Bids Are Invited For Mechanical Workshop Civil Lab Aggregate , Flakiness Sieve Set , Rebound Hammer Tester , Flow Table , Fully Automatic Compression Testing Machine , Motorized Sieve Shaker , Cube Moulds , Cylinderical Moulds , Le Chatelier Water Bath , Bod Analysis System , Residual Chlorine Meter , Infre Red Moisture Meter , Modified Proctor Test Apparatus , Single Plate Clutch , Multiplate Clutch , Centrifugal Clutch , Constant Mesh Gear Box , Synchromesh Gear Box , Sliding Mesh Gear Box , Differential , Petrol Exhaust Gas Annalyser , Starting System Working Model , Two Post Lift , Mounting And Accessories Of Steam Boiler , Instruction Panel For Battery Ignition System , Cooling System Of Ic Engine , Morse Test , Rockwell Brinell Hardness Tester , Izod Charpy Impact Testing Machine , Torsion Testing Machine , Spring Testing Machine , Universal Bevel Protractor , Sine Plate , Surface Roughness Tester , Profile Projector , Rectangular Gage Block Set , Plotter , Wheel Alignment Machine , Computerized Wheel Balncer , Universal Testing Machine , Cnc Trainer Milling Machine , Bore Gauge , Universal Governor Apparatus , Slip And Creep Measurement Apparatus Total Quantity : 225