
Bids Are Invited For Turnkey Lab Work Chemistry Lab Furniture , Biology Lab Furniture , Physics Lab Furniture , Physics Lab Equipment , Chemistry Lab Equipment , Chemistry Lab Chemicals , Biology Lab Equipment , Biology Lab Chemicals Total Quantity : 8, East Siang-Arunachal Pradesh

Department Of Defence has published Bids Are Invited For Turnkey Lab Work Chemistry Lab Furniture , Biology Lab Furniture , Physics Lab Furniture , Physics Lab Equipment , Chemistry Lab Equipment , Chemistry Lab Chemicals , Biology Lab Equipment , Biology Lab Chemicals Total Quantity : 8. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-05-2023. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in East Siang Arunachal Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Turnkey Lab Work Chemistry Lab Furniture , Biology Lab Furniture , Physics Lab Furniture , Physics Lab Equipment , Chemistry Lab Equipment , Chemistry Lab Chemicals , Biology Lab Equipment , Biology Lab Chemicals Total Quantity : 8
Open Tender
Arunachal Pradesh
East Siang

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Turnkey Lab Work Chemistry Lab Furniture , Biology Lab Furniture , Physics Lab Furniture , Physics Lab Equipment , Chemistry Lab Equipment , Chemistry Lab Chemicals , Biology Lab Equipment , Biology Lab Chemicals ---Modular Island Workbench with 4 base cabinets(1 Drawer 2 shutters 4 nos.)with 4 nos of Sink & tap and 2 nos of Double Tier Reagent Rack consisting of 16/6 Amp electrical switches and sockets with granite top 2. Glass Shutter Full Height cabinet : Made of epoxy powder coated 18 gauge sheet, Dimension-900 mm W x 485 mm D x 1950 mm H 2 SET 3. Glass Shutter Over Head cabinet : Made of epoxy powder coated 18 gauge sheet, Dimension-600 mm W x 400 mm D x 600 mm H 2 SET 4. Demonstration Table without base cabinet Tabletop: 18 +/- 2 mm thick well-polished Jet Black Granite with half round nosing, acid-resistant, alkali-resistant Material of Construction for Work Bench: Made of 30 sqmm hollow pipe with cover and side panel of 1mm thick CRC Sheet. Interior & Exterior will be provided with a powder-coated finish.(50- 70Microns) Table Dimension-900mm W*600 mm D*750 mm H 5 A. LPG Pipeline Connection 6. Internal Water Pipeline Connection- for Labs 1. PVC Pipe 25 mm for Water Inlet 2. PVC Pipe 75 mm for Water Outlet 3. Individual Water connection to all the sinks. Total - 65 rft (approx) 1 SET 7. Internal Electrical Connection - 2.5 sqm cable (ISI mark) cover with flexible pipe & PVC Casing from inside of lab 8. Modular Island Workbench with 4 base cabinets(1 Drawer 2 shutters 4 nos.)with 2 Sink & tap and 2 nos of Double Tier Reagent Rack consisting of 16/6 Amp electrical switches and sockets with granite top. 9. Glass Shutter Full Height cabinet : Made of epoxy powder coated 18 gauge sheet, Dimension-900 mm W x 485 mm D x 1950 mm H 2 SET 10. Glass Shutter Over Head cabinet : Made of epoxy powder coated 18 gauge sheet, Dimension-600 mm W x 400 mm D x 600 mm H 2 SET 11. Demonstration Table without base cabinet Tabletop: 18 +/- 2 mm thick well-polished Jet Black Granite with half round nosing, acid-resistant, alkali-resistant Material of Construction for Work Bench: Made of 30 sqmm hollow pipe with cover and side panel of 1mm thick CRC Sheet. Interior & Exterior will be provided with a powder-coated finish.