
Tender For Supply Of Electrician Tools And Equpments To Govt, Iti Arakalagud, Hassan Dist., hassan-Karnataka

Department Of Employment And Training has published Tender For Supply Of Electrician Tools And Equpments To Govt, Iti Arakalagud, Hassan Dist.. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-04-2023. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in hassan Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Electrician Tools And Equpments To Govt, Iti Arakalagud, Hassan Dist.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Electrician Tools And Equpments To Govt, Iti Arakalagud, Hassan Dist. , Dc Compound Motor With Starter And Switch, Various Electronic Components, Hydrometer, Used Dc Generators- Shunt For Overhauling Practice, Oil Testing Kit, Battery Charger, Domestic Appliances – Electric Kettle, Various Electronic Components, Motor-Generator Ac To Dc, Fire Extinguisher Co2, Rheostat Sliding Type, Rcc Pole With Accessories Ms Angle Iron C Clamp Stay Insulator Etc. And Materials, Over Current, Ac Starters Auto Transformer Type, Various Electronic Components, Ac Starters Resistance Type Starter, Fuses, Spanner Adjustable Drop Forged, Ss, Ribbon Cable Metallic Sheathed, A C Energy Meter, Combination Player Insulated, Divider, Fuses, Snip Straight, Ac Starters Star Delta Starter – Fully Automatic, Megger, Chisel Cold, Wheat Stone Bridge With Galvanometer And Battery, Neon Tester, File Flat Bastard, D.E. Metric Spanner Double Ended, Single Phase Variable Autotransformer, Steel Rule Graduated Both In Metric And English Unit, Inverter With Battery, Motor Generator Dc To Ac Set Consisting Of - Shunt Motor With Starting Compensator And Switch Directly Coupled To Ac Generator With Exciter And Switch Board Mounted With Regulator Breaker Ammeter Voltmeter Frequency Meter Knife Blade Switch And Fuses Etc Set Complete With Cast Iron Bed Plate Fixing Bolts Foundation Bolts And Flexible Coupling., Primary Current Injection Set, Working Bench, Various Electronic Components, Ohm Meter Portable Box Type, Ac Ammeter Mi, Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case, Synchronous Motor With Accessories Like Starter Excitation Arrangements, Pully Puller With 3 Legs, Lamps, Coaxial Cable, Domestic Appliances – Geyser Storage Type, Lockers With Drawers, Contactor & Auxiliary Contacts, Direct-Buried Cable, Domestic Appliances – Washing Machine Semi Automatic, Hammer Extractor Type, Wire Cutter And Stripper, Mccb, Electrician Screwdriver Thin Stem Insulated Handle, Hammer, Ball Peen With Handle, File Flat, Gauge, Wire Imperial Stainlees Steel Marked In Swg & Mm, C- Clamp, Allen Key Alloy Steel, Various Electronic Components, Domestic Appliances – Electric Induction Plate, Lamps, Digital Multi Meter, Rubber Mat, Magnetic Flux Meter, Rccb, Spanner Adjustable Drop Forged, Ss, Limit Switch, Capacitors, Frequency Meter, Ac Starters Star Delta Starter - Soft Starter, Electrician Screwdriver Thin Stem Insulated Handle, Thermometer Digital, Pliers Round Nose Insulated, Tweezers, Safety Belt, Various Electronic Components, Screwdriver Insulated, Heavy Duty Screwdriver Insulated, Rotary Switch, Domestic Appliances – Electric Iron, Temperature Controlled Soldering Iron, Growler, Grease Gun, Twisted Pair Cable, Motorised Bench Grinder, Under Voltage, Mallet Hard Wood, Oil Can, Capacitors, Fire Buckets, Oscilloscope Dual Trace, Used Dc Generators- Compound Type For Overhauling Practice, Drill Hand Brace, Dc Power Supply, A.C. Series Type Motor, Pliers Long Nose Insulated, Copper Bit Soldering Iron., Suspension Type Insulators Including Hardware Fitting, Current Transformer, Elcb, D.C. Compound Generator Withcontrol Panel Including Fittedrheostat, Voltmeter, Ammeter And Breaker, Bearing Puller Inside And Outside, Solar Panel With Battery, Tong Tester / Clamp