Supply Of Surgical Disposable Suture Materials 2023 2024 2024 2025 , Absorbant Cotton Wool Net Weight500 Gm ( I.P.) , Absorbant Gauze With Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach - 90Cm X 18M - (F Ii Schedule ) , Absorbant Gauze Folded Bundle Of 5 - 2 X 2 With Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach(F Ii Schedule ) , Absorbant Lint 400 Gm , Absorbant Patty Pack Size 20 X 30 Mm.(Pack Of 10 Nos) , Adhesive Plaster I.P 2.5Cm X 9M , Adhesive Plaster I.P 10Cm X 9M , Adult Diper , Bandages 3 7.5Cm X 4M (F Ii Schedule ) , Bandages 4 10Cm X 4M(F Ii Schedule ) , Bandages 6 15Cm X 3M (F Ii Schedule ) , Brown Tape For O.T. Sealing Plastic Coated 4 Length 183 Mts , Cotton Buds Packet (Packet Of 50) , Cotton Roll For Patty Pack10 Cm X 3 Mtr 4 , Cotton For Patty Pack15 Cm X 3 Mtr 6 , Crape Bandage 4 ( Lenght 4 Mtr) , Crape Bandage 6 ( Lenght 4 Mtr) , Disposable Cap ( Surgeon ) , Disposable Foot Safty Gear , Disposable Mask ( Surgeon -3Ply ) , Elastoplast 4 ( Lenth 4/6 Mtr) , Gauze Dressing Impregnated With Paraffin, Containing 0.5% Chlorhexidine Acetate ( 10 Cmx 10 Cm ) ( Bactigrass) , Maternity Sanitary Pad/Napkin-Each Pad/Napkin Made From Compressed Cotton & Gauze Having Size 9 Long, 2.5 Width, 2 Thickness. Both End Having Knot & Weight 17-18Gm.Each.With Hygenic Comfort & High Absorbancy.-(Pkt Of 10Pads) , Micropoore Tape 1 ( Lenght 5 Mtr) , Micropoore Tape 1/2 ( Lenght 5 Mtr) , N-95 Mask , Opsite Adhesive Drape - Sterile (Incise Drape) Large Size 30Cms X 40 Cms , Opsite Adhesive Drape - Sterile (Incise Drape)Medium / Small Size , Paediatric Nappy Pad (Sanitary Pad)Small Size , Paediatric Nappy Pad (Sanitary Pad) Medium Size , Plaster Of Paris Bandages 4 Inch (10 Cm X 2.7 Mtr) , Plaster Of Paris Bandages 6 Inch (15 Cm X 2.7 Mtr) , Soft Cotton Roll 100Gm 4 , Soft Cotton Roll 100Gm 6 , Bard Truct Biopsy Needle (Lenght 10/16) , Disposable Needle No 22. 1& 1 1/2 , Disposable Needle No.26 Half Inch , Disposable Needle No.26- 1 , Disposable Needle No.26 -1.5 , Disposable Needle No.26 -2 , Disposable Needle No.27 Half Inch & One & Half Inch , Disposable Needle Sterile No. 18 , Disposable Needle Sterile No. 20, 21, 22 , Disposable Needle Sterile No. 23, 24 , Disposable Spinal Needle 27G , Disposable Spinal Needleno.23,24 Length 8.5 Cm To 10 Cm , Disposable Spinal Needle No.25 Length 8.5 Cm To 10 Cm , Scalp Vein Set No.22 , Disposible Bcg Syringewith Needle , Disposable Insulin Syringe 1Ml , Disposable Preheparinised Abg Syringe 2 Ml , Disposable Syringe 2 Ml , Disposable Syringe 2 Ml With 0.1 Ml Marking , Disposable Syringe 5 Ml , Disposable Syringe 5 Ml With 0.1 Ml Marking Leur Lock , Disposable Syringe 10 Ml , Disposable Syringe 10 Ml With 0.5 Ml Markingleur Lock , Disposable Syringe 20 Ml , Disposable Syringe 50Ml , Disposable Leur Lock Syringe 3 Ml , Cvp Cannula- 5 Fr , 7 Fr , I.V. Cannula Sterile No.16 , I.V. Cannula Sterile No.18 , I.V. Cannula Sterile No.20 , I.V. Cannula Sterile No.22 , I.V. Cannula Sterile No.24/ 25 , I.V. Cannula Sterile No.26 , Mtp Plastic Suction Cannula 8,10,12. , Disposable Suction Catheter Sterile 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 , Red Rubber Catheter 3 To 12 Size , Sterlise Folleys Catheter 14, 16 Size , Sterlise Folleys Catheter 18, 20, 22 Size , Sterlise Folleys Catheter 8, 10, 12 Size , Folleys Catheter Threeway 20, 22 , Disposable Abdominal Drain Kit No 20,. 28, 32 , Disposable Removable Drain Set Size 14 ,16 , Disposable Removable Drain Set Size 8, 10,12 , Disposible Corrugated Drain , Disposible Minivac Drain , Disposable Icd Tube Size 16,20,28,30,32 , Disposable Icd Bag , Disposable Infant Feeding Tube 5,6,7,8,9,10 , Disposable Ryles Tube No.12, 14, 16 , Disposable Tracheostomy Tube- 7Mm / 8 Mm (Portex) , Plastic Suction Tubbing (Transperant) , Blood Transfusion Sets , Infusion Sets With Airvent On The Set Itself (Non - Toxic Pvc Soft Transperant Tubing With Plastic Transperant Merphy Chamber) , Microdrip Sets(Non - Toxic Pvc Soft Transperant Tubing With Plastic Transperant Merphy Drip) , Silicon Tubing For Suction For Ent , Ventilater Filter (Inspiratory Bacteria Filter/ H.M.E Filter)----- Disposable , Ventilator Neonate Tubing For Baby Log Complete Set----- (Reusable) , Ventilator Tubing(Patient Circuit ) Adult----Disposable , Ventilator Tubing Autoclavable -Adult , Ventilator Tubing Autoclavable- Neonatal , Ventilator Tubing Autoclavable- Paediatric , B.P.Blade No.10, 11, 12, 15, 23, 24. (Pkts. Of 100) , B.P Apparatus (Mercurial Type) , B.P Apparatus (Mercurial Type) On Stand , B. P. Cuff With Ballon Only , Camera Cover For Laparoscopic Surgery , Central Line Double Lumen , Central Line Triple Lumen 7.5 Fr. , 5 Fr , Collagen Dressing , Crystaline Silver For Dressing 10Cm X10cm , Disposable Umbilical Cordclamp , Disposableplastic Appron For O.T. Use , Disposable B.D. Connector , Disposable 3 Way Stop Cock , Disposable Hiv Kit ( Apron Upto Ankle, Gloves, Goggle Zero No, Cap, Mask, Legin Guard Upto Knee, Hand Guard Upto Above Elbow, Drape, Gown.) , Disposable Hudson Chemberwith Nebulisation Mask.Adult , Disposable Hudson Chemberwith Nebulisation Mask.Paed. , Disposable Oxygen Prongs - Adult , Disposable Oxygen Prongs - Paediatric , Disposable Sterile Skin Stapler , Disposable Top Sheet6 X 3 Plain Poly Drape , Disposable Urine Bag , Dosiflow , Double J Stent 5F, 6F , Essential Irrigation Blade - 4.0 Mm ( Straight & Angled ) ( For Micro Debrider) , Foetal Doppler Moniter , Fumigation Machine , Gigli Saw Wire , Gloves Disposable Plastic , Gloves Disposablefree Powdersterile 6, 61/2 , 7, 71/2 Isi Mark Pairs , Glovesautoclavable Surgical 6, 61/2 , 7, 71/2 Isi Mark Pairs , Haemo Glucose Test Strip , Haemo Static Solution , Lead Apron For X Ray , Lead Curtainfor X Ray , Ligating Clip-200 ( For Laparoscopic Surgery ) , Ligating Clip-300 ( For Laparoscopic Surgery ) , Ligating Clip-400 ( For Laparoscopic Surgery ) , Macintosh Superior Quality , Nasal Pack With String 8.0 Cm X 1.5 Cm X 2.0 Cm ( Merocel) , Nebulizer , Needle Cutter With Burner , Oxygen Cylinder Carrier Trolly , Oxygen Flow Meter , Oxygen Hood , Paediatric Burrete Set Capacity 100Ml , Plastic Air Ways Different Size 0,1,2,3,4 , Ryles Tube Drain Bag , Skin Graffting Blade , Stethoscope Adult , Stethoscope Neonatal , Stehoscope Paediatric , Suction Machine - Electrically Operated With Two Bottles , T Piece , Thermometer Digital , Thermometer Rectal , Tonsil Snare Wire , Tubal Ligation Band. , Ventury Mask Set , Weight Machine- Adult Use( Upto 120 Kg) , Weight Machine With Pan Forpaediatricuse , Biological Steam Sterilization Indicator - Self Contained Vial Of Spore Strip B.Stereo- Thermophiius Population , Bowie Dick Test Pack For Monitoring Vaccum Formation In Autoclave Chamber , Process Steam Indicator Tape 3/4 Roll 1222-6N Comply 3M Comply Class 1,50Mtr 18Mmx55mm , Steam Chemical Indicator With Moving Front Chemical Integrators To Verify All Parameters Of Steam Sterilization I.E. Time , Temperature & Quality Of Steam , Alcohol Hand Rub Disinfectant Containging Ingradiates Benzalkonium Chone Ip 1% W/V + 1 Propunol 20% W/V + Macetromium Ethyl 500 Ml , Aldelyde Free Surface Disinfectants Containing Preparation Like Ethanol & Propanol For Disinfection Of Elect. Eqp. 500 Ml , Alkaline Glutarldehyde Disinfectant Solution 2.0% W/V With Activator - 5 Litrejar , Alongwith 10 Potency Testing Indicators , Anti Microbable & Body Wash Lotion For Prevention Of Skin Infection 500 Ml , Antiseptic Germicidal Solution (Chloroxynelone) 4.8% W/V + Terpineol 9% W/V 5 Litre , Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.3 % & Cetrimide 0.6 % 500 Ml , Concentrated Cold Sterilisor For Thermolabile And Thermostable Instrument 500 Ml , Disinfectant Non Toxic Having Ingredient Bonded Iodine Glytereldyde + Ipl + Surface Active Agent Ltr. , Ethyl Chloride Spray - 100 Ml Bottle , Eusol Liquid For Dressing 450 Ml , Formaldehyde Solution 4500 Ml. Bp , Gloves Powder (Purified Talc) 500 Gms , Hydrogen Peroxide 450Ml I.P. , Icthamol 10 % In Glycerine500ml Bottle , Instrument Lubricant Medicinal Paraffin Oil Along With Emulsifire Toxicologically Safe Accordance To Eniso 10993-1 400Ml Bottel , Lidocaine 10% Spray- 50 Ml Bottle , Lysol (Without Soap) 450 Ml. , Magnesium Sulphate Crystal 450Gm , Perasefe Powder For Laproscope Instrument - , Pottasium Permagnate 450Gm , Povidin Iodine Cleaning Lotion 7.5% W/V Availble Iodine 7.5% Scrub Lotion 500 Ml , Povidin Iodine Topical 0.5% W/V Available Iodine (500Ml. Bottle) Terpineol 9% V/W Ab Alcohol 13% 500 Ml , Sodium Hypochloride 5 Ltr. Jar , Solvent Ether 500Ml , Surface & Environmental Disinfectants Concentrate 0.5 To 2% For Fumigation Disinfection Of O.T. 500 Ml , Terpentine Solution For Maggots Removal X100ml , Tincture Benzoin 400 Ml , Ultrasonic Cleaning Solution Alkaline Cleaner Which Effectivally Removes Organic &Inorganic Soiled Reside 1Ltr Bott. , Potassium Mono Pursulfate / Potassium Hydrogen Sulfate / Potassium Sulfate Triple Saltsolution For Fumigation(500Gms) , Disposable Ecg Electrode , Ecg Jelly 250Gm , Ecg Rolls For B P L Make 6108 T Model , Ecg Rolls For B P L Make 6208 T Model80 Mm X 20 Mtrs Roll , Ultra Sonography Gelly 250Gm , Pulse Oximeter , Tissue Paper Pack Of 100 Papers , Ab Gel , Barbour Linen Thread No. 20 , Barbour Linen Thread No. 40 , Barbour Linen Thread No. 60 , Bone Wax , Braded Coated Polyglactin 910 With Antibacterial Coating 23Mm Reverse Cutting Needle (Port Needle) 35 Cm Length Size No 1 , Braded Coated Polyglactin 910 With Antibacterial Coating Triclosan Suture No. 1-0 1/2 Circle Round Body (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglactin 910 With Antibacterial Coating Triclosan Suture No. 2-0 1/2 Circle Round Body (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglactin 910 With Antibacterial Coating Triclosan Suture No. 3-0 1/2 Circle Round Body (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglactin 910 With Antibacterial Coating Triclosan Suture No. 4-0 1/2 Circle Round Body (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 1 1/2 Circle Round Body Length 90 Cm Needle 40 Mm Heavy(Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 1.0 Half Circle Needle Round Body ( Box Of 12 Foil) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 2.0 Half Circle Round Body Needle ( Box Of 12 Foil) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No.3.0 Half Circle Round Body Needle ( Box Of 12 Foil) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 5-0 Half Circle Round Body (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 1 Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acidsuture No. 1 - 0 Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No 2- 0 Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 3-0 3/8 Circle Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 4-01/2 Circle , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 4-0 3/8 Cutting Needle ( Box Of 12 Foil) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 6-0 Double Arm Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Braded Coated Polyglycolic Acid Suture No. 8-0 Double Armcutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Chromic Catgut No.1 Without Needle Length 150 Cm , Chromic Catgut With Needle 1-0 1/2 Circle Needle Length 76 Cm Needle 30 Mm (Box Of 12 Foils) , Chromic Catgut With Needle 2-0 3/8 Circle Needle Round Body Needle 30 Mm (Box Of 12 Foils) , Chromic Catgut With Needle 3-0 1/2 Circle Needle Round Body Length 70 Cm Needle 30 Mm(Box Of 12 Foils) , Ethilon Loop No. 1 , Ethilon Loop No. 1-0 , Monafilament Polymide Suture 1-0 1/2 Circle Round Body 150Cm 40Mm Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) Cutting Needle , Monafilament Polymide Suture 2-0 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting150cm 40Mm Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Monafilament Polymide Suture 3- 0 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 38Mm Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) Cutting Needle , Monofilamentpolymide No. 4 -0 Straight Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Monofilamentpolymide No. 8-0 Box Of 12 Foils. , Monofilamentpolymide No. 10-0 Box Of 12 Foils. , Monofilamentpolypropelene Mesh For Herniaplasty 3 