(50- 70Microns) Table Dimension-900mm W*600 mm D*750 mm H 1 SET 12. Internal Water Pipeline Connection- for Labs 1. PVC Pipe 25 mm for Water Inlet 2. PVC Pipe 75 mm for Water Outlet 3. Individual Water connection to all the sinks. Total - 55 rft (approx) 1 SET 13. Internal Electrical Connection - 2.5 sqm cable (ISI mark) cover with flexible pipe & PVC Casing from inside of lab. 14. Modular Island Workbench with 4 base cabinets(1 Drawer 2 shutters 4 nos.)with 4 electrical raceway consisting of 16/6 Amp electrical switches and sockets with granite top. (MCB Socket Make : Havells/Anchor / North-West / Norysis) Table top: 18 +/- 2 mm thick well-polished Jet Black Granite with half round nosing, acid-resistant, alkali-resistant 15. Glass Shutter Full Height cabinet : Made of epoxy powder coated 18 gauge sheet, Dimension-900 mm W x 485 mm D x 1950 mm H 2 SET 16. Glass Shutter Over Head cabinet : Made of epoxy powder coated 18 gauge sheet, Dimension-600 mm W x 400 mm D x 600 mm H 2 SET 17. Demonstration Table without base cabinet Tabletop: 18 +/- 2 mm thick well-polished Jet Black Granite with half round nosing, acid-resistant, alkali-resistant Material of Construction for Work Bench: Made of 30 sqmm hollow pipe with cover and side panel of 1mm thick CRC Sheet. Interior & Exterior will be provided with a powder-coated finish.(50- 70Microns) Table Dimension-900mm W*600 mm D*750 mm H 1 SET 18. Internal Electrical Connection - 2.5 sqm cable (ISI mark) cover with flexible pipe & PVC Casing from inside of lab. 19. CH 112/3 BEAKER Graduated B.G. 250ml 6 20. Polylab 11104 Beaker 250 ml 1 21. Polylab 80034 Measuring Cylinder 100 ml (Hexagonal) 1 22. EI 002/2 BATTERY ELIMINATORS (Superior Quality) DC 2-12V DC 2Amp 4 23. EI 031/1 PN JUNCTION DIODE APPARATUS (Semi Conductor Diode App.) Complete kit with two meters on board (Superior). 1 24. EI 053/1 ZENER DIODE CHARACTERISTICS APPARATUS Completer kit with two meters on board (Superior) 1 25. PH 002/3 AMMETER (EDM-80) SQUARE Dial Moving Coil DC with Desk Stand Range 0-1.5Amp. 3 26. PH 002/3 AMMETER (EDM-80) SQUARE Dial Moving Coil DC with Desk Stand Range 0-3Amp. 1 27. PH 081/4 Digital Barometer / Altimeter / Compass (3 In 1) 1 28. LKPH 006/3A BALANCE PHYSICAL (Cap 250Gm), 7 Stone, Teak Wood, Superior Quality 1 29. PH 023 WOODEN BLOCK With Hook Rectangular Size 100x75x15mm. 1 30. PH 024/1 BOB WITH HOOK (Used in simple Pendulum Experiment) Brass Dia 12mm. 2 31. PH 024/2 BOB WITH HOOK (Used in simple Pendulum Experiment) Brass Dia 18mm. 33. PH 026/B BOYLES LAW APP. (EXPORT PATTERN) Oil Filled. 1 34. PH 043 CONSTANTAN WIRE / RESISTANCE WIRE (100gm). 1 35. PH 044/B LENS (EXACT FOCAL LENGTH) DIA 2 FL 15cm Concave Lens (Exact) 4 36. PH 045/B LENS (EXACT FOCAL LENGTH) DIA 2 FL 15cm Convex Lens (Exact) 4 37. PH 046/1 CONVEX MIRROR F.L.15cm Dia 50mm 4 38. PH 047/1 CONCAVE MIRROR F.L.15cm Dia 50mm 4 39. PH 053/2 COPPER WIRE (DCC Wire) Double Cotton Covered for connections 500gm. 1 40. PH 058/1 CYLINDER SOLID (Metal) 38mm Aluminium 2 41. PH 062 DANIEL CELL (Complete) Includes Copper Pot Empty Porous Pot & Zinc Rod. 1 42. PH 072/1 DRAWING BOARD (Superior Quality Soft Wood) 12x18. 