Supply Of Sanitation And Electricity Items , Sarso Tel , Nariyal Tel , Khajur Jhadu , Bans Jhadu ( Badi ) , Chuna Putai , Geru ( Lal ) , Putai Brush 2 Inch , Putai Brush 3 Inch , Putai Brush 4 Inch , Putai Brush 5 Inch , Mitti Ke Matake ( With Dakkan ) , Shaving Blade ( 10 Nag Per Pack ) , Washing Powder , Nahane Ka Saboon , Kapada Dhone Ka Saboon , Tooth Powder , Tooth Paste ( 30 Gram Per Pack ) , Tooth Brush , Fenyl , Toilet Cleaner , Kanghi ( Medium Size Barik Dante ) , Plastic Mug ( 2 Litre Capacity ) , Letrine Brush ( Plastic ) , Crude Oil , Toungh Cleaner ( Plastic ) , Led Bulb 7 Watt , Led Bulb 11 Watt , Led Bulb 15 Watt , Led Bulb 25 Watt , Led Bulb 45 Watt , Led Bulb 100 Watt , Led Bulb 150 Watt , Ceiling Fan ( Chhat Pankha ) With Regulator , Tubelite ( Rod ) , Wire 1.5 Mm , Wire 2.5 Mm , Wire 4 Mm , Wire 8 Mm , Flexible Wire 3 / 18 , Flexible Wire 7 / 20 , Holder ( Board Ke ) , Holder ( Chhat Ke ) , Tep ( Elecricity ) , On / Off Switch , Telephone Wire , Plug 5 Pin , Power Plug ( With Switch ) , Moduler Board 3 Plug , Moduler Board 6 Plug , Diwar Pankha ( Wall Fan ) , Oil Paint , Distamper , Tarpeen , Dustbeen ( 25 Letre Capacity )