Inches X 6 Inches , Monafilament Polypropelene Mesh For Herniaplasty-2 Inches X 4 Inches , Monafilament Polypropelene Mesh - 6 Inches X 6 Inches , Monafilament Polypropelene Suture No.1 Halfcircle Round Body Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Monafilament Polypropelene Suture 1-0Half Circle Round Body 10Cm 30Mm Heavy Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Monafilament Polypropelene Suture 2-0 Halfcircle Round Body 76Cm 30Mm Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Monafilament Polypropelene Suture 3-0 Halfcircle Round Body 70Cm 25Mm Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Monafilament Polypropelene Suture 4-0 Half Circle Round Body 70Cm Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Monafilament Polypropelene Suture 5-0Round Body(Box Of 12 Foils) , Monafilament Polypropelene Suture 6-0Round Body (Box Of 12 Foils) , Poliglecaprone 25 With Antibacterial With 26Mm 3/8 Cicle Cutting Needle Size 3-0/ 70 Mm Length , Suture Material Braded Silk No. 1 On Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Braded Silk No. 1-0 On Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Braded Silk No. 2-0 On Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Braded Silk No. 3-0 On Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Braded Silk No. 5-0 On Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Braded Silk Suture No.2-0 Half Circle Round Body Length 76Cm 30Mm Needle(Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Braded Silk Suture No.3-0 Halfcircle Round 30Mm Heavy 30Mm Needle(Box Of 12 Foils) , Sterilised Surgical Suture Catgut Cromic(Pre-Knotted Loop Ligature) , Topical Tissue Adhesive(N-Butyl-2-Cynoacrylate) , Titanized Polypropelene Mesh(10Cmx15cm) , Titanized Polypropelene Mesh(15Cmx15cm) , Titanized Polypropelene Mesh(20Cmx15cm) , Disposable Eye Drape With Pouch (110 X 70Cm) With Sterilization Indicator , Disposable Eye Pads ( 6 Cm X 8 Cm) , Dissection Blade (Crecent) , Entry Blade 2.8Mm , Entry Blade 3.2Mm , Fibrin Sealant Kit I.P. ( Glue )( Fibrinogen 70 Mg/Ml - Component 1 & Thrombin Preparation - Component 2) , Foldable Hydrophilic Acrylicposterior Chamber Intraocular Lenses 6 By 12 Mm P-Hemawith 25% Water Content.(With Disposable Injector System From +10 To +26 Dioptre. +18 To +22D( 500N0s. ) And Rest In Equally Divided No.) , Mvr Blade , Pmma Posterior Chamber Intra Ocular Lenses 6 By 12.5 Mm ,Single Piece, Biconvex, Uv Absorbing Optic (+ 10 To + 28 Diopters, + 16 To + 24 ) , Phaco Sleeves Compatiblefor Alcon Laureate Phacoemulsification Machine , Phaco Sleeves Compatiblefor Opticonphacoemulsification Machine , Phaco Needle Ultrasonic Tip 30 Deegree Kelman Type Foroptikon Phacoemulsification Machine , Phaco Needle Ultrasonic Tip 15 Deegree Foroptikon Phacoemulsification Machine , Phaco Needle Ultrasonic Tip 30 Deegree Kelman Type For Alcon Laureate Phacoemulsification Machine , Phaco Needle Ultrasonic Tip 45 Deegree Kelman Type For Alcon Laureate Phacoemulsification Machine , Phaco Tubing External Foralcon Laureate Phacoemulsification Machine (Disposable) , Phaco Tubing External Foroptikon Phacoemulsification Machine , Silicon Intubation Nasal Set 7.5Mm , Test Chamber Optikon Phacoemulsification Machine , Test Chamberfor Alcon Laureate Phacoemulsification Machine , Trolly Drapes Disposible(100X75cm) With Sterilization Indicator , Vitrctomy Cutter (Autoclavable Pneumatic Gullitone) For Optikon Phacoemulsification Machine , Vitrctomy Cutter For Alcon Laurette Phacoemulsification Machine , White Protective Goggles After Cataract Surgery , Thermal Gun , Isofluren Solution 250 Ml , Sevoflurane Soln 250Ml , Ambu Bag With Mask, Adult (Silicon) , Ambu Bag With Mask, Neonatal(Silicon) , Ambu Bag With Mask, Paediatric(Silicon) , Armourdcuff Tubes (F.G.)24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40 (Set Of.9) , Baincircuit Adult , Jackson Rees Circuit - Paeditric , Cavafix 14,16 Gaze(70Cms) , Cvp Monitoring Sets , Disp. Epidural Catheterplain , Disp. Nasal Oxygen Cannula , Disp. Rae Tube Oral Cuffed No. 5 To 10 South Pole (Set