Rate Contract For Supply Of Siva Metal Detector Spares For Ntpc Stations , 1400Bw:Complete Assembly(Apr:1.6X0.55M) , Control Transformer 230/18/18V , Sand Bag Marker For Md , Pcb: Hu-003,For Mtl.Detctr: Pmd-Sc-M-708 , Pcb: Cu-025, For Mtl.Detctr:Pmd-Sc-M-708 , Pcb: Cu-020, For Mtl.Dtctr: Pmd-Sc-M-708 , Pcb: Jb005-For Mtl.Detector;Shiva System , Pcb Card For Mtl.Detctr-Pmd/2K10/002;Shv , Pcb Card For Mtl.Detctr-Pmd/2K12/004;Shv , Top Coil Of Mtl.Detectr: Ssmd-2200;Shiva , Pcb:Ms-078/004,For Metal Detctr-Ssmd1200 , Pcb:Ms-078/005,For Metal Detctr-Ssmd1200 , Pcb:Ms-078/003,For Metal Detctr-Ssmd1200 , Pcb: Cu-017B,For Mtl.Dectr:Pmd-Sc-M-708; , Pcb: Cu-003,For Mtl.Detctr: Pmd-Sc-M-708 , Search Coil Metal Detect Coil 12 V, , Top Coil Of Mtl.Detector: Pmd-2200;Shiva , Sand Bag Marker With Sand Bag , Inductance,Hays Bridge Null Indicator , Misc Electronics & Electrical Items , Potentiometer 10K/3Watt , Coil For Metal Detectr-Smd1400;Mr Eqpmnt , Control Transformer 50Va 110/17V Ac , Control Tr 110V/17V/18V/12V 50Va,Mr Equi , Control Xymr:50Va 240/17V , Control Xymr:150Va 240/16-0-16/18/12V , Sensitivity Control Potm.D. , Metal Detect Ph Ctrl Card Pcb Ms078-005 , Balancing Meter: 0-1Ma,Rt-79; Lektrolac , Metal Detectr: Ems-13,Coil Type:Eqa; Pbl , 2000Bw:Complete Assembly , 1600Bw:Complete Assembly , 12 Pin Pcb Edge Connector; Amphetronix , Pcb Gaurd-Cg11,For Metal Detector; Elcom , Pulse Detector Pcb: Cu/2K6/020;Mr Eqpmnt , 1600Bw:Complete Assembly(Apr:1.8X0.65M) , Dig.Indictr: Programmable,Univ.,2/2.5Dgt , Metal Detectr Control Panel: Ssmd-Cu-816 , Pcb: Pmd/2K1,For Mtl.Detctr:Pmd-Sc-M-708 , Control Transformer, 230/16,16V,8V , Signal Module 1 Signal Field 10 Leds , Hooter Card Timer Hu-003 , Pcbmetal Detect Pcb Cu-003 , Sandbag Marker For Metal Device , Metal Detect Correct Card Pcb Ms078/003 , Potentio Meter 47Kohm , Main Pcb 44147 For Metal Detector , Contactor-10A-24Vdc-4No , Solenoid Coil , Control Transformer 415/17V, 50Va , Control Transformr 415V/17V/18V/12V/50Va , Lcd Display, 24X4 Mm, Siva , Keypad Card,Pmd-Sc-M+,Siva,Metal Det , Pcb, Pmd-Cu-M+, Siva, Metal , Pulse Detector Pcb: Cu/2K6/022;Mr Eqpmnt , Pulse Detector Pcb: Cu/2K6/023;Mr Eqpmnt , Counter,110V Ac For Metal Detector Panel , Hooter For Metal Detector