
Tender For E-Tender For Procurement Of Homoeopathic Drugs And Medicines For Different Ayush Units Under The Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. Of West Bengal, kalyani-West Bengal

Government Departments has published Tender For E-Tender For Procurement Of Homoeopathic Drugs And Medicines For Different Ayush Units Under The Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. Of West Bengal. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-04-2023. Pure Elemental Gases Tenders in kalyani West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For E-Tender For Procurement Of Homoeopathic Drugs And Medicines For Different Ayush Units Under The Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. Of West Bengal
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Procurement Of Essential Homoeopathic Drugs And Medicines Required For Different Ayush Units Within West Bengal And Delivery Thereof To The Store Officer, Central Medical Store ( Homoeopathy ) ... , Potency - 6 , Allium Cepa 6 , Ars.Alb. 6 , Antim Ars 6 , Antim Tart 6 , Aloe Soc. 6 , Actea Spicata 6 , Bellis Per. 6 , Belladonna 6 , Carbo Veg. 6 , Colocynth 6 , Gelsemium 6 , Hepar Sulph 6 , Rhus Tox. 6 , Sabina 6 , Podophyllum 6 , Ipecac 6 , Iris Tenax. 6 , Potency - 30 , Aethusa Cyn 30 , Antim Ars 30 , Antim Tart. 30 , Arnica Mont . 30 , Arsenicum Alb 30 , Aconite Nap 30 , Aloe Soc 30 , Allium Cepa 30 , Ammon Carb 30 , Belladonna 30 , Bryonia Alb 30 , Borax 30 , Bismuth 30 , Calcarea Carb 30 , Carbo Veg. 30 , Causticum 30 , Cina 30 , Colocynth 30 , Capsicum 30 , Croton Tig. 30 , Caulophylum 30 , Calc. Pic. 30 , Carbo Veg. 30 , Coca 30 , Dulcamara 30 , Drossera 30 , Dolichos 30 , Echinacea 30 , Eup. Perf. 30 , Euphrasia 30 , Ferrum Met 30 , Gelsemium 30 , Graphites 30 , Hepar Sulph. 30 , Hyoscymus 30 , Iris Vers. 30 , Ipecac 30 , Kali Bich. 30 , Lycopodium 30 , Merc. Bin Iod 30 , Marc. Pro. Iod 30 , Merc Sol 30 , Mag. Carb 30 , Mag. Phos 30 , Merc Cor 30 , Mezereum 30 , Nux. Vom. 30 , Podopyllum 30 , Pulsatilla Nig. 30 , Ruta G 30 , Rhus Tox 30 , Spongia Tosta 30 , Sulphur 30 , Rheum 30 , Symphytum 30 , Tellurium 30 , Potency - 200 , Aloe Soc 200 , Anacardium 200 , Antim Crud 200 , Apis Mel 200 , Arnica Mont 200 , Acid Nitric 200 , Aesculus Hip 200 , Argentum Nit. 200 , Ars Alb 200 , Ars Iod 200 , Act. Recemosa 200 , Alumina 200 , Bacillinum 200 , Belladonna 200 , Bryonia 200 , Calc. Fluor 200 , Calc. Carb. 200 , Calc. Phos 200 , China 200 , Colocynth 200 , Conium Mac. 200 , Cuprum Met. 200 , Carbo Veg. 200 , Causticum 200 , Dulcamara 200 , Eupatorium Perf 200 , Euphrasia 200 , Ferrum Met. 200 , Flouric Acid 200 , Gelsemium 200 , Glonoine 200 , Graphites 200 , Hemamelis 200 , Hepar Sulph 200 , Hyoscyamus 200 , Hypericum Per. 200 , Influenzinum 200 , Ipecac 200 , Kali Bich. 200 , Kali Carb. 200 , Kreosote 200 , Lachesis 200 , Lachnanthes 200 , Ledum Pal 200 , Lycopodium 200 , Medorrhinum 200 , Mag. Carb. 200 , Mag. Phos 200 , Merc. Sol 200 , Natrum Mur. 200 , Natrum Sulph. 