
Tender For Procurement Of Laboratory Reagents/Chemicalsand Consumables For Microbiology, Pathology And Biochemistry Department Of F.A.A. Medical College And Hospital, Barpeta, Assam, barpeta-Assam

Government Medical College & Hospital has published Tender For Procurement Of Laboratory Reagents/Chemicalsand Consumables For Microbiology, Pathology And Biochemistry Department Of F.A.A. Medical College And Hospital, Barpeta, Assam. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-05-2023. Medicine Tenders in barpeta Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Procurement Of Laboratory Reagents/Chemicalsand Consumables For Microbiology, Pathology And Biochemistry Department Of F.A.A. Medical College And Hospital, Barpeta, Assam
Open Tender

Tender Details

Procurement Of Laboratory Reagents / Chemicalsand Consumables For Microbiology, Pathology And Biochemistry Department Of F.A.A. Medical College And Hospital, Barpeta, Assam , 10% Barium Chloride Solution , 3.8% Sodium Citrate Solution , Absolute Alcohol , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone , Afb Stain , Ammonia Solution , Ammonium Sulphate , Blood Grouping Sera , Carbol Fuchsin Soln. , Cedar Wood Oil ( Hi-Media ) , Crystal Violet Staining Soln. , Distilled Water , Dpx Mountant Liquid ( Merck ) , Edta Solution , Ehrlichs Reagent For Urobilinogen Test , Eosin Powder , Ethanol Absolute 99.9% , Ethyl Alcohol , Formaldehyde Solution , Fouchets Reagent , Giemsa Staining Solution ( Merck Or Hi-Media ) , Glucose Powder ( Hi-Media ) , Glycerol , Haematoxylin ( Merck ) , Haemospot Kit ( For Occult Blood In Stool ) , Hydrocloric Acid N / 10 , Hydrogen Peroxide , Immersion Oil ( Merck ) , Industrial Alcohol 80% , Leishman Powder ( Qualigens ) , Leishmans Stain ( Qualigens ) , Liquor Ammonia ( Qualigens ) , May & Grunwalds Solution ( Human Diagnostic ) , Methanol , Methylene Blue , Nitric Acid , Orange G.O.G , Papanicalaus Ea 36 Soln. , Paraffin Wax ( Solid ) ( Merck ) , Platelet Counting Fluid ( Merck ) , R.B.C Dilutin Fluid ( Merck ) , Rapid Pap Kit , Rapid Pap Stain , Reticulocyte Counting Fluid ( Merck ) , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution , Sodium Nitroprusside ( Hi-Media ) , Sulphur Powder , Sulphuric Acid , Thymol Crystal , W.B.C.Diluting Fluid , Xylene ( Hi-Media ) , Coagulation Cup , Deka Phan ( Urine Strips ) , Paper Roll , Potassium Acetate ( Hi-Media ) , Potassium Nitrate ( Hi-Media ) , List Of Glasswares , Beaker , Size - 2000 Ml , Centrifuge Tube, Size- 15 Ml , Conical Flask , Size-100 Ml , Coplin Jar , Cover Slip ( 18 Mm ) Blue Star , Cover Slip ( 22X50 Mm ) Blue Star , Esr Glass Pipette , Funnel, Size-3 , Glass Pipette ( 2 Ml, 5 Ml ) , Glass Rod , Measuring Cylinder, Size -500 Ml , Nabaeur Slide , Museum Jar, Size -100X100 , Museum Jar, Size- 100 Ml , Museum Jar, Size- 1000 Ml , Museum Jar, Size- 200X150x100 , Museum Jar, Size- 250 Ml , Museum Jar, Size- 250 Ml , Museum Jar, Size- 250X165x140 , Museum Jar, Size- 50 Ml , Museum Jar, Size- 500 Ml , Museum Jar, Size- 85X85 , Museum Jar, Size-100 Ml , Museum Jar, Size-250 Ml , Museum Jar, Size-500 Ml , Staining Jars , Test Tube ( 12X100 Mm ) , Test Tube ( 12X75 Mm ) , Test Tube ( 15X100 Mm ) , Test Tube ( 25X100 Mm ) , Test Tube ( 15X150 Mm ) , Wide Mouthed Glass Vial , Winthrobes Tubes , List Of Consumable Items , Blotting Paper , Bone Aspiration