Kits Chemical And Comsumable, Reagents Tender Regarding Kits Chemical And Comsumable, Reagents , Name Of Department : Pathology , Diluent ( M 53 ) , Lyse ( Lh ) ( M 53 ) , Leo ( Ii ) ( M 53 ) , Leo ( I ) ( M 53 ) , Cleanser ( M 53 ) , Probe Cleanser ( M 53 ) , Quality Control ( M 53 ) , Calibrator ( M 53 ) , Bendedicts Qualitative Reagent , Reticulocyte Kit , Leishmann Stain Sol. With Buffer Tablet Ph , Methanol ( Acetone Free ) , Occult Blood Test Kit ( Haem Test Kit ) , Drabkins Solution , Vaccutainer Edta ( K3 Vial With Needles ) , Immersion Oil ( Merck / Span ) , Test Tube Glass ( 12 X75 ) Borosil / Pyrex , Tips ( Micropipette ) ( 5-200?L ) , Glass Capillary Tube , Lancet , ( 10 Ml Syring ( Piston With Rubber Bang ) , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate ( Anhydrous ) , Sodium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate , Protein For Csf ( Calorimeter ) , Albumin For Csf ( Albumin ) , Rubber Gloves 6.5, 7.0, 75 Size , Strips For Urine Albumin And Sugar , Hypochlorite So. ( Conc. ) , Ehrilichs Aldehyde Reagent , Semen Diluting Fluid , Wbc Diluting Fluid , Sulphur Powder , Test Tube Holder , Manual Cellcounter , Neubaerscounting Chamber New Improved , Urinometer For Specific Gravity , H2o2 ( Conc. ) , Leishman Staining Powder , Esr Wintrobe Tube ( Glass ) , Ammonia Sol. , Tissue Paper Roll , Fouchets Reagent , Esbachsreagent , Ehrlichs Reagent , Litmus Paper , Total Protein Reagent , Filter Paper , Forceps 6 & 4 , Tissue Roll , Vaccutainer Needles Holder , Tourniquet , Sodium Citrate Vail , Cell Pack , Stromatolyzer 4 Dl , Stromatolyzer 4 Ds , Sulfolyzer , Cell Clean , G6pd Kits , Coombs , Leishmann Stain Sol. With Buffer Tablet Ph Leishmans , Waxparaffin ( 60-62 Digree ) High Grade, , Formaline , Microtome Blade ( Thermo ) M X 35 Ultra 34 / 80 Mm , Nitric Acid , Filter Paper Sheet Size 460Mm X 570Mm , Popy Lysine Coated Slide , Poly Lysine Solusion , Citric Acid , Tri Sodium , Sodium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate , Sodium Chloride , Tris ( Hydroxy-Methyl ) Amino Methane , Pas Staining Kit , Microtome Blades ( Spencer’S Rottary ) High Profile , Ptah Staining Kit , Microtome Blades ( Thermo ) Hp35 Ultra 34 / 75 Mm , Cryomatrix Gel ( Thrmo ) , Crytome ( Fe ) Cryocassette ( Block Hider ) , Reticuline Stain , Messon Tricrome , L Mold ( Brass Metal ) Size 6X03x02cm , Cassette ( For Tissue Processing ) Metal , Dimond Pencil , Formic Acid , Runing Water Tray ( For Histology ) , Grossing Nife ( Ss ) , Forcep 6’’ , Scissors 6’’ , Slide Tray Aluminium , Coplinjar , Tissue Paper , Cover Slipe ( 22X50mm ) Histology+ Cytology , Glycerol , Con. Hcl , Muccuric Oxide , Iron Alum Amunium Potesium Sulphate , Fericammonium Sulphate , Mucicarmine Stain , Alcian Blue Stain , Congo Red Stain , Staining Rack , Gold Chloride , Sliver Nitrate , Liquer