
Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Equipments For Physics, bhopal-Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh Laghu Udyog Nigam Limited has published Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Equipments For Physics. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-04-2023. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in bhopal Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Equipments For Physics
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Equipments For Physics---2 4-bit Ripple Counter with built in power supply 3 8085 Microprocessor kit – LED DISPLAY 4 8086 Microprocessor kit with Microcontroller cards – LED DISPLAY 5 Air track for study of potential well and hill etc. 6 Ammeter D.C. 7 Ammeter A.C. 8 Analog Multimeter 9 Analog to Digital Converter with built in power supply. 10 ANDERSONS BRIDGE 11 SCHERING BRIDGE 12 HAYS BRIDGE 13 KELVINS BRIDGE 14 MAXWELL BRIDGE 15 DESAUTYS BRIDGE 16 WEINS BRIDGE 17 Apparatus for measurement of capacitance and inductance using impedance at different frequency 18 Apparatus for Studying Diffraction from Reflection Grating Model 19 Apparatus to determine the Rydberg’s constant with the help of diffraction grating and hydrogen discharge tube. Complete with high voltage power supply, grating and spectrometer. 20 Apparatus to determine the temp coeff. of resistance of platinum complete with all accessories. 21 Apparatus to determine the viscosity of fluid using Poiseuile’s method 22 Apparatus to draw B-H curve of ferromagnetic material with the help of CRO 23 Apparatus to study characteristics of Tunnel diode 24 Apparatus to study charging and discharging of a capacitor. 25 Apparatus to study Hysteresis curve of transformer core 26 Apparatus to study RC coupled amplifier with built in power supply, 27 Apparatus to study response curve for LCR circuits and to determine the resonance frequency. 28 Apparatus to study specific resistance and energy gap of a semiconductor. 29 Apparatus to study the absorption spectra of iodine vapour complete with white light source. Power supply Grating, and spectrometer. 30 Apparatus to study transistorised regulated power supply. 31 Apparatus to verify Newton’s law of cooling 32 Audio Frequency Generator 33 BCD to Seven Segment Decoder with built in power supply. 34 Babinet Compensator with (Rail Type) Optical Bench and accessories 35 Babinet’s Compensator 36 Ballistic Galvanometer With Lamp & Scale Arrangement 37 Battery charger 2 to 12 Volt 38 Battery Eliminator 39 Bending of beam apparatus to determine Young’s Modulus 40 Fresnel Biprism Setup 41 Biquartz or Half shade Polarimeter 42 Breadboard for digital electronics experiments with built in power supply. 43 Optional Modules for Digital Lab Trainer 44 RS, JK, T, D, Master/Slave Flip Flop Type: DL01K 45 C.R.O. Dual trace 20 MHz 46 C.R.O. Dual trace 40 MHz 47 Calendar and Barne’s apparatus to determine the value of Mechanical equivalent of heat 48 Cantilever to determine Young’s Modulus 49 CCD Based Constant Deviation Spectrometer 50 Choke/ Transformer For Mercury Lamp 51 Complete apparatus for study of Zeeman effect with all accessories for determination of Lande-g-factor 52 Complete apparatus to determine resolving power of telescope 53 Complete apparatus to determine the heating efficiency of electrical Kettle with various voltages 54 Complete apparatus to verify law of parallel and perpendicular axes for moment of inertia 55 Complete apparatuses to determine by Milikon’s method 56 Complete setup to find the wave length of sodium light with the help of Fresnel’s Biprism. 57 Compound Pendulum/ Bar Pendulum 58 Constant Deviation Spectrograph (C.D.S.) 59 Cornus Interference Apparatus 60 CRO Single trace 10 MHz 61 Daniel Cell 62 Decade counter and divide by N counter with built in power supply. 