Of 11) , Disp. Rae Tube Uncuffed No. 3 To 6 North Pole (Set Of 7) , Disp.Double Lemen Tube Lt Side 26,28,32,37, 39(Set Of 5) , Disp.Double Lemen Tube Rt Side26,28,32,37, 39(Set Of 5) , Disp.Oxygen Face Mask-- Adult , Disp.Oxygen Face Mask With Nebulisation Chamber , Disposable Oxygen Mask --Paediatric , Disposible Epidural Catheter System One 16G & 18 G , Disposible Epidural Catheter System Two 16G & 18 G , Disposableendotrachial Cuff Oral Pvcsize 2 To 4 , Disposable Endotrachial Cuff Oral Pvc Size 4.5 To 6 , Disposable Endotrachial Cuff Oral Pvcsize 6.5,To 10 , Disposable Endotrachial Plain Oral Pvc Size 2 To 6.5 , Etco2 Connecting Tubing , Etco2 Water Trap , Gel Head Rings Adult , Gel Head Ringspaeditric , Gel Horseshoe Head Rings , Intubating Bougie , I.V. Extension Tubing10 Cms , I.V. Extension Tubing100 Cms , Laryngeal Mask Airway 1, 1.5 ,2,2.5,3,4, , Lma Supreme Size 3 ,4 ,5 ( Set Of 3 ) , Red Rubber Endotrachial Tube Plain Size 2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,5.5,6,6.5 , Red Rubber Endotrachial Tube Cuff Oral Size 5,5.5,6,6.5(Set Of 4) , Red Rubber Endotrachial Tube Cuff Oral Size7, 7.5 8 (Set Of 3) , Red Rubber Endotrachial Tube Cuff Oral Size 8.5 , 9,9.5,10 (Set Of 4) , Sodalime For Drager Anaesthesia Work Station - 5 Litre , Frova Ventilating Bougie , Pns Needles Disposable For Nerve Blocks 5, 7.5 Cm , Pressure Tubing (Arterial Extension ) 10 Cm , Iv Catheter For Arterial Cannulation (20G/22G) (Ex-Vygon) , I.V. Extension Tubing50 Cms , Lignocaine Viscous 2% Syrup , Digital Bp Intrument , Acetonesol 500 Ml , Single Piece Foldable Hydrophobic Acrylic Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens , Anterior Chamber Intraocular Lens (Pmma) , Iris Claw Lens , Conformer , Silocon Frontalis Sling , Bandage Contact Lens , Corneal Trephines (Disposable) , Double Armed 10-0 Prolene Suture With Straight Needle , Mini Monoka Canalicular Stent , Polyethylene Non Toxic Material Size 24X7 Gauge 259Sm Amniosac Bag , Suture Material Non Absorbable Polypropeleneno. 3-0 Onreverse Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Non Absorbable Polypropeleneno. 5-0 Onreverse Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Non Absorbable Polypropeleneno. 4-0 Onreverse Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Non Absorbable Polypropeleneno. 6-0 Onreverse Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Absorbable Vicrylno. 5-0 Onreverse Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Suture Material Absorbable Vicrylno. 4-0 Onreverse Cutting Needle (Box Of 12 Foils) , Sterile Hemocoagulase Solution 0.2 Cu (10 Ml) , Roller Gauze½ X 150 Mm Made Out Of F Ii Seduled Gauze 3 Folded & Rolled As Per Sample , Roller Gauze 5 X 160 Mm Made Out Of F Ii Seduled Gauze 4 Cotton Wool I.P , Cotton Loger Surrounded By Gauze &Rolled As Per Sample , 100 % Powder Free Latex, Pu Coated, Gama Radiated Gloves Having Endotoxin <7Eu/G Ce & Astm03577 Certified. , Ligation Clips Titanium Medium Size For Use With Open & Endoscopic Single Clip Applicator - 6 Clips In White Cartidge , Ligation Clips Titanium Medium Large Size For Use With Open & Endoscopic Single Clip Applicator - 6 Clips In Green Cartidge , Ligation Clips Titanium Large Size For Use With Open & Endoscopic Single Clip Applicator - 6 Clips In Yellow Cartidge , Absorbable Unidirectional Knotless Tissue Control Device, Symmetric Anchoring Pattern With 5 Anchors/Cm, Triclosan Coated Polydioxanone With Fixation Tab, Size1, 48Mm ½ Circle Taper Point - Needle, 45Cm , Calcium Alginate Dressing With Haemostatic & Exudate Management Capability Composed Of 80% Calcium & 20% Sodium Ions With Glucuronic & Mannuronic Acid In The Ratio 2:1 (Size-10 Cm X 10 Cm , Calcium Alginate Dressing With Haemostatic & Exudate Management Capability Composed Of 80% Calcium & 20% Sodiumions With Glucuronic & Mannuronic Acid Inlthe Ratio 2:1 (Size-15 Cm X 15 Cm) , Absorbent Polyurethane Foam Dressing For Moderate To Highly Exuding Wounds, Patented Silver Profile With Sustained Release Of Silver During The Entire Wear Time (Up To7 Days), Unique 3D Foam