
Tender For Lab Re-Agents And Consumables, palakkad-Kerala

District Hospital has published Tender For Lab Re-Agents And Consumables. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-05-2023. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in palakkad Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Lab Re-Agents And Consumables
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Lab Re-Agents And Consumables Lab Re-Agents And Consumables Supply For Laborateries In District Hospital Palakkad , Lab Re-Agents And Consumables , Glucometer Strips , Blood Bank , Anti A , Anti B , Anti Ab , Anti D , Anti A1 , Anti H , Ahg Serum , Blend Anti D , Igg Anti D , Hiv Elisa 4 Th Gen. , Hbsag Elisa , Hcv Elisa , Hiv Rapid , Hbsag Rapid , Hcv Rapid , Rpr , Syphilis Elisa , Malaria Rapid , Yellow Tips , Micro Slides , Pasture Pipette 1Ml , Copper Sulphate , Lancets , Blue Tips , Matrix Ahg Cards , Matrixf & R Grouping Cards , Matrix Diluents Liss , Abbott Hiv Reagent , Abbott Hbsagreagent , Abbott Hcv Reagent , Abbott Hiv Control , Abbott Hbsagcontrol , Abbott Hcvcontrol , Filter Paper , Paper Sticker , Disposable Plastic Test Tubes With Cap , Sponge Ballsyellow , Test Tube Racksmetal , Haemoglobin Micro Cuvette , Glass Rod , Beaker , Measuring Cylinder , Injection Spot Bandage , Triple Blood Bag With Sagm350 , Single Blood Bag , Bovine Albumin22% , White Tiles , Urino Meter ( Hydrometer ) , Pippette Stand , Micropippettes , Multichannel Pippette , Cd Marker , Thermograph Papers , Thermograph Pen , Plastic Tray , Vacutainer Tubes , Rdc -Thyroid Function Test , Troponin T Quantitative , Heparin Tube , Sodium Citrate Tube 3.2% , Heparin Syringe , Trop T ( Sensitive, Qualitative ) , Sod.Potassium Pack , Sod.Pot Daily Cleeaning Solution , Sod.Pot Filling Solution , Abg Kit , Mantaux Test , Ppd 10Tu , Ppd 5Tu , Serology , Aso Latex Test , Ra Factor , Vdrl Rapid Card , Hiv Tridot , Crp ( Latex ) , Hav ( Card Test ) , Widal Slide Method , Motion , Occult Bloodkit , Lugol’S Iodine , Biochemistry , Erba Norm , Erba Xl Wash , Erba Path , Multi Cal , Erba Glucose ( System Pack ) , Erba Cholesterol ( System Pack ) , Erba Ldl Direct , Erba Hdl Direct ( System Pack ) , Erba Urea ( System Pack ) , Erba Creatinine ( System Pack ) , Erba Uric Acid ( System Pack ) , Erba Calcium ( System Pack ) , Erba Phospherous ( System Pack ) , Erba Bilirubin Total ( System Pack ) , Erba Bilirubin Direct ( System Pack ) , Erba Txd Bilirubin , Erba Alk.Phosphatase ( System Pack ) , Erba Total Protein ( System Pack ) , Erba Sgot ( System Pack ) , Erba Sgpt ( System Pack ) , Erba Tryglyceride ( System Pack ) , Erba Amylase ( System Pack ) , Erba Lypase ( System Pack ) , Erbacrp , Erba Magnesium , Erba Csf Protein , Erba Chloride , Erba Csf Chloride , Aso Titration Method Kit , Erba Micro Protein , Erba Acid / Alkali Auto Wash , Erba Ldh , Erba Ada , Microbiology , Gram Stain Kit ( Modified Method ) , Agar Agar , Mac Conkey Agar , Peptone , Nacl ( Sodium Chloride ) , Muller Hinton Agar , Salmonella Shigella Agar , Tsi Agar , Selenite F Broth , Bile Broth , Plate Count Agar , Brain Heart Infusion Broth , Biphasic Medium , Kovac’S Indol Reagent , Methyl Red Indicator , Barrit’S Reagent A , Barrit’S Reagent B , Mrvp Medium , Hydrogen Peroxide , Oxidase Disc , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar , Xylose Lysene Dextrose Agar , Thilosulphatecitratebile Salt Agar , Manitol Motility Medium , Simmon Citrate Agar , Christiansen’S Urea Agar , Urea 40% , Acetone , X, V&Xv Factor Medium For Haemophillus Influenza , Salmonella Typhi Antiserum , Salmonella Paratyphi Antiserum , Emb Agar , Brilliant Green Bile Broth , Macconkey Double Strength Broth , Tc Bs , Acid Fast Staining Kit , Albert Stain Kit , Barium Chloride , Potassium Tellurate 1% , Loefflers Serum Slope Base Medium , Cled Agar , Nigrosin Stain, 10%W / V , Modified Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Base , Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar , Cc Supplement , Corn Meal Agar , Potato Dextrose Agar , Hichrome Tm Candida Differential Agar , Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller ( Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base ) , Phenylalanine Agar , Mannitol Salt Agar Base , Macconkey Double Strength With Neutral Red , Macconkey Double Strength With Bromocresol Purple , Urine Container ( Non Sterile ) , Urine Container ( Sterile ) , Sterile Swab With Tube , Sterile Swab Without Tube , Chloramphenicol Powder , Sheep Blood Agar ( Ready Made ) , Macconkey Agar ( Ready Made ) , Muller Hinton Agar ( Ready Made ) , Citrate ( Ready Made ) , Urease ( Ready Made ) , Triple Sugar Iron Agar ( Ready Made ) , Mannitolmotilityagar Ready Made , E.Coli Atcc Strain 25922 , Klebsiella Pneumoniae Atcc Strain 13883 , Pseudomonas Aeuroginosa Atcc Strain 27853 , Mrsa Atcc Strain , Mssa Atcc Strain 25923 , Enterococcus Fecalis Atcc Strain 29212 , Inoculation Loop ( 0.001 ?M ) , Antibiotic Disc , Fosfomycin , Novobiocin 30?G , Gentamycin 120?G , Polymyxin B 50 Units , Polymyxin B 300 Units , Pefloxacin , Imipenem , Nalidixic Acid , Piperacillin , Oxacillin , Amikacin , Cephalaxin , Ampicillin , Amoxycillin , Ceftriaxone , Cefotaxime , Ceftazidime , Chloram Phenicol , Cotrimaxazole , Erythromycine , Gentamycine , Tetracyllin , Vancomycin , Ciprofloxacin , Aztreonam , Azithromycin , Cefaclor , Cefadroxil , Cefaperazone , Cefodoxime , Cefprozil , Cephalothin , Cephaloridine , Clarithromycin , Cloxacillin , Doxycyllin , Furazolidone , Gatifloxacine , Kanamycin , Lincomycin , Linezoin , Lumefloxacin , Minocyclin , Nitrofurantoin , Ofloxacin , Roxithromycin , Streptomycin , Cefacolin , Cefapime , Cefixime , Cefaxicine , Cefuroxime , Cephalotin , Cefpodoxime , Clindamycin , Colistin , Fusidic Acid , Impenem , Levofloxacin , Meropenem , Norfloxacin , Pencillin , Rifampin , Optochin ( Disc ) , Bacitracin ( Disc ) , Bile Esculin ( Disc ) , Tigicycline , Teichoplanin , Ampicillin / Amoxyllin , Amoxyllin Clavunalic Acid , Ampicillin Sulbactum , Cefoxitin , Cefoperazone Sulbactum , Cephazolin , Cefepine Tazobactum , Piperacillin Tazobactum , Netilmycin , Liquid Paraffin Wax , Standard Inoculation Loop , Sd Bioline / Span-Ldh Hrpii ( Malaria Antigen Detection Kit , Alpha Napthol , Bromothymol Blue , Sulphanilic Acid , Alpha Naphthalamine , Ferric Chloride , Glycerol , Vibrio Cholera Antisera , Typing Sera-Ogawai Inaba Hikojima , Typhidot , Typing Sera For Salmonella , Typing Sera For Shigella , Oxidation Fermentation Medium ( High & Leifson’S Medium ) , Arabinase , Tphakit , Lysen Decarboxylase Broth , Ornithine Decarboxylase Broth , Arginine Dihydrolase Broth , Base For Decarboxycase , Meat Extract , Pyradoxal , Bromo Cresol Purple , Cresol Red , Albert Stain , Nitrate Reduction Medium , Phenyl Analyne Deaminase Medium , Linizolid ( Antibiotic Disc ) , Netilmicin , Potassium Permanganate , Picric Acid , Alkaline Peptone Water , Sabourands Dextrose Agar , Robertsons Cooked Meat Medium , Lacto Phenol Cotton Blue , Indian Ink , 10% Koh , Actideon , Glasswares , Petriplates , Petriplates , Petriplates , Test Tubes , Maccartney Bottles , Measuring Jar , Measuring Jar , Measuring Jar , Measuring Jar , Measuring Jar , Cavity Slide , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Screw Capped Cbottles , Screw Capped Cbottles , Beaker , Beaker , Esr Pipette ( Glass ) , Blood Cuture Bottle ( Large ) , Blood Culture Bottle ( Small ) , Test Tubes ( Glass ) 12X75 , Test Tube ( Glass ) 12X100 , Haematology , Sulpholyser , Stromatolyser ( 4Dl ) , Stromatolyser ( 4Ds ) , Cell Pack , Cell Clean , Sysmex Qc , K3 Edta Tube , Nycocard Hba1c Kit , Ptinr Kit , Aptt Kit , Calcium Chloride , Lupus Anticoagulant , Histopathology , Haematoxyllin Stain Powder , Haematoxyllin Stain Solution , Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate , Mercuric Oxide Yellow , Glacial Acetic Acid , Eosin Yellowish , Eosin Yellow Stain Solution 2% , Orange G , Phosphotungstic Acid , Light Green , Bismark Brown Red , Lithium Carbonate , Hydrochloric Acid , Isopropyl Alcohol , Disposable Ring , Xylene , Coverslip 22X50 , Microtome Blade , Dpx Mountant , Capsule For Tissue Processing , Paraffin Wax , Formaldihyde , Sulphuric Acid ( Conc ) , Hydrochloric Acid ( Conc ) , Phenol Red , Embedding Mould , Surgical Blade 11 , Others , Coverslip18x18 , Filter Paper Whatsman No1 , Lense Cleaning Paper , Tissue Paper , Soap Solution , Leishman Stain , Platelet Flud , Price Sticker ( Paper ) , Glass Marking Pencil ( Diamond ) , Hand Wash , Sulphosalicylic Acid Powder , Sod.Hypochlorate Solution5% , Sod.Hypochlorate Powder , Sodium Hydroxide , Barium Chloride Powder , Ammonium Oxalate Crystal , Trisodium Citrate Powder , Fouchet’S Reagents , Ammonium Sulphate Crystal , Multi Stick , Ph Paper , Plastic Funnel , Scrubber , Test Tube Brush , Test Tube Rack ( Large ) , Test Tube Rack ( Small ) , Spirit Lamp , Thermometer , Sterility Checking Tape , Micropipette , Micropipette , Urine Micro Albumin ( Latex ) , Esr Pipette ( Dispossable ) , Petriplates ( Disposable ) , Vitamin O , Horse Serum , Haemoglobin Solution ( Sd022 ) , Entero Check , Tellurite Blood Agar , Sda With Chlorophenicol , Clott Activator , Therma Paper For Radiometer Analyser , Nichrome Wire ( 0.001?M ) , Vitamin D Control , Procalcitonin , Blood Culture Bottle ( Adult ) , Blood Culture Bottle ( Paediatric ) , Bc 6800 6D Control , Urine Myoglobin Test Kit , Basic Fuchsin , Sodium Or Potassium Meta Bisulphate , Activated Charcoal , District Laboratory , Diluent , Rinse , Probecleaner , Ez Cleaner , Lyse , Quality Control For Haematology Analyserlevel 1 , Quality Control For Haematology Analyserlevel 2 , Diluent , Rinse , Lyse , Ez Cleaner , Probe Cleaner , Blood Collection , Digitaltimer , Sodium Flouride Tube , Giemsa Stain , Jsb 1 , Jsb 2 , Tourniquet , Immersion Oil , 3.8%Sodiumcitratesolution , Thermal Paper Role57 Mm , Thermal Paper Role51 Mm , Thermal Paper Role110 Mm , Ria Vial ( Test Tube Plastic ) , Esr Vaccum Blood Collection Tube , Bio Chemistry , Glucose Hexokinase , Cholesterol , Urea Uv , Creatinine , Uric Acid , Bilirubin Total-Tab , Bilirubin Direct , Sgot , Sgpt , Alkaline Phosphatase , Total Protien , Albumin , Calcium ( Arsenazo ) , Inorganic Phosphurus , Triglyeride , Hdl C Direct , Lipase , Amylase , Qualichek Norm , Qualichek Path , Muliticalibrator , Mispa Clinia Detergent , Samplecup ( Hitachi ) , Triglyceride ( System Pac ) , Albumin ( System Pac ) , Micro Centrifuge Tube ( Bullet Vial ) , Urine Examination , Glucosealbuminstrip , Urine Acetonestrip , Sulphurpowder , Bariumchloridesolution , Litmuspaper , Liquor Ammonia , Ehrlich’S Reagent , Sodiumnitro Prusside , Smith Reagent , Serology , Hev Card , Dengue Igm, Ns1 Rapid , Leptospira Rapid , Chikun Guniea Rapid , Dengue Igm Elisa , Denguens1 Antigenelisa , Leptoigm Antibodyelisa , Scrub Typhus Igm Elisa , Hev Elisa , Hav Elisa , Chikun Guniea Elisa , Electrolyte , Ise Pack , Deptroteiniser , Malariarapidcard Pv And Pf , Phenyl Black , Phenyl White , Surgical Blade , 1% Methylene Blue ( Lofflers ) , Carbol Fuchsin Strog ( Ziehl Neelsen ) , Con: Sulphuric Acid ( 98.08 ) , Vaccu Tech K3 Edta Tube , Vaccu Tech Clot Activator Tube , Vaccu Holder , Erbasingle Reaction Cuvette For Pt, Aptt , Erba Calcium Chloride , Erba Actime , Erba Protime Ls ( Pt ) , M6 Ds Diulent , M6 Ld Lyse , M6 Ln Lyse , M6 Lh Lyse , M6 Fd Dye , M6 Fn Dye , Probe Cleaner , Bc 6D Haematology Control , Digital Thermometer ( For Refrigerator )

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 15000 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document
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