Supply And Fabrication Of One Number Mobile Water Testing Laboratory In The Vehicle Tata Yodha 1700 Single Cab Chassis Handed Over From The Department, Including The Vehicle Bodybuilding, Lab Fabrication & Air-Conditioning, Equipped With Instruments , Body Building & Lab Fabrication With Full Ac As Per Drawings And Specification , Instruments: , Benchtop Phmeter , Benchtop Conductivity Meter , Ion Meter With Fluoride Electrode , Benchtopturbidity Meter , Uv Vis Spectrophotometer , Incubator , Refrigerator , Air Conditioner , Generator 5 Kva , 2Kva Inverter + 3 Hours Battery Backup , Branded Laptop, , Laser Printer , Public Addressing System With Portable Speaker , Digital Titrator , Laboratory Items ( Glass Ware ) , Graduated Pipette 1 Ml Glass Class A , Graduated Pipette 5 Ml Glass Class A , Graduated Pipette 10 Ml Glass Class A , Burette 50 Ml Glass Class A With Stand , Petri Dish 50 X 12 Mm , Test Tube 25 X 150 Mm , Beaker 50 Ml , Bacteriological Field Test Vials ( H2s Strip ) , Fire Extinguisher , Fire Extinguisher , Polypropylene Ware , Measuring Cylinder 25 Ml Class A , Measuring Cylinder 50 Ml Class A , Measuring Cylinder 100 Ml Class A , Conical Flask 150Ml , Wash Bottle 500 Ml , Biohazard Waste Bag – Autoclavable ( 12” X 8” ) , Beaker 100 Ml , Beaker 250 Ml , Automatic Micropipette Variable Volume 1 Ml With Certificate Of Calibration & Tips , Chromogenic Coliform Agar Media ( 500 Gram )