
Tender For Provision Of Standby Power Supply With Ancillary Facilities Training Block Of Nwc At Ins Mandovi Under Ge (P) Navy Mandovi, vasco-Goa

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Standby Power Supply With Ancillary Facilities Training Block Of Nwc At Ins Mandovi Under Ge (P) Navy Mandovi. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-03-2023. Tanks and Cylinders Tenders in vasco Goa. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Standby Power Supply With Ancillary Facilities Training Block Of Nwc At Ins Mandovi Under Ge (P) Navy Mandovi
Open Tender

Tender Details

Provision Of Standby Power Supply With Ancillary Facilities Training Block Of Nwc At Ins Mandovi Under Ge ( P ) Navy Mandovi, 1 SCHEDULE A PART-I : EXTERNAL ELECTRIC SEVICES 2 Diesel Engine: Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning, factory assembled silentDiesel Engine driven generator set, fully wired alternator AC to give an out put of 1000 KVA continuously rating at a power factor0.8 lagging, 3 phase 4 wire, 415 volts 50 Hz ± 1% supply, 1500RPM, directly coupled with diesel engine liquid cooled mounted on common base frame complete with floor mounting fuel tank (service tank) of adequate capacity with fuel line & accessories, PCC foundation work as per manufacturers instructions, vibration damper pads, control panel & other accessories etc and comprising with following specifications : 3 SPECIFICATION AND NOTE: Liquid cooled turbo charged with after cooler to deliver suitable BHP at 1500RPM under NTP conditions of BS 5514 and conforming to IS 10002, DIN 6271 & ISO 3046 with an overload capacity of 10% for one hour in any 12 hours continuous operation with the following accessories:. Diesel engine of rated speed at full load electric start developingwithsystem with radiator and including electronic governor control of class A1, engine control panel, lub oil pump, water pump, fuel tank, exhaust pipe with silencer and suitable for electric start with batteries ofadequate capacity and suitable for alternator of specified capacity complete with fly wheel direct/flexible coupling and coupling guard complete. 4 (a) Radiator with blower fan or heat exchanger with guard.(b) Pipe coupling for engine cooling system piping.(c ) Corrosion inhibitor coolant(d) Paper element filters(i) Fuel filter(ii) Lube oil filter(iii) By pass(e) Fly wheel housing and fly wheel to suit alternator.(f) Engine bearing mechanism in fly wheel housing.(g) Shut off coil with safeties for LLOP/HWT/over speed.(h) Dry type air cleaners and vacuum indicators.(j) Residential silencers.(k) Stainless steel exhaust flexible bellows.(l) Motor driven priming pump.(m) Battery charging alternator. 5 (n) Exhaust piping made out of STIC C class, MS pipe inclusive of all accessories and hardware, necessary supports scaffolding as per manufacturers recommendations to sustain back pressure with rain cap.(o) Mineral wool insulation 2 inch thick suitable for 400 degree Celsius temperature cladded with aluminium sheet o30 gauge for the entire length of exhaust pipe.(p) First fill of oil, coolant and diesel during commissioning and 12 hours testing.(q) Interconnecting copper cabling of adequate capacity batteries control.(r ) Fuel pipe class STIC 1 /1.5 /2 dia - 01 lot(s) Self starter 12 volts DC.(t) Electric operated electronic governor.(u) Fuel injection pump. 6 (v) Electronic instrument panel, complete with all accessories as per manufacturers specifications displaying the following:-(i) 24V Battery. (ii) Water temperature.(iii) lubricating oil pressure.(iv) Engine speed -1500Rpm(v) Engine hours(vi) Frequency.(vii) Voltage.(w) Safety control (Trip and indication).(i) High water temperature(ii) Low lube oil temperature(iii) Overspeed stop 7 (x) Base frame: Sturdy, fabricated welded construction, channel iron base frame (duly painted) for mounting engine and alternator as per manufacturers design alonwith AVM pads.(y) Battery:-24 volts(02x12vBattery) DC, 180AH, maintenance free battery conforming to IS:14257 with leads & terminals (Make- Excide/Amron).(z) Fuel tank:10 hrs. full load diesel storage capacity fuel tank with mounting brackets factory made of 5mm thick HR/MS sheet with level indicator fuel inlet, fuel outlet, air vent, drain plug, in let arrangement for diesel filling fro exterior canopy (without opening its panel) etc complete all as specified and directed. 8 (c) Alternator:Suitable rated 1000 KVA, 0.8 pf , 415 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz at 1500 RPM, self excited and self regulated with AVR brushles, screen protected, drip proof , insulation class-H, IP -23, voltage regulationgrade - VG 3 self ventilated and conforming to BS: 5000 / IS: 4722 suitable for engine as mentioned here-in before, conformig to IS: 13364(part-1) 9 (d) Acoustic Enclosure: M & L for acoustic enclosure for the above 1000 KVA DG set to reduce noise level to 75 dB measured at 1.0 meter distance for audible frequencies as per guidelines of Central Pollution Control Board , size as per manufacturers specification and comprising of following from authorised GOEMs of Gen Set manufacturers specified :-(i) Sound insulation : 100mm thick Rock wool (Density 64 Kg/Cum).(ii) Outer body : 1.6mm thick CRCA(iii) Door : 1.6mm thick CRCA(iv) Base frame : ISMC 300(v) Inside illumination : 1 No.- 1 x 18 watt FTL fitting 10 (e) AMF Control panel:- Factory fabricated cubicle type, free standing, floor mounted, indoor type, IP-52, AMF control panel, provided with removable rear panels & hinged front panel for easy accessibility, fabricated out of not less than 2.0mm thick CRCA sheet including two coats of powder coated paint over a coat of red oxide primer etc complete. 