
Auction Sale Of Various Scrap Materials -, Nagpur-Maharashtra

Private Company has published Auction Sale Of Various Scrap Materials -. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-05-2023. Scrap Tenders in Nagpur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Auction Sale Of Various Scrap Materials -

Tender Details

Auction Sale Of Various Scrap Materials - 1 Easy Clean Emulsion 179.7 25000 NA 2 Prolink Luxol Enamel 20 3 All Guard, longlife & Easy Clean Emulsion 72 4 Aluminium Paints 55.95 5 Bison Emulsion 141.8 6 Butterfly & Jadoo 20 7 Butterfly Enamel 610.2 8 Colorant & Stainers 4.188646 9 Construction Chemical products 484.5 10 Distemper 296 11 Easy Clean Emulsion 14.4 12 Epilux & Industrial 1465 13 Exteriror texture 60 14 Extrier texture 960 15 floor coatings 214 16 HOME SHELD 576 17 Industrial Liquid 4121.79 18 Industrial Primer 220 19 Luxol emulsion 4 20 Luxol Enamel 625.48 21 Luxol xtraEnamel 28.5 22 Powder coating material 49.5 23 PRIMER 26 24 Primer S/T 40 25 Primer W/T 8 26 Prolink Emulsion 220 27 Putty & Duracem 5840 28 rangoli emulsion 158.4 29 Rangoli Emulsions 34.2 30 Red Oxide Primer 848 31 Satin Enamel 8 32 SILK EMULSIOM 72 33 silk emulsion 58.5 34 Silk Illusion Metallic 24 35 Thinners 310 36 Tools 13 37 universal colorant 0.0616 38 Walmasta Emulsion 321 39 Water Base Enamel 99 40 Weather Coat FLEXO 34.4 41 Weather Coat Emulsion 1081.6 42 WOOD COATING 193.44 43 Wood Keeper/Coatings 1209.8 44 Wood Stainer 95 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-SATIN BLUE-4 L Luxol Enamel L 4 13 13 52 52 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-LIME FROST-4 L Luxol Enamel L 4 1 1 4 4 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-AQUAMARINE-4 L Luxol Enamel L 4 6 6 24 24 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-OFF WHITE-4 L Luxol Enamel L 4 2 2 8 8 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-ROYAL IVORY-4 L Luxol Enamel L 4 8 8 32 32 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-BROWN-4 L Luxol Enamel L 4 1 1 4 4 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-GLDN BROWN-1 L Luxol Enamel L 1 10 10 10 10 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-SIGNAL RED-4 L Luxol Enamel L 4 2 2 8 8 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-SIGNAL RED-20 L Luxol Enamel L 20 1 1 20 20 LUXOL HI GLOSS SYN ENAMEL-DAWN-4 L Luxol Enamel L 4 8 8 32 32 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-SMOKE GREY-20 L Luxol Enamel L 20 1 1 20 20 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-BLACK-500 ML Luxol Enamel ML 0.5 4 4 2 2 LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-MAHOGANY-4 L Luxol Enamel L 4 2 2 8 8 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-WHITE-20 L Butterfly Enamel L 20 2 2 40 40 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-PHIROZA BL-500 ML Butterfly Enamel ML 0.5 3 3 1.5 1.5 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-PHIROZA BL-4 L Butterfly Enamel L 4 12 12 48 48 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-PHIROZA BL-20 L Butterfly Enamel L 20 3 3 60 60 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-OXFORD BLU-4 L Butterfly Enamel L 4 1 1 4 4 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-BUS GREEN-4 L Butterfly Enamel L 4 6 6 24 24 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-MINT GREEN-20 L Butterfly Enamel L 20 2 2 40 40 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-GOLDEN YLW-4 L Butterfly Enamel L 4 2 2 8 8 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-GOLDEN YLW-20 L Butterfly Enamel L 20 1 1 20 20 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-GLDN BROWN-4 L Butterfly Enamel L 4 2 2 8 8 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-DEEP ORNGE-20 L Butterfly Enamel L 20 1 1 20 20 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-DEEP ORNGE-20 L Butterfly Enamel L 20 2 2 40 40 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-LIGHT GREY-500 ML Butterfly Enamel ML 0.5 80 80 40 40 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-LIGHT GREY-1 L Butterfly Enamel L 1 17 17 17 17 BUTTERFLY GP SYN ENAMEL-SMOKE GREY-20 L Butterfly Enamel L 20 1 1 20 20

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