Needle / Bone Marrow Biopsy Needle ( Adult / Paediatric ) Disposable Bd ( Comapny ) Reusable Swent ( Company ) , Cell Pack Plastic Cord , Diamond Pencil , Disposable Plastic Dropper , Filter Paper , Glass Cutter For Cutting Glass Item In The Museum , Hi- Dispo Bag , Instrumental Tray , Knife ( Small, Big, Medium ) , L-Angle Block , Lumber Puncture Needle , Micro Pipette ( 0-50Ul ) , Micro Pipette ( 100-1000Ul ) , Micro Pipette ( 10-100Ul ) , Microtome Blade ( Leica ) , Pasteurs Pipette , Putty , Red Marking Pencil , Rubber Tat , Rubber Trip , Scalpel , Slide Box , Staining Tray , Surgical Blade Handle , Surgical Blade Handle , Test Tube Rack , Tissue Paper , Tourniquette Belt , Urine Strip ( 10 Para ) , Urine Strip ( 2 Para ) , Vacumn Holder , Ph Paper , Wash Bottle , S 100 , Vimentin , Desmin , Hi Def. Polymer , Poly L Lysine , List Of Non-Consumable Items , Esr Stand , Forcep ( Small ) , Forcep ( Big ) , Haemocytometer Box , Haemoglobinometer Set , Laboratory Tray , Slide Tray , Spirit Burner , Stain Rack , Test Tube Holder , Timer , Test Tube Cleaning Brush , Tube Rack , Urine Container ( Plastic ) , Spatula , List Ofsterile Vacuum Based Blood Collection Vial Without Needle , Clot Activator 2Ml, 5Ml , Glucose Naf+Edta , Sodium Heparin 3Ml, 4Ml , Sodium Citrate 3.8%, 2Ml , Sodium Citrate 3.2%, 2Ml , Gel Clot Activaotr 4-6Ml , Gel Clot Activaotr 3-5Ml , Lithium Heparin, 2-4Ml , K2 Edta 2-3Ml , K2 Edta 5Ml , List Ofsterile Vacuum Based Blood Collection Vial With Needle , Clot Activator 2Ml, 4.5Ml , K3 Edta, 2Ml, 3Ml , Edta 2Ml , Edta 3Ml , Sodium Citrate 3.8% , Sodium Citrate 3.2% , Additional Items , Tri Salt ( Merck ) / Tris Buffer , Edta Salt , Naoh Salt , Estrogen Receptor ( Er ) , Progestrogen Receptor ( Pr ) , Her2 Neu , Lca ( Cd45 ) , Cytokeratin Pan , Pap Pen For Immunostaining , Slide Marking Pen , Buffer Solution Ph4 , Buffer Solution Ph7 , Buffer Solution Ph10 , Humidity Chamber , Slide Carrier Rack , Hba2 / F / A1c ( Cal-1 ) , Hba2 / F / A1c ( Cal-2 ) , Hba2 / F / A1c ( Cal Dil ) , Hba1c ( Cal-1 ) , Hba1c ( Cal-2 ) , Hba1c ( Cal Dil ) , Lyphochek Diabetes Control Level-1 , Whole Blood Primer , Elution Buffer-1 , Elution Buffer-2 , Elution Buffer-3 , Slide Cabinets , Gross Dissection Set , Bone Cutting Saw , P-16 , Cd-3 , Cd-19 , Cd-20 , Hmb 45 , Mpo Stain , Sudan Black Stain , Pas Stain , Peris Stain , Chromo Granin Stain , Tacmone Antibody ( Dab Stain Kit ) , List Of Laboratory Reagent For The Department Of Microbiology Anti Sera , Salmonella Antisera Poly / Monovalent , Shigella Antisera Poly Group A , Shigella Antisera Poly Group A1 , Shigella Antisera Poly Group C , Shigella Antisera Poly Group C1 , Shigella Antisera Poly Group C2 , Shigella Antisera Poly Group D , Shigella Antiserum Poly Group B , Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Inaba , Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Ogawa , Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Poly , Antibiotics , Amikacin Ak 30Mcg , Amoxycillin Am 30Mcg , Amoxycillin Sulbactam Ams , Amoxyclav ( Amoxycillin / Clavulanic Acid ) Ac 30Mcg ( 20 / 10Mcg ) , Amoxyclav 50 / 10 Mcg , Amphotericin-B Ap 100Units , Ampicillin A 10 Mcg , Ampicillin / Sulbactam As 10 / 10Mcg , Azithromycin At 15Mcg , Aztreonam Ao 30Mcg , Bacitracin B 10 Units , Carbenicillin Cb 100Mcg , Cefaclor Cj 30Mcg , Cefazolin Cz 30Mcg , Cefepime