2 43. PH 084/3 GALVANOMETER (DC with Stand) 30-0-30 EDM-80 (SQUARE). 2 44. PH 087/2 GLASS PRISM; Equilateral 60x60x60°, 50mm (Superior Quality) 4 45. PH 089/3 GLASS SLAB (English Glass) 100x60x18 mm. 2 46. PH 097/2 HOOKS LAW APPARATUS with weights Big Size. 1 47. PH 103/2 INCLINED PLAIN (without weights) 100mm with Roller & Pan Superior Quality. 1 48. PH 112/2 IRON STAND (with Clamp & Boss Head) 7x5 Sheet Metal (RETORT STAND) Superior Quality with Dipress Clamp & Bosshead 1 49. PH 112/2/C IRON STAND with optical pin & bosshead 1 50. PH 123 LECLANCHE CELL (Complete) Includes Filled Porous Pot Zinc Rod & Plastic Jar (Without Chemicals). 1 51. PH 126 LENS HOLDER Wooden V Shaped 2 52. PH 143/5 METER BRIDGE (Wheatstone Bridge) Heavy Sunmica Base To Avoid Bending (Pencil Jockey) 2 53. PH 145/2 METER SCALE ONE meter Superior Quality (Wooden). 2 54. PH 145/4 METER SCALE Half meter Superior Quality (Wooden). 4 55. PH 149/A MIRROR STRIP 4x1 with Plastic Stand. 2 56. PH 151/3 MULTIMETER Digital (Imported) Superior Quality. 1 57. PH 162/1 OPTICAL BENCH (Metal Double Rod) Brass Pipe 1meter Long (Half Shaper Riders). 58. PH 166/2 PARALLELOGRAM APPARATUS (Gravesand Apparatus) Provided With Three Slotted Weights Of 250gms & Two Z-pulley Stand Type (Wooden) 59. PH 176/2 PLUG KEY, One Way with ½ brass block, Superior Quality 3 60. PH 176/4 PLUG KEY, Two Way with ½ brass block, Superior Quality 2 61. PH 185/1&13 POTENTIOMETER One meter long wooden board equipped with brass strips on sunmica base 4-wire with Pencil Jockey and heavy base to avoid bending. 2 62. PH 195/11 RESISTANCE BOX (Brass) Plug Type; Constantan Coil1/2 Brass Block Teak Wood Case (Deluxe Quality) 1 to 5000 Ohm. 3 63. PH 195/9 RESISTANCE BOX (Brass) Plug Type; Constantan Coil1/2 Brass Block Teak Wood Case (Deluxe Quality) 1 to 500 Ohm. 2 64. PH 199 RESONANCE APPARATUS with 25mm S.S. Pipe. 1 65. PH A201/9 Rheostat (Brass Rod) 4.3cm Dia tube Length 15cms 50 Ohms 1.6 Amps 3 66. PH 207 RISING TABLE (Complete) With Capillary Tube Clamp & side rod attachment Used in Experiment :Surface Tension of liquid by capillary rise method 1 67. PH 210 RUBBER PAD. 2 68. PH 214/2 SEARLES APPARATUS (Young Modulus), Brass. with two 3.5 Nut & Bolt 1 69. WALL MOUNT FOR SEARLES APPARATUS (Young Modulus) with two Screw & Washer 1 70. PH 220/3 SIMPLE PENDULUM APPARATUS STAND TYPE (With Retort Stand + 1 Bob + Cork & Thread) 1 71. PH 225/11 SLOTTED WEIGHT (With Hanger) (Iron Black Painted) Cap. 2.5Kg ; 5x500gm 1 72. PH 225/5 SLOTTED WEIGHT (With Hanger) (Iron Chrome Plated) 500gm; 5x100gm 1 73. PH 229/2 SONOMETER Teak Wood (Brass Fitting). 1 74. PH 230 ELECTROMAGNET WITH TRANSFORMER FOR SONOMETER. 1 75. PH 235/1 SPHEROMETER Brass Single Disc 1/100mm Superior 2 76. PH 237/1 SPIRIT LEVEL 6 Plastic 1 77. PH 238/2 SPRING BALANCE Tubular Acrylic 100gm 2 78. PH 238/2 SPRING BALANCE Tubular Acrylic 500gm 2 79. PH 244 STEEL WIRE (100gm). 1 80. PH 246/1 STOP CLOCK METAL Body (60min.) Smith Type Fly Back Action. 1 81. PH 247/3 STOP WATCH Digital 1/100 Sec Racer Make. 82. PH 250/1 THERMOMETER (30cm Length) -10 to 110C Mercury. 2 83. PH 255/1A TRAVELLING MICROSCOPE L.C. 0.01mm 2-Motion in wooden box (Superior Quality). 