Abotmountretro Pumping Water Supply Scheme. 1 Rates for Abotmount Pumping ws Scheme 2 Providikng of all materials, Carting From site store to site ofwork, lowering in to treanching with true to anignment , Layingof MSERW pipegrade Yst 210, Jointing by electric welding process with proper of water supply pipe line(adore, L&T or equivelent electrodes) by cutting of pipe and making required bends by welding completion of work with testing of pipe line etc complete. 1) MSERW Pipe 40 mm dia 4.0 mm thick 3 Supply and Carting , laying jointing (including cost of jointing materials like white lead, hemp and oil etc.) fixing and testing of M.S. galvanised screwed and socketed pipes (Medium quality), specials and fittings, including cutting and threading etc. complete.1) GI Pipe 15 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 4 2)GI Pipe 20 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 5 3)GI Pipe25 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 6 4)GI Pipe 32 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 7 5)GI Pipe 40 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 8 6)GI Pipe50 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 9 Excavation ofpipeline trench in following strata lift upto 1.5m lead upto 30m. Including refilling, watering, ramming of excavated earth into the trenches and removal of surplus earth upto adistance of 60m from trenches including supply of labour, T&P etc complete. Soil mixed with Boulder and bazari 10 Mediam Rock 11 Supply and fixing of the following fittings including cartage of materials, labours, T&P. etc. complete.Reflux Valve 50mm dia (PN16) 12 Supply and fixing of the following fittings including cartage of materials, labours, T&P. etc. complete.Sluice Valve 50 mm dia 13 Supply of all materials, labours, T&P. etc.and construct of wheel valve chamber as per type design complete. 1X1 M 14 Supply and fixing of the following fittings including cartage of materials, labours, T&P. etc. complete.Wheel/Gate valves (Class-I)as per I S 778/1997. 1) 40 MM Dia 15 2) 50 MM Dia 16 Supply of all materials, labours, T&P. etc.and construct of wheel vave chamber as per type design complete.(600X600) 17 House Hold Connection Making ferrule connection in the existing main of G.I or any type of pressure mains with saddle piece, survice connection, fittings and fixing of G.M ferrule including tapping the main, including the cost of all materials like GI Specials, gun metal ball valve and GM ferrule etc. Ferrule connection (Labour cost only including index) 6 mtr pipe linght 18 12 mtr pipe linght 19 18mtr pipe linght 20 24 mtr pipe linght 21 R.R. stone masonry in cement & local sand(1:6) in foundation and Plinth . foundation & plinth including supply of material labour T & P etc. for proper completion of work.. 22 P.C.C in 1:2:4 with cement,local sand and 20 mm gauge stone ballast including supply of material, labour ,T&P etc.for proper completion of work. 23 P.C.C in 1:4:8 with cement,local sand and 40 mm gauge stone ballast including supply of material, labour ,T&P etc.for proper completion of work. 24 Construction of CWR 25 Supply of all materials, labour T&Petc complete to construct Sump / CWR as per drawing includung cost of all pipes & fittings all complete-Capacity of Sump/CWR in 05 KL 26 Supply of all materials, labour T&Petc complete to construct Sump / CWR as per drawing includung cost of all pipes & fittings all complete-Capacity of Sump/CWR in 10 KL 27 Supply of all materials, labour T&Petc complete to construct Sump / CWR as per drawing includung cost of all pipes & fittings all complete-Capacity of Sump/CWR in 15 KL 28 Supply of MS bucket type chlorinator of 25 litre capacity with chlorination arrangements 29 R.R. stone masonry in cement & local sand(1:6) in foundation and Plinth . foundation & plinth including supply of material labour T & P etc. for proper completion of work.. 30 Construction of Pump House 31 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/ manual mean over areas (exceeding 30cm in depth. 1.5m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) inclu disposal of excavated earth, lead upto 50m and lift upto 1.5m, disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 32 Concrete in 1:4:8 cement, local sand and 20 m to 40 mm gauge stone ballast in foundation and floors including supply of all material, labour T&P etc. complete 33 1st class brick work in 1:6 with cement and local sand mortor in foundation and plinth including supply of all material, labour t&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 34 Providingandlayingdamp-proofcourse50mmthickwithcementconcrete1:2:4(1cement:2coarsesand:4gradedstoneaggregate 20mm nominal size 35 1st class brick work in 1:6 with cement and sand mortor in superstructure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks as required complete 36 Sal wood wrought to required shape tramed and fixed including simple moulding in straight work as in Chaukhat etc. complete 37 R.C.C. work with cement coarse sand 10 to 20 mm gauge stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 excluding supply of reinforcement and bending with 0.5 mm thick bending wire and including necessary centering etc. complete (i) In Slab/Raft Faundation/Columns/beam (ii) In Sunshade 38 Mild Steel in R.C.C. work wrought to required shape including its bending for proper completion of work and also including suply of all steel and waste of steel complete 39 Centring and shuttering including strutting,ropping etc. and removal of form for Centring and Shuttering for Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform. 40 12 mm thick plaster with 1:6 cement and local sand mortar over brick work including racking of jointing to 1.27 cm depth complete 41 Same as