Tender For Installation Of New Vhf Aerials With Galvanized Two Clamps ( Specification: 2 Feet Long X 1 Inch 4 Mm Thick With 4 Holes ) And Fitted With Galvanized Wire(Single Core)Changing/fixing of all Guy Ropes by Steel Usha Martin Elevator Guy Rope, 8 mm from 20 ft to end of Tower for 40 ft -06nos, 50ft-09nos& 60 ft 09nos( Total one unit ) withall Guy foundation repair & replace attached Materials (Specification: Usha Martin Make Multicore Steel wire Ropes –8mm 8 x 7 S.C. (Multi Core) and reputed Hot Deep Galvanized make, D-Shackle - 3 Inch Long x 10 mm Thick, U-Bolt - 1.5 Inch Long x 8 mm Thick, Strainer - 12 Inch Long x 12 mm Thick) Changing/fixing all Guy Ropes by Steel Usha Martin Elevator Guy Rope, 8 mm from 20 ft to end of Tower for 75 ft -12nos & 100 ft 15nos ( Total one unit ) with all Guy foundation repair & replace attachedMaterials (Specification: Usha Martin Make Multicore Steel wire Ropes –8mm 8 x 7 S.C. (Multi Core) and reputed Hot Deep Galvanized make, D-Shackle - 3 Inch Long x 10 mm Thick, U-Bolt - 1.5 Inch Long x 8 mm Thick, Strainer - 12 Inch Long x 12 mm Thick Installation of new Aviation Obstruction Light HEAVY DUTY, HARD CLEAR GLASS COVER Cast alu.(LM-6) housing, weather proof IP65, painted with weather & heat proof yellow epoxy powder coating, covered by transparent borosilicate hard glass, sealed with rubber gasket & retaining metal ring, long life & energy saving, solid state, 7 parallel circuit, ultra bright high glow red LED’s, color Red, max power consumption:24W, 235cd, input voltage: 150-300Vac, Suitable for low type-A lumens intensity applications. Cat Par No.:AOL/SE-24,Single Dome, Emitter life 1,00,000 hrs (11 Years) and new wire with PVC pipe)With materials (Specification: HG Wire two core 1.5 copper wire, Covering PVC Pipe up to switch board, (warrantee 02 years) Replacement of Aviation Obstruction Light Specification : HEAVY DUTY, HARD CLEAR GLASS COVER Cast alu.(LM-6) housing, weather proof IP65, painted with weather & heat proof yellow epoxy powder coating, covered by transparent borosilicate hard glass, sealed with rubber gasket & retaining metal ring, long life & energy saving, solid state, 7 parallel circuit, ultra bright high glow red LED’s, color Red, max power consumption:24W, 235cd, input voltage: 150- 300Vac, Suitable for low type-A lumens intensity applications. Cat Par No.:AOL/SE-24,Single Dome, Emitter life 1,00,000 hrs (11 Years) and new wire with PVC pipe)With materials (Specification: HG Wire two core 1.5 copper wire, Covering PVC Pipe up to switch board, (warrantee 02 years) Installation of Lightning Arrester&Earthing(Lightening arrester 1200 mm GI Rod with 5 Prongs ,Dia 15 mm , 4SWG GI connecting Wire Top to Ground , For earthing 3000 mm GI pipe ,Dia 50 mm, thickness 3.64 mm EmblemTATA Medium GI Pipe including roof top Tower Installation of Lightning Arrester& Earthing(Lightening arrester 1500 mm GI Rod with 5 Prongs ,Dia 15 mm ,Galvanized Connecting strip 20 mm X 3 mm all through each and every joint junction should be soldered from Top to Ground , For earthing 3000 mm GI pipe ,Dia 50 mm, thickness 3.64 mm EmblemTATA Medium GI Pipe as per diagram Painting with all materials: (i) Cleaning of rust and rubbing the total tower (use Methylated Sprit for Galvanized Tower).(ii) Nut-Bolts should be checked properly before Painting (iii) One coat of Primer and two coats of Enamel Paint (iv) Primer – Red lead (Make Murarka) (v) Paint – Asian/Berger (White and Deep Orange) and also cleaning the Tower surrounding area Dismantling of existing Tower Repairing/replacement of ladder with Painting by Iron angel (Four sides ) of SS Tower per meter as one unit any place from ground to top of the Tower (With all materials Thorough repairing and Painting of damagedTrilon Mast / Pipe Mast &Self Supported Tower (SS Tower) with all materials and labour charges (including repairing of all Base Foundation (4ft X 2ft X2ft concrete) and Super Structure properly with Lightening Arrester & Earthing alsoby repairing as needed nut & bolts with washers also) . Shifting & Reinstall the Tower ( The super structurewill be dismantled and to be re-installed by repairing& replace guys as needed with Steel wire ropes) Painting the Tower 05 (Five ) ft hight only from the ground : (i) Cleaning (for Galvanized Tower by Methylated sprit ) of rust and rubbing the Tower (ii) One coat of Primer and two coats of Enamel Paint (iii) Primer – Red lead (Make Murarka) (iv) Paint – Asian/Berger ( Deep Orange) and also cleaning the Tower surrounding area .