Ammonia , Ph Paper , Slide Filing Cabinets , Alcohol ( Isopropyle Alcohol ) Histology + Cytology , Glass Slide Histology, Cytology, Cpl , Xylene Sulpher Free Histology + Cytology , Cover Slips22x22 Mm Histology + Cytology+Cpl , D.P.X. 250 Ml Histology + Cytology , Haematoxyline Powder 5 Gm Histology + Cytology , Glacial Acetic Acid Histology + Cytology+Cpl , Cover Slips22x50 Mm Histology + Cytology , Cover Slips22x40 Mm Histology + Cytology , Ea-50 , Og-06 , Eosin , Carbal Fuchsin , Acid Fast , Methylene Blue , Cytospin Filter Card , Cytospin Filter Cup With Clips , Plain Plastic Tube , Glass Test Tube , Filter Paper Sheet , Diamond Pencil , Sta Neoptimal Cl-10 ( 00667 ) , Sta Ptt Automate-5 ( 00595 ) , Sta C.K. Prest-5 ( 00597 ) , Sta Thrombin-2 ( 0611 ) , Sta Lia Testd-Di Plus ( 00662 ) , Sta Coag Control ( N+P ) ( 00679 ) , Sta Lia Test Control N+P ( 00526 ) , Sta Lia Test Vwf:Ag ( 00518 ) , Sta Immnodef Def F -Viii ( 00728 ) , Sta Immnodef Def F -Ix ( 00734 ) , Sta Pool Norm ( 00539 ) , Sta Desorb-U ( 00975 ) , Sta Cacl2 0.025 M ( 00367 ) , Sta Cleanersolution ( 00973 ) , Sta Cuvettes ( 38669 ) , Sta Cuvettes Satellite ( 39430 ) , Sta Liquid Cooling Glycol ( 38640 ) , Sta Ptt-La ( 00599 ) , Sta Liquid Fib ( 00673 ) , Sta Pm Kits ( 89567 ) , Sta System Control ( 00678 ) , Sta Uni Calibrator ( 00675 ) , Water Bath Measures ( With Thermostate ) , Aggregometer , Digital Stop Watchs , Incubator ( Variable Tempresure Medium Size ) , Micro Ppt ( Finn Pipette ) Variable , ( A ) 20-200 ? L , ( B ) 05-100 ? L , ( B ) 1000-5000 ? L , ( D ) 50-500 ? L , Centrifuge Digital Without Carbon Bush ( Remi R-8C Bc ) , Thermametre ( Mercury ) Centrigrate , Diamond Pencil , Semi Automatic Coagulometer ( 04 Tube ) , Cell Pack , Stromato Lyser 4 Dl , Stromato Lyser 4 Ds , Sulfo Lyser , Cell Clean , E-Check Trilevel , Scs 1000 Calibrator , G6pd Kits ( Qualitative ) , Coombs Sera , Tri Sodium Citrate , Amonium Sulphate ( Erba Pure ( Nh4 ) So4 , Lieshman Stain With Buffer , Mpo Stain , Iron Stain ( Perls ) , Liquar Amonia Solution , Sodium Hypo Cloride , Distilled Water , Normal Saline ( Ns ) , Immersion Oil , Methanol ( Acetone Free ) , Chloroform ( Chcl3 ) , Potassium Ferocyanide , Sodium Meta Bisulfite ( Ar ) , H2o2 ( Hydrogen Peroxide ) , Dpx Mountant , Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate , Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate , Bovine Albumin ( 22 % ) , Acetone Solution , Syringe Plastice 02 Ml , Piston With Rubber Bag 5 Ml ( Syringe ) , Piston With Rubber Bag 10 Ml ( Syringe ) , Hand Gloves ( Ruber ) , Gauze , Cotton Roll , Tissue Paper , Filter Paper Roundshape , Hand Wash Shop / Solution , Citrate Test Tube ( 3.2% ) 2 Ml Mark , Edta Vial 2Ml Mark ( Vacutainer ) , Plain Plastice 5 Ml Test Tube With Stopper , Microtips ( Unirersal Type ) , Micro Centrifuge Tubes ( 1.5Ml Size ) , Glass Slides ( Blue Star ) , Cover Slips ( Blue Star ) , Glass Test Tubes ( Borsil ) , Glass Test Tubes ( Borsil ) , Glass Ppt. ( Mark Up To Tip ) , Glass Ppt. ( Mark Up To Brosil ) , Rubber Bulb For Ppt , Glass Fimmd ( Borosil ) , Bio Rad D-10 Tm Dual Program , Lyphochek A2 Control ( 553 ) L1+L2 , Plastic Aliquos Polypropylane Vials With Pierceable Caps ( Sample Vials 1.5 Ml ) , Micropipettes ( 100-1000 Micro Lt. ) , Micropipettes ( 05-50 Micro Lt. ) , Microtips+Macrolips ( Large ) , Microtips+Macrolips ( Small ) , Thermal Printer Paper ( 4 ) , Rb A Hu3c Comlenent / Fitc , Rb A Hu Igg / Fitc , Rb A Hu Igm / Fitc , Rb A Hu Iga / Fitc , Miscellaneous Item , Igg , Iga , Igm , C3 , Cig , C4d ( Tansplant ) , Fibrinogen , Kappa ( Kidnev Only ) , Lambds ( Kidnev Only ) , Fitc ( Florescent Isothiayank , Rhodaminc , Feulgen Stain , Michelsmidium ( Transport Midium ) , Er Immuneo , Pr Immune , Her-2 / Neu , Hpv-16 & Hsv Immuno Stains , Proliferative Marker-P-53 , Proliferative Marker-Kit 67 , Pancytokeratin , Ck-7 , Ck-20 , Ema , Cea , Hmwck , Apf , Vimentin , S-100 , Desmin , Nse , Chromogranin , Synaptophysin , Msa , C-Kit / Cd-117 , Cd-34 , Cd-31 , Lca , Bcl-2 , Bck-6 , Cd-3 , Cd-5 , Cd-10 , Cd-20 , Cd-15 , Cd-1A , Cd-30 , Cd-68 , Cd-99 , Alk-1 , Ca-125 , Hmb-45 , Gfap , Myoglobin , Cd-19 , Plap , Cd-33 , Mpo , Leucognost Alpa , Leucognost Est , Leucognost Pas , Leucognost Pox , Leucognost Basic Set , Hematognost Fe , Basic Set / Reduction Set , Ttf 1 , P16 , Mannual Kits For Liquid Based Cytology , Cd-34 , Cd-31 , Lca , Andriogenreceptro , Myogenin , Pten , Cyclin D1 , Lbc Manual Kits For Cervical Cancer Screening , Ihc Basic Kit , Pap Pen , Humod Chamber , Name Of Department :Pediatric Medicine , Crp ( Turbidometry Quantitative ) , Crp Slide ( Latex / Slide ) , Urea ( Modified Berthelot ) , Creatinine ( Alkaline Picrate Kinetic ) , Bilirubin T+D ( Dmso ) , Protein ( Total ) { Biuret } , Printer Paper ( Thermal ) , Sodium Hypochlorite , Tips – Small ( 5-100 Ul ) , Tips – 1 Ml ( Big ) , Micropipette – 1 Ml , Micropippete 50 Ul , Micropippete 10 Ul , Micropippete 5-50Ul , Dengue Card , Caliberator 1 And 2 , Na Electrode , K Electrode , Ca Electrode , Reference Electrode , Complete Tubing Set , Paper Roll , Electrolyte Filling Solution , Reference Electrode Filling Solution , Albumin ( Bcg Method ) , Name Of Department :Medicine , Sterilant Hot Disinfectent For Dialysis Containing 21% ( Approx ) ( Citrostrile Disinfectent ) For Dialysis Machine , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 5% For Dialysis Machine , Dialyzer / A.V Line Reprocessing Sterilant Cold Disinfectent For Dialysiscontaining Pracetic Acid Hydrogen Peroxide Acetic Acid , Equipment Disinfecten Gluteraldehyde Solution 2% , Bi_ Carb H.D. Fluid , Bi_ Carb Potassium Free H.D Fluid , 1. Wash Cartridge 