Structure For Superior Absorption,Water Proof And Bacterial Proof Semi-Permeable Polyurethane Top Film (Size-10 Cm X 10 Cm) , Absorbent Polyurethane Foam Dressing For Moderate To Highly Exuding Wounds, Patented Silver Profile With Sustained Release Of Silver During The Entire Wear Time (Up To7 Days), Unique 3D Foam Structure For Superior Absorption,Water Proof And Bacterial Proof Semi-Permeable Polyurethane Top Film (Size-15 Cm X 15 Cm) , Esmarche Bandage 6 Inch , Esmarche Bandage 4 Inch , Sterile Surgical Marker Pen , Loban Large (Sterile Adhesive Drape Impregnated With Iodine) , Stockinette Large , Knee O Drape , Sterile Cautery Pencil , Cutasept , Tourniquet Machine , Autoclavable Tourniquet , Hip U Drape , Tourniquet Cuffs Set , Face Shields , Dry Collagem Sheets 5*5 Cm(100Box) , Dry Collagem Sheets 10*10 Cm , Disposable Biopsy Punch 3Mm , Disposable Biopsy Punch 4Mm , Disposable Biopsy Punch 5Mm , Gel Foam 1*1 Cm (Box Of 4 X 20) , Perfluorodecalin Powder (Pfd) (100Gm) , Platelet Rich Plasma Tubes (15Ccplain Sterile Plastic Tubes) , Platelet Rich Plasma Tubes With Acd (10Cc Sterile Plastic Tubes With Acd) , Transperent Strech Adhesive Bandage Tape (5Cmx5m) , Tegaderm (6Cm X 7Cm) Transperent Film , Transpore Surgical Tape 1 (Length 5 Mtr) , Glass Syringe 5Ml , Glass Syringe 10Ml , Desflurane Solution , Radial Artery Catheter Pe 20Gm 8Cm. Kit Must Bls Valve And Visualisation Chember To Avoid Blood Exposure To Air And Prevent From Needle Stick Injury. Device Must Support In Confirmation Of Arterial Puncture. , Set For Epidural Anaesthesia, 19G L-90Cm Radiopaque Line Polyrethane Cathter With Closed With Three Lateral Eyes With Easylock Connector And Catheterguide, 17G L-90Mm Touhy Needle With Metal Stylet & Transperent Hub., 0.22 Micron Meter Flat Filter, 10 Ml Syringe , Duel Guidance Needle Which Can Be Used For Nerve Locator With Nerve Stimulator And Ultrasonic Guided. Insulation Must Be Over The Complete Needle Till The Tip. 20 Degree Back Cut Bevel For Better Isertation Control. It Should Be Smooth Coating Eith Glass Beads For The Better Visibility Under Usg. Size -25Mm,35Mm,50Mm,85Mm,100Mm,120Mm. , Duel Guidance Needle Which Can Be Used For Nerve Locator With Nerve Stimulator And Ultrasonic Guided. Insulation Must Be Over The Complete Needle Till The Tip. 20 Degree Back Cut Bevel For Better Isertation Control. It Should Be Smooth Coating Eith Glass Beads For The Better Visibility Under Usg. Size -25Mm,35Mm,50Mm,85Mm,100Mm,120Mm. , Epimatic Syringe For Automatic Detation Of Epidural Space , Double Duct Silicon Oxygenated Bougie Bo Signac For Difficult Intubation (Cormack Superior To 2)With Decompressed Opening With No Risk Of Barotrauma,Allows Oxygention (Upto 15Ltr/Min),Length- 60Cm,Marking Every- 10Cm,Angle-40 Degree (Ce Certified,Fda Approved) , Spinal Needle 22G 15Cm , Whitacare Spinal Neele 25G 12Cm , Closed Circuit Silicon Tubings With Reservoir Bag- Adult , Closed Circuit Silicon Tubings With Reservoir Bag- Peadiatric , Reservoir Bags 2L , Reservoir Bags 1L , Reservoir Bags 500Ml , Absorbable Unidirectional Knotless Tissue Control Tissue Control Device, Symmetric Anchoring Pattern With 5 Anchors/Cm,Triclosan Coated Polydioxanone With Fixation Tab,Size 1-0,36Mm 1/2 Circle Taper Point Needle,45 Cm , Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Based Topical Absorbable Hemostat,Structured Non-Woven Material Powder Form,With Bactericidal Property. Ease Of Use In Both Open And Minimally Invasive Procedures. Approved By Us Fda 3 Gm , Absorbable Adhesion Barrier In The Form Of Off-White Knitted Fabric Prepared By Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Indicated For Both Open And Laparoscopic Procedures , Gynecare Tran Vaginal Tape Device Intended To Use As A Pubo Urethral Sling For Treatment Of Stress Urinary Incontinence For Female , Two-Point Absorbable Fixation Device For Lap Hernia Repair. Trigger Squeeze Mechanical Device With Straight Cannula,Pre Loaded With 25 Absorbable Strapeswhich Are Made Of A Blend Of Polydiaxanone Dyed With D&C Voilet No.2 And L(-)-Lactic/Gloycolide