sprit 5 Lit , Resorcinol 2 Kg , Rose Oil 500 Ml , Ruthenium Red 5 Gm , Saccharin Sodium 500 Gm , Safranine 500 Ml , Salicylic Acid 1 Kg , Seliwanoff’S Reagent 500 Ml , Senna Leaves 500 Gm , Sesame Oil 2.5 Lit , Shakhpushpi 500 Gm , Shatavari 500 Gm , Silica Gel 100-200 Mesh (For Column Chromatography) 2 Kg , Silica Gel 60-120 Mesh (For Column Chromatography) 2 Kg , Silica Gel G 5 Kg , Silver Nitrate 25 Gm , Sodium Acetate 1 Kg , Sodium Arsenate Dibasic 100 Gm , Sodium Benzoate 1 Kg , Sodium Bicarbonate 5 Kg , Sodium Bisulfate 500 Gm , Sodium Carbonate 2 Kg , Sodium Chloride 5 Kg , Sodium Citrate 2 Kg , Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate 1 Kg , Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate 5 Kg , Sodium Formate500 G , Sodium Hydroxide 2.5 Kg , Sodium Metal 500 Gm , Sodium Methyl Paraben 500 Gm , Sodium Nitrite1 Kg , Sodium Nitropruside 1 Kg , Sodium Oxalate 500 Gm , Sodium Phosphate Dibasic 1 Kg , Sodium Phosphate Monobasic 1 Kg , Sodium Picrate 500 Gm , Sodium Potassium Tartarate 500 Gm , Sodium Propyl Paraben 250 Gm , Sodium Salicylate 500 Gm , Sodium Succinate 500 Gm , Sodium Sulfate 1 Kg , Sodium Thiocyanate 500 Gm , Sodium Thiosulfate 500G , Sodium Tungstate250 Gm , Soft Soap 1 Kg , Solochrome Black T 25 Gm , Sorbitol Solution (70%) 250 Gm , Spermaceti 500 Gm , Standard Cholesterol 25 Gm , Starch 2 Kg , Stearicacid 1 Kg , Strong Ammonium Solution 2.5 Lit , Sucrose 2 Kg , Sudan Red Iii 5 Gm , Sugar 2 Kg , Sulfanilamide 500 Gm , Sulfuric Acid 15 Lit , Sulphamic Acid500 Gm , Sulphanilic Acid 500 G , Sulphosalicylic Acid 500 Gm , Sulphur 1 Kg , Talc 2 Kg , Tannic Acid 1 Kg , Tartaric Acid 1 Kg , Tartrazine Yellow 25 Gm , T-Butyl Alcohol 1 Lit , Tetracycline Hydrochloride 250 Gm , Thioglycollic Acid 500 Ml , Thiourea 500 Gm , Thymol Blue 25 Gm , Titanium Dioxide 500 Gm , Toluene 5 Lit , Tragacanth1 Kg , Triethanol Amine 2.5 Lit , Trisodium Citrate, Dihydrate 500 Gm , Turpentine Oil 300 Ml , Tween 80 500 Gm , Tyrosine 100 Gm , Urea 1 Kg , Uric Acid 25 Gm , Vanillin 100 Gm , Vegetable Oil 1 Lit , Wagners Reagent 1 Lit. , Wbc Diluting Fluid (Turks Fluid) 500 Ml , White Ointment 1 Kg , White Wax 500 Gm , Xylenol Orange 10 Gm , Yellow Soft Paraffin 500 Gm , Zinc Dust 500 Gm , Zinc Oxide 2 Kg , Zinc Stearate 1 Kg , Zinc Sulfate 1 Kg , Zinziberofficinalis500 Gm , Air Condenser 300 Mm (With Joint B-19 Or B-24 And Plain Without Joint) , Ampoules , Arsenic Test Apparatus , Beaker 100Ml , Beaker 250Ml , Beaker 500Ml , Beaker 1000Ml , Boiling Tubes , Borer Dia. 8Mm, Thickness 3Mm , Length 99 , Buchnerfunnel Ceramic And Plastic 70Mm , Buchnerfunnel Ceramic And Plastic 110 Mm , Buchner Flask 250Ml , Buchner Flask 500Ml , Burette Stand , Burette With Rota Flow Stop Cock , Capillaries For Melting Point Determination , Centrifugal Tube Graduated , Centrifugal Tube Plain , China Dish , Clavengerapparatus , Column For Column Chromatography , Conical Flask 100 Ml , Conical Flask250ml , Cover Slips , Dessicator Plain 150 Mm , Dessicator Plain 250 Mm , Distillation Flask Bg , Distillation Set (Condenser Reciever) , Distillation Unit , Droppong Bottle 60 Ml , Droppong Bottle 125 Ml , Eppindroff1.5 Ml , Eppindroff2.0 Ml , Erlenmeyer Flask , Filter Paper Rim 8X22 , Flat Bottom Flask (100 And 250) , Flilter Paper Pkt Round , Funnel (Small, Medium And Large Size) , Glass Rod , Glass Slides , Graduated Measuring Cylinder 10Ml , Graduated Measuring Cylinder 50Ml , Graduated Measuring Cylinder 100Ml , Graduated Measuring Cylinder 500Ml , Graduated Measuring Cylinder 1000 Ml , Ignition Tube (Pkt Of 5 Grs, Superior Quality) , Iodine Flask , Kipps Apparatus , Lens Cleaning Tissue (Paper Book Of 100) , Litmus Paper Red/Blue Pkt Of 100 Lbs , Microtips , Mortar Pastel (Dia 5, 6 And 8) , Nessler Cylinder (50 Ml) , Ostwald Viscometer , Petridish 100 Mm , Petridish 75Mm , Ph Paper In Plastic Box Pkt Of 100 Lbs , Pipette Bulb Rubber , Pipette Pump 2 Ml , Pipette Pump 25Ml , Pipette Pump 10Ml , Pipette Stand Horizontal For 12 Pipettte , Pipette Volumetric20ml , Pipette Volumetric 10Ml , Pipette Volumetric 25Ml , Pipettes 1Ml , Pipettes 2Ml , Pipettes 5Ml , Pipettes 10Ml , Plane Slide With Cavity , Reagent Bottle Narrow Mouth Amber 500 Ml , Reagent Bottle Narrow Mouth Amber 125Ml , Reagent Bottle Narrow Mouth Amber 250Ml , Round Bottom Flask (250 Ml) , Round Bottom Flask (Double And Triple Neck) , Rubber Cork (Extra Soft) Superior Quality (Top Dia 13Mm) , Rubber Tubing Coil (10 Meter) , Separating Funnel 250 Ml , Separating Funnel 100Ml , Silica Crucibles 15 Mm , Soxhlet Apparatus Complete With All Capacity , Specific Gravity Bottle N.G. 25 Ml , Specific Gravity Bottle N.G. 50 Ml , Starch Iodine Paper 100 Leaves , Steam Distillation Assembly , Stoppered Tubes , Suction Pump Made Of Glass , Test Tube , Test Tube Holder , Test Tube Stand , Thermometer 30 Cm Length (10-360 Degree) , Thiele`S Tube , Tlc Chamber With Lid , Tlc Plates , Tlc Sprayer , Volumetric Flask 10Ml , Volumetric Flask 25Ml , Volumetric Flask 100Ml , Volumetric Flask 250Ml , Volumetric Flask 1000Ml , Wash Bottle 250 Ml , Watch Glass , Whatman Filter Paper For Paper Chromatography , White Tiles , Wire Gauge , Rnase/Dnase Away(Ivd, Us Fda, Icmr Approved) 250Ml , Taqpath Covid-19 Combo Kit Multiplex Real-Time Rt-Pcr (Catalog Numbers A47813 And A47814)(Ivd, Us Fda, Icmr Approved) , A* Star Fortitude Kit 2.0 Covid-19 Qualitative Pcr Kit(Ivd, Us Fda, Icmr Approved) , Mylabpatho Detect Covid-19 Qualitative Pcr Kit(Indian Fda/ Central Drugs Standard Control Organisatio (Cdsco),Icmr Approved) , Kilpest (Blackbio) Trupcr Sars-Cov 2Rt-Qpcr Kit Version 2 (Usfda /Or Ce- Approved) , Biomerieux Argene Sars-Cov-2 R-Gene(Ivd, Us Fda, Icmr Approved) , Water, Ultrapure, Free Of