Cpm 30Mcg , Cefixime Cfx 5Mcg , Cefoperazone Cs , Cefoperazone Tazobactam Cst 75 / 10Mcg , Cefotaxime Ce 30Mcg , Cefoxitin ( Cephoxitin ) Cn 30Mcg , Cefpirome , Cefpodoxime Cep 10Mcg , Ceftazidime Ca 30Mcg , Ceftizoxime Ck 30Mcg , Ceftriaxone Ci 30Mcg , Ceftriaxone / Sulbactam Cis 30 / 15Mcg , Cefuroxime Cu 30Mcg , Cephalexim Cm 30 Mcg , Cephalothin Ch 30Mcg , Chloramphenicol C 30Mcg , Chlortetracycline Ct 30Mcg , Ciprofloxacin Cf 5 Mcg / 10Mcg , Clarithromycin Cw 15Mcg , Clindamycin Cd 10Mcg , Clotrimazole Cc 10Mcg , Cloxacillin Cx 30Mcg , Co-Trimoxazole Co 25Mcg ( 23.75 / 1.25Mcg ) , Doripenem Daptomycin , Doxycycline Do 30Mcg , Ertapenem , Erythromycin E 30Mcg / 15 Mcg , Fluconazole Fu 25 Mcg , Fosfomycin , Gatifloxacin Gf 5Mcg , Gentamicin G 10 Mcg , Gentamicin G 120 Mcg , Imipenem I 10 Mcg , Itraconazole It 30 Mcg , Ketoconazole Kt 30 Mcg , Kit I For Esbl Identification, Cefotaxime ( Cephotaxime ) Kit Contains 6 Cartridges ( 6Ct ) :3Ct Of Sd040 Cefotaxime ( Cephotaxime ) 30Mcg, 3Ct Of Sd724 Cefotaxime ( Cephotaxime ) / Clavulanic Acid 30 / 10Mcg , Lecvofloxacin Le 5 Mcg , Lincomycin L 10Mcg , Linezolid Lz 30Mcg , Lomefloxacin Lo 10 Mcg , Meropenem Mr 10 Mcg , Methicillin M 5 Mcg , Metronidazole Mt 5 Mcg , Nalidixic Acid Na 30 Mcg , Netilmycin , Nitrofurantoin Nf 300 Mcg , Norfloxacin Nx 10 Mcg , Novobiocin Nv 30 Mcg , Nystatin Ns 100Units , Ofloxacin Of 5 Mcg , Oxacillin Ox 1 Mcg , Penicillin-G P 10 Units , Piperacillin Pc 100 Mcg , Piperacillin / Tazobactam Pt 100 / 10 Mcg , Polymyxin-Bpb 300Units , Polymyxin-B Pb 100Units , Roxithromycin Ro 30 Mcg , Sparfloxacin Sc 5 Mcg , Spectinomycin Spt 100 Mcg , Streptomycin S 10 Mcg , Teicoplanin Te 30 Mcg , Tetracycline T 30 Mcg , Ticarcillin Ti 75 Mcg , Tigecycline Tgc 15 Mcg , Tobramycin Tb 10 Mcg , Trimethoprim Tr 5 Mcg , Vancomycin Va 30 Mcg , Voriconazole Vor 1 Mcg , Serological Tests Blood Borne Diseases , Anti – Hbs , Hav Igg / Igm , Hbe Ag , Hbsag , Hcv Kit , Malaria , Malaria Agpf / Pv , Other Febrile Diseases , Aso Test , Jev Igm , Leishmania Ab , Leptospiraab , Rafactor , Enteric Fever , Salmonella Typhi Igg / Igm Enterocheck Test , Typhoid Device , Widal Test , Std , Salmonella Typhi Igg / Igm Enterocheck Test , Typhoid Device , Widal Test , Dengue Fever , Dengueigg / Igm Elisa , Dengue Ns 1Ag Elisa , Respiratorydiseases , Influenza Ag Pandemica ( H1 N1 ) , R S V Ag , Strep- A Ag , Tuberculosis , Tuberculintest , Gastrointestinal Infection , Cholera Ag O1 , Cholera Ag O1 / O139 , H.Pylori Ab / Ag , Rota Virus Ag , Other Test , Casoni ‘S Test , Crp Test , Hcg , Hev , Cedar Wood Oil , Rubella Igg / Igm , Toxoplasma Igg / Igm , Dehydrated Culture Media, Bases And Supplements , Agar Base , Agar Powder , Alkaline Peptone Water , Amies Transport Medium , Anrade Peptone Water , Beef Extract Powder , Bile Esculin Azide Agar , Bile Salt Agar , Bird Seed Agar , Blood Agar Base , Brain Heart Infusion Agar , Brain Heart Infusion Broth , Buffered Glucose Broth , Buffered Glycerol Saline , C.C. Supplement , Cary Blair Medium Base , Cetrimide Agar Base , Chlamydospore Agar , Chocolate Agar Base ( G.C. Agar+Isovitalax Enrichment ) , Chrom Agar , Cled Agar , Coagulase Mannitol Broth Base , Cornmeal Agar , Czapekdox Agar , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar , Dermatophyte Test Medium , Dnase Test Agar , Eijkman Lactose Broth , Entamoeba