1 84. PH 257/2 TUNNING FORK (Set of 8) In Thermocole Box Superior Quality. 85. PH 259/3 VERNIER CALLIPER Wheel Type 12 cm Stainless Steel. 4 86. PH 262/3 VISCOSITY APPARATUS (Stokes Law) 1 Meter Tube Of 35mm Dia To Fit In Provided Metal Stand (Without Liquid) Provided with Graduated Acrylic Tube (Unbreakable) 1 87. PH 265/3 VOLTMETER (EDM-80) SQUARE Dial DC Range 3 Volt 2 88. PH 265/3 VOLTMETER (EDM-80) SQUARE Dial DC Range 5 Volt 2 89. PH 270/3 WEIGHT BOX (Physical) Brass C.P. 1gm to 200gm. 2 90. PHN 100/1 SCREW GAUGE (Micrometer) Stainless Steel Rod 20mm. 4 91. PHN 121/3 WHITE SCREEN Wooden. 2 92. Rubber Cork for Hypsometer. 2 93. Wire Cutter. 1 94. Board Pin Packet. 1 95. Paper Pin Packet. 1 96. COTTON THREAD ( Roll). 1 97. GLASS MIRROR PLATE, 10cm x 10cm. 2 98. LIGHT BOX with holder and Bulb (Wooden). 1 99. Lycopodium Powder, 100gm 3 100. A11929 Ammonium chloride - 99% 500 gm 1 101. C12929 Cupric sulphate (Copper sulphate)-98.5% 500 gm 1 102. G11029 Glycerine (Glycerol) - 98% 500 ml 2 103. CPH018 Educational Raxine Charts (Size 75x100cm); PHYSICS: MECHANICS (White Raxine) Newtons Laws of Motion 1 104. CPH033 Educational Raxine Charts (Size 75x100cm); PHYSICS: ATOMIC & NUCLEAR PHYSICS(White Raxine) Nuclear Fission & Fusion 1 105. CPH050 Educational Raxine Charts (Size 75x100cm); PHYSICS: MODERN PHYSICS (White Raxine) Photoelectric Effect 1 106. CPH060 Educational Raxine Charts (Size 75x100cm); PHYSICS: ELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM (White Raxine) Electro magnetic Induction 107. BI 010/1 FORCEPS (Stainless Steel) 5 Pointed 4 108. BI 041 PERCHMENT PAPER (Book of 100 Lvs) 1 109. BI 051/3 WATCH GLASS Dia 3 (Superior Quality Per Dozen) 2 110. CH 007/1 BLOW PIPE (BRASS) 8 Heavy With Nozzle. 6 111. CH 008/4 BUCHNER FUNNEL (Porcelain) Dia 4 2 112. CH 009/2 BUNSEN BURNER (Brass Pipe 150mm & dia.12mm) Superior With Stop Cock (Heavy Base). 113. CH 055/1 RUBBER TUBING PRESSURE TYPE (Superior Quality) Bore Dia 8mm Thickness 3mm (For Burners). 1 114. CH 010 BURETTE BRUSH (Nylon). 115. CH 013 BURETTE STAND WITH CLAMP (Metallic) Superior Quality (Sheet Metal) Adjustable Base 7x5x24. 4 116. CH 016 CHARCOAL BLOCK (4x1 Per Dozen). 1 117. CH 017/4 CHINA DISH (Porcelain); Dia 4. 5 118. CH 018 CHROMATOGRAPHY PAPER SHEET. 4 119. CH 018/B CHROMATOGRAPHY JAR APPARATUS (Size 10x3) 1 120. CH 021/3 CONDUCTIVITY METER (Digital) Pen Type (TDS/EC). 1 121. CH 024/1 CRUCIBLE TONG (Stainless Steel) 6 2 122. CH 027/3 FILTER PAPER PKT; Dia 12.5cm (Machine Made Fine Quality). 2 123. CH 030 FUNNEL STAND (Wooden). 2 124. CH 033 GLASS STIRRER 12 6 125. CH 035 IGNITION TUBE (Pk. of 5 Grs.) Superior Quality. 1 126. CH 042/2 PESTLE & MORTAR (Porcelain) Dia 4 4 127. CH 044 PH METER (Pen Type) Imported 1 128. CH 049 PLATINUM / INOCULATING LOOP HOLDER. 5 129. CH 050/1 PLATINUM WIRE FUSED WITH TEST TUBE Pure (EKI Make). 5 130. CH 058/3 SPATULA S.S. (Spoon Type) 6 Heavy Quality 5 131. CH 059/3 SPIRIT LAMP (100ml) Brass 2 132. CH 062/3 (g) TEST TUBE (Borosilicate Glass) HARD GLASS 15x125mm10ml. Pk of 100 1 133. CH 062/5 (o) TEST TUBE (Borosilicate Glass) HARD GLASS 25x150mm Pk of 50 1 134. CH 063 TEST TUBE BRUSH (Nylon) Superior Quality. 