Meter, Various Electronic Components, Ac Ammeter Mi, Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case, Punch Centre, Ceiling Fan Coil Winding Machine, Pincer, Pillar Electric Drill Machine Motorized, Cut Out Relays, Domestic Appliances – Mixture & Grinder, Miniature Breaker, Blow Lamp Brass, Function Generator, Instructors Chair, Out Side Micrometer, Various Electronic Components, Try Square, Crimping Tool, Lux Meter, Metal Rack, Dc Series Motor Coupled With Spring Balance Load, Scissors Blade, Ss, Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable, Milli Voltmeter Centre Zero Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case, Rheostat Sliding Type, Capacitors, Capacitors, Reverse Current, Bus Bar With Brackets, Ac Starters Direct Online Starter, Series Test Lamp, Chisel Firmer With Wooden Handle, Thyristor / Igbt Controlled D C Motor Drive With Tacho-Generator Feedback Arrangement, Brake Test Arrangement With Two Spring Balance Rating, Earth Plate, 4- Point D C Starter, Lamp Holder, Domestic Appliances – Motar Pump Set, C- Clamp, Hacksaw Frame, Soldering Iron, Linear I C Trainer, Almirah, File Flat Rough, Crimping Tool, Ammeter Mc Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case, Electrical Machine Trainer, Egg Type Insulators Including Hardware Fitting, Knife Switch Tpdt Fitted With Fuse Terminals, Various Electronic Components, Power Factor Meter Digital, File Round, Discrete Component Trainer, File Rasp, Half Round, Phase Sequence Indicator, Ac Phase-Wound Slip Ring Motor With Starter Switch, Various Electronic Components, Soldering Iron, Ac Squirrel Cage Motor With Stardelta Starter And Triple Pole Iron Clad Switch Fuse With Mechanical Load., Kilo Watt Meter Analog, Plug Socket, Tachometer, Wiring Board, Inside Calliper, Tachometer, Measuring Steel Tape, Shackle Type Insulators Including Hardware Fitting, Shaded Pole Motor, Knife Switch Dpdt Fitted With Fuse Terminals, Electrician Helmet, Instructors Table, Bradawl, Pliers Flat Nose Insulated, Single Phase Capacitor Motor With Starter Switch, Thyristor / Igbt Controlled A C Motor Drive With, Digital Ic Trainer, Screwdriver Insulated, 3- Point D C Starter, File Half Round, Piano Switch, Underground Feeder Cable, Hand Vice, Digital Wattmeter, Laboratory Type Induction Coil, Lamps, Earth Electrode, Rheostat Sliding Type, Ac Starters Star Delta Starter – Semiautomatic, Plane Cutters, Ac Starters Star Delta Starter- Manual, Cable Multi-Conductor Cable, Smoothing Cutters, Stepper Motor With Digital Controller, Table Vice, A.C. Voltmeter M I Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case, Pin Type Insulators Including Hardware Fitting, De Soldering Gun, Hammer, Cross Peen With Handle, Potential Transformer, Capacitors, Earth Plate, Dc Shunt Motor, Ohm Meter Series Type, D.C. Shunt Generator With Control Panel, Drill S.S. Twist Block, Single Phase Transformer Core Type Air Cooled, Domestic Appliances – A C Ceiling Fan And Ac Table Fan, Voltage Stabilizer, Snip Bent Heavy Duty, Domestic Appliances – Immersion Heater, Used Dc Generators-Series For Overhauling Practice, A C Energy Meter, Soldering Iron, Manual Motor Coil Winding Machine, Knife Double Bladed Electrician, Outside Calliper, Ammeter Mc Analog, Portable Box Type Housed In Bakelite Case, Hand Drill Machine, Universal Motor With Starter / Switch, Hacksaw Frame, Scissors Blade, Ss, Contactor & Auxiliary Contacts., Pully Puller With 3 Legs, Rheostat Sliding Type, Pipe Vice Cast Iron With Hardened Jaw Open Type, Ohm Meter Shunt Type, Three Phase Transformer Shell Type Oil Cooled With Delta / Star, Portable Electric Drill Machine, Load Bank Lamp / Heater Type, Fuses, File Flat Smooth

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Document Fees
INR 550 /-
INR 25000.0 /-
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