11 (f) AMF control circuit with 4 pole MCCB250 Amps - 2 nos, with ultimate breaking capacity Icu-36 KA at 415 volts and microprocessor release conforming to IEC 60947 Part-I with breaking capacity Ics=Icu at 415 volts , thermal overload setting 70% to 100%, short circuit setting 5 to 10 times-02 Nos. for main supply & DG set supply with HRC back up fuse complete with all DC control relays/ Line voltage monitor (LVM) as per OEM specifications incorporating motorised stored energy operating Engine start, stop, three attempt starting facility and failure to start etc. complete. 12 (g) Digital load manager : Three phase 4 wire indicating V,I,PF, KVA, KW, F of Enercon make with serial communication port model No.EM6400 with class 1.0 accuracy meter or equivalent make suitable rating of CT per phase- one No.(i) Indication lamp R, Y, B with 3 Nos. of 2A HRC fuses-10 sets.(ii) Bottom gland plate for incoming and outgoing cables.(iii) Circuit diagram plate. 13 (h) Civil works:- All civil works related to foundation, installation of panel and equipment & depth of foundation shall be minimum 300mm with ant vibration pads, or as recommended by manufacturers. Cable from DG set to AMF panel, AMF panel to main panel will be measured under relevant item of schedule.Note:-The fuel for final testing of 12 hours shall be supplied by the contractor and cost deemed to be included in the above offer. All other necessary equipments like resistance load strip heater of suitable capacity/rating and any other items required for final testing shall be provided by the contractor without any extra cost to department complete all as specified and directed. 14 M&L for excavation in trenches 1.5 Mtr wide and not exc 1.5 Mtr deep in soft/disintegrated rock getting out and levelling of bottom surface to required level complete all as specified and as directed. 15 Returning filling in soil/rock including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25cm thick complete all as specified and as directed. 16 Removing excavated material of soils/rock from site to a distance not exc 50mtr away and depositing where directed not exc 1.5mtr from the starting point complete all as specified and as directed. 17 Supplying & Laying in trenches Clear Sand for cushioningunder ground cable 8 cm below and 15 cm above complete in level all as specified. (punned thickness of sand will be measured and paid) 18 Supply and lay un-reinforced precast concrete cable covers, class LV , type- I with peak, size 250mm x 150mm x 40mm complete all as specified and directed. 19 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE Insulated ,screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 500 sq mm 3½ core complete all as specified and directed. 20 S & F cable jointing kit for 1.1 KV grade cable for end joint , heat shrink type, joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3.5/4.0 core XLPE, armoured, Al conductor cable of size 400 to 500 sqmm complete all as specified and directed 21 M&L for Earthingcomplete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode600x600x6mm thick buried in ground vertical to a depth not less than 2.25 mtrs deep below ground level with top edge of plate not less than 1.5 mtr below normal ground level connected to galvanized GI strip of size 32 X 6 mm and 40 mm dia bore 7.5 mtr long light grade GI protection pipe for earth strip and GI watering pipe 40 mm dia medium grade from the top edge of earth plate fixed with deep cut onone end of pipe and fix from earth plate up to one feet above ground level of other end and plugged watering pipe at top with MS cap and grouted in PCC 1:2:4 of size 30 X 30 X 30 CM etc and 15 CM alternate layer of charcoal and salt around all sides of earth plate all as shown in electric plate no 3 of SSR part I of 2009. Note :- All joints either strip to strip of strip to earth plate are fixed with welded joints. 22 Supply,fabricating , installing , testing commissioning and electrically connected factory (CPRI approved) made , LT Panel Board of approved size as recommended by IS & CPRI norms, Outdoor type, Floor mounted 1100 volt, made out of CRCA sheet 3.15 mm thick fully compartmentalised with base channel of with IP-54 ( Certificate not older than 2 year ) protection with base frame of 5 mm thick channel for frame, for 415 volt , 3 phase, 4 wire AC supply, complete all as specified inculding provision of follwing accessories componets consisting of the follwings specifications :-(i) 1600 Amp rated Al bus bar with colour code TPN mounted onepoxy insulators :01 set ( set of 04 bus bars)(ii) Digital Voltmeter 0-515 volt -01 Nos(iii) Digital Ammeter 0-2000 Amp with suitable CTs-01 set (iv) LED indicating lamp ( set of three) -01 set(v) Internal wiring with 1100 volt grade unsheathed PVC insulated copper conductor of suitbale size cable as per colour coding or suitable size of bus bar for all connections with suitable lugs as required and as specified (vi) Earthing terminals ansd cable glands (vii) Danger notice plate for LT with conventional skull and bones duly riveted/pasted to the panel board door 23 Incomming - (viii) ACB 4 P 1600 A Microprocessor based manul draw-out with O/L protection , Non volt release-02 NosOutgoing (ix)MCCB 500 Amp ,4 Pole breaking capacity 50 Ka , adustable thermal & adustable magnetic release-01 Nos(x) MCCB 250 Amp ,4 Pole breaking capacity 35 Ka , adustable thermal & adustable magnetic release-03 Nos(xi) MCCB 160 Amp ,4 Pole breaking capacity 36 Ka , adustable thermal & adustable magnetic release-02 Nos(xii) MCCB 63 Amp ,4 Pole breaking capacity 25 Ka , adustable thermal & adustable magnetic release-02 Nos

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 06-03-2023 CORRIGENDUM-2 Date 13-03-2023
2 20-02-2023 CORRIGENDUM-1 BOQ 06-03-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 237000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.24 Crore /-
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