Media , Glucose Broth , Glucose Phosphate Broth , Hektonn Enteric Agar ( Sal-Shig ) , Hi Combidual Performance Salmonella Medium Ss / Xld , Hichrome Candida Differential Agar , Hugh Leifsons Media , Loefflers Serum Medium Base , Loweinstein Jenson Media , Lysine Decarboxylase Broth , Macconkeys Agar , Macconkeys Broth , Mannitol Salt Agar , Meat Extract Powder , Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base With Arginine Hcl , Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base With Lysine Hcl , Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base With Orinithine Hc , Uriselect Agar , Mueller Hinton Agar , Nutrient Agar , Ox Bile, Bacteriological , Oxacillin Resistance Screening , Phenophthalein Phosphate Agar , Phenylalanine Media , Plet Agar Base , Potato Dextrose Agar , Pseudomonas Agar , Rapid H2s Strip Method , Reinforced Clostridial Agar , Robinson Media For Endamoeba , Sabouraud Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol Agar , Sabouraudd Dextrose Agar , Selenite F Broth , Semisolid Nutrient Agar , Simmons Citrate Agar , Stock Culture Agar , Stuarts Transport Media , Tcbs Agar , Tellurite Blood Agar Base , Tetrathionate Broth , Thioglycollate Media , Triple Sugar Iron Agar , Tryptone Water For Indole , Urea Agar Base , Xld Medium , Chemical , 40% Urea Solution , Absolute Alcohol , Acetic Acid , Acetone , Adonitol , Aesculin , Agar , Alcohol ( 95% ) , Amly / Isoamyl Alcohol , Ammonium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate , Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate , A-Naphthol , A-Naphthylamine , Andrade’S Indicator , Bacitracin , Basic Fuchsin , Beef Extract , Benzaaldehyde , Betadine Solution , Bhi Supplemented W / 0.50 % Sps ( Lq004 ) , Bhi Supplemented W / 0.50 % Sps ( Lq004a ) , Bleeching Powder , Bordetella Selective Supplement , Boric Acid , Bromocresol Purple , Bromothymol Blue , Calcium Carbonate , Calcium Chloride , Canavanine-Glycine-Bromothymol Blue ( Cgb ) Media , Carbon Fuchsin , Casein Hydrolysate , Cedarwood Oil , Charcoal , Chloramphenicol , Cresol Red , Crystal Violet , Dextrose , Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate , Dpx Mountant , Dried Sea Salt , Dulcitol , Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid , Ferric Ammonium Citrate , Ferrous Chloride Extra Pure , Formaldehyde , Gentamicin Solution , Giemsa Stain , Glacial Acetic Acid , Glass Beads , Glucose , Glycerol , Gram’S Decolouriser , Hi Antibiotic Zone Scale-Tm C , Horse Serum , Hydrochloric Acid , Hydrogen Peroxide , Indian Ink , Inositol , Inulin , Iodine , Kovac’S Indole Reagent , L ( + ) Arabinose , Lacto Phenol Cotton Blue , Lactose , L-Arginine , L-Cystine , Lead Acetate , Leishman’S Stain , L-Lysine , L-Ornithine , Lugol’S Iodine , Lysozyme , Magnesium Chloride , Malachite Green , Maltose , Mannitol , Methyl Red , Methyl Violet , Methylated Spirit , Methylene Blue , N, N, N, N-Tetramethyl-P-Phenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride , Na Deoxycholate Powder , Negrosine , Neutral Red , Nystatin , O-Nitrophenyl B-D-Galactopyranoside , Paraffin Liquid , P-Dimethyl Amino Benzaldehyde , Petroleum Jelly / Vaseline White , Phenol , Phenol Crystal , Phenol Red , Phosphate Buffer , Potassium Chloride , Potassium Di Hydrogen Phosphste , Potassium Dichromate A.R , Potassium D-Tartrate , Potassium Hydroxide , Potassium Iodide , Potassium Nitrate , Potassium Tellurite , Potassium Tellurite 1% , Pyridoxal Hydrochloride , Raffinose , Resazurin Sodium , Rhamnose , Rpmi-1640 , Safranin , Salicin , Skim Milk Powder , Sodium Azide , Sodium Bicarbouate , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Citrate , Sodium Deoxycholate , Sodium Glycerolphosphate , Sodium Hydroxide , Sodium Hypochlorite , Sodium Taurocholate , Sodium Thioglycolate , Sodium Thiosulphate , Sorbitol , Starch , Sucrose , Sulphanilic Acid , Sulphuric Acid , Tannic Acid , Tartaric Acid , Tetramethyl -P-Phenylenediamine Hydrochloride ( Oxidase Reagent ) , Toluidine Blue , Trehalose , Triclogel , Tryptone , Tween-20 / 40 / 80 , Urea Ar , Xylene Lr , Yeast Extract Powder , Yeast Phosphate Agar , Discs For Carbohydrate Fermentation Test , Adonitol Ad , Arabinose Ar , Cellobiose Ce , Dextrose De , Dulcitol Du , Fructose Fc , Galactose Ga , Inositol Is , Inulin In , Lactose La , Maltose Ma , Mannitol Mn , Mannose Mo , Melibiose Mb , Raffinose Rf , Rhamnose Rh , Salicin Sa , Sorbitol Sb , Sucrose Su , Trehalose Te , Differentiation Discs And Strips , Bacitracin B ( 50 Discs / Vl ) , Bile Esculin ( 50 Discs ) , Dmaca Indole Discs Dm ( 50 Discs / Vl ) , Hippurate Hp ( 25 Discs / Vl ) , Kovac’S Reagent Strips ( 25 Strips / Vl ) , Lead Acetate Paper Strips ( 25 Strips / Vl ) , Nitrate Discs N ( 50 Discs / Vl ) , Optochin ( 5Mcg ) , Oxidase Discs ( 50 Discs / Vl ) , Spore Strips ( 25 Strips Per Pak ) , V Factor ( 50 Discs / Vl ) X , X Factor ( 50 Discs / Vl ) X , Readymade Stains , Alberts Metachronatic Stains Kit , Capsule Stains Kit , Gram Stains Kits , Hi Cold Stain Tb Kit For Mycobacteria , Lactophenol Cotton Blue Stain For Fungi , Lugols Iodine Stain For Intestinal Protozoa , Malarial Parasite Kit , Stains For Negative Staining , Zn Acid Fast Stains Kit , Consumables / Disposables , Biohazard Colour Codeddisposal Bags , Blood Cultural Bottle ( Glass ) , Blottingpaper , Coplinjar , Coverslip , Diamond Pencil / Glass Marking Pencil ( Different Colour ) , Filter Paper , Glass Syringe 20Ml , Glass Syringe 30Ml , Glass Syringe 50Ml , Hi Disposable Bag , Inoculation Loop , Metaloop Ch-2 , Petridish ( 90Mm ) Disposable , Petridish ( 90Mm ) Glass , Petridish ( 90Mm ) Autoclavable , Plastic Dropper , Rubber Teat , Safe Blood Culture Bottle S.S.Rack , Scalpel Blade With Handle , Sealing Tape For Lab Ware , Slide Box , Slide Discarding Glass Jar , Slides Staining Rack , Sterile Cotton Swab Tube , Swab Tube ( Disposable Plastic Ware ) , Test Tube Cleaning Brush , Test Tube Holder , Test Tube Rack Z Shape ( Metal ) , Tissue Paper , Tuberculin Syringe , Wash Bottle , Miscellaneous , Anaerobic System Mark Ii , Anaerogas Pack 3.5L , Antibiotic Zonescale , Hi-Flexiloop 4 , Hi-Flexiloop-S , Hilndicator Ph Paper , Hilndicator Ph Paper , Hivibrio Identification Kit , Microscope Cover Glass 22 X 22 Mm , Nichrome Loop-D-2 , Nichrome Loop-D-4 , Spatula - 128 , Spirit Lamp , Sterile Cotton Swab , Test Tube Stand , Thumb Press Dispensing Dropper 1Ml , Thumb Press Dispensing Dropper 2Ml , Thumb Press Dispensing Dropper 3Ml , Wash Bottle ( Capacity-500 Ml ) , Sterile Disposable Petri Plates 90Mm , 2 Shelves Folding Stand , 8-Ch Multichannel Pipettee ( 10 To 200Ul ) , Anaero Indicator Tablet , Centrifuge Tubes, Blue Cap, Bulk Pack , Centrifuge Tubes, Red Cap, Bulk Pack , Durham Tubes , Filter Paper Grade 41 , Higas Burner , Himvic Biochemical Test Kit , Hispark Cleaning Solution , Homogenizer With Plain Pestle ( P.P. ) 10Ml , Homogenizer With Plain Pestle ( P.P. ) 20Ml , Homogenizer With Plain Pestle ( P.P. ) 5 Ml , Homogenizer With Plain Pestle ( P.P. ) 50Ml , Homogenizer With Serrated Pestle ( S.P. ) 10Ml , Inoculating Loop ( 1Ml, 5Ml, 10Ml, 40Ml & 100Ml ) , Mccartney Bottle , Micro Pipette ( 5 To 50Ul, 20 To 200Ul, 100 To 1000Ul ) , Micro Pipette Tips 2-200Ul ( 1000 Pcs / Pack ) , Multipurpose Clinical Sample Collector , Parafilm M250 , Petri Plate Carrie , Screw Cap Tube , Slides Staining Jar Coplin Type , Stainless Steel Forceps Blunt , Stainless Steel Forceps, Pointed , Stainless Steel Scalpel Holder , Sterile Disposable Petri Plate 100Mm , Sterile Flocked Nylon Swab With Breakpoint ( Scored ) , Sterile Uricol , Straight Wire ( Nichrome ) , Surgical Blade ( All Sizes ) , Table Lamp , Triclogel Dispenser Bottle , Triclogel Hand Disinfectant Gel , Vial With Screw Cap ( Autoclavable ) , Additional Items , Haemoglobin Sol Fd 022 , Vitamin Growth Supplement Fd 025 , 1% Potassium Tellurite , Tween 80 Media , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 25923 Cat No. 0360P , Escherichia Coli Atcc 25922 Cat No. 0335P , Plate Count Agar Mo91 , Bact / Alert Blood Culture Bottle ( Adult ) , Bact / Alert Blood Culture Bottle ( Paediatric ) , Pastorex Meningitis Kit ( 25 Test ) , Scrub Typhus Igm Kit , Chikungunia Igm Kit , Leptospira Elisa ( Igm ) , Cryptococcus Lateral Flow Ag Detect Test ( Kit ) , Hev Igm / Igg Elisa Kit , Electrical Loop Sterilizer , Micro Pipettee Stand , Aluminium Foil , Sheep Blood Agar Plates ( Media ) , Colistion , Trisodium Citrate ( Chemical ) , N-Acetyl Cysteine , Kinyoun Stain , Basicfuchsin Powder , Sodium Deoxycholate , Hev ( Rapid Test Kit ) , Bt20 Biological Indicator , List Of Laboratory Reagent For The Department Of Biochemistry , Acetic Acid Anhydride , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone , Alchol Ether Mixture , Alkaline Phenolphthalein , Ammonia Soln. , Ammonium Chloride , Ammonium Hydroxide , Ammonium Molybdate , Ammonium Oxalali Monohydrate , Ammonium Sulphate , Barium Chloride , Barium Sulphate , Benedict Reagent ( Qualative ) , Benedict Reagent ( Quantative ) , Benzidine , Benzoic Acid , Bile Pigment , Bile Salt , Borax ( Sodium Borate ) , Bromine , Butanol , Calcium Chloride ( Fused ) , Carbolic Acid , Chloroform , Citric Acid Anhydrous , Congo Red Reagent , Crp , Cupric Acetate , Cupric Sulphate Extrapure , D- Fructose , D- Lactose Monohydrate , Dextrose Anhydrous , Diethy Ether , Distilled Water , Ethanol , Ethyl Alcohol , Fehling Solution - A , Fehling Solution - B , Ferric Choloride , Ferric Choloride Anhydrous , Formaldyhyde Solution , Guaiac Solution , Hopkin Coles Reagent , Hydrochloric Acid , Hydrogen Peroxide , Iodine , Lead Acetate , Magnesium Sulphate , Maltose Monohydrate , Maltose Powder , Mercuric Sulphate , Mercurius Nitrate , Methyl Violet , Millons Reagent , Napthol , Ninhydrin Soln. , Nitric Acid , Orthophopric Acid , Oxalic Acid , Petroleum Ether 60-80 Clr , Phenol , Phenophthelin , Phloroglucinol , Phnyl Hydrazine Hydrochlroide , Phosphomolibdic Acid , Phosphotungstic Acid , Picric Acid , Potass Sulphate , Potassium Acetate , Potassium Carbonate , Potassium Chloride , Potassium