2 135. CH 064/1 TEST TUBE HOLDER (Wooden Handle) Iron Chrome Plated Superior Quality 12 136. CH 065/1 TEST TUBE STAND (Wooden) 6 Hole 2 137. CH 068/3 TRIPOD STAND 6 (Heavy Quality) 2 138. CH 068/4 TRIPOD STAND 8 (Heavy Quality) 6 139. CH 070/3 WATER BATH (Copper) Dia 6 2 140. CH 071/2 WIRE GAUGE With Frame & Asbestos Centre 12 141. CH 092 GLASS TUBING 4 to 7mm (Per 2.5kg) 1 142. CH 093 GLASS RODING 4 to 7mm (Per 2.5kg) 1 143. CH 132/2 REAGENT BOTTLE (Narrow Mouth) B.G. 125ml 6 144. CH 132/3 REAGENT BOTTLE (Narrow Mouth) B.G. 250ml 6 145. CH 103/4 REAGENT BOTTLE (Narrow Mouth) AMBER Colour 250ml 4 146. CH 112/1 BEAKER Graduated B.G. 100ml 6 147. CH 112/3 BEAKER Graduated B.G. 250ml 6 148. CH 112/4 BEAKER Graduated B.G. 500ml 149. CH 113/2 BURETTE with Rota Flow Stopcock B.G. 50ml 10 150. CH 119/1 FLASK CONICAL B.G. 100ml 6 151. CH 119/2 FLASK CONICAL B.G. 250ml 152. CH 121/2 FUNNEL B.G. 75mm 8 153. CH 126/4 e) MEASURING CYLINDER (Round Base) B.G Without Stopper 100ml 6 154. CH 126/5 f) MEASURING CYLINDER (Round Base) B.G Without Stopper 250ml 6 155. CH 129/1 PETRI DISH IMPORTED (Anumbra) Crystal Clear Glass 3 6 156. CH 131/2 PIPETTE VOLUMETRIC B.G. 20ml 5 157. CH 130/1 PIPETTE GRADUATED B.G. 10ml 5 158. CH 130/2 PIPETTE GRADUATED B.G. 25ml. 5 159. CH 139/3 VOLUMETRIC FLASK (Measuring Flask) B.G. 100ml 6 160. CH 139/4 VOLUMETRIC FLASK (Measuring Flask) B.G. 250ml 4 161. CH 140/2 WEIGHING BOTTLE 30 x 60mm B.G. 25ml 4 162. Polylab 55502 Kipps Apparatus 500 ml 1 163. Polylab 79101 Pipette Stand (Horizontal)- For 12 Pipettes 2 164. Polylab 77701 Test Tube stand 16 mm & 25 mm Ø Tubes 4 165. Polylab 77704 Test Tube Stand (Round)- 19 mm & 25 mm Tubes 1 166. Polylab 81502 Pneumatic Trough Ø-200 mm x h-100 mm 2 167. Polylab 36602 Wash Bottle 250 ml 6 168. CH 588 TRIANGULAR FILE WITH WOODEN HANDLE. 2 169. CH RB/50 RUBBER CONE for Filter Flask & Buchner Funnel Setup Suitable for 250ml & 500ml Flask 1 170. CH RC/10 RUBBER CORK (EXTRA SOFT) SUPERIOR QUALITY Size No. 9 Top Dia (mm) 28 Bottom Dia (mm) 21.5 10 171. CH RC/3 RUBBER CORK (EXTRA SOFT) SUPERIOR QUALITY Size No. 2 Top Dia (mm) 16.5 Bottom Dia (mm) 13 10 172. CH RW/5 WOODEN CORK SUPERIOR QUALITY, Size No. 5, Top Dia (mm) 17, Bottom Dia (mm) 12, Length (mm) 22 20 173. CHN 05 BEAKER TONG 12 (Stainless Steel) 2 174. CHN 28 FLASK TONG 12 S.S 2 175. CHN 33 Delivery Tube Double Bend 4 176. CHN 64 SALT BRIDGE (Borosilicate Glass). 1 177. CHN 66 SAND BATH (G.I Sheet) 5/6 Dia. 2 178. Gas Absorption Tube. 2 179. PH 007/1 BALANCE DIGITAL Cap. 2kg L.C. 0.1gm (100mg). 1 180. PH 050 COPPER CALORIMETER Size 3x2 (In Wooden Box). 1 181. PH 052 COPPER ROD With Terminal 125mm Long. 1 182. PH 053/1 COPPER WIRE (DCC Wire) Double Cotton Covered for connections 100gm. 183. PH 247/3 STOP WATCH Digital 1/100 Sec Racer Make. 1 184. PH 250/1 THERMOMETER (30cm Length) -10 to 110C Mercury. 4 185. PH 265/3 VOLTMETER (EDM-80) SQUARE Dial DC Range 3 Volt 1 186. PH 276 ZINC ROD (With Terminal Dia 9mm). 187. PI 006/2 (A) DROPPER GLASS WITH TEAT RUBBER TEAT 6 12 188. CH 014/2 CAPILLARY TUBE FOR MELTING POINT (Pkt) Superior Quality in Plastic Box (Both End Open). 