63 Decimal To Binary Converter 64 Decimal To OCTAL Converter 65 DECIMAL To HEXADECIMAL Converter 66 Diac and Triac Characteristic apparatus 67 Dielectric constant apparatus 68 Digital IC Trainer kit 69 Digital logic Lab 70 Digital Multimeter 71 Digital to Analog converter with built in power supply. 72 Drill Machine with all size bits 73 DSO’s Digital Storage Oscilloscope 40 MHz 74 e/m by Helical method 75 Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer. 76 Electroscope or electrometer 77 Encoder and decoder circuit with built in power supply. 78 Experiment of Gunn diode (VI Characteristic) 79 F.E.T. amplifier 80 F.E.T. Characteristic apparatus 81 Fibre optics Characterization Apparatus Model 82 Fibres optics trainer 83 Flame Spectrometer 84 Four probe method 85 Four Way Key 86 Frank Hartz experiment setup using Argon gas 87 Fresnel Biprism 88 Fresnel Biprism Diffraction Apparatus Model 89 Function generator 0.3 to 3 MHz 90 Function Generator 1Hz to 10 MHz 91 Galvanometer 92 Half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor with built in power supply. 93 Half wave and Full wave rectifier apparatus with built in power supply 94 Hall probe method for measurement of resistivity, complete with Hall effect setup, hall probes, digital gauss meter, electromagnet and constant current supply. 95 Hartley and Colpitt’s oscillator 96 Horizontal torsion apparatus 97 Hybrid solar and wind energy trainer. 98 Hydrogen spectra Balmer Series Apparatus 99 IC 7805 regulated Power supply 100 Impedance and power factor of LCR circuit 101 Induction hot plate with induction pots 102 Inertia Table 103 Jaegeras apparatus to determine the surface tension 104 Ketters Pendulum 105 Lachlanche Cell 106 LASER Raman Spectrometer(CCD Based) 107 LASER Raman Spectrometer(PMT Based) 108 LDR characteristics apparatus. 109 Lead accumulator 110 Lees Disc apparatus to determine the heat conductivity of bad conductors of different geometry 111 Left right shift register with built in power supply. 112 M.O.S.F.E.T Characteristic apparatus 113 Magnetostriction with Michelson Interferometer 114 Measurement of low resistance by Carey Foster’s Bridge complete with power supply. 115 Measurement of thickness of thin wire with laser complete setup 116 Measurement of wave length of He-Ne Laser using ruler with Laser complete setup 117 Mercury Lamp 118 Michelson interferometer 119 Michelson interferometer (Standard Model) 120 Microwave Trainer 121 DC MILLI-AMMETER 122 DC MILLI-VOLTMETER 123 DC MICRO-AMMETER 124 Moarse Key 125 Multiplexers and de-multiplexer with built in power supply. 126 Newton rings apparatus complete with travelling microscope, power supply and sodium lamp. 127 OPAM as voltage follower 128 OPAMP as active band pass filter 129 OPAMP as integrating, Differentiating, Summing and subtracting amplifiers 130 OPAMP as log amplifier 131 OpAmp as Low pass, Band pass and High pass filter kit 132 OPAMP as voltage comparator 133 OPAMP as voltage to frequency/ frequency to voltage convertor 134 Optical Bench (Rail type) with riders double bar 135 Photo diode Characteristic apparatus 136 Photo transistor Characteristic apparatus 137 Photoconductivity experiments 138 Plancks constant using solar cell 139 Plug Key one way 140 Plug Key two way 141 Potentiometer 142 Power Amplifier 143 Pulse width &pulse position mod & demod trainer 144 Reading Telescope 145 Rectifier and filter characteristic apparatus 146 Resistance box(various range) 147 Reversing Key 148 Rheostats 6inch 149 Rheostats 8inch 150 R-S,D,T,J-K and JKMS flip flop with built in power supply. 