Bids Are Invited For Electrical Lab Items 1 49 Experimental Setup For Synchronization Of Alternators On Common Bus , Dsp Based Sr Motor Drive , Ac Ammeter , Dc Ammeter , Ac Voltmeter , Dc Voltmeter , Wattmeterupf Type , Wattmeterlpf Type , Rms Tong Testerclamp Meter , Galvanometer , Extensionofrangeofwattmeterusingctpt , Rheostat , Rheostatcircular Type Panel Mounted , Tachometercontact Type And Non-Contact Type , Autotransformer1phase , Autotransformer1phase Panel Mounted Without Cover , Auto-Transformer3phase , Transformer , Isolation Transformer , R-L Load Variable 10Amps , Power Factor Meter , Portable Digital Frequency Meter , Ir Temperature Sensor , Anemometer , Solar Pyranometer , Data Logger For Pyranometer , Temperature Humidity Logger , Current Sensor , Voltage Sensor , Db37 Connector , Variable Inductor , Dc Electric Motor For E-Bike , Controller For E-Bike Motor , Phase Tester , Patch Cords , Wire Cutter , Insulation Tape , Elcb , Spdt Switch , Cartridge Fuse , Nose Plier , Zip Tie , Dpdt Switch , Transformer Centretapped , Variable Resistance , Relay , Ldr , Zener Diode , Soldering Iron , Solder Wire , Voltage Regulator Ic , Op-Amp , Component Box , Mosfet Driver Ic And Its Base , Mosfet , Thyristor , Two-Way Screw Connector , Power Diode , Bridge Rectifier Module , General Purpose Pcb Board , Flex Sensor 4.5 Inch Arduino Compatible , Arduino Uno , Magnetic Ferrofluid , Node Mcu Microcontroller , Gyro Sensor Mpu6050 , Jumper Wire Total Quantity : 1266