Copolymer.Inserted Lenght Of Strap Should Be 6.7 Mm , Tissue Seperating Multilayer Mesh For Intra Abdominal Open And Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair. Soft Polypropylene Mesh Clubbed With Polydiaxanone Layer And Has Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose On Visceral Side (Size-15Cm X 15Cm) , Wound Hb Spray Medicated Liquid , Aquacel Ag + Plus Extra 10X10 Cm Specification- Hydrofiber Dressing With 1.2% W/W Impregnated Ionic Silver 10Cmx10cm , Aquacel Ag + Plus Extra 15X15 Cm Specification- Hydrofiber Dressing With 1.2% W/W Impregnated Ionic Silver 15Cmx15cm , Aquacel Ag Surgical 9X30cm Specification- Hydrofiber Dressing With 1.2% W/W Impregnated Ionic Silver & Triple Hydrocolloid Matrix 9X30cm Dressing , Aquacel Ag Surgical 9X25cm Specification- Hydrofiber Dressing With 1.2% W/W Impregnated Ionic Silver & Triple Hydrocolloid Matrix 9X25cm Dressing , Advance Wound Care Device (Endoform Ecm) It Should Come As Natural Dermal Template High Flow 5Cm X 5Cm & 10Cm X 12.7Cm And Antimicrobialdermal Template High Flow 5Cm X 5Cm & 10Cm X 12.7Cm , Advance Deep Tissue Wound Care Device (Myriad Soft Tissue Matrix) It Should Come As Thin 5 X 5 Cm , Seriderm A Non-Adherent Absorbent Wound Dressing It Should Come In Sizes Of 5Cmx5cm & 10Cm X 10Cm As A Sterile Dressing , Ablecate (Cvc) Specification (Size 4.5Fr,5.5Fr,7Fr,8.5Fr) Cvc With Straigth &Y Needle Available,Nitinol Gudie Wire,Three Brushes For Cleaning,Two Type Of Sutures,Tray For Keeping Betadine Or Normal Saline,Cotton Plug ,Gauge Piece,Surgical Drape With Central Hole,Pair Of Powder Free Hand Gloves , Hdc Specification Hdc With Straigth And Curve Lumen Available,Nitinol Gudie Wire,Three Brushes For Cleaning Two Types Of Sutures Trai For Keeping Betadine Or Normal Saline Cotton Plug Gauge Piece Surgical Drape With Central Hole, Pair Of Powder Free Hand Gloves , 3*44 Cm Ribbin Of Calcium Alginate Dressing With 65-75% Guluronic Acid Unique Structure Of Calcium Alginate And Cmc Molecules Intertwined In String Resulting In Local Vertical Absorption For Manangng Sloughy Wounds With Cavity , 15*15 Cm Non Adhesive Antimicrobial Highly Absorbant Foam Dressing With Polyurethane Top Layer Which Is Waterproof And Bacteriaproof Semi Permeable Release Profile Iconic Silver Upto Seven Days And Kills >99.9% Of The Tested Bacteria And Fugi For Up To 7 Days Unique 3D Fit Foam To Fill Gap By Conforms Upto 2 Cm To Wound Bed For Superior Absorption For Managing High To Moderate Exuding Infected Chronic Wounds , 10*10 Cm Adhesive Antimicrobial, Highly Absorbent Foam Dressing With Semi Pemeable Polyurethane Top Layer Which Water Proof And Bacteriaproof Patented Released Profile Of Iconic Silver Upto 7 Days And Kills >99.9% Of The Tested Bacteria Nad Fungi For Upto 7 Day Unique 3D Fit Foam To Fill Gap By Conforms Upto 2 Cm To Wound Bed For Superior Absorption For Managing High To Moderate Exuding Infected Chronic Wounds , 17*17 Cm Highly Absorbent Polyurathane Foam Dressing With Hydrocolloid Adhesive Border For Moderate To Highly Exuding Wounds Unique 3D Fit Foam Structure (Conforms To The Wound Bed,Absorbs Vertically,Retains Exudate)For Superior Absorption , Waterproof And Bacteria Proof Semi Permeable Polyurethane Top Film,Uniquely Shaped Design With Grooves To Ensure Close Fit To Rectum With Dual Positioning , 15 Gm Hydrogel Consisting Of Natural Ingredients Such As 96 % Highly Purified Water, Sodium Carboxy Methylcellulose And Calcium Alginate Without Any Additives For Effective And Gentle Autolytic Debridement Of Necrotic Tissue Dry And Sloughy Necrotic Wound , Sterile Dehydrated Human Amnion Chorion Membrane Allograft , Sterile Dehydrated Human Amnion Chorion Membrane Allograft With 0.5% Polyhexamethylene Biguanide , Sterile Dehydrated Human Amnion Chorion Membrane Allograft With 0.5% Polyhexamethylene Biguanide , Sterile Dehydrated Human Amnion Chorion Membrane Powder With 0.5% Polyhexamethylene Biguanide , Sterile Dehydrated Human Amnion Umbilical Cord Derived Membrane Allograft , Silk Protein Based Sterile Surgical Pu Foam