Dichromate , Potassium Ferrocyanite , Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate , Potassium Hydroxide , Potassium Iodide , Potassium Oxalate Monohy , Potassium Tricyanate , Propan , Resorcinol , Salicylic Acid , Silver Nitrate , Sodium Acetate , Sodium Carbonate , Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous , Sodium Choloride , Sodium Citrate , Sodium Hydroxide , Sodium Hypobromide , Sodium Hypochlorate , Sodium Nitrate , Sodium Nitroprusside Purified , Sodium Potassium Tartrate , Sodium Sulphate , Sodium Tungstate , Spirit , Starch Soluble , Sucrose , Sulphur Powder , Sulphuric Acid , Tannic Acid , Tartaric Acid , Tibc , Toludine Reagent , Tri Calcium Phosphate , Trichloroacetic Acid ( Tca ) , Trisodium Citrate , Urea , Urea Powder , Vanillin , Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate , List Of Disposable Items , Tissue Paper , List Of Consumable Items , All Glass Double Distillation Unit 4 Ltr ( C-3362, Borosil ) 4 Ltr , All Glass Single Distillation Unit 4 Ltr ( C-3361, Borosil ) 4 Ltr , C- 3021, Cylinder, Graduated, Borosil, 1Ltr , C- 7080, Pepette, Serological, Borosil ( 25, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 Ml ) , C- 7100, Tranfer, Pipettes, Borosil ( 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 Ml ) , C-1000, Beaker, Borosil ( 50, 100, 250, 500 Ml, 1Ltr, 2 Ltrs ) , C-1250, Bottle B.O.D.With Interchangeble Stopper, Borosil ( 125, 300 Ml ) , C-2130, Burtters, Borosil 50 Ml , C-3022, Cylinder, Graduated, Borosil ( 250, 500 Ml ) , C-3024, Cylinder, Graduated, Borosil ( 50, 100 Ml ) , C-3185, Basins, Borosil , 10 Mm , C-4980, Flasks, Erienmeyer Graduated Conical, Borosil, 2 Ltrs , C-5020, Flasks, Erlenmeyer, Conical, Borosil, ( 50, 100, 250, 500 Ml ) , C-5021, Flasks, Conical With Screw Cap, Borosil, 1 Ltr , C-5642, Volumetric, Flasks, Borosil ( 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500, 1000 Ml ) , C-6140, Glass Funnel, Borosil ( 50, 100Ml ) , C-7102, Volumetric, Pipettes, Borosil ( 25, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 Ml ) , C-7105, Pipette, Ostwald, Borosil 0.5 Ml , C-8080, Glass Centrifuge Tube, Borosil, 15 Ml , C-9800, Test Tube With Rim, Borosil ( 10X75, 12X75, 15X125, 25X100 Mm ) , Calibation Tips 3 Ml. , Chromatographic Paper ( Whatmann No -1 ) , Cocunut Oil , Coverslip , Desicators Large Size C-3080 ( 300, 160 Mm ) , Folin & Wu Tube , Filter Paper , Glass Slide , Litmus Paper ( Blue & Red ) , Micro Centrifuge Tube , Micro Pipette ( 100-1000 Ul ) , Micro Pipette ( 10-100 Ul ) , Micro Pipette ( 50-100 Ul ) , Fixed Pipette ( 500 Micro Liter ) , Fixed Pipette ( 1000 Micro Liter ) , Rubber Trip , Spirit Burner , Test Tube Cleaning Brush , Test Tube Holder , Tourniquette Belt , Tube Rack , Vacum Holder , List Ofauto Analyser Vitros 350 / 5600 , Dessicant Pack , Humidity Pack , Erf 800 Reference Fluid , Erf 300 Reference Fluid , Iwf , Glucose , Creatinine , Bun / Urea , Uric Acid , T.Billirubin , Bubc , Ast , Aso , Rheumatoid Factor , Alt , Alkp , T.Protein , Albumin , Ggt , Cholesterol , Dhdl , Tibc , Triglyceride , Calcium ( Ca++ ) , Magnesium , Na + ( Sodium ) , K + ( Potassium ) , Ammonia , Csf Protein , Ldh , Lipase , Amylase , Upro , Ck- Mb , Ck , Iron ( Fe ) , Performance Verifier- 1 , Performance Verifies- 2 , Csf Sugar , Cal Kit- 1 , Cal Kit- 2 , Cal Kit- 3 , Cal Kit- 4 , Cal Kit- 5 , Cal Kit- 6 , Cal Kit- 7 , Cal Kit- 25 , Cal Kit- 10 , Cal Kit- 16 , Cal Kit- 28 , Cal Kit- 29 , Versa Tips , Vitros Microtip , Sample Cups , Rat Lamp , Signal Reagent , Universal Wash , List Of Auto Analyser , Albumin , Alkaline Phosphate , Alt , Amylase , Ast , Bilirubin , Cholesterol , Creatinine , Ggt , Glucose , Hdl Cholesterol , Lipase , Total Protein , Triglyceride , Urea , Uric Acid , G6 Pd Assay , Calcium , Phosphorus , Calibrators / Reagents For Vitros 5600 Autoanalyser , Afp , Anti-Hav Igm , Anti-Hav Total , Anti-Hbc , Anti-Hbc Igm , Anti-Hbe , Anti-Hbs , Anti-Hcv , Anti-Hiv 1+2 , Ca 125 Ii , Ca 15-3 , Ca 19-9 , Cea , Ck-Mb , Cmv Igg , Cmv Igm , Cortisol , C-Peptide , Estradial , Ferritin , Folate , Free Psa , Free T3 , Free T4 , Fsh , Hba1c , Hbeag , Hbsag , Hbsag Es , Hiv Combo , Insulin , Intact Pth , Lh , Myoglobin , Nephrocheck , Timp-2 , Igfbp-7 , N-Telopeptide , Ntbnp , Progestarone , Prolactin , Psa , Rubella Igg , Rubella Igm , Syphilis Tpa , T3 Uptake , Testosterone , Total B-Hcg Ii , Total Psa Ii , Total T3 , Total T4 , Toxoplasma Igg , Toxoplasma Igm , Troponin I Es , Tsh , Vitamin B12 , Vitamin D Total , Crp- Quantitative , Procalcitonin ( B.R.A.H.M.S. Pct ) , D-Dimer , Il6 , G6pd , Control For Vitros 5600 Autoanalyser , Anti-Hbc , Anti-Hbs , Anti-Hcv , Anti-Hiv 1+2 , Anemia Control , Anti-Hab Igm , Anti-Hav Total , Anti-Hbc Igm , Free Thyroid , Hbe , Hbsag , Intact Pth , Metabolism , Nephrocheck , Ntx , Re , Syphilis Tpa , Testosterone , Total Thyroid , Crp Pv 1 & 2 , Pct Control , Cardiac Marker Plus , Diluent For Vitros 5600 Autoanalyser , High Sample Diluent A Reagent Pack ( Gem 4901 ) , High Sample Diluent A ( Man ) ( Gem 4911 ) , High Sample Diluent B Reagent Pack ( Gem 4902 ) , High Sample Diluent B ( Man ) ( Gem 4912 ) , 7% Bsa Solution , Consumables For Vitros 5600 Autoanalyser , Immuno Wash Fluid , Fs Cuvette , Fs Microtip , Fs Diluent Pack , Fs Humidification Pack , Dessicant Pack , Maintenance Pack , Additional Items , Fs Lamp Assembly , Fs Reconstitution Diluent , Liquid Pv And Liquid Pv2 For Ammonia , Dt1bc Pv1 And Dt1bc Pv2 , Fs Diluent Pack 1 , Fs Diluent Pack 2 , Fs Diluent Pack 3 , N-Butanol , Whatman Filter Paper No. 1 , Tae Buffer , Agar Or Agarose , Poly Acrylamide Gel ( Sds-Page ) , Tris Buffer , Cumassive Brilliant Blue , Amido Black , Amino Acid Kit For Proper Chrometagraphy , Barbitone Buffer , Blood Centre Items , Elisa Hbs Ag 4Th Generation , Elisa Hcv 3Rdgeneration , Elisa Hiv 4Thgeneration , Hbs Ag Signal Spot Test , Hiv Signal Spot Test , Hcv Signal Spot Test , Anti Sera ‘A’ , Anti Sera ‘B’ , Anti Sera ‘D’ , Anti Ab , Anti A1lactin , Anti Sera ‘H’Lactin ( Igm ) , Anti Human Globulin , Bovine Serum Albumin , Hemoglobin Meter , Hemoglobin Strips , Micro Curvette ( Hemoglobin Test ) For Use In Hemocue 301 , Blood Lancet 100S , Multi-Channel ( 8 Channel ) Micro Pipette , Micro Pipette 5-50 ?L , Glass Pipette ( 0.1Ml ) , Glass Pipette ( 2Ml ) , Glass Pipette ( 5Ml ) , Glass Pipette ( 10Ml ) , Beaker ( Glass ) 250 Ml , Beaker ( Glass ) 500 Ml , Measuring Cylinder 250 Ml , Measuring Cylinder 500 Ml , Round Band-Aid Sticker , Single Blood Bag ( 350 Ml ) , Double Blood Bag ( 350 Ml ) Cpda , Double Blood Bag ( 350 Ml ) Cpda Sagm , Triple Blood Bag ( 350 Ml ) Cpda , Triple Blood Bag ( 350 Ml ) Cpda Sagm

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