Construction Of Civil Infrastructure For Installation Of Biomedical Waste Management Equipment At Basudevpur Chc Under Joda Block In The District Of Keonjhar For The Year 2023-24.--- 1 Civil Work 2 Earthwork in excavation of foundation in hard soil or gravelly soil within 50m initiallead and1.5m, initial lift including shoring,shuttering, propping bullahs, piling,dewatering from foundation, with & working pumps & staking the excaveted materials away from the working areaincluding rough dressing the bed and foundation tranches to required size including cost, conveyance, taxes, cess, royalties of all materials, cost of all labour, T&P required for the work etc. complete as per specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge 3 Supplying and filling in foundationand plinths with sand well watered and compactedincluding cost of all materials, labour, conveyance, loading and unloading, taxes, cess, royalties, watering, sundries, tools and plants, etc., completeas per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 4 Providing and laying plain cement concrete (1:3:6)(using branded cement) in foundationusing 40 mm size hard crusher broken granite metal of approved quality from approved quarry including mixing, lowering, laying and compacting to proper thickness, watering and curing for the required period including cost of all material, labour, conveyance, loading and unloading, taxes,cess, royalties, scaffolding, watering, curing, sundries, tools and plants,etc. ,completeas per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 5 Providing and laying plain cement concrete (1:2:4)(using branded cement) in superstructure using 12 mm size hard crusher broken granite chips of approved quality from approved quarry including mixing, lowering, laying and compacting to proper thickness, watering and curing for the required period including cost of all material, labour, conveyance, loading and unloading, taxes, cess,royalties, scaffolding, watering, curing, sundries, tools and plants,etc. ,completeas per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 6 Providing lifting , hoisting and laying reinforced cement concrete of M 20 grade(using branded cement) to the following structural member or in places as shown in the drawing for all floors with 20 mm and down graded size hard crusher broken granite chips of approved quality from approved quarry including mixing and vibro compacting to proper shape and size, level and plumb and finishing the exposed surfaces smooth (if required by grouting / providing plaster with cement mortar 1:4 wherever necesary without any extra cost) scaffolding, including watering and curing for the required period including providing strong, rigid, levelled and plumbed centring and shuttering to required shape and size, for floors with wood/Steel centring materials, with all necessary bracing and ties and supports pockets for electrical conduits, pipes, PH pipes, for hooks or boxes, switchboards and insert plates, clamps and extension bars, etc, including dismantling the same after the required interval from the date of casting, includingcost of all materials, labour, conveyance, loading and unloading, taxes, cess, royalties, scaffolding, watering,curing, sundries. tools and plants etc. complete as per direction of the engineer-in-charge, but excluding cost of steel reinforcement. 7 i) R.C.C Column Base 8 ii) R.C.CPlinth Beam 9 iii) R.C.C Column & Beam 10 iv) R.C.C Lintel 11 v) R.C.C. Chajja 12 vi) R.C.C Window Sill Level 13 vii) R.C.C Slab 14 Supplying steel i.e. tor Steel / HYSD bars from primary producersuch as SAIL / Tiscon / RINL / JINDAL STEEL / SHYAM STEEL (grade Fe-500D) & of approved grade etc. includingstraightening, cutting, bending, binding, welding and jointing if necessary and tying the grills and placing in position as required for R.C.C. Work and providing fan hooks as required, hoisting, lowering, laying including cost, conveyances, taxes tor steel and binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge and labour required for the work for bending, binding and tying the grills in all floors with labour cess etc. (Linear measurement will be taken and quantity will be calculated on standard weight of tor steel / HYSD bars for all heights) complete as per specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 15 Providing 2.5cm thick Grading Concrete over roof slab with cement concrete (1:2:2)(Using Branded Cement) using 4.7mm size hard granite crusher broken chips and screened & washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the rough surface of roof slab including watering and curing with cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials with cost of all labour, labour cess and T&P required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 16 Fly Ash brick masonry in cement mortar (1:6)(Using Branded Cement) in foundation & plinth using Fly Ash bricks of 25x12x 8 cm size having a crushing strength of not