Dnase, Rnase, Protease, Endonuclease(Ivd, Indian Fda/ Central Drugs Standard Control Organisatio (Cdsco),Icmr Approved) 1 Litre , N-95 Particulate Respirator (Valved Particulate Respirator, 42Cfr84 Approved Product, 95% Filter Efficiency Level, Effective Against Particulate Aerosols Free Of Oil) , Wipes 37.33X42.16 Cm(Anti-Stat Polyshield: Anti-Static Dispensing System Reduces Lint And Electrostatic Discharge, Easily Wipe Up Liquids, Dust And Tiny Particles And Are Designed For Delicate Tasks) , Cryo Box 1.8Ml (9X9) (Chipboard, 132 X 132 X 51Mm, Square,Durable Plastic Cryoboxes With Keyed Lid Orientation And Printed Via Location Grid.) , Zip Lock Bag 21.3X18cm(Thickness: 52 Micron, Prevents Aroma Transfer, Keep Out Dirt And Moisture, Made From Fda Approved) , Polypropylene Trigger Sprayers (500Ml)(Made From Durable, Chemical Resistant Polypropylene,Trigger Sprayer With Adapters.) , Stainless Steel Rectangular Pan With Sliding Lid And Handles Tapered Sides (11X8 Inch) (Stainless Steel, Autoclavable, Chemical Resistantand For Laboratory Use) , Deep Well Storage Plasticware 96 Well Plate(Height 4.1Cm, Wellcut 1 Cm, Length 12.1Cm Polypropylene) , Plasticware Magnetic 8 Strip Comb (Height 4.5Cm, Length 10.2Cm, Distance Between Each Comb=1Cm) , Duo Rna Elution Plate 96 Well (Wall Thiekness 6Mm, Nominal Size 50, Neutral Glass) , Reinelene Solution (Peracetic Acid) 1X 5Lit , Glutaraldehyde 2.4% Solution 1X 5 Lit , Self Lock Pouch (Plastic) , Deep Well 96 Plate (Size 50Mm, 200Ul, Wall Thickness 6Mm Nominal Size 50, Neutral Glass) , 96 Tip Comb For Deep Well Plates (Wall Thickness 5Mm, Nominal Size 90, Neutral Glass) , Volmutric Flask 500Ml , Rose Water 250Ml , Manitol 500Gm , Renelene Solution 5 Litr. , Cidex 5 Litr. , Cidex 1 Litr. , Carbolic Acid 1000Ml , Hplc Variant Ii Bts Test Ket 500Test Packet , Inflamable Sprit 5 Ltr , Rotoquac (Hiv Fourt) Kit , Anti Sera A 10Ml , Anti Sera B 10Ml , Anti Sera D 10Ml , Hcv Rapid Kit 4Th , Medicated Sprit 5Ltr , Savelon 05 Ltr , Savelon 01 Ltr , Distle Water 05 Ltr , Reniplus Solution 05 Ltr , Variant Iind Bts , Albumin Kit , Protein Kit , Nacl 500Ml , Droper 3Ml , Cedarwood Oil 5Ml , Reticulocytes Counting Fluid 100Ml , Improve Newbarcounting Chamber , Rbc Pipette , Wbc Pipette , Reagent Bottle (Glass 250Ml) , Platelet Diluting Fluid 125Ml , Hemoglobino Meter , Acetic Acid 1000Ml , P 16 Antibody 6Ml Vail , Hemaccue Cuvette , Art Barriar Tips 20Ul - 200Ul , Art Barriar Tips 1000 Ul , Art Barriar Tips 10 Ul , Soda Lime , 96 Well Pcr Plate, Sealer (Rtpcr Mechine) , Pre Filled Automated Rna Extraction Plate With Tip Comb (96 Well Zybio) , Vtm , Micri Barrier Tips 20 -200 Ul , Micri Barrier Tips 10 Ul , Micri Barrier Tips 1000 Ul

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1180 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1 Crore /-
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