200 , Nux Vom. 200 , Opium 200 , Petroleum 200 , Phosphorus 200 , Phytolacca D 200 , Plumbum Met. 200 , Pulsatilla Nig 200 , Podophylum 200 , Psorinum 200 , Rhododendron 200 , Rhus Tox 200 , Rumex 200 , Ruta G 200 , Rananculus Bulb. 200 , Sang Can 200 , Sarsaparilla 200 , Sepia 200 , Spigelia 200 , Sulphur 200 , Selenium 200 , Spongia Tosta 200 , Silicea 200 , Staphysagria 200 , Syphilinum 200 , Sabina 200 , Secale Cor. 200 , Thuja Occ. 200 , Tuberculinum 200 , Veratrum Album 200 , Potency - 1M , Arnica Montana 1M , Acid Nit. 1M , Antim Crud 1M , Bacillinum 1M , Bryonia Alb. 1M , Belladonna 1M , Calc. Carb. 1M , Calc. Flour 1M , Calc. Phos. 1M , Causticum 1M , Hepar Sulph 1M , Hypericum 1M , Ignatia 1M , Lachesis 1M , Lycopodium 1M , Medorrhinum 1M , Nat. Mur. 1M , Nux Vom. 1M , Psorinum 1M , Pulsatilla 1M , Rhus Tox 1M , Ruta G 1M , Sepia 1M , Staphysagria 1M , Syphilinum 1M , Sulphur 1M , Thuja Occ. 1M , Tuberculinum 1M , Thyroidinum 1M , Potency - 10 M , Arnica Mont. 10M , Bacillinum 10M , Calc. Carb. 10M , Calc Flouricum 10M , Calc Phos 10M , Colocynth 10M , Causticum 10M , Ignatia 10M , Lycopodium 10M , Lachesis 10M , Medorrhinum 10M , Natrum Mur. 10M , Nux Vom. 10M , Pulsatilla 10M , Psorinum 10M , Rhus Tox. 10M , Ruta G. 10M , Sepia 10M , Sulphur 10M , Tuberculinum 10M , Thuja Occ. 10M , Potency - Mother Tincture , Aspidosperma Q , Alfalfa Q , Arnica Montana Q , Aralia Q , Berberis Vulg Q , Berberis Aqfl Q , Blatta Ori Q , Calendula Off Q , Carica Papaya Q , Crateagus Q , Carduusmar Q , Chelidonium Q , Cantharis Q , Cactus Grand Q , Equisetum. Hym. Q , Echinecea Q , Ficus. Rel Q , Gymnema Sylvestra Q , Gossipium Q , Hamamelis Q , Hydrastis Can.Q , Jonasia Asoka Q , Kurchi Q , Occimum Sanc Q , Oil Buchi Q , Plantago Q , Pareira Brava Q , Passiflora Q , Pathos Foetidus Q , Robinia Q , Sabal Serr. Q , Syzigium Jambo Q , Urtica Urens Q , Juticia Q , Rawalfia Serp. Q , Ointment , Arnica Mont. Oint , Asculus Oint With Applicator , Calendula Oint , Echinasea Oint , Cantharis Oint , Trituration , Thyroidinum 3X , Ars Sulf Flavum 3X , Cholesterinum 3X , Bio-Chemic Medicines , Calcarea Flour 6X , Calcarea Phos 6X , Ferrum Phos 6X , Kali Mur. 6X , Kali Phos 6X , Mag Phos 6X , Natrum Phos 6X , Natrum Sulph 6X , Silicea 6X , Calcarea Flour 12X , Calcarea Phos 12X , Kali Phos 12X , Mag Phos 12X , Natrum Phos 12X , Natrum Sulph 12X

Key Value

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INR 600000.0 /-
Tender Value
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