1 189. CH RC/12 RUBBER CORK (EXTRA SOFT) SUPERIOR QUALITY Size No. 11 Top Dia (mm) 33 Bottom Dia (mm) 29 2 190. CH RC/14 RUBBER CORK (EXTRA SOFT) SUPERIOR QUALITY Size No. 13 Top Dia (mm) 38.5 Bottom Dia (mm) 31 2 191. Wire Cutter. 1 192. CH 038 MAGNESIUM RIBBON, 25Gm 1 193. L40851 Litmus blue indicator paper 100 Is 2 194. L40951 Litmus red indicator paper 100 Is 2 195. S44950 Starch iodide paper 100 Is 1 196. I41056 Indicator paper pH 1-14 (Full range) 200 Is 1 197. CHN 52 PH COLOUR CHART (Polyart) 70x100cm. 1 198. CCH022Educational Raxine Charts (Size 75x100cm); CHEMISTRY: PHYSICAL (White Raxine) Structure of Atom 1 199. CCH047Educational Raxine Charts (Size 75x100cm); CHEMISTRY: INORGANIC (White Raxine) Oxidation & Reduction 1 200. CCH052Educational Raxine Charts (Size 75x100cm); CHEMISTRY: INORGANIC (White Raxine) Electrolysis 1 201. CCH044Educational Raxine Charts (Size 75x100cm); CHEMISTRY: INORGANIC (White Raxine) Extraction of Metals 202. D10809 24 - Dinitro phenylhydrazine 25 gm 1 203. E30109 Egg albumin flakes (Protein - 95%) 25 gm 1 204. C10017 Copper metal turnings - 99% 100 gm 1 205. C10417 Cadmium sulphate - 98% 100 gm 1 206. C12617 Cobalt nitrate - 97 - 101% (Cobaltous nitrate) 100 gm 1 207. P14317 Potassium iodide - 99% 100 gm 1 208. S13617 Sodium nitroprusside - 99% 100 gm 1 209. A10925 Agar agar bacteriological (Gel strength 600g/cm2 min.) 250 gm 1 210. A11625 Aluminium hydroxide powder (Al2O3 content - 47%) 250 gm 1 211. A15025 Aluminium chloride anhydrous - 98% 250 gm 1 212. A15429 Ammonium thiocyanate - 97% (Ammonium sulphocyanide) (Also suitable for silver recovery) 250 gm 1 213. C15325 Cinnamic acid - 99% 250 gm 1 214. N10225 Naphthol beta (2- Naphthol) 250 gm 215. P12325 Potassium ferricyanide - 99% 250 gm 1 216. S13325 Sodium metal - 99% (in liquid paraffin) 250 gm 1 217. Z70425 Zinc metal granulated A.R. - 99.9% (Confrms to ACS specification) 250 gm 218. A11229 Aluminium nitrate - 98% 500 gm 1 219. A11929 Ammonium chloride - 99% 500 gm 1 220. A12429 Ferrous ammonium sulphate - 98.5% 500 gm 1 221. A13129 Ammonium oxalate - 99% 500 gm 1 222. A13329 Ammonium sulphate - 98.5% 500 gm 1 223. A13629 Arsenic trioxide - 99.5% 500 gm 1 224. A14129 Ammonium carbonate - 30% NH 500 gm 1 225. B10329 Barium chloride - 99% 500 gm 1 226. B10729 Barium nitrate - 98% 500 gm 1 227. B11225 Benzoic acid - 99% 500 gm 1 228. B11829 di-Sodium tetraborate (Borax) - 99% 500 gm 1 229. C10629 Calcium carbonate - 98% 500 gm 1 230. C10729 Calcium chloride fused - 90% 500 gm 1 231. C10929 Calcium nitrate - 98% 500 gm 1 232. C11529 Calcium hydroxide - 95% 500 gm 1 233. C12929 Cupric sulphate (Copper sulphate)-98.5% 500 gm 1 234. C15029 Cupric nitrate - 95 - 103% (Copper nitrate) 500 gm 1 235. F10329 Ferric chloride anhydrous - 96% 500 gm 1 236. F10729 Ferrous sulphate - 98% 500 gm 1 237. F11829 Ferric sulphate (Fe-22%) (Iron [III] sulphate) 500 gm 1 238. G10429 Gum acacia 500 gm 1 239. L10129 Lead acetate - 99% 500 gm 1 240. L30329 Lead nitrate - 99% 500 gm 1 241. M10329 Magnesium sulphate - 99% 500 gm 1 242. M10529 Manganous chloride - 95% (Manganese chloride) 500 gm 1 243. N10329 Naphthalene powder - 99% 500 gm 1 244. O10229 Oxalic acid - 99.5% 500 gm 1 245. P11929 Potassium chromate - 99% 500 gm 1 246. P12129 Potassium dichromate - 99.5% 500 gm 1 247. P12429 Potassium