above but ornamental plaster in 1:4 cement sand mortar 42 Providingandapplying plaster of paris putty 2mm thickness over plastered surface 43 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete 44 Supply and fixing 35 mm thick Teak wood doors and windows shutter including supply and fixing and adjustment hinges bolts lock, handles, springs and other fitting supply and fixing glass panelles with putty and board glass but excluding painting and supply of fittingsFor fully glazed shutters 45 For fully panelled shutters 46 Supply of approved oxidised iron fittings for doors and windows shutters 47 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting,hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required.In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works 48 Paining or varnishing on new iron or new wood work with one primer coat and two coats approved enamel paints and varnish complete 49 Distempering with oil bond washable distemper of approved brand to give an even shade. 50 Finishing walls with textured exterior paint of required shade New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm) over and including basecoatofwater proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20kg/10 sqm. 51 Supply and fixing of mosquito Jali with teak wood battan 52 Supply and fix grider of 225 m x 110 m size over pillars at pump house including supply of all material labours T&P etc. complete upto the proper completion of the work 53 Supply and fix grider of 110 mm dia. P.V.C. down pipe complete with bends etc. fixed to wall with suitable clamps 54 Earth filling in plinth including all materials, labours T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work 55 Painting first quality/embossing of departmental slogan on wall 56 Approach road and other misc work. 57 Provision approach road to connect water work site to main raod 2 m wide road 58 Provision for Iron Gate with two pillars complete.2.4m wide gate 59 Provision of Boundary Wall 60 Submersible Pumping Plant and accessories 61 S/o Submerses pump set of 70 LMP, 290Mt. Head suitable for 200 mm dia (10 HP) Assembly.Operating at 3 phase supply 62 S/o Spare Pump set of sale duty. 63 S/o Submerses pump set of 102 LMP, 160Mt. Head suitable for 200 mm dia (6 HP) Assembly.Operating at 3 phase supply 64 S/o Spare Pump set of sale duty. 65 S/o control panel cum ATS starter complete with accessories suitable for 10 HP Pump 66 S/o control panel cum ATS starter complete with accessories suitable for 10 HP Pump 67 S/o Submersible copper cable size 1x3x6 sq.m.m.16mm 68 S/o Main Piping and value with all accessories of 50mm size i.e. sluice valve 2 Nos., reflex valve 1No.,Tee 1No., Bend D/f pipes and 40mm dia 110 mtr M.S column pipe with top pipe in 3mt. Length, complete with interlocking arrangement 150Mt. 69 S/o Pressure gauge with fitting 70 S/o chemical earthing material forpumping plant including earth lectrode, aluminium earth strip etc as per I.E. rules. 71 S/o MainSwitch 63 Amp. 72 S/o 20 KVA fully automatic servo control Voltage Stabilizer suitable for regulating incoming voltage 320 to 480 Volt, outgiong voltage 415 volt with change over switch and 3 core coppper cable. 73 Spare for switch gear. 74 Installation , commissioning & Testing Of pumping palnt and all accessories. 75 internal & external electrification of Pump house 76 1 Month trial running and 5 months maintenance including watch & ward 77 Construction of 200mm dia, 150mt Deep Tubewell 78 Transportation of Suitable truck mounted Rig machine, air compressor,OP unit camp equipage connected T&P and necessary accessores, tubewell assembly housing pipe etc. including loading, unloading erection and leveling of rig machine upto site of work etc. complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer incharge, required for drilling and development of mini tubewell. 79 Drilling of bore 200 mm size by rig machine ODEX method in alluvial, boulders, pebbles, rocky stone, sticky clay etc. including lowering, welding of required kind /size of MS ERW casing pipe (blind/ slotted) from ground level upto entre depth ordered by the department (ms ERW Pipe will be provided by the department free of cost) 80 Drilling of bore 200 mm size DTH attachment from bottom of casing shoe. 81 Supply of 200 mm dia M.S.E.R.W. plain fincut pipe8mm thick. 82 Supply ol-200 tntu clia M.S.E.R.W. plain fincut pipe 8mrn thick. 83 200mm dia casing shoe of EN-24 steel. 84 200mm dia Tubewell Cap. 85 Supply of 200x100mm dia size M.S Girder 4Mt. Long. 86 Dismantling of Rig machine after completion of work. Fitting of girder clamp and wellcap. 87 Flushing of Tubewell by Air compressor 88 Development bv O.P. unitErection and lowering of O.P Unit. 89 Development by O.P unit to get Send free discharge. 90 Dismantling of O,P unit and site clearance. 91 Chemical & Bacteriologicat Test 92 Hydro-Geological Survey 93 Automation Work For Submersible Pumping Plant 94 Supply and Installation/Commissioning of PUMP CONTROL STARTER PANEL Operated Star Delta Auto Transformer Type Starter suitable for 25 HP Squirrel cage Induction Motor having following components housed in a powder coated sheet steel enclosure with proper wiring, termination, ferruling, marking etc. The On & Off Push Buttons & Spare Auxiliary Contacts of Power Contactors & Over Current Relay shall be wired up to Terminal Blocks for remote operation of the panel. The Current Transformers secondary terminals shall be so wired up to the remote terminal block for connecting the Power Analyzer in Series. (L&T/SIEMENS/ABB Switchgear) all Specifications. 95 CARTAGE OF MATERIALS 96 Cartage of Cement from tanakpur to site of work 97 Cartage of GI Pipe from tanakpur to site of work 98 Cartage ofStone Local quarry to site of work