Dressing (20Cm X20cm Adhesive) , Silk Protein Based Antimicrobial Wound Healing Ointment Loaded With Asiaticoside And Silver 25Gm , Silk Protein And Nano Silver Based Microbial Sterile Surgical Wound Dressing Dusting Powder 100Gm Bottle , Centella Asiatica Extract Based Skin Moisturization And Antiscar Gel 30 Gm / Ml , Silk Protein Based Sterile Surgical Particle Wound Dressing 10Ml Vial , Silk Protein And Antimicrobial Nanosilver Based Sterile Surgical Particle Wound Dressing 10 Ml Vial , Silk Protein And Nanocrystalline Silver Based Sterilenon Adherent Antimicrobial Gauze Dressing 10X10 Cm , Silk Protein And Nanocrystalline Silver Based Sterilenon Adherent Antimicrobial Gauze Dressing 10X25 Cm , Silk Protein And Asiaticoside And Povidone Iodine Based Broad Spectrum Topical Antiseptic And Antimicrobial Wound Healing Ointment 100Gm , Papain Urea And Silk Protein Based Wound Debriding Ointment And Cream 50 Gm , Amorphous Silver And Silk Protien Hydrogel Wound Dressing 100Gm , Adhesive 4 Layer Foam And Hydrofibre Dressing With Viral Bacterial Barrier Polyurethane Top Layer With 1.2% Impregnated Ionic Silver And Gel Foaming Technology 10X10 Cm , Adhesive 4 Layer Foam And Hydrofibre Dressing With Viral Bacterial Barrier Polyurethane Top Layer With 1.2% Impregnated Ionic Silver And Gel Foaming Technology 21X21 Cm , Adhesive 4 Layer Foam And Hydrofibre Dressing With Viral Bacterial Barrier Polyurethane Top Layer With 1.2% Impregnated Ionic Silver And Gel Foaming Technology 17.5X17.5 Cm , Quill Pdo 2 Violet 20Cm Ct-1Tapper Point Half Circle 36 Mm Unidirectional , Quill Pdo 2 Violet 45Cm Ct-1Tapper Point Half Circle 36 Mm Unidirectional , Bakri Balloon , Absorbable Unidirectional Knotless Tissue Control Tissue Control Device, Symmetric Anchoring Pattern With 5 Anchors/Cm,Triclosan Coated Polydioxanone With Fixation Tab,Size 2-0,36Mm 1/2 Circle Taper Point Needle,45 Cm , Suction Cannula No. 20 (Tip Suction) , Picc Line (Polyurethane Catheter With Stylet) For Premature Babies, G-28, L- 20Cm, Fr-1, Integrated Extension Tube 8 Cm, With Splitting Needle (Fda Approved) , Picc Line (Polyurethane Catheter) For Premature Babies, With Peelable Cannula, Easy Lock, G-24, L- 30Cm, Fr-2 (Fda Approved) , Pe Neonatal Heat Loss Prevention Bag. Polyethylene Double Layer Occlusive Suit With Pre-Shaped Foam Cushion With Adjustable Hood To Prevent Heat Loss. Made Up Of Polyethelyne, Inner Layer 30 Micron, Outer Layer 50 Micron. Velcro Closure Above Chest For Easy Intervention. Size - Small, Medium And Large , Pur Umbilical Artery Catheter Radiopaque And Transparent With Pe 2 Way Stop Cock With Two Colour Code. Size Fr-2.5 Length-30 Cm Numerical Marking From 4 To 25Cm. , Pur Umbilical Artery Catheter Radiopaque And Transparent With Pe 2 Way Stop Cock With Two Colour Code. Size Fr- 3.5 Length-30 Cm Numerical Marking From 4 To 25Cm. , Paediatric Double Lumen Polyurethane Cvc Line, 3 Fr, L- 6Cm, 10Cm,15Cm, , Surfactant Delivery Tube Semi-Rigid Bendable 20Cm 6Fr, 2Cm Black Color Distal Tip With 30 Degree Angle To Ensure Accuracy And Ease Of Placement , Triple-Lumen Vascular Access Device Lumen With 2 Anti-Reflux Valve And 1 Without Anti Reflux Which Allow Administration Of Multiple Simultaneous Infusions. Pur Extension Length 8Cm. , Paediatric 1.2 Micron Charged Polysulphon 24 Hr Tpn Filter, Air Eliminating Filter- Flow Rate-136Ml/Min , Single Lumen Peripheral Catheter In Polyurethane For Short To Mid Term Peripheral Venous Access (Up To 29 Days). Compatible With Pressure Injection. This Catheter Is Inserted By Seldinger Technique. Peel-Pouch Containing: • 1Polyurethane Catheter With Integrated Extension Line And Rounded Tip 2Fr 20Cm(22G) 1 Puncture Needle 21G - 4.5Cm • 1 Nitinol J Guidewire(0.46Mm) 50 Cm • 1 Green Sticker “Midline Peripheral // Max Xml/S, Max. Xxx Psi (Xx , Ecg Roll Mindray Model Bebe Heart R3 , Laryngoscope With Blade Adult , Laryngoscope With Blade Pead , Laryngoscope With Blade Neonatal , Nasal Prongs Neonatal , Ecg Roll For Machine Make Of Nihon Kodean Series 3150 , Ecg Roll For Nst Machine Make Of Bionet Fc 1400