Comprehensive Maintenance Of Dg Sets And Connected Accessories In Zone A In The Aor Of Age E M , At Khumbathang Under Ge Khumbathang-- 1 Periodical Maintenance such as replacement of Engine Oil, Oil filter, Air filter and diesel filter, cleaning of air filters, replacement of water hose, cleaning of filter housing etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge.,of Make: Kirloskar/Cummins/Greaves diesel engine generating sets including replacement of rusted and defective nuts, bolts, and washers etc as required at site of following capacity,one in a quarterly duration all as directed. Note:(i)Spares (Oil and filters) required for maintenance of DG set will be measured and paid seperately. (ii) Periodical maintenance/ servicing of DG Set shall to be carried out at every 250 hrs to maintain the serviceability of DG Set. 2 (a) 600KVA 3 (b) 500KVA 4 (c) 400KVA 5 (d) 320 KVA 6 (e) 100 KVA 7 (f) 62.5 KVA 8 S&F SPARE PARTS FOR 600KVA DG SETCummins Model No KTAA-19-- G6, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 9 Supply onlydiesel filter (set of four) 10 Supply only Lub Oil filter(set of two) 11 Supply only By pass filter 12 Supply only water seperator filter 13 Supply only Coolant filter 14 Supply only Air filter 15 Supply only Set of hose 16 Supply only Set of hose clamps 17 Supply only Set of fuel pipe. 18 S&F SPARE PARTS FOR 500KVA DG SETCummins Model No KTAA-19-- G10, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 19 Supply onlydiesel filter (set of two) 20 Supply only Lub Oil filter (set of two) 21 Supply only By pass filter 22 Supply only Coolant filter 23 Supply only Air filter 24 Supply only Head Gasket 25 Supply only Half Packing kit 26 Supply only Actuator 27 Supply only Set of hose 28 Supply only Set of hose clamps 29 Supply only Set of fuel pipe. 30 S&F SPARE PARTS FOR 400KVA DG SETCummins Model No QSN-14-- G2, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 31 Supply onlydiesel filter (set of two) 32 Supply only Lub Oil filter(set of two) 33 Supply only Coolant filter 34 Supply only Air filter 35 Supply only Set of hose 36 Supply only Set of hose clamps 37 Supply only Set of fuel pipe. 38 S&F SPARE PARTS FOR 320KVA DG SETCummins Model No QSL 9G15 ,complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 39 Supply onlydiesel filter (set of two) 40 Supply only Lub Oil filter 41 Supply only Air filter 42 Supply only Oil Safety Valve 43 Supply only water safety Valve 44 Supply only Fuel sensor 45 Supply only Set of hose 46 Supply onlySet of hose clamps 47 Supply only Set of fuel pipe. 48 S&F SPARE PARTS FOR 320KVA DG SETCummins Model No NTA-855 G21 complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 49 Supply onlydiesel filter (set of two) 50 Supply only Lub Oil filter 51 Supply only Air filter 52 Supply only Oil Safety Valve 53 Supply only water safety valve 54 Checking of control panel wiring and rectification 55 Supply only Set of hose 56 Supply only Set of hose clamps 57 Supply only Set of fuel pipe. 58 S&F SPARE PARTS FOR 320KVA DG SET Make -Cromton Greaves TBD 2V12MK complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 59 Supply onlydiesel filter ( set of two) 60 Supply only Lub Oil filter 61 Supply only Air filter 62 Supply onlyHead gasket 63 Supply only Set of hose 64 Supply only Set of hose clamps 65 Set of fuel pipe. 66 S&F SPARE PARTS FOR 100 KVA DG SET complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. Make -Cummins Model 6BT 67 Supply onlydiesel filter(set of two) 68 Supply only Lub Oil filter 69 Supply only Air filter 70 Supply only Set of hose 71 Supply only Set of hose clamps 72 Supply only Set of fuel pipe. 73 S&F SPARE PARTS FOR 100 KVA DG SET complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. Make -Kirlosker 6 R 74 Supply onlydiesel filter set of two 75 Supply only Lub Oil filter 76 Supply only Air filter 77 Supply only Set of hose 78 Supply only Set of hose clamps 79 Supply only Set of fuel pipe. 80 S&F SPARE PARTS FOR 62.5 KVA DG SET complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. Make -Kirlosker 81 Supply onlydiesel filter 82 Supply only Lub Oil filter 83 Supply only Air filter 84 Supply only Set of hose 85 Supply only Set of hose clamps 86 Supply only Set of fuel pipe. 87 Material and labour for caliberation of fuel injection pump assembly by authorised dealer with replacement of worn out parts, testing and commissioning complete including alignment, plunger, packing kit, spring delivery valve etc. required to make the pump serviceable of DG set of capacity 62.5 KVA to 100 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge.(The item rate includes transportation of pump from site to dealers workshop and back). 88 Material and labour for caliberation of fuel injection pump assembly by authorised dealer with replacement of worn out parts testing and commissioning complete including alignment, plunger, packing kit, spring delivery valve etc. required to make the pump serviceable of DG set of capacity 320 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge.(The item rate includes transportation of pump from site to dealers workshop and back). 89 Material and labour for caliberation of fuel injection pump assembly by authorised dealer with replacement of worn out parts testing and commissioning complete including alignment, plunger, packing kit, spring delivery valve etc. required to make the pump serviceable of DG set of capacity 400 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge.(The item rate includes transportation of pump from site to dealers workshop and back). 90 Material and labour for caliberation of fuel injection pump assembly by authorised dealer with replacement of worn out parts testing and commissioning complete including alignment, plunger, packing kit, spring delivery valve etc. required to make the pump serviceable of DG set of capacity 500 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge.(The item rate includes transportation of pump from site to dealers workshop and back). 91 Material and labour for caliberation of fuel injection pump assembly by authorised dealer with replacement of worn out parts testing and commissioning complete including alignment, plunger, packing kit, spring delivery valve etc. required to make the pump serviceable of DG set of capacity 600 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge.(The item rate includes transportation of pump from site to dealers workshop and back). 92 M&L for removing the radiator assembly complete after disconnecting from engine, opening the parts of radiator for servicing and repairing/ replacement of unserviceable minor parts including brazing/ welding complete of DG set of capacity 62.5 KVA to 100 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge.(The item rate includes transportation of radiator from site to wksp and back and refixing the radiator in position). 93 M&L for removing the radiator assembly complete after disconnecting from engine, opening the parts of radiator for servicing and repairing/ replacement of unserviceable minor parts including brazing/ welding complete of DG set of capacity 320 KVA to 400 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge.(The item rate includes transportation of radiator from site to wksp and back and refixing the radiator in position). 94 M&L for removing the radiator assembly complete after disconnecting from engine, opening the parts of radiator for servicing and repairing/ replacement of unserviceable minor parts including brazing/ welding complete of DG set of capacity 500 KVA to 600 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge.(The item rate includes transportation of radiator from site to wksp and back and refixing the radiator in position). 95 Supply and fixing of Turbo Charger Assy of DG set of capacity 100 KVA incl taking down old u/sTurbo Charger complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 96 Supply and fixing of Turbo Charger Assy of DG set of capacity 320 KVA to 600 KVA incl taking down old u/s Turbo Charger complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 97 Supply and fixing pressure booster pump single phase 240 volt single cylinder 1 hp capcity for radiator cleaning Make Everest complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 98 Material and labour for repair of self starter of 62.5 KVA to 100 KVA DG set including taking out burnt out winding, rewinding the same and replacment of burn out parts carbon brush, brushes etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. (Note: The items rates incl transpotation of self startor from site /store to workshop and back to site /store 99 Supply and fix self starter 12 volts suitable for62.5 KVA to 100 KVA DG set including taking out unsv self starter from the DG set. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 100 Material and labour for repair of self starter of 320 to 600 KVA DG set including taking out burnt out winding, rewinding the same and replacment of burn out parts carbon brush, brushes etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. (Note: The items rates incl transpotation of self startor from site /store to workshop and back to site /store 101 Supply and fix self starter 24 volts suitable for320 KVA to 600 KVA DG set including taking out unsv self starter from the DG set. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 102 Supply and fixing of Water Pump Assy of DG set of capacity 62.5 KVA to 100 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 103 Supply and fixing of Water Pump Assy of DG set of capacity 320 KVA to 500 KVA. complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 104 S&F in replacement lead acid power pack unit of capacity 12 volts 180 AH of DG Sets complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 105 S&F in replacement lead acid power pack unit of capacity 12 volts 100 AH of DG Sets complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 106 M& L for dismantling of alternator assembly of DG sets of following capacity from the foundation after disconnecting the electric connection,carrying the same to workshop,dismantling of alterantor and taking down worn out windings of rotor and exterior coils,rewinding the alternator with copper enemeled wire with same size and same gauge,replacement of insulation materials,heating and varnishing,provision of connecting leads and terminals plates etc to make alternator fully serviceable,reassembling the alternator ,shifting back to installation,assembling the same engine,making electric connections testing and commissioningupto 320 KVA DG set capacity complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 107 Supply and filling engine oil 15 W 40 make Valvoline for the servicing of DG sets of capacity 62.5 KVA to 600 KVA complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 108 Repair and replacement of auto voltage regulator completewith wire connection and connecting to existing field coil 24 volts for capacity of 125 to 600 KVA Make: Crompton Greaves/ Kirloslar/Cummins complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 109 Supply and fixing low engine oil switch/sensor for 12/24 volts 3.5 to 10 Kg/Sq cm for DG sets of capacity 62.5 KVA to 600 KVA complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 110 Supply and filling distilled water for batteries of DG Sets any make/capacity complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in- Charge. 111 Deduct Credit for Demolished/Dismantled material Rs (-) 60,155.00 (Minus) as listed in Schedule A Sec-II (Credit Schedule)Note :Tenderers will not quote against this item being a tentative amount, to be considered to arrive at the Contract Sum.