Supply Of Lab Instruments And Accesories For Physics Dept. , Electron Spin Resonance (Esr) Spectrometer , Dielectric Measurement Set Up , Temperature Dependent Hall Effect Set Up , Measurement Of Susceptibility Of Paramagnetic , Connecting Wires For Breadboard , Wire , Wire Cutter , Transistor Bc547 , Rectifier Diode(4007), Switching Diode (1In1418), Zener (5V, 3V) , Bread Board , Mini Breadboard , Fixed Power Supply (1Amp, 5V) , Variable Power Supply (1Amp, 0-5V ) , Digital Voltmeter , Wide Tip Tweezer , Cd4017 Ic , Lm 7805 Ic , Ic 565 , Ic Mch12140, Mck12140 , Quartz Crystal Oscillator , Ic 4060 , Trim Pot , Precision Multiturn Potentiometer , Acetone , Polyethylene Glycol 400 , Soap Solution , Cyclohexane , Methanol , Ethanol , 2-Propanol , Silver Nitrate , Pvp K-30 , Zinc Acetate , Potassium Hydroxide , Sodium Hydroxide , Dmf , Non Magnetic Tweezers (Black, Steel) , Non Magnetic Curved Tweezers (Black, Steel) , Highly Polished Glass Slides , Ito Coated Glass Substrate , Bismuth Metal Granular , Tellurium Metal Powder , Copper Fine Powder 99.7% , Copper Metal Powder 98% , Selenium Powder Black 99.5% , Lead Metal Granular 99.5%