less than 75 kg./sqcm with dimensional tolerance ± 2% including splays cutting circular moulding chamfering and corbelling and similar such type of works with all necessary projections watering and curing after immersing the bricks in water at least for six hours before use including cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials with all labour,labour cess and T & P required for the work complete in all respect as per specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 17 Providing Fly Ash brick masonry work in super structure using 25 X 12 X 8 cm (with dimensional tolerance of ± 2% ) Fly Ash bricks having crushing strength not less than 75 kg. / sq cm, mortar of mix 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand),(using branded cement) immersing the bricks for minimum 6 hrs in water before use, with all necessary projections, splay cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, etc., including cost of all materials, labour, conveyance, loading and unloading, taxes, cess, royalties, scaffolding, watering, curing, sundries, tools and plants,etc., completeas per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 18 Providing 16 mm thick cement plaster with cement mortar of mix (1:6) (Using Branded Cement) with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the inside rough surface of walls in all heights after racking out joints including watering and curing, rounding of corners, providing grooves or beads where ever necessary with cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials with cost of all labour,labour cess, T&P, and scaffolding required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 19 Providing 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand )(using branded cement) to outside surface / plumbed surface of masonry, raking out joints, scrapping and cleaning the surface and finishing the plastered surface smooth to proper plumb and levels and providing grooves or beads where ever necessary, including cost of all materials,labour, conveyance, loading and unloading, taxes, cess, royalties, scaffolding, watering. curing, sundries, tools and plants etc. completeas per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 20 2.5 cm A.S. flooring with cement concrete (1:2:4) including punning using 12 mm size c.b. granite chips with cost coveyance, royalities and taxes of all metirals and cost of all labour with T&P required for the work etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 21 Providing 6 mm thick cement plaster (1:4)(1 cement : 4 sand ) (using branded cement)to RCC surfaces finished smooth including closed deep chiping and slury treatment., raking out joints, scrapping and cleaning the surface and finishing the plastered surface smooth to proper plumb and levels and providing grooves or beads where ever necessary, including cost of all materials,labour, conveyance, loading and unloading, taxes, cess, royalties, scaffolding, watering. curing, sundries, tools and plants etc. completeas per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 22 Supplying, Fitting & Fixing M.S.Door, Window Grill/ M.S. Grill gatemade out of MS Angle (30x30x5) mm & MS Flat (19x5) mm size confirming to IS Specification fabricating Hold Fast with MS Angle (30x30x5)mm size of 150mm length bifurcated tips at top to be fixed on walls with Cement Concrete (1:3:6) including drilling holes in walls (2 nos each side) = 4 nos & priming the Verandah grill / grill gate with red oxide primer including cost ,conveyance, taxes of all material, labour ,cess required for the work completeas per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 23 Painting two coats with plastic emulsion paint over a coat of water bond cement primer to make an even finished surface in all floors and heights to wall surface of approved make and shade including sand papering, applying putty wherever necessary & cost of scaffolding, staging charges with cost, conveyance, cost of all labour,labour cess, T&P etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 24 Painting two coats withSynthetic enamel paint of approved quality and shade over a coat of primer (Red Oxide Primer) on surfaces as specified below (Steel Surface) to give an even shade with 2 coats of approved quality paint, including cost of all materials, labour, conveyance, taxes, cess, royalties, scaffolding. watering, curing, sundries. tools and plants, etc., complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 25 Finishing wall surface with painting two coats with Weather coat paint (1st quality) exterior grade over a coat of Cement Primer (Water based) of approved make & approved shade to make an even finished surface in all floors and heights with all scaffolding and staging charges including cost, conveyance, cess, taxes of all materials, cost of all labours, T & P, sundries etc. as required for the work complete in all respect as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.