
Tender For Providing Concrete Hard Standing For Storing Fabricated Items At Raw Material Storage Yard, Truck Division, Beml Ltd., Mysuru Under Capex 2023-24 -, Mysuru-Karnataka

Bharat Earth Movers Limited has published Tender For Providing Concrete Hard Standing For Storing Fabricated Items At Raw Material Storage Yard, Truck Division, Beml Ltd., Mysuru Under Capex 2023-24 -. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-06-2023. Construction Material Tenders in Mysuru Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Providing Concrete Hard Standing For Storing Fabricated Items At Raw Material Storage Yard, Truck Division, Beml Ltd., Mysuru Under Capex 2023-24 -
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Tender Details

Tender For Providing Concrete Hard Standing For Storing Fabricated Items At Raw Material Storage Yard, Truck Division, Beml Ltd., Mysuru Under Capex 2023-24 -Hardstanding for storing Fabricated item- Providing Concrete Hardstanding for storing Fabricated items atRaw material storage yard , Truck Division, Beml Ltd., Mysuru1 Earth work Excavation in overareas in hard soil, not exe 1.5 mts deepand getting out for Hard standing etc. complete all as spcified &directed by EIC. CM 250.002 Providing Dry lean Cement Concrete (DLC) sub-base 150 mm thick(compacted thickness) over a prepared Sub grade with coarse and fineaggregate conforming to IS:383 the size of the coarse aggregate notexceeding 25 mm, aggregate Cementratio not to exceed 15:1 aggregategradation after blending to be as per specification. Cement content notless than 150 kg/cm. optimum moisture content to be determined duringtrial length construction. Concrete strength not tobe lessthan 10 Mpaat 7 days. Mixedin a batching plant, Transported to site for all leadand lifts, laid with a mechanical paver, Compacting with 8-10 tonnevibratory roller, finishing and curing etc., complete all as perdiricetion of Engineer in charge. CM 82.003 Providing good quality/reputed make TMT bars for reinforcement inFloorings/Roads/Hardstanding/Pavements confirming to relevant IS, cut tolength, bent to shape required and binding with mild steel wire etc.,all as per drawing for all RCC works etc .NOTE: a) The TMT bars required shall be procuredfrom the reputedmanufacturers confirming to relevant IS specification.b)The contractor shall arrange for testing of TMT barsfor physicalproperties from an authorized agencies as per the relevant IS code. Thetest reports shall be submitted for our records.c) The quoted rate shall deem to include for the cost of testing.d)Reputed make like TATA/SAIL/JSW shall be used for the work Kgs3360.004. Providing and placing RCC M20 grade concrete forfloorings/roads/hard standing/pavements etc., including cost of labour,materials & equipment for handling,transportation, batching,mixing,placing,vibrating , curing & shuttering works etc., complete all as specified and as directed by EIC.NOTE: a) For the purpose of M20 concrete, RMC of approved brands likeM/s ACC/ Coramandel/ L&T/ Birla/Ultra tech can be used. b) The contractor has to cast the cubes periodically as per the IS Standard and to conduct test for both 7 days & 28days andto submit test report. Frequency of test shall be as per the IS Standardand the quoted rates shall deemed to include for the cost of testing. c) Reinforcement will be measured and paid separately. d) The quoted rate shall include for cost of shuttering where ever needed. CM 110.005 Providing & forming 150 mm deep & 12 mm thick Expansionjoints filled with Pre-formed bituminous filler and top 30 mm primed andsealed with sealing compound , grade A etc,. Complete, all asspecified & directed by EIC RM 200.006. Removing of earth/excavated materials soil from the premises notexceeding 250M and depositing as directed etc., complete. CM 250.00,Earth work Excavation in overareas-,Providing Dry lean Cement Concrete (DLC),Providing good quality/reputed make,Providing and placing RCC M20 grade con,Providing & forming 150 mm deep & 12 mm,Removing of earth/excavated materials

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