2. Measurement Cartridge For Siemens Abg Machine , Serum Glucose Kit Method – God Pod , Blood Urea Kits Modified - Birthlot Method , Serum Creatinine Method – Jaffe’S Kinetic Method , Eeg Paste , Eeg Electrode , Ncv Electrode , Emg Needle , Diluents ( Abx Minidil Lmg ) Method- Horiba Abx Micros Es 60 , Abx Miniclean Cleanser Method- Horiba Abx Micros Es 60 , Abx Mini Lysevio Method- Horiba Abx Micros Es 60 , Abx Mono Clair Method- Horiba Abx Micros Es 60 , Urine Strip Method- Deka Phan Laura 10P Make Transasia , Methanol , Field Stain A , Field Stain B , Drabkin’S Reagent Method – Cyanmethemoglobin , Name Of Department : Biochemistry Department , Murcuric Sulphate , Barium Chloride , Cupric Acetate , Creatinine Powder , Casine Powder , Formaldehyde , Fructose Powder , Glucose Powder , Gelatin Powder , Lactose Powder , Mercuric Chloride , Maltose Powder , Phenyl Hydrazine Hydro Chloride , Resorcinol , Sodium Nitro Prosside , Sodium Hydroxide , Sodium Tarcholate , Sodium Meta Bisulphate , Sucrose Powder , Starch , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Nitrite , Sulphuric Acid , Hydro Chloric Acid , Glacial Acitic Acid , Nitric Acid , ?-Napthol , Phloroglucinol Powder , Ninhydrine Powder , Hydrogen Peroxide , Liquor Ammonia , Chloroform , Albumin Powder , Ethanol ( Abs.Alcohol ) , Amyl Alcohal , Ammonium Molebdate , Bromine Ampule , Burning Spirit , Sodium Tungstate , Lead Oxid ( Yellow ) , Silver Nitrate , Urea Powder , Megnsium Sulphate , Uric Acid , Trichlora Acitic Acid , Frerric Chloride , Cupper Sulphate , Ammonium Oxalate , Sulpher Powder , Bromocresal Green ( Liquid ) , Picric Acid , Phenopthline Indicator , Lead Acetate , Orthophosphoric Acid , Sodium Carbonate , Lactic Acid , Barium Nitrate , Barium Hydroxide , Potassium Chloride , Sodium Phosphatase ( Hydrated ) , Sodium Pyrophosphate , N-Butanol , Ether , Phenol ( Carbolic Acid ) , Phaspho Molybdic Acid , Phasphotungstate , Potassium Hydroxide , Sodium Acetate , Sodium Carbonate , Sodium Hypo Chloride , Sodium Tungstate , Acetone , Calcium Chloride , Ferrous Sulphate , Bilirubin Powder , Sodium Benzoate , Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Monohydrate , Thioberbituric Acid , Sodium Citrate , Sodium Meta Bisulphate , Methanol , Tannic Acid , Acitic Anhydride , Sodium Diethyle Dithio Carbamate , Sodium Sulphate , Ferric Ammonium Sulphate , Perchloric Acid , Adrenaline Bi Tartrate , L-Tyrophan , L- Alanine , L-Arginine , L-Aspartic Acid , L-Cysteine , L-Glycine , L- Tyrisine , L- Serine , L- Histidine , L- Methionine , L- Phenyl Alanine , Pera Nitrophynele Phosphate , Sodium Citrate Dihydrate , Filter Paper 1, 2, 3 , Filter Paper Circular 1, 2 ( Circular ) , Filter Paper Plane , Cellulose Strip ( For Electrophoresis ) , Beaker , Beaker , Beaker , Beaker , Beaker , Beaker , Volumetric Flask , Volumetric Flask , Volumetric Flask , Funnel ( Plastic ) , Flat Bottom Flask , Flat Bottom Flask , Merking Acid Bottles ( Hcl ) , Merking Acid Bottles ( H2so4 ) , Merking Acid Bottles ( Hno3 ) , Dropping Bottles Brown , Dropping Bottles Plane , Reagent Bottle , Test Tube , Test Tube , Spirit Lamp , Test Tubes Holder , Fallin Uw Tube , Slide Glass , Cover Slip , Doramess Urea Meter , Measuring Clyinder , Measuring Clyinder , Measuring Clyinder , Measuring Clyinder , Test Tube Stand ( Bigsize Hole 12 Test Tubes ) , Drapper ( Big Size ) , Glucose God-Pod , Urea Birth Lot , Uric Acidpap Method , Cholesterolchod-Pap Method , Total Protein Biurate , Albuminbcg Colorimetric Test , Csf Protein ( End Point ) , Sgotifcc / Uv-Kinetic Method , Sgptifcc / Uv-Kinetic Method , Alkaline Phosphatase Pnpp-Amp Kinetic Assay , Triglyceride , Hdl Cholestrol , Serum Bilirubinjendrassik & Grof Method , Serum Creatinine Jeff S Reaction ( Alkaline Picric Method ) , Serum Calcium , Serum Phophorus , Calibrator Solution 1& 2 ( Carelyte Electrolyte Analyzer ) ( Electrode Method ) , Enzyme Cleaning Solution , Sodium Conditioner , Reagent Pack ( Careline Electrolyte Analyzer ) ( Electrode Method ) , Control Level 1 , Control Level 2 , D-Proteinization Solution , Sodium Conditioner , Cleaning Solution , Glucose God-Pod ( Ba-400 ) , Urea Urease / Glumate Dehydrogenase , Serum Creatinine Jaffe Compensated , Sgotifcc , Sgpt Ifcc , Alkaline Phosphate Amp2-Amino 2-Methly 1 Propanal , Total Bilirubindicholophenyl Dizo Buffer ( Ifcc ) , Serum Direct Bilirubindicholophenyl Dizonium , Serum Protein Biuret , Serum Albumin Bromocresol Green , Cholesterol Cholesterol Peroxidase Method , Triglyceride Glycerol Phaphate Oxidase / Peroxidase , Hdl Cholesteroldirect , Hdl / Ldl Standard , Ldl Cholesterol Direct , Serum Uric Acid Uricase Peroxidase , Serum Calcium Arsenazo Iii , Serum Phosphorus , Serum Amylase Direct Substract , Serum Lipase Colour Method , Cpk ( Ck ) Ifcc , Ck Mb Ifcc , Serum Ferritinlatex , Serum Ferritin Standard , Hba1c Direct , Hba1c Standard , Crp , Crp Standard , Ldh Kit , Magnesium Kit , Biochemistry Calibrator , Biochemistry Control , Wash Solution Concentrate , Reaction Rotor , Pd Cups , Extran Ma 02 , Protein Electrophoresis In Blood ( Serum Kit ) Code No.7004058 , Normal Control Serumcode No.58305 , Wash Solution Code No. 58595 , Destaining Solution Code No.58694 , Hb Electrophoresis , D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Recorder Pack ( Code No-220-0101 ) , D-10Printer Paper ( Code No-220-0375 ) , Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 1 ( Code No 171 ) , Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 2 ( Code No 172 ) , Tips ( 10-200 Ul ) , Tips ( 10-1000 Ul ) , Allicates , Clot Vaccutainer , Distill Water ( Ltr ) , Tissue Paper Roll , T3 Elisa , T4 Elisa , Tsh Elisa