hydroxide flakes - 85% 500 gm 1 248. P12929 Potassium ferrocyanide - 99% 500 gm 1 249. P13129 Potassium nitrate - 99% 500 gm 1 250. P13229 Potassium oxalate - 99% 500 gm 1 251. P13429 Potassium permanganate - 99% 500 gm 1 252. S11929 Sodium bicarbonate - 99% ( Sodium hydrgen carbonate) 500 gm 1 253. S12029 Sodium carbonate anhydrous - 99.5% 500 gm 1 254. S12229 Sodium chloride - 99.5% 500 gm 255. S12329 Sodium bisulphite (SO 2 - 58.5%) 500 gm 1 256. S12829 Sodium hydroxide flakes - 96% 500 gm 1 257. S13129 di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous-99 %(Sodium phosphate dibasic) 500 gm 258. S13629 tri-Sodium phosphate - 98% 500 gm 1 259. S13929 Sodium sulphite anhydrous - 96% 500 gm 1 260. S14029 Sodium thiosulphate (Hypo) - 99% 500 gm 1 261. S14329 Starch soluble 500 gm 1 262. S14429 Strontium nitrate - 99% 500 gm 1 263. S15729 Sodium nitrite - 96% 500 gm 1 264. S16329 Sodium sulphide flakes - 55% 500 gm 1 265. Z10729 Zinc sulphate - 99% 500 gm 1 266. F10833 Ferrous sulphide sticks (FeS - 75%) 1 kg 1 267. D15051 D.M. Water (Deionised water) 5 l 1 268. T33271 Tollens reagent 100 ml 1 269. M41471 Methyl orange solution 125 ml 1 270. F20471 Ferric chloride solution 10% w / v (Gerhardts reagent) 125 ml 1 271. I20317 Iodine solution - 1% w/v 125 ml 1 272. L41171 Litmus blue solution 125 ml 1 273. M22671 Millons reagent (for protein) 125 ml 1 274. M31771 Molischs reagent 125 ml 1 275. N20271 Nesslers reagent (detection of ammonia & ammonium salts) 125ml 1 276. P40871 Phenolphthalein solution 125 ml 1 277. S24271 Sudan III solution 125 ml 1 278. S26071 Schiffs reagent (For detection of aldehydes) 125 ml 1 279. S51271 Silver nitrate solution N /10 125 ml 1 280. A10129 Acetic acid glacial - 99.5% 500 ml 1 281. A10529 Acetone - 99% 500 ml 1 282. A10629 Aniline - 99% 500 ml 1 283. A11689 Ammonia solution 10% (10% NH3) 500 ml 1 284. B11479 Benzaldehyde - 98% 500 ml 1 285. B20829 Benedicts reagent qualitative 500 ml 1 286. B32229 Bromine water 500 ml 1 287. B60679 n-Butyl alcohol (1-Butanol) - 99% 500 ml 1 288. C25329 Castor oil 500 ml 1 289. F20179 Fehlings solution No. 1 500 ml 1 290. F20279 Fehlings solution No. 2 500 ml 1 291. G11029 Glycerine (Glycerol) - 98% 500 ml 1 292. H11229 Hydrochloric acid (Thermocole pack) - 35% (Pack of 4x500 ml) (For Safety purpose pack is provided) 1 293. H20379 Hydrogen peroxide solution 3% w/v (10 vol.) 500 ml 294. L20129 Lamposolv (For spirit lamp) 500 ml 1 295. N10730 Nitric acid (Thermocole pack)-70 % (Pack of 4x500 ml) (For safety purpose pack is provided) 1 296. P10439 Paraffin liquid light 500 ml 297. S15130 Sulphuric acid (Thermocole pack)-97 % (Pack of 4x500 ml) (For Safety purpose pack is provided) 1 298. T10929 Toluene rectified - 99% 500 ml 1 299. U40179 Universal indicator solution 500 ml 1 300. Testing Solution, 500ml 301. BI 013/2 HUMAN SKELETON Full size (Fibre) Superior Quality 1 302. BI 014 HUMAN SKELTON STAND (Metallic). 1 303. BI 052/10A HUMAN BRAIN 4 Parts Dissectible (On Base) (Model) 1 304. BI 052/14 HUMAN EYE Eye Model on Stand 1 305. BI 052/16A HUMAN HEART Jumbo Human Heart on BASE (4parts Dissectible) 1 306. BI 052/21 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM FEMALE Model on Board 10x15 1 307. BI 052/21 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM MALE Model on Board 10x15 1 308. BI 052/28 FLOWER MODEL Model on Stand (Superior) 1 309. BI 052/6 MEIOSIS On Board 10x15. 