151 S.C.R Characteristic apparatus 152 Screen Based Apparatus for Ultrasonic Diffraction - Acousto optic effect 153 Screw gauge 154 Searles apparatus to determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity 155 Series and Parallel resonance circuit 156 Single Slit Diffraction and Heisenberg,s Uncertainity principal study 157 Single Slit Diffraction and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle 158 Single stage and double stage R.C. Coupled amplifier/ feedback amplifier 159 Slotted Weights/Hanger 160 Sodium vapour lamp 161 Solar Cell Characteristic apparatus 162 Soldering Iron, De-solder pump, Flux, solder stand 163 Spectrometer setup, 30 sec. 164 Spectrometer setup, 60 sec. 165 Spectrometer Goniometer 166 Spectrometer Prism (crown glass) 167 Spectrometer Prism (flint glass) 168 Spherometer 169 Stefan constant apparatus 170 Stop Clock 171 Stop Watch Digital 172 Study of active and Passive filters 173 Study of amplitude modulation and demodulation trainer. 174 Study of Crystal Oscillator 175 Study of Faraday effect using He- Ne Laser. 176 Study of frequency modulation and demodulation trainer. 177 Study of Hybrid parameters of a transistor 178 Study of Lissajous figure trainer. 179 Study of Multivibrators using OPAMP 180 Study of Schmitt trigger circuit 181 Study of SMPS. 182 Study of TDM-PCM Receiver. 183 Study of TDM-PCM transmitter. 184 Study of thermos luminescence of F centres in alkali halide crystals, complete setup for creating the thermo luminescence and measuring the intensity of thermo luminescence 185 Study of transmission line 186 Study of various Network theorems 187 Tangent galvanometer 188 Thermistor Characteristic apparatus 189 Thermometer Different range 190 Thyratron Characteristic apparatus 191 To study the V-I Characteristics of the Solar Cell 192 Transformer for Sodium vapour lamp 193 Transistor characteristics apparatus with built in power supply and meters. 194 Transistorized Differential amplifier 195 Transistorized Push- Pull amplifier 196 Transistorized regulated Power supply 197 Travelling Microscope 198 U.J.T. Characteristic apparatus 199 Ultrasonic interferometer 200 Up-Down Counter with built in power supply. 201 Vibration magnetometer to study a field 202 Variable Regulated DC Power supply 0-30 V range up to 5A with current controller 203 Variation of thermo emf with temp for thermo couple complete apparatus with all accessories. 204 Verification of De-morgen’s theorem with built in power supply. 205 Verification of given Boolean expressions and laws with built in power supply. 206 Vernier callipers 207 Voltmeter D.C. 208 VoltmeterA.C. 209 Weight box 210 Youngs Modulus Apparatus Model 211 Zeeman effect Apparatus 212 Zeeman effect experiment complete setup. 213 Zener diode characteristics apparatus with built in power supply. 214 Zener regulated Power supply 215 Straring gauge measurement system with photocalasity 216 Unit to simulate the regulation behaviour of a hydroelectric generation station with different aspects of regulation, control & simulation 217 Equipment for practicals in Physics (Robotics Lab) 218 Tool to study of Electrical Fields with the help of Robotic Lab. 219 Tool for study of Magnetic Fields with the help of Robotic Lab. 220 Tool for Mechanics Study with the help of Robotic Lab. 221 Tool for Acoustics Study with the help of Robotic Lab. 222 Tool for Optics Study application with the help of Robotic Lab. 223 Tool for Thermodynamics Study application with the help of Robotic Lab. 224 Physics Data Logger 225 Motion Detector Sensor for Physics Data Logger 226 Force and Acceleration Sensorfor Physics Data Logger 227 Differential Voltage Probefor Physics Data Logger 228 Current Probe Sensorfor Physics Data Logger 229 Photogate Sensorfor Physics Data Logger 230 Ultra Pulley Sensorfor Physics Data Logger 231 Picket Fence Sensorfor Physics Data Logger 232 Acceleration Sensorfor Physics Data Logger 233 Sound Sensorfor Physics Data Logger 234 Light Sensorfor Physics Data Logger

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 17-04-2023 DATE EXTENSION Date 24-04-2023

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Document Fees
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INR 500000.0 /-
Tender Value
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