Bids Are Invited For Lab Chemical -Acetone , Agar Powder Bacteria Culture , Agar Powder Plant Tissue Culture , Beef Extract Powder , Bsa Bovine Serum Albumin , Butanol , Calcium Cloride Di Hydrate , Carmine Powder , Copper Sulphate Penta Hydrate , Copper Sulphate Tetra Hydrate , Cotton Blue Powder Methyl Blue , Iodine Crystal , Crystal Violet Powder , Citric Acid , Dehydrate Alcohol Ethanol , Diethyl Ether , Formaldehyde Solution , Hydrochloric Acid , Hydrogen Peroxide 30 Percent , Isopropyl Alcohol , Leucine , Potassium Di Hydrogen Orthophasphate , Murashige Skoog Medium Pt 018 , Potassium Phosphate , Oxalic Acid Dihydrate , Peptone , Petroleum Ether , Phenolphthalein Indicator , Potassium Iodide , Potassium Sodium Tartrate Tetra Hydrate , Propanol , Sucrose , Putrescine , Safranine , Salicylic Acid , Schenk Hildebrand Pto59 , Schiffs Reagent , Sodium Azide , Sodium Nitrate , Sodium Thiosulphate , Sorbitol , Spermidine Pct0812 1G , Tris Buffer , Lense Cleaner , Spermine , Stannous Chloride , Enzymes Cellulase Protease 1Gm Each , Laboline , Nitsch And Nitsch , Dna Isolation Kit , Sulphuric Acid , Nitric Acid , Urea , Sodium Metal , Titan Yellow , Red Litmus Solution , Blue Litmus Solution , Ferric Chloride Solution , Lime Water , Ammonia Buffer , Nickel Nitrate , Cobalt Acetate , Ammonium Nitrate , Starch , Distilled Water , Starch Iodide Paper , Fehlings Solution A , Bromine , Benzoyl Chloride , Acetyl Chloride , Potassium Iodide , Magnesium Ribbon Foil , Nickel Sulphate , Lead Acetate , Magnesium Borate , Aluminium Borate , Ammonium Molybdate , Universal Indicator Solution 500 Ml , Glycerol Anhydrous , Diethyl Ether , 1 Naphthol Gr 100 G , Charcoal Activated 500 G , Tri Sodium Citrate Dihydrate , Potassium Hydroxide Pellets For Analysis , Furfuryl Alcohol For Synthesis , Buffer Solution Of Ph 4 , Buffer Solution Of Ph 7 , Buffer Solution Of Ph 9 , Ninhydrin , Luria Bertani Broth Miller Ph 7 Solution Of Ph 9 , Ninhydrin , Luria Bertani Broth Miller Ph 7 Point 0 , Borax , Thymol , Gelatin , Trypsin , Phosphate Buffer Solution Pbs Ph 7 Point 2 , Egg Albumin , Beef Meat Extract B Powder , Bovine Serum Albumin Bsa Fraction V , Bovine Serum Albumin Bsa , D Glucose Anhydrous Sugar , D Fructose Sugar , D Galactose , Sucrose Sugar , D Mannose Sugar , D Xylose Sugar , D Maltose Monohydrate Sugar , Glycine Amino Acids , L Alanine Amino Acids , L Aspartic Acid Amino Acids , L Proline Amino Acids , L Serine Amino Acids , L Glutamic Acid Amino Acids , L Histidine Amino Acids , L Cystine Amino Acids , L Arginine Amino Acids , Linseed Oil , Oil Of Castor , Oil Of Olive , Oil Of Eucalyptus , Cedarwood Oil , Clove Oil , Immersion Oil For Microscopy , Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Teaching Kit , Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Kit , Spp Blood Dna Isolation Kit , Rna Estimation Teaching Kit , Dna Estimation Teaching Kit , Carbohydrates Estimation Teaching Kit Qualitative , Carbohydrates Estimation Teaching Kit Quantitative , Protein Estimation Teaching Kit Qualitative , Protein Estimation Teaching Kit Quantitative , Dna Molecular Size Determination Teaching Kit , Folin Ciocalteu Phenol Reagent , Biuret Reagent , Lithium Carbonate , Yeast Extract Paste , Yeast Extract Powder , Esbach S Reagent , Sudan Lll Solution , Sodium Borate , Potassium Ferrocyanide , Alcian Blue Powder For Staining , Alizarin Red Powder For Staining , Water Distilled , Hydrochloric Acid Conc , Nitric Acid Conc , Acid Alcohol , Perchloric Acid , Ammonia Solution , Formalin , Potassium Bisulphate , Hubles Reagent Solution , Copper Sulphate Solution , Ethyl Alcohol Ethanol , Absolute Alcohol , Blood Antisera A B D , Peqon Artemia Cyst Eggs Capsule 80 Capsule In 1Pkt , Syndel Ovaprim Injection Fish Breeding Hormone Injection , Ph Indicator Paper , Ammonium Bromide , Blue Litmus Solution , Starch Paper , Magnesium Sulphate , Ferric Chloride , Iron Ii Sulphate , Potassium Thiocyanate , Ammonium Molybdate , Sodium Hydroxide , Sodium Chloride , Ammonium Chloride , Bromine Water , Dimethyl Glyoxime , Ammonium Bromide , Ether , Ammonium Carbonate , Benzene , Sodium Nitrite , Formldehyde , Acetaldehyde , Acetic Acid Glacial , Litmus Paper 1 For Each , Nickel Sulphide , Tollens Reagent , 2 Point 4 Dnp Solution , Calcium Hydroxide , Zinc Sulphide , Lucas Reagent , Ethanol , Ph Tablets Ph4 7 9 1 For Each Total Quantity : 598