Construction Of Civil Infra-Structure For Installation Of Biomedical Wasted Management Equipment At Chc Parla Building-- 1 Earth Workinexavationoffoundation in hard soil within initial leads of 50m & lifts of 1.5m including dressing and levelling of bed etc. and adding contractors profit and over head charges, etc. complete in all respect. 2 Supplying & filling of foundation with course sand well watered and rammed including cost, cost of all labour, carriage, royalty complete in all respect.(As Per A/R Page No-1, Item No-2) 3 Cement Concrete (1:3:6) using 40mmsize hard granite C.B. metal approved quality from approved quarry including cost, carriage, royalty, cost of all labour. etc complete and as directed by E.I.C. 4 Cement Concrete (1:2:4) using 12mmsize hard granite C.B. chips approved quality from approved quarry including cost, carriage, royalty, cost of all labour. etc complete and as directed by E.I.C. 5 R.C.C. M-20 grade with 20mm and down grade C.B. chips of approved quality from approved quarry including hoisting, laying hire charges of concrete mixture, vibrator, watering, curing and cost of all materials and labour, centering shuttering etc complete but excluding cost of reinforcement. 6 Column Base 7 Plinth Beam 8 Column/ Beam 9 Lintel 10 Chajja 11 Roof Slab 12 RCC at Window Sill Level 13 Straightening, cutting, bending bent up or coiled rods, including cranking, hooking, welding or jointing the M.S. rods or tor confirming to I.S. 432 (Plain) and 1785 (Tor) steel and binding, tying the grills, hoisting, lowering and placing in proper position required for R.C.C. works including cost, conveyance and taxes of M.S. rods or tor steel and binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge and cost of all labour etc.complete in all respect. 14 25mm thick grading concrete (1:2:2) using 4.7mm size C.B.H.G chipsincluding watering curing, cost of carriage, royalty and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, etc complete as per the direction of E.I.C. 15 Flyash Bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm size having crushing strength not less than 75Kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ±2 percent in cement mortar (1:6) in foundation & plinth including watering curing, cost of carriage, royalty and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, etc complete as per the direction of E.I.C. 16 Flyash Bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm size having crushing strength not less than 75Kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ±2 percent in cement mortar (1:6) in Super Structure including watering curing, cost of carriage, royalty and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, etc complete as per the direction of E.I.C. 17 12mm thick C.P.(1:6) on brick masonary to the smooth surface including watering, curing, cost, carriage, royalty of all materials, cost of all labour, etc complete as per the direction of E.I.C. 18 16mm thick C.P. (1:6) over brick masonary to the smooth surface including watering, curing cost, carriage, royalty, and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, etc complete as per the direction of E.I.C. 19 6 mm thick C.P. (1:4) to RCC surfaces finished smooth including closed deep chiping and slury treatment , watering, curing cost, carriage & royaltyof all materials, cost of all labour,etc complete as per the direction ofE.I.C.Ref(A/R-2006,P-103,Item no-27) 20 25cm A.S flooring with cement mortar (1:2:4) nominal mix as per Drawing and technical specification including watering, curing, cost, carriage, royalty of all materials, cost of all labour, etc complete as per the direction of E.I.C. 21 Wall painting 2 coats with plastic emulsion paint of approved shade on new work to give an even shade including cost of paint etc complete. 22 Supplying of M.S. Door, Window with grills, Grills made out of M.S. Angle frame, M.S. Flat, Sheetetc of approved section & design, electrically welded properly with all necessary locking arrengement, and 1 coat red oxide primer including cost of all materials, labour charges, carriage of materials to site etc. complete. 23 Painting two coat with any approved primer with any approvedenamel painting including cost of primmer & labour to give an even shade excluding cost of primer. 24 Finishing out side wall suface with weather coat two coats with any approved shade over a coat of priming including , cost, conveyances of all materials and cost of all labour etc, complete as per specification & direction of E.I.C. 25 Providing, suppling fitting and fixing of Deep Burial pit & sharp pitwith pre cast RCC circular slab etc. complete including cost of all materials, labour with T&P etc complete in all respect. 26 G.P.H Works:- Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes conforming to IS:15778, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge 27 20mm dia PVC ASTM pipe (sch-80) 28 25mm dia PVC ASTM pipe (sch-80) 29 Supplying all materials, labour T&P and fitting and fixing brass/CP fittings of the following nominal bore with supply of all joiniting materialsincluding cost & conveyance of all materials to worksite, payment oftaxes etc. allcomplete as per P.H specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 30 15mm dia CP angle stop cock (Con-CHR-053KN Jaquar make) 31 15mm dia CP Long Body Bib cock (Con-CHR-107KN Jaquar make) 32 125mm CP grating 33 Supplying all materials, labour, T&P and fitting and fixing U-PVC SWR soil waste ventilating pipes and fittings of the following outside diameter conforming to ISI No 13592/1992 to walls with nails, bobbins and wooden plugs or laying in trenches including jointing with supply of approved rubber lubricant by non-heat application method/as per manufacturers specification, testing, earthwork in excavation in all kinds of soil and refilling of trenches , cost & conveyance of all materials to worksite, payment oftaxes etc.all complete as per P.H specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 34 110mm U-PVC SWR Pipe (Ori Plast/Finolex/Supreme Make Type-B) 35 110mm U-PVC door bend(Ori Plast/Finolex/Supreme Make) 36 110mm U-PVC Plain bend(Ori Plast/Finolex/Supreme Make) 37 110mm U-PVC Plain tee(Ori Plast/Finolex/Supreme Make) 38 110mm U-PVC Socket(Ori Plast/Finolex/Supreme Make) 39 Supplying all materials, labour T&P and fixing wash basins with hole for pillar taps with cast iron or M.S.brackets painted white including cutting holes in walls and making good the damages with supply of wooden plugs, screws and cement etc, fixing pedestal for wash basin recessed at the back for the reception of pipes and fittings, fixing PVC waste pipe of 32mm nominal diameter for wash basin including brass check nut complete, fixing pillar taps capstan head screw down high pressure lettered Hot and Cold with long screws, shanks and back nuts of 15mm dia nominal bore, fixing 15mm dia PVC inlet connection pipe and making connection with pillar cocks and supply mains for wash basin, fixing 32mm dia CP brass waste, cost & conveyance of all materials to worksite, payment oftaxes etc. all complete as perP.H specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge 40 550mmx400mm W.H.basin (Hindware/Parryware/Neycer make)with 15mm dia C.P.pillar cock (Plaza make) with pedestal