1 310. BI 052/6 MITOSIS On Board 10x15. 1 311. BI 52/11B HUMAN CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Superior Model on Board 30x12 1 312. BI 52/13B HUMAN EAR Big Ear (Superior Quality) 1 313. BI 52/15B HUMAN EXCRETORY SYSTEM Model on Stand (Superior) Dissectible 1 314. BI 52/53 DNA MODEL on Stand 1 315. BI 52/53 RNA MODEL on Stand 1 316. BI 005/2 COVERSLIP (Pk. of 10Gm) 18mm Round 4 317. BI 006/4 DISSECTING TRAY with Wax Size 10x12 Stainless Steel 1 318. BI 010/1 FORCEPS (Stainless Steel) 5 Pointed 5 319. BI 021B COMPOUND MICROSCOPE (STUDENT) Two eyepiece 10x 15x & two objectives 10x 40x with fixed condenser MICRON Make (KG-2) ISI Marked (Thermocole Box) 3 320. BI 029C MICROSCOPE LIGHT LED (Pin Type) 3 321. BI 033/2 DISSECTING MICROSCOPE Brass Parts Superior Quality (In Thermocole Box) 1 322. BI 042 PLAIN SLIDE Size 75x25mm Glass Thickness 1.35 (Pk of 50) 2 323. BI 048/2 SCISSOR (Stainless Steel) 4 Pointed 324. BI 051/3 WATCH GLASS Dia 3 (Superior Quality Per Dozen) 2 325. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Parenchyma 1 326. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Collenchyma 327. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Sclerenchyma 1 328. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Xylem 1 329. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Phloem 1 330. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Dicot Stem 1 331. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Dicot Root 1 332. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Dicot Leaf 1 333. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Monocot Root 1 334. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Monocot Leaf 1 335. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Fern 1 336. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Chlorella 1 337. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Spirogyra 1 338. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Lichen 1 339. BI 053/1 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE PLANT TISSUE:- Rhizopus 1 340. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Animal Cell 1 341. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Bacteria 1 342. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Nerve Cell 1 343. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Muscle: Cardiac 1 344. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Muscle: Striated 1 345. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Muscle: Unstraited 1 346. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Muscle: Smooth Muscle 1 347. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Mammal: Heart 1 348. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Mammal: Ovary 1 349. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Mammal: Testis 350. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Mammal: Artery 1 351. BI 053/2 PREPARED SLIDE FOR MICROSCOPE ANIMAL TISSUE:- Mammal: Vein Total Quantity : 8

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